Read Until the Gangaway Tears Us Apart Page 27

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  One more sea day and the ship docked once again in the beautiful city of Sydney. Due to a delay shore side the passengers had to wait onboard for longer than expected and that transformed the disembarkation process into a nightmare with people shouting and complaining because they were at risk of missing their flights. It took one extra hour to get everyone off the ship.

  Even with a very short lunch break Denise was able to escape and take a walk to the Opera House. It was nice and relaxing and the bright sun gave her strength, extra vitamin D and some energy to return to the Ocean Pearl and face another hectic afternoon.

  Kate was very stressed because of the difficult morning, and since her lover’s wife was still onboard she was in a foul mood. Most of the team was used to that and didn’t pay her much attention anymore. Leah was unusually relaxed and cheerful which made Denise apprehensive. Her mood swings were unsettling.

  The man that came every turnaround day to tune the piano in the lobby was getting on the nerves of every receptionist on duty.

  “I wish he would play that damn piano, instead of assassinating it!” Denise complained childishly and Alison laughed behind the desk that she was supplying with stationery for the new cruise, not even imagining how hard her supervisor was fighting not to run downstairs and play the piano herself.

  “I suppose he’s just doing his job. A very annoying one, I must say.” One of the receptionists observed.

  Embarkation was starting and it wouldn’t be long before people began to queue up with the usual queries: the promised onboard credits from the travel agencies, upgrade requests, questions about credit cards, luggage that was not yet delivered and so on…

  The piano tuning stopped right on time, as the first passengers arrived onboard.

  “Another beautiful day!” Kevin said out loud.

  “Yes, right…” Allison replied ironically, happy that her contract was going to be over soon and she was going to get rid of that horrible team that she was stuck with. She was happy that the request she had made for her next ship had been accepted. The company was launching a new ship and she was going to be part of the debut team. That should be a wonderful experience: to sail only with crew from the shipyard in Italy to New York and then have the grand inauguration party onboard and start sailing the Caribbean.

  In the terminal building there was absolute chaos with thousands of people on queues to embark and Sofia was called twice because of passengers that ticked ‘yes’ for vomiting and diarrhea in the health forms. She was forced to deny them onboard and the passengers went absolutely mad when they found out. They had paid for the cruise and it was impossible to make them understand that they couldn’t go onboard because they might be carrying a contagious virus, which constituted a high risk for everyone else. After a long talk the passengers realized there was no point on arguing. They still had a possibility to join in Melbourne if the doctor cleared them, but not in Sydney. They would lose at least two days of their cruise.

  Sofia returned to the ship, upset that she had to give them the bad news, but also mad at them for not understanding what could happen if they boarded sick. She bumped into Aaron who was not attached to a box of cruise cards in the terminal, where he was normally found on turnaround day.

  “Hi trouble. What are you up to?” She asked casually when they met by the gangway.

  “My assistant is giving me a break. I’m going out for a couple of hours.” He answered. “Do you want to come with me? I could use some company. My girlfriend is doing embarkation.”

  Sofia consulted her watch and did the math in her head. “If you can wait a few minutes I can change and go with you as long as we don’t take long.”

  “Sure, no worries. I’ll be here.” He replied with a friendly smile.

  It had been a stressful day and Sofia couldn’t wait to get some fresh air. It was bad enough that Keira had left and her replacement didn’t seem to have any energy in her, despite being her first day after the holidays. Putting up with passengers was nerve wrecking and embarkation was nowhere close to be over. Albert handled the passengers for a few hours and then Sofia was going to return and take over everything so he could go ashore later in the afternoon.

  Two hours were not good for much so they took a taxi and went to Darling Harbor. Sofia found it truly darling with the boats, cafes, shops and lots of restaurants with tables protected by big umbrellas outside.

  The seagulls shared the space with the numerous visitors and there was music coming from different places. All the buildings looked recent and modern. The scattered green spaces gave it a clean and charming atmosphere that many modern cities were missing. Sofia learned from Aaron that, home to the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney Aquarium, IMAX Theatre, Sydney Wildlife World and Powerhouse Museum, Darling Harbour offered some of the finest attractions in Australia.

  They picked a table outside and Aaron invited her to have a meal.

  “Wonderful idea. I’m starving. How come you didn’t go home today?” She asked.

  “Too far. By the time I got there I would have to come back. Plus I’m finishing my contract soon and then my family will have time to get sick of me.”

  She chuckled.

  He ordered grilled beef with salad and Sofia decided to break the diet and had fish & chips, something she hadn’t tasted in a very long time.

  During lunch, Aaron gave her a bit more information about the city and Sofia learned that when Captain Arthur Philips hoisted the Union Jack at Sydney cove in 1788, the men onboard his fleet, including 800 prisoners, were the first European settlers on the new continent.

  “So this is where it all started.”

  “Kind off. It actually started at the Rocks.” Aaron clarified.

  “Are you talking about where the ship is docked?”

  “Yes. That was where Sydney first started. Some of the oldest buildings in Australia are there. Of course now they are home to restaurants and shops, but they are still the good old Rocks.”

  Sofia smiled and observed the people passing by in their shorts and t-shirts. It was a very warm day. She recalled that in Ireland it was winter and the days would be overcast, with occasional rain and cold. She was happy to have the sun on her face instead and only wished Kieran could be there to enjoy it too. That would have been just perfect.

  “It’s interesting how these places in the middle of nowhere, where some sailor anchored hundreds of years ago, became major modern cities.” She observed.

  “I think it was mostly because of the Gold Rush in the 1800’s. Many immigrants came to Australia’s eastern shores. European and Asian immigrants have always been a big slice of Sydney’s population. Then there was the lead, zinc and silver and Sydney had a great boom. The wealth brought to the city is the reason for its expansion.”

  “The Australian dream. Vibrant urban lifestyle, historical buildings, mysterious wilderness… sounds good to me.”

  Aaron laughed and nodded in agreement. “Very poetic. That’s how we do things down under.”

  “Australia is a great country. But my favourite thing is the Australian accent. It’s the sexiest accent I’ve ever heard.”

  Aaron laughed again. “Are you sure you want to return to Europe?”

  “Geographically speaking I wouldn’t mind spending more time here, but my heart is in Ireland and I need to go back to where my love is.” Sofia explained.

  “How romantic...”He snickered.

  “How about you? What’s the story with your girlfriend? Is that going anywhere?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m going home soon and she still has four months left to the end of her contract.”

  “So this is one of those until the gangway tears you apart things?” She queried.


  “As long as I live, I will never be able to understand that. It makes me see people like objects and I really don’t like that idea.”

  Aaron nodded in agreement. “I admit it is bizarr
e, but as long as both parts agree everything is fine.”

  “If you say so...” Sofia wasn’t and would never be convinced, but she knew better than to argue with him. She remembered Diego’s words: what happens on the ship stays on the ship.


  By four o’clock the queue by the front desk went around the atrium and the phones wouldn’t stop ringing. Denise was interrupted by one of the receptionists who asked her to go and talk to a passenger.

  “Why does he want to talk to me?”

  “He insists on seeing Dr. Sofia Aguiar.”

  “Is he sick?”

  “No.” The receptionist said.

  “Why does he want to see the doctor then?”

  “Passengers don’t give details like that to insignificant people like me.” He answered with a comic grin.

  Denise gave up and went to talk to the passenger to find out why he needed a doctor.

  The tall guy with blond hair in need of a brush who was standing by the desk fidgeting with his sun glasses reminded her of someone she knew, but she couldn’t quite figure out where she had seen him before.

  “Hi, I’m Denise, the front desk supervisor. Why do you need to see a doctor?” She asked, meeting his gaze. His eyes were deep blue.

  He extended his hand in a firm shake. “I don’t want to see a doctor. I want to see Sofia. Can you please call her and tell her Kieran is here?” He asked very politely.

  When he said that Denise remembered why he looked so familiar. Sofia had a picture of him in her cabin, although in that picture his hair was shorter. So, that was the famous Kieran…

  She gave him a scrutinizing look and told the receptionist to page Sofia.

  “Nice to meet you Kieran. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She said while they waited for a reply.

  “Really? Are you Sofia’s friend?” He asked with a warm smile.

  “Yes, Sofia and I are very close. Since she didn’t tell me you were coming I’m guessing she doesn’t know you are here.”

  “She has no idea. It’s a surprise.” He confirmed and Denise found it incredibly romantic and wished that one day someone would do something like that for her.

  A few minutes later, the receptionist informed that Sofia was out. She had left her pager with Albert.

  Kieran looked disappointed.

  “She didn’t know you would be here, but listen, give me your cabin number and I’ll get her to contact you as soon as she walks through the gangway.”

  “All right, but then don’t tell her I’m here. I want to surprise her.”

  “Trust me; I wouldn’t spoil that for anything in the world. I’ll make sure she doesn’t find out until she looks at you.” Denise promised and Kieran left, looking at a pocket map, trying to find the way to his cabin on deck 12.

  For a moment Denise followed him with her eyes and thought of how lucky Sofia was to have someone who loved her like that. She sent a message to security so that as soon as Sofia put her ID on the machine they would instruct her to go straight to Kieran’s room.

  When Sofia arrived with Aaron, the security officer told her that she needed to go to the cabin and gave her a paper with the number. She looked at him confused.

  “Why should I go to a passenger’s cabin?”

  “I don’t know madam. I just received this message that you should go to this cabin urgently.” The officer said, following Denise’s instructions.

  “Very strange.” Sofia looked at the paper one more time.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” Aaron asked.

  “No, you’re already late. Let me go and find out what’s going on.” She replied and took the elevator to deck 12 not even bothering to change into her uniform. On the way up Sofia fixed her hair a little and had a look at her clothes to make sure she didn’t look too sloppy. Whatever she was going to find, it was always better to look good.

  The cabin was located on the port side towards the middle of the ship and by the side where the door was she could tell straight away it was a cabin with a balcony. The little sign with the name of the occupant was missing and Sofia knocked on the door wondering why someone would tell her to go to an empty passenger cabin. For a moment she thought it was a prank. That idea flew out of her mind as soon as the door opened and she saw Kieran’s smile.

  Instinctively she jumped on his arms and crushed his lips with hers. Her kiss was eager and anxious. Kieran held her tight and kissed her back with tender, loving promise.

  “You are late.” He whispered, looking deep in the beautiful green eyes that he had missed so much. His arms circled around her and pulled her into his chest.

  “Oh my God! Kieran, what are you doing here?” She asked, grasping the fact that he was actually there and not just a product of her imagination. How many times had she imagined that moment? And not he was there, she could touch him, she could feel him. His grip was firm, solid, comforting.

  He ran his hand down her hair and then cupped her face so she’d look directly into his eyes. “I’m on holidays, love. Medical recommendation.”

  Sofia put her feet back on the ground and looked at him. “You can’t do these things to me. I nearly had a heart attack just now.”

  “No worries babe, I’m a heart surgeon, remember?”

  She hit his chest with both hands and laughed. “I just can’t believe you’re here. It feels so unreal…”

  He kissed her fervently and felt her mouth warm and full. “Does this feel more real?”

  “That feels very, very real.” She confirmed looking in his bright blue eyes. “Can you just do it again so I can make sure?”

  After kissing her again, this time for much longer, he grabbed her hand and led her to the balcony where they sat together for a moment.

  “What are you doing here? Apart from holidays?” Sofia asked.

  “I came all the way to Australia to tell the woman I love that I want her back and I don’t care what I have to do to get her heart to beat for me again.”

  “My heart never stopped beating for you. And I told you I would go back after this contract.”

  “I couldn’t wait that long to be with you.” Kieran brushed his hair with his hands and stretched his arms on the chair.

  She noticed the length. “What’s with your hair?”

  “Someone arrested my hairdresser and I’m waiting for him to get out of jail.” He joked. “You don’t like it?”

  She grimaced. “I do like it, but it’s the longest I’ve ever seen in you. I’m not used to it yet. Now back to your holiday plan, please.”

  He cleared his voice before resuming. “The therapist says I’m doing great progress and when I told him I wanted to see you he said it would be good for me.”

  “All right.” Sofia noted, looking painfully at her watch. “I’m really sorry but I need to go back to work. I’ll meet you as soon as I’m done. We have a lot to talk about. Will you be here?”

  Kieran didn’t make any effort to hide his unhappiness but he understood her duties and let her go with the promise she would come to his cabin as soon as she was done in the medical center.

  Since she was onboard, never had three hours felt as long as those and Sofia’s head was everywhere except at work. Her heart was in a certain cabin on deck 12. With Albert ashore the work load was big, with a lot of catching up, a few patients to see and a new nurse that was completely lost even though it was her second contract with the company.

  Mary ended up being a real life savior. She made things run smoothly and organized the medical center efficiently. Mary had also scared off the new nurse who would hopefully recover well from the experience.

  By the time Albert arrived from shore side and Sofia told him Kieran was onboard, he got all excited and told her to go but to make sure he would meet her boyfriend sometime during the cruise.

  Sofia ran to Kieran’s cabin, still in her uniform because she was too desperate to waste time with minor things like clothing.

  He pulled her into the cabi
n, closed the door behind her and his lips were on hers. The kiss lengthened and deepened. She moved her hands from his shoulders to his neck and then to his face. Something vibrated between them.

  “Hungry?” He asked casually a moment later.

  “A little.”

  “I ordered dinner to be served here. We can eat in the balcony with the Opera House right in front of us.” Kieran said, pointing at the big white building right across the water.

  “It certainly beats sitting in front of a television!” She observed with amusement.

  They sat outside and Kieran opened a bottle of white wine and filled both glasses.

  Sofia regretted not bringing her own clothes to change. It would feel a lot more comfortable and give her a sense of being on holiday, even if only for a few hours until the next morning, although she secretly hoped she wouldn’t need clothes for much longer that night.

  Kieran picked up the sun glasses to protect his sensitive eyes. The sun was low, though it wouldn’t set for another hour. The clouds to the west were just touched with violet and rose. “This place is so beautiful…” He whispered with his fingers curled over hers.

  “It’s amazing. Every time we dock here I always go for a walk, at least to the Opera House or the gardens. I love this city.” Sofia agreed.

  “I was here for three days before the ship arrived. One of the nicest cities I’ve ever seen.” He picked up her hand and turned it over. Her hands had always fascinated him.

  Sofia could sense that Kieran loved Sydney, but that was not what he really wanted to talk about. There was an edge to his voice.

  “It’s okay Kieran, I’m ready for whatever you want to say or ask. Go ahead” She offered in a soft voice.

  “You do know me!” He replied with a smile of complicity. “All right, let’s go back to the beginning. Why did you leave without talking to me?”

  Sofia had a sip of her drink before starting and looked at the buildings in front of the ship for a moment. “When Jamie died you changed. I thought it would get better with time but it only got worse. Not only you didn’t stop blaming yourself, you started to punish me as well. In a few weeks I no longer had a boyfriend. You lived in the hospital; we stopped talking, stopped spending time together. I felt abandoned. All the times I tried to talk about it you were distant and dismissive and refused to recognize you had a problem. Then I remembered my mother, the last months before my parents got divorced she was usually depressed because my father didn’t give her any attention and couldn’t care less about her needs. I didn’t want to end up like that, so I left before taking any chances on going down that road.” Sofia explained.

  “I understand I was acting like a jerk with you, but was it really necessary to take such an extreme step?”

  “If it hadn’t been extreme, you would just keep doing the same until there was nothing left between us. And even if you did acknowledge me and try to give me more, you would have kept it to the minimum effort and I would cope with that for a while because of my love for you, but at one point I would wake up to reality and realize that there was no reason to be with you anymore. You had to lose me to learn how important I really am for you. That’s why you are here.” She smiled happily.

  “I don’t know what would have happened if you stayed. Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. But it’s true that now I know how important you are for me and I won’t let go of you again.” He said holding her hand.

  Sofia reached for his face and brushed her lips over his. “I’m glad you won’t. I never wanted to lose you.”

  “But you were willing to risk it.” It was not a question.

  “I risked it because I had nothing left. I always hoped you would do the right thing, but if you didn’t, I was mentally prepared to tell myself that if you didn’t fight for me it was because you weren’t the right guy. It would have been hard, but I would get over it eventually, just like I have to get over every time a patient dies in my hands and I know that there was nothing else I could have done.”

  Kieran stared at her in admiration. “You are a real catch: intelligent, wise, sensitive and on top of that, gorgeous.”

  Sofia didn’t have time to think about an answer because someone knocked on the door. It was room service with dinner. Kieran directed the young buffet steward to the balcony and tipped him when he left.

  “I hope you still like fish.” He said, uncovering the grilled salmon with garlic potatoes.

  “I love it. It smells divine.”

  They ate with the sun getting lower in the horizon. The city lights were now on. Having dinner on that balcony under the twilight with such an amazing view was the most perfect way to reunite Sofia and Kieran after such a long time apart. They held hands over the table.

  “Listen, I want to apologize for that thing with the other girl. It meant nothing to me. It was just a momentary escape that I thought would help me…” Kieran said lowering his eyes with embarrassment, knowing sooner or later she would bring that up.

  Sofia gave him a bereft look. “But it didn’t, did it?”


  “After being with someone you love, casual sex with random strangers just doesn’t feel the same, I suppose.”

  “You know it doesn’t. It was a stupid mistake. I would take it back if I could.”

  Sofia ignored his last sentence. His honesty was remarkable but she didn’t like to think or talk about it and Kieran understood that and changed the subject trying to get her to flash that smile he loved so much.

  “Ailish wants to know if you bought her the All Blacks t-shirt.”

  “Not yet. I totally forgot. I’ll get it this cruise. How is she anyway?”

  “Fine I guess. You know Ailish. Her life is a party and everything is always okay, as long as the MRI machine works.” Kieran replied and Sofia chuckled, remembering Ailish’s working dramas.

  A few boats sailed past the ship and as the passengers waved, the couple waved back and so did the other passengers enjoying the view from their cabins. A refreshing wind started to blow when the sun disappeared completely.

  “So, how is it to work on a cruise ship?” Kieran asked with genuine curiosity.

  “It’s intense but fun. I’m having a very interesting experience.”

  “How’s the rest of the crew?”

  “Well, in general they all suffer from acute Peter Pan syndrome, but they are nice. I’ve made some great friends.”

  “Peter Pan syndrome?”

  Sofia chuckled at the thought. “Yes. Crew members are like children. They absolutely refuse to grow up. It’s funny because on one hand, the vast majority of the crew work many hours, every day for months, with great responsibility and discipline, but on the other hand they are so immature it’s hard to believe.”

  “How come?”

  “Everything on ships goes to extremes. Sometimes, things that I would consider important don’t seem to matter at all, but then things that I would think as absolutely irrelevant become major life or death deals.”

  “Sounds like a psychiatrist’s dream world.” Kieran observed.

  “It is. Crew members are much better than those retards that participate in reality shows. Over here morals rarely apply, principles only sometimes, there’s an insane level of alcohol consumption and people seem to believe that sex is some kind of sport.”

  Kieran sighed. “It’s a very condensed version of everything that is transforming the rest of the world into a mess without precedents then.”

  “Yes, only that because it’s so condensed, we feel everything deeper, the good things but the bad things as well.” Sofia added.

  “So, what is it that kept you here? It’s obviously not the alcohol, after all you used to live in Ireland, and I hope it’s not the meaningless sex.”

  She frowned. “No, of course it has nothing to do with that. I found this is actually a fascinating world. People from nearly fifty countries work here, with their cultures, beliefs, languages and all sorts of background
s. It’s very interesting and a fabulous way to learn more about the world and its people. Then, of course there’s the traveling. Every day we dock in a different port and it’s an opportunity to be in places where otherwise I might never have gone, or even if I did, I wouldn’t have seen them with the same eyes. Being a crew member gives everything a very peculiar perspective. But the best thing I found onboard is friendship. Crew members don’t have anyone but each other. Of course we have phones and internet, but there’s nothing like human contact. The last thing you need after a long day at work is to be reminded that everyone you love is out of reach. That’s why we become close to each other and some friendships made onboard create bonds as strong as those between brothers.”

  “Very interesting. It seems like quite an experience. And I was hoping you would come home with me…” His eyes were on hers. Very direct, a little impatient.

  “I will go home in a month, when my contract is over. Then I’ll be all yours.” She reminded him.

  “You being all mine makes me very happy. Waiting a month, doesn’t make me happy at all. Why can’t you just come with me?” Kieran pressed.

  “I’m sorry love, but you will have to be patient. I signed a contract and I don’t want to let down this company that has treated me so well, much less the passengers and crew that rely on me to look after them. As a doctor, I’m sure you understand that and you will respect my decision to honor my commitment.” Sofia said with a loving but firm tone. “Plus, the anticipation of being with me again will make it all more interesting.”

  Kieran chuckled and took a sip of wine. “I’m not happy about it, but I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. After all, I always liked your sense of responsibility.”

  “I thought you liked me because I look good in scrubs.” She observed.

  “You look much better without them.” He replied with a suggestive smile.

  Sofia answered with a warm grin and put the empty plates back on the tray in the cabin. Seconds later she returned to the balcony with the desserts: a duet of chocolate mousses with raspberry sauce.

  “I’ve only been here a few hours, but if the desserts are always like this I could get used to this life.” Kieran pointed as soon as he put the first spoonful in his mouth.

  “We have some very talented chefs onboard.”

  The ship pulled out of port at nine in the evening and the sail away was a show in itself. Sofia sat on Kieran’s lap with her arms around his neck in a firm grip and he held her protectively as they said goodbye to the Opera House, the Harbor Bridge and the elegant skyline. A few small boats followed the vessel to Sydney Heads and the Captain blew the horn at the same time they blew theirs. In the balconies, many passengers enjoyed the moment and waved, ready for their own adventures at sea.

  Kieran looked to his right and saw an officer with binoculars on the bridge wing. “Can we go up there?”

  “To the bridge?” Sofia asked.

  “Yes. That must be a cool place to visit. I bet the view is awesome.”

  “Bridge visits have been forbidden after 9/11. But I’m very well connected. I’m sure I can sort something out.” She replied smugly.

  “Aren’t you important?” He joked and kissed her neck, up her jaw and then her lips.

  They spent a little longer in the balcony in companionable silence but as the ship gained speed and reached the high seas it became cold outside and they closed the glass door and moved inside, leaving the curtains open so the moonlight could enter the room and illuminate them with its silver light.

  Kieran reached for Sofia with ruthless arms, kissing her again and again until she couldn’t breathe. His touch was full of caring and emotion.

  Lying on Kieran’s arms that night, Sofia wondered how she had survived for so long without him.

  He was wide awake not wanting to miss a second with her. Nuzzling his cheek against her hair, he looked over to the slant of moonlight through the window.

  “Kieran, when I finish this contract I want you to promise me one thing.” She whispered.

  He brushed her lips with his. “Anything you want.”

  “Promise me we will never be apart again. My heart can’t take it.”

  Her words brought his eyes to meet hers. The warmth of her gaze crept under his skin. “I will never let anything get between us again, ever.” He sealed his promise with another kiss.


  Sofia couldn’t take a full day off but she was able to meet Kieran in Melbourne 360, the trendy observation deck on top of the Rialto building. She arrived a little late and he was getting impatient.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, pretty great.” She agreed, admiring the city. It was a clear day and the view stretched for miles.

  “I really have a good impression of this country.” Kieran commented.

  Sofia nodded. “Australia is amazing. You’ll love New Zealand too.”

  Kieran called a waiter to take their orders and since Sofia couldn’t make up her mind they asked for a few different snacks to share.

  “So, did you decide on the ship or was it luck?” He enquired with natural curiosity.

  “It was just luck. The company has many ships doing different itineraries. I could have been sent anywhere: Caribbean, South America, Mexican Riviera, Europe… but they sent me here and I’m not complaining. The ship is great and I love the itinerary. It’s been a wonderful contract.”

  Kieran looked outside the window for a moment, slightly aloof.

  “What’s going on?” Sofia asked, noticing his seriousness.

  He focused his attention back on her. “I’ve been thinking, and I believe it’s time to do some changes in my life. I’ve done the successful professional and it’s great, but it didn’t make me as happy as I expected. I’ve been feeling empty. I need to find a balance and some peace of mind.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked, studying his face.

  “I mean I’ve been considering this for a while, and it’s time for a change. I want to get out of Ireland. I want to have a normal schedule with less than eighty hours a week so I can also have a life apart from my job.” Kieran explained.

  Sofia gave him an earnest smile. “I like what I’m hearing so far. Go on.”

  “My idea is to get a job in another country, preferably where it doesn’t rain every day of the year. Maybe get a house in the outskirts of a city or in a town, but definitely a house. I’m sick of being locked in apartments. I want to be able to enjoy nature more, take a weekend off and go somewhere, work normal hours, relax, you know. Live for more than just work. And of course I will only do it if you come with me. That’s essential. I really want to do this, but I won’t do it without you.” He reached for her hand on the table.

  Sofia beamed. “Well, you don’t have to ask twice. I’ll be more than happy to have a nice quiet life with normal hours and adventurous meetings with nature.”

  Kieran jumped out of his chair and hugged her tight. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  “You know I would go with you anywhere in this world, don’t you?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly.

  Kieran went back to his seat when their snacks arrived. He hadn’t realized how hungry he really was until he smelled the delicious food.

  “Did you think about where you want to go?” Sofia asked with her fingers intertwined on his.

  “Not really.”

  “What about here? I would love to live in Australia. We could live near the Great Barrier Reef and use the free time to see the rest of the country. We could come to Melbourne and Sydney once in a while and even go to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.” Sofia suggested getting more excited as the idea took place in her mind. She was already drawing mental plans even before he agreed.

  Kieran looked at her for no longer than a few seconds and considered her idea. “Sounds perfect. Australia it is!” He replied, making her day.