Read VEG Page 6

  Chapter 6: Keep Your Eyes Open

  Source: Blog


  The End Is Near

  Last Wednesday, March 31st at 1700 hours, Charles Sanders, the creator of VEG, was found dead at his residence in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. He had become a hermit since his wife passed away fifteen years ago during the birth of their first and only child. Neither the child nor his wife survived. I wish I could say that his death came as a surprise but I know our government all too well.

  Let me give you all a little background on VEG for the new readers. VEG, simply put, is an economic powerhouse. Inserting a boss or mob with the chance for a rare artifact or epic drop in any rural location is like creating Disney World in the town’s backyard. VEG users will travel by the thousands to complete these quests and stay for however long is needed, spending money on local services and in doing so driving up the local economy.

  Once the government realized VEG’s power and potential they took control. The easiest way to do so was by riding in on the back of our own democracy. Smoke and mirrors people, smoke and mirrors and before we knew it we voted in favor of a hostile takeover. The kicker is that they made it appear like it was our idea. News broadcasts infiltrated our homes and minds with bullshit statistics, showing how VEG destroyed the education of our precious youth. What does this great man Charles Sanders do when he hears the statistics? Like any great man he goes to focusing all his efforts into our horrific education system making it the most prestigious system in the world. Now, parents from Europe and Asia are sending their kids to America as young as eleven years old. The terrible truth all along was that the amount of dropouts was the same before and after VEG.

  Let’s look at the statistics, since we all love statistics so much. After just fifteen years from VEG’s launch, ninety percent of our children have become bilingual and ninety five percent have reading levels that exceeded their age by an average of two years. Charles was more conscientious of the American schooling system than our government has ever been. The same government that made cuts year after year to our education system all of the sudden decided that Charles Sanders was ruining our youth. Threaten a child’s future and the parents will not rely on logic to make their decision. It was genius, and we took the bait hook, line, and sinker. We voted for the government’s involvement and ownership rights of VEG and once they took control it was only a matter of time. Monthly fees increased but were justified by the glorified new statistics of how our precious youth was doing. Our children were safe and the fees and new rules were only a side note. The ownership rights by the time Charles’s wife was pregnant had fallen almost entirely under governmental control. Charles did his part and put up the good fight but after the first PVP death he lost all accountability in the eyes of the American people. It was then that Charles locked himself away for the second time in his New Hampshire home fearing for his own life. His fight was diminishing and he spent most of his time trying to give back to charities. He was broken, a man trying to live out the rest of his days in peace. That is how he died, a great man hated by the people he tried so desperately to save.

  The burial service for Charles was one that has been unsurpassed by any public figure in the last decade. He is the first person to have ever been buried in Central Park, New York. A statue, built by an unknown artist, was placed behind his grave. It displayed Charles Sanders in his youth, standing in front of a treasure chest shaped like the earth. His pose was that of one in thought. Around his neck, is a key that’s end didn’t fit the globe’s lock. Without using VEG the statue is an astonishing sight, but when viewed through the Jackers it truly comes to life.

  It shows a scene of Charles Sander’s soul being sucked from his body, manifesting itself in front of the chest. His physical body collapses on the ground but the key from his neck stays levitating. Then his visage swirls in midair twisting and twirling with the key until they bind together floating into the keyhole, opening the chest that he couldn’t unlock in his lifetime. When the chest opens a high contrasted light shoots up into the heavens, beautiful pastel colors dance around its outskirts shooting off wisps of gold in every direction.

  When VEG players place their hand inside the light, it removes their armor and reveals their true skin. I’d like to think that the statue resembles the fact that Charles Sanders gave his life for our happiness and the unity that he hoped he would accomplish in life would hopefully follow his death.

  The service took place on Sunday with thousands of VEG players from around the world pouring into the park to gather around his grave. After a few simple words in the Eulogy an extraordinary act occurred. A group of five people in the front row, believed to be close friends of Charles, all knelt on one knee with their right hand in a fist on the ground and their left hand bent in towards their chest touching their hearts as they hung their heads. It was a tradition that started among the first VEG users. They were a part of Charles Sanders clan when VEG was created. They did it to show fealty as a warrior would on the battlefield when his general would perform the accolade ceremony. A promise that they would carry on his vision of VEG to unite the world. It started as a kind of joke among his colleagues but then became a tradition. After Charles had stopped playing VEG the ritual hadn’t been performed or seen in over a decade. Like a wave, the entire crowd kneeled in turn. No words were shared; just a silent promise was made that filled the hearts of every person that attended, a promise that we would all continue his legacy.

  Charles stood for everything we hope for in this country. He was a man that should have been President of the United States and now has been vanquished by a sect in our own government. I know one thing for certain; Charles Sanders was murdered. This might be my last blog post and if it is I’d like to share with you the whole terrible truth and not the smoke screen they want you to see. The reason that Charles Sanders became a hermit is because he feared for his own life. I have reason to believe that he was threatened by the government before and he didn’t concede, which led to his wife and unborn child’s death. The fact that he stayed alive for so long after their death is the only part of this story I didn’t expect. The government must be planning something big that would require the elimination of Charles Sanders. Though they have working knowledge of VEG’s source code, they are still infantile when it comes to what Charles Sanders knows. Keep your eyes open children and you will see their plan come to fruition shortly. When that time comes, rise up like Charles Sanders did and fight the good fight for the soul of this country, because right now it’s almost gone… and that my friends is the Terrible Truth.