Read Unwitting Alliances - Hunter Blake Series Page 42

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  The men gathered outside the plane to talk. John looked at everyone. “I don’t like just sitting around. Makes me nervous.”

  “So what do you want to do?” Hector asked.

  “Head for McCall.”

  “I’m with you,” Hunter said. “I’m getting pretty antsy myself.”

  “Charlie? Jim?” John asked.

  “Let’s do it,” Charlie said. “We’re not doing any good sitting here, that’s for sure. There’s got to be something we can do to help.”

  “Alright then. Let’s get moving.” John looked at Hunter. “Who’s gonna fly this thing?”

  “I’d like to,” Hunter said. “If you don’t mind.” He turned to Jim. “I still need a co-pilot.”

  “I’d like to do that. Thanks.”

  They all hurried back onboard and settled in, letting the women know what was happening.

  “Is it safe to go there?” Betty asked.

  “We have no idea,” John said. “But staying here is a waste of time and manpower. Besides, I’ll protect you.” He laughed at the face she made then leaned over to Hector. “I think I’m beginning to win her over. What do you think?”

  Hector looked at his partner and shook his head. “You’re a goofball, sometimes. You know that?”

  They had been in the air for nearly an hour. John made his way forward to the cockpit. “How are we doing up here?” he asked.

  “Another fifteen minutes,” Hunter said.

  “Okay, I’ll pass the word along.” John went back to his seat.

  “This has been quite a day,” Jim said.

  “That’s an understatement.” Hunter let out a heavy sigh. He looked at Jim. “You want to land this thing?”

  “Not particularly,” Jim replied with a weak smile. “Like I said before, doing a powerback is one thing. Landing this baby without doing cartwheels down the lane is quite another.”

  Hunter had to laugh. “Yeah, okay. Keep your eyes open for traffic, since they don’t have a tower. I’ll watch the screen and radio the CTA frequency for advisories.”

  Unlike the series of take offs and landings following his previous harrowing escape from Arizona, Hunter followed standard landing procedures for this non-towered airport. He received word from the CTA that no air traffic was in their immediate vicinity but there were rainy conditions. “Tell me something I don’t already know,” he muttered to Jim. Minutes later they were on approach. Hunter remotely activated the runway lights and finally touched down on the rain slick runway at the McCall, Idaho airport.

  Rolling to a stop, he let out a heavy sigh. “You know, I really love to fly, but this past week has been unbelievable!”

  Jim nodded and agreed. “I can imagine.” He looked out the cockpit window. “Let’s find a place to park and get out and walk around a little, even in the rain.”

  “Good idea.”

  Taxiing in to an available space, everyone eventually climbed out and breathed in the rainy but fresh mountain air, grateful to be on the ground and still alive. Diane stepped over to her husband who was gazing out across the valley bordered by low tree-covered hills. “I am so proud of you, Jim.” She looked at him tenderly. “You and Hunter did a great job of flying this plane and keeping us all safe. Thank you.”

  He pulled her close and looked into her eyes, giving her a tender kiss. “I love you,” he said. “More than you can possibly imagine.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I think I have a rather good imagination. Besides, I love you too.” She linked her arm in his. “I am so worried about Karen, though.”

  “I know. Me too.” He patted her arm. “We’ll find her. Somehow... we’ll find her.”

  John stepped away from everyone to use his phone. He sent a text and stood waiting for a response. Hector joined him and the two of them talked quietly.

  Hunter joined Jim and Diane wiping rain from his forehead. “I sure hope they’re cooking up another plan, otherwise I haven’t got a clue what we should do next.”

  “Yeah,” Jim replied. “Me either, other than get in out of the rain. We might as well climb back onboard.”

  Hunter looked at his friend. “You know, Jim, you did some outstanding work today helping with this rig. I was impressed.”

  Jim managed a smile. “I didn’t do all that much, Hunter, and you know it.”

  “All I’m saying is, if you ever want to get back in the air for pleasure, let me know.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied.

  John and Hector joined them. “We should expect to see your brother and Brian pretty soon,” Hector said. “We were able to make contact with them.”

  Hunter broke into a big grin. “That’s great. Thanks,” he said. “It’s good to know they’re okay. So once they get here, what next?” he asked.

  “Not sure yet,” John replied. “We’ll wait until then to discuss whatever options we may have... if any.”

  Diane walked over. “I’m worried about Karen,” she said. “How are we going to be able to help her... or even find her?”

  John and Hector exchanged looks. “Let’s wait until Hamilton and Brian get here,” Hector said. “We’ll talk about that too.”

  Charlie called out to them from the cabin door. “Hey! Anyone besides me starving?” He waved them over. I found a bunch of snack foods in here.”

  Diane glanced around, “Where are Sam and Betty?” she asked.

  John finally spotted them off in a rough area away from the apron and pointed. “They probably need some time alone,” he said.

  “But they’re getting wet,” Diane remarked.

  Jim laughed. “We all are, dear,” he pointed out. “Come on. Let’s get back onboard and see what Charlie found to eat.”

  Betty stood quietly next to Samantha as they both gazed at the lighted airstrip, unconcerned about the rain. “I’m so tired, I can’t even think anymore,” Betty finally said.

  Samantha nodded and put her arm around her best friend. “After all these years we’ve known each other who would have thought we’d get caught up in something like this?”

  “Not me,” Betty replied. “And if it never happens again, I’m fine with that. So much for adventure,” she said then jerked when the lights went out. “What happened?”

  Samantha didn’t say anything but instead began to giggle then started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I don’t know,” Samantha struggled to say as she continued to laugh.

  “I think you’re experiencing some kind of hysteria.”

  “Probably,” Samantha said and laughed even harder.

  “Sam...” Betty kept looking at her friend. “Come on.”

  “I can’t stop,” Samantha continued laughing. “I just can’t stop.”

  Hunter and John were getting ready to climb into the jet when they heard the laughter and decided to walk over to see what was going on.

  “What’s so funny?” Hunter asked as he approached Samantha.

  “Nothing,” Betty said with a slight giggle. “But she won’t stop laughing,” She looked at Samantha. “Now you’re getting me started.” She giggled again.

  John looked at Hunter. “I think they both need a big hug. What do you say?”

  John wrapped his arms around Betty.

  “Don’t,” she protested and started to laugh harder. “Cut it out.” She kept laughing.

  “No way. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since we met,” John said with a big smile.

  “You have not,” Betty said but submitted to his strong hold and warm body as she continued to giggle.

  Hunter pulled Samantha close. “You are experiencing the after effects of a traumatic experience.”

  “Yesssss, sir.” She continued to giggle and laugh.

  “Enjoy it while you can,” he said holding her tight. “It’s gonna wear off, I’m afraid.”