Read VETO Seeking the presidency can be a killer! Page 10

  “You know, five years ago when I was the majority leader in the senate I got word of some money laundering by one of my fellow senators. His name was Don Marks. I never really liked him much. He always seemed a little shady, but the reports I got crossed from shady into illegal. I headed a task force, which worked hand in hand with several government authorities. We definitely found some irregularities but could never really prove anything. He always seemed to be one step ahead of us. It did, however, damage his political career and aspirations. He blamed me for it, both privately and publicly. Since then he has gotten back a certain measure of his power, but nothing like he’d hoped for. He’s a man who would unquestionably hold a grudge.”

  “I see. But do you think he has the power and resources to commit murder?”

  “Wow, that’s a tough one. I don’t know; maybe. I know he hates me, but murder? I just can’t say Jake; I’d like to think not.”

  “Well, sir, this has been a big help. You’ve given me a direction and a place to start. If you think of anyone else, tell Warren to contact me.”

  “Believe me Jake, you’ll be the first and only one to know.”

  They parted ways and Eastman and Warren again did their driving by stealth routine. Jake too was going to have to be covert, for he was up against a very formidable foe. He just didn’t know how daunting - yet.

  Chapter 20

  Right on schedule, the FBI began their interrogations and Morgan was one of the first. The initial round of questioning was rather general with all the who, what, when, where and why’s. She spoke to Warren about it later, and he told her they were just putting everything together and would without question trap her on her phone calls to Ty if they could. This would, of course, make her an accessory and they’d press charges. Even though she knew this was coming, it was still devastating. This was all the family needed - more scandal. Her dad set her up with the family attorney and they waited. Mattie called Ty to let him know everything that was going on.

  “Ty, the FBI questioned Morgan and it looks like they’re going to arrest her as an accessory.”

  “Oh no! I knew it; this could only turn out bad for both of you. That’s it. I’m turning myself in. There’s no point in keeping up this charade. Maybe while I’m in jail, this private investigator can figure things out.”

  “I don’t know Ty. Do you think that’s the best thing to do?”

  “Yes! You and Morgan have risked enough. You know they can get you too, Mattie.”

  “I know. It all just seems so unfair. You didn’t do anything wrong and neither did we. All we tried to do was help you.”

  “Well, unfortunately life isn’t always…hold it Mattie someone’s at the door.”

  Mattie could hear loud voices. She stayed on the line until someone said, “Hello?” She hung up and got sick to her stomach. She couldn’t call Morgan and tell her about it, and now something had happened to Ty. She felt lost and alone. She curled up on the couch and tried to get very small.

  The FBI read Ty his rights and took him away. The sad and ill-conceived attempt to escape had come to a close, and regrettably, Morgan and Mattie were going to pay a price as well.

  * * * *

  Marks and Johnson had arranged to meet Chef at the John Hancock Building in a secluded office that Marks had access to. They sat anxiously waiting. “Do you think he’ll show?” Jack said nervously.

  “Oh, he’ll show. He has as much at stake as we do,” Marks stated with his usual superiority.

  “I know sir, but the guy’s malicious and I for one don’t trust him in the least. Who knows? He might be thinking about bumping us off.”

  “Jack, Jack, get a hold of yourself. He’s not going to bump us off. As a matter of fact, he might even be worried we’ll do that to him. This guy’s a lone wolf and works as a mercenary. He knows I have strong political ties and that I know some powerful and influential people. If anything, we have the upper hand here. Pull yourself together. It’s going to work out fine.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re right, but sometimes…” There was a knock at the door. Jack opened it, and there stood Chef, with his usual smug look. “Is Marks here?” Just the sight of him started riling the anger in Jack. Before he could answer, Chef walked past him and sat down.

  “So, what’s up fellas? Why this cloak-and-dagger meeting? Are we afraid, because the big, bad FBI is involved?”

  Jack couldn’t contain himself, “Why you son of a…”

  “Jack, calm down,” Marks said sternly. “I think any man of prudent judgment would be concerned. And to be honest, I’m quite surprised you’re not.”

  “Well, I guess that’s the difference between us. You two are new to this, while…So what’s this about?”

  “We are concerned about the FBI,” Jack said defiantly. “And I’d like to know what happened with Sonja Bartlett?” Jack was getting mad and about to go across the room and jump down the jerk’s throat.

  “Hey, back off lackey. She had to be done and you both know it. I didn’t come here to listen to this, so if there’s nothing else…”

  “Hold on.” Marks knew Jack had to get that off his chest, but now it was time to get down to brass tacks. “Whether you acknowledge it or not, we’re all in this together, and I think it would behoove us to work as a unit. If we stay unified, I think we can survive this. Apart, well, probably not. You’re obviously experienced in this and we’re open to suggestions.”

  “I see.” Chef got up and moved to the window. He leaned on the rail and Marks and Johnson could almost hear him thinking. Several minutes went by. With each passing second, Marks and Johnson grew more uneasy. Finally he turned and said, “Gentlemen, you’re on your own!” Then started to the door.

  “Wait just a damn minute. That’s it, ‘You’re on you own’ and off you go? I don’t think so.” Now Marks was getting infuriated. “I was trying to be polite, but I’ll tell you right now you’re not walking away from this. We need each other here. If one goes down, all go down. Do I make myself clear?”

  Chef stopped dead in his tracks. Turning, he walked back to Marks, reached out and grabbed his coat lapels and pulled his face up to his. Then whispering in his ear he said, “If you ever talk to me, or threaten me like that again, I’ll kill you. Do I make myself clear?” He let go and stepped back. Then winked at Jack and walked out the door, leaving it open. Jack stood frozen. He and Marks looked at each other in total disbelief. What were they going to do? What can you do with a fearless assassin? Marks sat down while Jack closed the door. Turning back to Marks he said, “Man, what have we gotten ourselves into? This guy’s an absolute psychopath. What did he say to you?” For one of the few times in their relationship, Marks was speechless.

  “Mr. Marks, what did he say to you?”

  “He said if I ever threatened him again, he’d kill me.”

  Jack sat down and put his head in his hands. They both sat for some time, contemplating what had happened and wondering what they would do next. There was no doubt about it, they were dealing with a shrewd killer. Something neither one had ever had to deal with before.

  * * * *

  Karen had been devastated by the news of Sonja’s death. They’d been close

  in college and had only sporadically stayed in touch since. Then out of nowhere Sonja calls and asks to come to St. Louis and stay a few days. She’d seemed troubled and left rather abruptly. Then Karen read of her murder in Chicago. It all seemed incredible, and now here she was with this package. Sonja told her to take it to the Chicago police if something happened to her and give it to a Sgt. Carol Hawkins. They were old friends and had helped each other out from time to time on difficult cases. Sonja trusted her completely. Sonja hadn’t told Karen anything about the case she was working on because the less Karen knew the better off she was. But now the absolute worst had happened and Karen was going to be involved – li
ke it or not. She’d take a couple of days off at her bookstore, make her way to Chicago and find Sgt. Hawkins.

  * * * *

  Mozzetti had been tailing Marks and Johnson for a couple of days. Nothing unusual had happened other than the late night meeting with a guy at the John Hancock Building. Mozzetti didn’t recognize the guy, but got a few shots of him and would find out who he was soon enough. Now, with Ty having been arrested and Morgan soon to follow, he had to move fast. This guy at the Tribune, Bill Woodburn, already had Ty tried and convicted of first-degree murder and inferred he had something to do with the death of Eugene White. Woodburn’s eagerness and insight into some of the facts seemed unusual to Jake. It was almost as if he had inside information about this case. There was something there, he just had to find out what.

  He reported to Mr. Eastman, through Warren, of his findings. He felt in his gut there was something going on with Marks and Johnson and possibly a third guy he’d seen them meet with. He didn’t know who the guy was but that was next on his agenda.

  * * * *

  It was a cold winter day… a day of complete despair. The FBI arrested Morgan as an accomplice after the fact. A feeling of absolute hopelessness had swallowed up her family. Cornell Eastman was beyond anguish and her mom was totally despondent. Steve had gone to the house to be with his mother, and he too was overwhelmed with sorrow. Morgan’s hearing was the next day and hopefully she’d be released on her own recognizance. Their attorney felt there was good chance she would be. Steve called Tim to tell him he was going to stay at the house a few days to comfort his mom. Tim asked him if there was anything he could do to help.

  “No Tim, but thanks for offering. I’ll let you know if that changes. I’m just going to stay here a few days and take care of my mother, but I’ll call you soon.”

  “That’s fine Steve. I should be around for the most part, just a few small trips, but nothing more than a day or two. I’ll stay in touch, or if you just need to talk about what has happened, you know you can call me.”

  Tim always made him feel better, but he was still concerned about his mother. She’d gone into a deep depression and Steve was having a hard time getting her to eat or talk. He knew all he could do was try and comfort her and let her know he loved her. Cornell too had fallen into a depression, but Steve still could not bring himself to offer comfort. In his mind, it was his dad's fault this had happened in the first place. These feelings all within the same house brought a tension you could cut with a knife.

  * * * *

  “Excuse me. I’m looking for a Sgt. Carol Hawkins.” The desk sergeant told her to take a seat and he’d call her. Karen sat nervously waiting. She couldn’t help but wonder what was in the package and how it related to Sonja’s death. There was a part of her dying to know, and yet there was a bigger part afraid to find out. Either way, here she was.

  “Yes, I’m Sgt. Hawkins.” Karen looked up to see a warm smile, with steely blue eyes. “Can I help you with something?”

  “Yes, Sergeant. I believe we have a mutual friend, well former friend.”

  “I see, and who would that be?”

  “Sonja Bartlett.”

  Sgt. Hawkins reached out and grabbed Karen’s arm and escorted her to an interrogation room down the hall. Karen held onto the package as if it would provide some sort of protection. Once in the room, she carefully placed it on the table, but kept one hand on it. Sgt. Hawkins could see she was uncomfortable and wasn’t even sure why she was there.

  “First of all can you tell me your name?”

  “Karen, Karen Wills, and Sonja asked me to bring this package to you if something happened to her and well…”

  “Okay, calm down. First tell me how you knew Sonja, then we’ll get to the package.”

  “I’m sorry, I’ve never been in a police station before. I’m a little nervous.”

  “That’s okay, just start from the beginning.”

  Karen told her of their friendship through school and then how several weeks ago Sonja called and said she needed to come and stay with her a few days. Before she left she had given her this package and told her if anything happened to her to take it to the Chicago Police and give it to Sgt. Hawkins. So here she was.

  “I see. Well, do you suppose I could have a look at the package?”

  “Oh yes, of course,” Karen slid it across to her. “You know Sgt. Hawkins…”

  “Please call me Carol.”

  “Carol, I’m not good at this cloak and dagger stuff, so if you’re through with me, may I leave?”

  “Well, I’m sure that will be fine, but first let me look at what’s here, then if I should have any questions…”

  “Questions! Questions about what. I never looked inside that package. My friend’s dead, I’m here in Chicago at the police station with some kind of package that contains who knows what and would just like to leave and get back to St. Louis.”

  “Karen, I understand. But you have to understand that we have certain procedures and rules we have to follow and, this is a murder case and, like it or not, you have become part of the investigation just by bringing me this package. Now, I believe all you’ve had to do with this was you followed Sonja’s wishes and, if you’ll bear with me a few minutes, I’m sure I can get you on your way. Fair enough?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. This all just seems so strange and eerie to me. I hope you understand. I’ll wait while you do whatever it is you have to do.”

  Sgt. Hawkins got up and left the room. Karen sat playing with the strap on her purse, as she was wont to do when anxious. After what seemed like an hour, Sgt. Hawkins came back into the room with another officer, a Captain Clancy. He asked her a few questions and, once they were satisfied she was only a messenger fulfilling a dead friend's request, they let her leave. Most of the way back to St. Louis, she cried. She and Sonja hadn’t been that close over the past few years, but they were still friends and her murder was finally sinking in. The Arch and her bookstore were going to look mighty warm and friendly.

  Chapter 21

  “Sgt. Hawkins, I’ll take it from here,” Captain Clancy said firmly. Carol Hawkins stood there in disbelief. “Excuse me sir, but what’s going on here? You know I have a vested interest in this.” Captain Clancy moved up close,

  “Sgt. Hawkins, hear me and hear me good, I’m taking this from here – understood?”

  “Yes sir – understood.” She slowly turned and walked back to her office. She and Capt. Clancy had never been what you’d call close, but they’d always had an amiable working relationship. But this seemed out of character. He knew she’d been a friend with Sonja and how much it meant to her to find the killer. Now, to just cut her off… it wasn’t right. She wasn’t quite sure what to do about it, but she knew one thing - there was no way she’d just withdraw from the investigation.

  * * * *

  Mozzetti had arranged a meeting with Mr. Eastman to go over what he’d found and show him pictures of the third man at the Marks – Johnson confab. They had decided not to make their meetings secret anymore, now that Ty and Morgan had been arrested. Eastman had made a public statement that he’d hired his own private investigator. Jake showed up around noon and sat with Mr. Eastman and Warren in the study.

  “Mr. Eastman, I think you really hit on something with Marks and Johnson. They’re both pretty shady characters. I checked out your previous investigation of them and you were right, they stayed just ahead of you. I won’t go into it now, but I think I could have nailed them had I been involved back then. Anyway, I have some pictures here I want you and Warren to look at and tell me if you recognize this guy.”

  Jake showed them several pictures of the Chef leaving the John Hancock Building. Cornell and Warren studied them for several minutes, but couldn’t come up with anything. Warren told Jake the guy looked familiar, but he just couldn’t place him. He’d think about it and let Jake know.

; “Damn it Jake, you don’t know how much I wish I could tell you I know who that guy is…but I don’t.”

  “That’s alright sir, it was probably a long shot anyway. I have some feelers out with various agencies and I’ll come up with it. As for Marks he’s been involved with some, how shall I say, dubious individuals? This guy’s got some associates in organized crime and my sources tell me he hired a guy to tail Ty. My guess is to frame him for Sonja Bartlett’s murder. And, I’ll bet it’s this guy in these pictures. Obviously, I can’t prove that right now, but I’m working on it.”

  “Jake, you’re doing a great job, but I don’t have to tell you we’re really up against it here, time wise.”

  “I know sir and I’m doing everything I can to expedite this, but sometimes you just have to wait for things to develop.”

  “I know Jake, I’m sorry; it’s just so hard to watch your daughter be arrested when you know damn well she didn’t do anything wrong and you feel responsible for it.”

  Jake had no idea what to say and began scooping up all his paper work. Mr. Eastman got up and walked to the window, folded his arms and stared out into the heavy gray afternoon clouds. Warren and Jake quietly exited the room. As they approached the front door, Steve came around the corner on the way to the kitchen. Warren introduced them.

  “Steve this is Mr. Mozzetti. The private investigator your father hired.” Steve extended his hand, “Nice to meet you Mr. Mozzetti. If you’ll excuse me though, I need to get my mother something to eat.”

  “Certainly, it was nice to meet you, Steve.”

  Once out the door Jake asked Warren, “So, what’s the deal with Steve and his dad?”

  Warren explained how they been estranged for years. Steve was gay and he and his father had never seen eye to eye on it. Then Mr. Eastman had an affair with another man, and well…it only exacerbated their relationship. He was only hanging around the house to help his mother.