Read Unwitting Alliances - Hunter Blake Series Page 43

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Everyone had settled back into the jet to stay warm and dry off. The conversation was light as each one struggled to deal with their own particular experiences over the past several days. Suddenly, the sound of an approaching helicopter got everyone’s attention and they watched from the jet windows with great interest. Hunter opened the cabin door and stood watching as the runway lights blink on and the aircraft make its approach. It landed nearby and shut down.

  Hunter climbed down out of the plane and waited. As soon as he saw his brother he hurried over and the two of them embraced warmly.

  “I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again,” Hunter said, still holding his brother.

  “Me too,” Drew replied. They finally released each other and just stood staring.

  Hunter let out a laugh, “Damn. You look good!” he said then focused on the helicopter. “So, where’s your partner? Brian?”

  “He’s coming,” Hamilton said, “Oh... and we picked up something we think you might like to have.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Come on over. I’ll show you.” They stepped around to the passenger cabin just as Brian opened the door.

  Hunter stood gaping. “Buster!” he said excitedly. “Whoa! Where did you come from?” He gave his excited dog a lot of loving. Hunter looked at his brother and Brian. “How did you end up with him?” he asked. “He was with Joe and Vera.”

  “Well that explains part of the mystery,” Hamilton said.

  “Yeah, but how did you get him?”

  “He must have been on one of the helicopters that showed up at the cabin earlier. When I got ready to leave, I noticed a bulging blanket on the ground nearby and it moved. So I carefully unrolled it and there he was. Drugged but alive.

  “What?” Hunter said with concern, rubbing Buster’s ears.

  “Yeah,” Brian said. “They must have given him something to keep him quiet.

  “Buster. You are a sight for sore eyes. Come on! Come see everyone.”

  Buster jumped down and happily trotted alongside Hunter then up the steps and into the jet. Hamilton and Brian could hear a chorus of happy expressions.

  “We just made everybody’s day,” Brian remarked.

  “Yeah,” Hamilton grinned and nodded. “At least something good came from all of this. Let’s join them.”

  Buster enjoyed all the attention from everyone now crowded in the jet, but in particular from Hunter. The banter was good for them all, and although thoroughly exhausted, no one seemed to care at the moment.

  Charlie, though, had to ask, “So where’s the jeep?”

  “I don’t know,” Brian responded. “When I got back to the cabin it was gone.”



  Charlie looked at John and Hector. “I wonder who took it?” He looked at Brian, “So how did you meet up with Drew?”

  “The van.”

  “Right. The van.” Charlie shook his head and shrugged.

  Samantha glanced out a window. “The runway lights just came on again.”

  “Someone else must be coming in. They’re remotely activated at airports like these,” Hunter explained. “Less expensive than to keep the lights on all night. They’ll go off in about fifteen minutes or so.

  “Oh. I do see a plane coming in. It looks a lot like this one,” she said.

  No one seemed particularly interested or concerned. Eventually the arriving jet pulled in near where they were parked but kept the engines running. Hunter was curious and moved to a window to watch. “That’s odd,” he said.

  “What?” Samantha asked.

  “Why not shut her down? Unless they’re just dropping someone off.” He continued to watch.

  So did Samantha who was intrigued with the other jet. Eventually the pilot opened the cabin door and set the stairs. “Someone’s getting out,” she said.

  Hunter nodded. “Like I said, they must be dropping somebody off then and plan to take off again.” He kept watching then stiffened. “No. It can’t be,” he whispered.

  Samantha watched as a woman, wearing a full length hooded fur coat, climbed down. She walked toward their plane. “Do you know her?” she asked.

  Hamilton got up off the floor and took a look as well. “Is that who I think it is?” he asked his brother.

  “All depends on who you think it is.” Hunter got up and stepped to the cabin door, waiting.

  A light tap was followed by, “You-who. Anybody home?”

  Hesitating, he finally opened the door. “Tiffany. What brings you all the way to McCall, Idaho, of all places, and at this hour?”

  “I came here to see you, Hunter dear. Aren’t you going to ask me to come aboard?”

  “Well, we’re a little bit crowded in here. How about if I join you outside?”

  “On my jet then,” she said. “Out of the rain.”

  “No, let’s just stand out here and talk.”

  “It’s cold and wet, Hunter, unless you intend to warm me up,” her tone was smooth and seductive.

  “You’re wearing a fur coat with a hood. That should keep you warm enough... and dry.”

  “Never mind!” she raised her voice. “We need to talk, you and I.”

  “About what?”

  She glared at him. “I said you and I. No one else.”

  Inside, Buster emitted a low throaty growl. Samantha patted her leg. He walked to her and sat down but kept his eye on the open door.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “He’ll be right back.”

  Hunter climbed down and stepped away from the jet. “Okay. Talk.”

  “You’re not making this easy.”

  “Not making what easy? You wanted to talk... so talk.”

  Tiffany stared at him and tapped her foot anxiously. “You need to come to my jet right now if you want to protect your friends.”

  Hunter stared at her jet for a long time before responding. “I don’t think so, Tiff. You and I are through and have been for quite some time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to join my friends. Have a nice evening and a safe flight back to wherever you came from.” He turned to climb back onboard.

  “You’ll come with me if you want to see you Uncle and Aunt again... alive.”

  Hunter turned around and stared at her. “You’re bluffing.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m sure.”

  Onboard, Buster continued to growl and stood up. Samantha took hold of his collar but he began to strain against it. Hamilton motioned to let him go.

  “I’ll hang onto him,” he said. Samantha let go and Buster hurried toward the cabin door, but Hamilton grabbed him. “What’s up?” he whispered in Buster ear. “Why don’t you like her,” he asked with great interest. “And what will you do if I let you go?”

  Hamilton looked around, “Can we kill these cabin lights?”

  John nodded and got up. A moment later the lights went out.

  Tiffany reacted. “Why did they turn off the lights?” she asked.

  “Probably getting ready to sleep.”

  “I don’t like it. I don’t trust them.”

  “That’s too bad. Besides, I don’t trust you either.”

  A flash of lightening across the valley and an accompanying roll of thunder split the night air.

  “Storms coming,” Hunter said. “You might want to go back to your plane to stay dry.”

  Tiffany laughed. “Hunter, Hunter. Do you have any idea how I found you?”

  “No and I don’t care.”

  “You should care because I’ll always know where to find you. Always. You’re supposed to be with me. No one else.” She was adamant. “Come with me and your aunt and uncle will be unharmed. Otherwise I can’t guarantee their safety.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Someplace safe,” she smiled. “Come with me and I’ll show you.?

  “Are they on your jet?” he asked, now with some concern.


  “That means no, otherwise have them come to the door so I can see them.”

  “Hunter. I have no time to play games with you.”

  “You don’t have them,” he said quickly. “Otherwise, you would have had them stand in the doorway. So, go away Tiff. Find some other sap to manipulate.”

  She pulled a gun from her jacket pocket. “I didn’t want to force you, Hunter. But you leave me with no choice. You belong to me. And I always get what I want.”

  Hunter held up both hands at chest level. “Okay, Tiff,” he said as the runway lights turned off. “If it will make you happy, I’ll go with you but you don’t have to shoot anybody.”

  Buster’s growls got louder as he strained against Hamilton’s grasp.

  Hamilton looked at his partners. “Get everyone down and away from the windows,” he whispered. “John, use the emergency hatch. See if you can find out who else is on that plane.”

  “You got it,” John replied.

  “Charlie. Hector. Be ready. As soon as John gets back we’ll have a better idea what to do.”

  Outside, Tiffany was still in a standoff with Hunter. “Daniel said I could have you as soon as his business was finished. You were to be my gift from him.”

  “You can’t just gift wrap someone. I’m not a stuffed toy for crying out loud!”

  “Besides...” a voice called out to her from the darkness. “Daniel’s dead and I’ve got you in my sights.”

  She spun around and squinted to see who was talking.

  “You might as well give up,” the voice continued. “It’s all over.”

  “I don’t believe you!” she shouted. “Who are you?”

  “Someone who’s going to put you away for life. You and the rest of your vile friends.”

  Tiffany stood nervous and speechless now pointing her gun toward voice standing in the darkness.

  “Put the gun down,” the voice ordered.

  “Not until you show yourself!”

  “I could put a bullet in you right this minute, but I’m giving you a chance to give up peacefully.”

  Tiffany glanced around nervously then grabbed Hunter and stood behind him. “Go ahead. Shoot!” she challenged the mysterious voice.

  “So much for being a gift,” Hunter muttered.

  “Shut up!” Tiffany said.

  Inside the plane Hamilton rubbed Buster’s ears. “You ready?” he whispered deciding not to wait for John to get back. Buster’s muscles twitched as he tugged and strained against Hamilton’s hold. “Okay, boy. Go get her.”

  He let go and Buster leapt from the cabin door taking aim at Tiffany. With a ferocious growl he jumped her and bit into her arm forcing her to drop the gun. Hunter spun around and picked it up leveling it at her as Buster maintained his hold, growling and snarling.

  “Good boy!” Hunter said.

  “He’s not supposed to hurt me!” she cried out. “He’s not supposed to hurt me!”

  “What are you talking about!” Hunter bellowed at her. “He’s my dog and will do what I want him to. Hang on to her, Buster. Good boy!”

  The door to her private jet suddenly closed and the runway lights flicked on once again as the pilot began to taxi away from the scene. Hamilton jumped out of their plane and raced for his helicopter. He impatiently waited for it to fire up as he watched the larger jet lumber along.

  As it approached the runway threshold another helicopter was already hovering at the nose of the jet, and blocked its progress. As soon as Hamilton could lift off, he took a position off to one side of the detained jet.

  In the meantime, everyone could hear sirens approaching in the distance. Soon the emergency vehicles were on the airport property and racing to the scene, their lights flashing. One patrol car pulled up to the waiting jet and signaled for them to shut it down. As soon as the pilots were in police custody, both helicopters moved away and set down.

  Hunter had Tiffany on her feet and restrained in a steel grip.

  “You’re hurting me,” she complained.

  He ignored her.

  It looked like every possible emergency-related vehicle was on the scene, including fire trucks and one ambulance. People were everywhere. Those on the jet stayed put and watched the heightened level activity completely unaware of two shadowy silhouettes coming their way. They approached Hunter, still with a firm grasp on Tiffany.

  “Why am I not surprise to see you,” Hunter heard someone say directly behind him.

  He turned to look and was dumfounded to see Janet and Karen standing there.

  Janet stepped closer. “You’re like a bad penny, you know that?”

  Tiffany glowered.

  “What I don’t get is how you always just happened to show up where you’re not wanted. And now here with the rest of us. How do you do it?”

  “That’s my little secret,” Tiffany said.

  “You know, Tiffany,” Janet said. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to give you.”

  “And what’s that!”

  Janet hauled off and slugged her. “There you go. Face lift. On the house.” Janet walked away nursing her hand but feeling completely satisfied otherwise.

  Tiffany glared at Hunter with anger in her eyes. She tenderly felt her face and could taste blood. “Aren’t you going to do something to her? She hit me! I’m bleeding!”

  “Just shut up,” he said but with a big grin.

  Onboard, a burst of exuberant shouts were heard as everyone excitedly climbed out. Diane was first to race toward them, followed by Samantha and Betty. Moments later everyone greeted the safe return of Karen and Janet.

  Betty was especially excited to see Janet. “They told us you were dead. But you’re not!”

  “No. I’m not,” Janet replied with a big smile. She gave Betty a hug then glanced back at Tiffany who was now being handed over to the authorities.

  “I will always know where you are, Hunter!” Tiffany was shouting. “Always! You’ll never get away from me. You’re going to miss me. You know that don’t you?”

  “Not likely,” he said as two more squad cars pulled up with lights flashing. He watched as Tiffany was cuffed and placed in the back seat of one of the squad cars.

  “This is so amazing!” Samantha declared as they all gathered together. “Everyone’s safe!”

  Hunter took a deep breath. “Well, not everyone. Frank’s still missing.”

  Samantha looked at Karen. “I’m so sorry, Karen,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean to...”

  “It’s okay, Sam. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Diane took Karen by the arm. “Let’s get you and Janet onboard so you can warm up and eat something.” “How did you get here?” she asked as they walked. “I mean, we all saw you taken away by that man Daniel and he said Janet was dead. What happened to him? How did you escape?”

  Karen stopped. “Diane. I will fill you in, but not right now. It’s been a long day and I’m very exhausted.” She teared up.

  “Of course you are. I’m sorry. Come sit down.”

  Hunter walked up to one of the officers. “Can you recommend a place we can all stay for the night? I’m gonna need to get a bunch of rooms.”

  “Sure,” the officer said and pulled out one of his cards. He wrote a number on the back and a name. “Give him call and tell him I recommended his place.”

  “Thanks,” Hunter said gratefully and pocketed the card.

  He looked around for Janet and called out to her, “Janet. I need to talk to you.”

  She joined him and offered a tired smile. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he said grinning. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you are still alive. Daniel said you were dead. How did you and Karen get here? In fact, how did you find her?” he asked.

  “It’s a long story,” she said. ??
?Can I tell you later?”

  “Sure. Get on the plane. Warm up and eat something. We’ll talk later.” He stood watching her then heard someone call to him. It was John. He walked over to see what he wanted.

  “Need something?” Hunter asked.

  “Can you come with me?” John asked. Together they walked away from most of the excitement toward two parked helicopters just as the runway light flicked off again. They were about twenty feet away when John stopped. “Wait here.”

  “Okay,” Hunter said frowning. “What’s up?”

  John said nothing as he approached one of the choppers. Drew stepped out and talk to him briefly then called to his brother. “Jimmy.”

  Hunter walked closer and John met him.

  “Go easy on him,” he said.

  “Go easy on who? Drew?” he asked then stared in surprise as someone else climbed out of the helicopter. “Frank? How...?”

  Drew stepped over to his brother. “He wants to talk to you. Just listen. Please?” Drew joined John and they walked away.

  Hunter stood staring at Frank then stepped closer. “Frank. You okay?”

  “I need to talk to you. I have a lot to say, but it’s... it’s a long story,” Frank said.

  “Okay, Frank. You want get back in the rig and talk?”

  “No. Right here is fine. He let out a heavy sigh and shifted from one foot to another. “Hunter,” he began. “I owe you a big apology. More than an apology, actually.” Frank struggled with what to say. “I’m mostly responsible for everything that’s happened... to you, to everyone else, to my wife,” he choked up.

  “What do you mean? You haven’t done anything wrong. You’ve been helping. You help me. You help everyone.” Hunter looked at him.

  “No. I haven’t been helping. I wanted to talk to you first before I turn myself in.”

  “Turn yourself...”

  “Just let me say what I have to. Please.”


  “I’ve betrayed you and my wife and pretty much everyone. I got caught up in some stuff with Daniel... stuff I couldn’t get out of.” He paused to compose himself. “Karen...” he lost his composure. “I love her so much, but...” he struggled to talk as he wiped his face. “I have no idea where she is. I went back to get her and she was gone and...”

  “Wait. Frank. Get her?”

  “Yes. I had to drop her off. I couldn’t risk her life and mine. I had to go help Drew and Brian... and I did, but when I went back to get Karen... she was gone.” He wiped his face. “She’s gone, Hunter. She drove off with someone and I don’t know where she is. I need to let her know I love her. I need to tell her... but...”

  “Frank.” Hunter reached out to his friend. “Frank. She’s safe. She’s here. She and Janet both showed up together just a little while ago. She’s safe.”

  Frank stared. “Safe? Here? And Janet? But Janet’s dead. No. Don’t lie to me, Hunter.”

  “I’m not lying. Come on. I’ll show you. They’re both fine. I promise.”

  Reluctantly Frank followed Hunter toward the jet. Drew and John had been waiting a short distance away and joined them.

  “Karen’s gonna need someone to lean on, at least for a while... until this all gets straightened out. I need you to look out for her. Please.”

  Hunter struggled with his own emotions and finally reached out to his friend and embraced him tightly. “Whatever you need, Frank, whatever you need. You’ve been a good friend. You have,” he said then stepped back.

  Frank forced a weak smile. “Thanks, but I don’t feel like I’ve been a good friend to you. Mostly, though, I need you to watch out for Karen.”

  “I’ll do it. You know I will. I love you both. We’re practically family, you know.” He forced a laugh. “Hey... uh... speaking of family... Drew here and I have made up. We’re good now, I think.”

  His brother grinned. “We’re good,” he agreed.

  Frank nodded. “I’m glad. I’m really glad. You’re both good men. Really good men.” Frank looked at John. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  John nodded and took Frank by the arm. Hunter stood with his brother, watching. They hesitated a moment before following at a short distance. Hunter was still confused but fully aware that something terrible had happened. He and his brother joined the others.

  Karen was watching as Frank was led to a waiting police car. She hurried to talk to her husband as he was being cuffed by an office. “Frank,” she said in tears. “Frank.” Hunter was immediately at her side and put his arm around her. She continued to sob, her whole body trembling. He pulled her in closer as Frank was helped into the squad car.

  Karen broke away and ran to the car. “Frank!” she said. “I love you.”

  He took once last painful look at his wife and nodded, tossing her a kiss as the car pulled away.

  “What’s going on?” Samantha whispered to Jim.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “But I’m sure we’ll all find out eventually.”

  Two hours later, after sitting in the police station answering questions, everyone settled into rooms at a local hotel within walking distance from the airport.

  Diane looked at her dear friend. “Karen, are you sure you’re going to be okay sharing a room with Janet?”

  “Yes. She and I had some time to get better acquainted. She helped rescue me. I’ll be fine with her.”

  “Okay. Well, I hope you can get some sleep.”

  “Me too,” Karen said fighting back more tears.