Read Until the Gangaway Tears Us Apart Page 30

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  Tauranga marked the last day of the cruise and this time Sofia didn’t have to do anything because Kieran had organized the day for them and she was happy to just being told where to go for a change.

  Kieran’s plan was a visit to Orakei Korako Cave and Thermal Park, also known as the Hidden Valley, located between Taupo and Rotorua and one of its particularities is only being accessed by boat.

  Even though the cave and the park received so many visitors, the hidden valley had not been spoiled and it kept the beauty and serenity that made it known worldwide.

  Like any geothermal site, the smell was intense, particularly near the geysers and the pools. The Silica Terraces that are base to the park are believed to be the largest of their kind ever since the Pink and White terraces disappeared in 1886 after an eruption. Sofia recalled reading that Orakei Kokaro was possibly the best thermal area in New Zealand and one of the finest in the world.

  There were about twenty three active natural geysers in the area and a large number of boiling hot springs and mud pools.

  At a first glance, the park reminded of those spiritual retreat locations where people go to find themselves and meditate. There were big trees and the wind produced a soothing sound between the leaves.

  Beautiful was not enough to describe the vision of the Rainbow Terrace. In the middle of the green vegetation and tall trees that peek over the surrounding hills, the mixed colors of the lake resembled a landscape from another planet. Steam came out from different locations and different shades of orange and blue announced the intense volcanic activity. The footpath went right around it and into different sites from there.

  The fleece was another fascinating feature. It resembled a waterfall that froze suddenly; only this one wasn’t made of ice, but other types of minerals, similar to the ones that can be seen in caves. The pools also had a white color but the water underneath was clear as crystal.

  “I wonder what could possibly live in those waters.”

  “Fish with two heads?” Kieran snickered. “I guess only some bacteria. Nothing else could survive. Even this smell is hard to stand.” Kieran observed as they made their way to the entrance of the Ruatapu Cave.

  “I’m so glad you came. This few days with you have been fabulous. I can’t wait for us to move to Australia and start a new life together.” Sofia said jumping childishly over the rocks.

  “I’m glad I came too.” Kieran made a pause to kiss her.

  The cave extended 120 feet down to the hot pool in the bottom, known as the pool of mirrors. There were only three other visitors there and they disappeared up the steps up a few minutes later, leaving Kieran and Sofia alone. The couple had a rest on one of the pinkish rocks.

  “About us moving to Australia together, I wanted to tell you something.” Kieran said with a solemn tone.

  “What? Is anything wrong?”

  “No. I just wanted to tell you I love you and that I don’t want you to move there as my girlfriend. I want us to start our new life as husband and wife.” He said looking deep into her eyes.

  Sofia stared at him bewildered. “Are you proposing?!”

  “Well, I didn’t buy you a ring yet and we’re in the bottom of a cave wearing sweaty t-shirts and shorts, but if you can ignore all that I guess I am, yes. I’m asking you to marry me. Will you?”

  Her surprise was so complete she didn’t know how to put words together to give him an answer. She looked at him with her heart racing in her chest. When she could finally offer a response the best she could manage was a nod and a nervous but firm “yes”.

  When he reached out and touched her, pulling her lips to his, nothing else mattered, only the two of them and the immense love they felt for each other.

  Most of her life Sofia hadn’t worried if she would ever get married or not. She was happy with what she had and made the best of what life threw at her. Falling in love with Kieran had been a surprise. With him she felt in a way she didn’t even know she was capable off and once she had experienced that, nothing made her more afraid than the idea of losing him and what they shared.

  She had been in a few relationships and had almost made the mistake of marrying the wrong person. Her previous boyfriends had all been very dear to her or she wouldn’t have considered dating them because she simply wasn’t that kind of person, but with Kieran she had experienced something unique: real love. It was something she didn’t know she needed until she found out what was like to have it and after that she could no longer imagine living without it.

  She knew she was capable of surviving; after all, many people do, but without that feeling of completeness she would never be able to feel truly alive again. Kieran had given her more than she ever expected to have and she wanted to have that for the rest of her life. Nothing could possibly make her happier than becoming his wife.