Read VETO Seeking the presidency can be a killer! Page 9

  “You’d better, or I’ll never forgive you.”

  “By the way, how’s Tim?”

  “Good. He’s very busy. I haven’t seen him much lately. He was out of town buying books and just got back a couple of days ago. We’re going to try to get away when things settle down.”

  “I’m glad you’re so happy Steve. We still have to do that dinner, the three of us.”

  “Anytime Morgan. But right now you have more pressing things to worry about. We’ll get to it.”

  They parted ways, each heading to their respective apartments. Morgan hoping she’d hear from Mattie to find out if they’d made it safely to Milwaukee, Steve hoping Tim was home so he could talk to him about how he might help Morgan. Apart as usual, but together for the first time in their lives.


  Chapter 18

  Cornell Eastman sat alone in his study. As much as he wanted to move forward and put all this behind him, he just couldn’t. He poured over it and over it in his mind. How did this happen? Why did this happen? He knew better, and yet he’d weakened…and well, all this ensued. He had moments when he truly couldn’t believe it. He was having one of those moments.

  “Sir; Mr. Eastman, are you alright?”

  Standing in the doorway was the ever-faithful Warren. He had a look of concern on his face as he gazed in at his boss.

  “Oh, yes, Warren I’m fine. Just daydreaming a little. What can I do for you?”

  “Sir, the situation we discussed? Well, if you’ll come with me I think I can show you part of the solution.”

  For a brief second Eastman had forgotten about the ‘situation.’ But then remembered his discussion with Morgan and accompanied Warren to the backyard. There sitting in a lounge chair was a tall, angular man with a pleasant, yet serious look. As Eastman approached, the man stood to greet him.

  “Mr. Eastman, this is the man we discussed to help Morgan.”

  Eastman extended his hand, hoping this was in fact the answer to many of their problems.

  “Mr. Eastman, it’s an honor to meet you. Warren has spoken very highly of you, and I would be proud to help you in any way I can. I’m Jake Mozzetti.”

  “Well, Mr. Mozzetti, it’s nice to know someone still has faith in me. Believe me I feel the same way about Warren. But on a more serious note, I don’t know how much he has told you, so why don’t you fill me in on what you know.”

  “To be honest he hasn’t told me anything, only that you and your daughter need help finding someone.”

  “I see. Warren could I speak to you a moment? Will you excuse us Mr. Mozzetti?”

  “Certainly, and please call me Jake.”

  Eastman nodded his approval and took Warren aside. “Warren tell me all you know about this guy. There’s a lot riding on this and I can’t be too careful with Morgan’s safety.”

  “I know sir. I’ve thought long and hard about this. Believe me, Morgan’s well being is foremost in my mind too.”

  Warren explained how he’d known Jake for 18 years. They’d gone to the Philadelphia Police Academy together. Warren had gone into the Secret Service and Jake went out on his own after 10 years of police work. He quickly became one of the top private eyes on the East Coast working for some very powerful and influential people. Warren guaranteed him that this was absolutely the best man for the job and that he trusted him implicitly. Reassured, Eastman went back to talk to Mozzetti. He asked him if he’d read the papers and knew about what was happening. Mozzetti told him he had, but that was all he knew…what he’d read in the papers. Eastman filled him in from the beginning and let him know in no uncertain terms how important it was to find the real killer, while making sure his daughter was safe. Mozzetti agreed and departed, telling Eastman he’d get back to him, through Warren, in a few days.

  * * * *

  It was late when her phone rang, but she didn’t care. She’d been waiting for the call all day.


  “Hi, Morgan, it’s me.”

  “Ty, thank God! Are you safe?”

  “Yes. We got into Milwaukee about an hour ago and just drove around looking for a secluded motel. We found a little dive on the north end of town. It should work fine. Mattie just dropped me off and turned around to head back to Chicago. Be sure and tell her how much I appreciate what she’s doing.”

  “I will. Now, you just stay out of sight and let us take it from here. We probably shouldn’t talk too long. I miss you, and love you.”

  With that she hung up and Ty went to bed, while Mattie sped along in the dark, back to Chicago.

  * * * *

  Steve unlocked Tim’s door hoping to find him home. His anger at his father had been replaced by his need to help Morgan. He was anxious to discuss it with Tim. The apartment was dark. He decided not to wait. As he turned to leave a voice from the shadows said, “Steve, is that you?” Steve jumped two feet in the air. “Tim? My God you just scared the daylights out of me. What are you doing sitting there in the dark? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine…just thinking.”

  “Well, how was your trip?” Steve said turning on a table lamp.

  “It was fine.”

  “Tim what’s the matter? Do you want me to leave?”

  “No. No it’s okay. I’m sorry, I was just…how are you Steve?”

  “Good. I missed you Tim. I’m glad you’re back. First tell me about your trip and then there’s something I really want to talk to you about.”

  Steve could see Tim shifting out of his malaise and returning to the present.

  “My trip? Well, let’s see - pretty much the same old thing. Now, tell me what’s this pressing thing you need to discuss with me?”

  Steve filled him in from the beginning, as if Tim knew nothing of what had happened, right up to his last dinner meeting with Morgan.

  “Wow, that’s incredible. I knew some of this stuff from things you’ve said in the past and what’s been in the paper, but you have certainly filled in some gaps. This is all pretty hard to believe. Is there anything I can do?”

  “I’m not really sure, because I’m not sure how I can help Morgan.”

  “Well, do you know what Morgan is trying to do? Is it save Ty, or your dad or both?”

  “I think her main concern now is Ty. Dad is pretty much history with regard to his political career and isn’t on the hook for these murders. Ty is the one they think did it.”

  “What do you think Steve? Did Ty do it?”

  “No! Absolutely not!”

  “You seem pretty sure.”

  “I am. There’s no way.”

  Steve was getting a little irritated with Tim’s cavalier attitude about something so important to him.

  “Okay, assuming you’re right and the press and police are wrong, then who did do it?”

  “You know Tim, I was hoping you’d help me here, not get confrontational.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to help you sort through this. I think that right now you’re thinking with your heart and not your head. You know as well as I do there is a possibility, however remote, that Ty did in fact kill Sonja. Think about it for a second Steve. He had the motive and the opportunity. She takes pictures of him spying on your dad and White. Then White gets killed. Then Sonja gets killed. You’ll have to admit there is a connection


  “You’re starting to sound like the press. I’m telling you he had nothing to do with it. I trust my sister!”

  Sensing he’d pushed Steve far enough Tim backed off…a little.

  “Alright, assuming he had nothing to do with it. What is Morgan trying to do to help him?”

  “Well, she’s not sure yet, or at least hasn’t told me yet. All I know is if I can help her in any way I will. I guess what I’m asking you to do is support me and be there if I need you. That would mean a lot to me.”

  “I know. Of course you
can count on me. Just keep me posted and let me know what I can do to help. If there’s some part of this I can help her with, I would be more than glad to do it.”

  “I knew I could count on you. That’s what makes you special to me. By the way, Morgan still wants the three of us to get together for dinner.”

  “Anytime – I’d love to meet her. I shouldn’t have another trip for a while.”

  It had been too long since they’d been together, so they settled in for a cozy night of ‘piggy’ and pasta.

  Chapter 19

  Eastman knew it was time to call a press conference and honestly own up to what had happened. He’d set it up for the Hilton in downtown and now had to convince Jennifer, Morgan and Steve to attend. He knew that was a lot to ask, but it wasn’t only for him. He sincerely felt that having them there when he admitted his wrong doings might help purge some of their anger toward him. Jennifer and Steve would be the most difficult to persuade. Jennifer had seemed to soften over the past few days, so maybe she’d be receptive. He found her in the back yard reading in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

  “Jennifer, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  She closed the book and looked up at him. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight and he realized how beautiful she was.

  “Jenn, can we please talk?”

  She nodded as her eyes wondered out over the yard. It was a beautiful day and she seemed very relaxed. He told her he was planning on calling the press conference to explain his position and what had happened. He hoped she’d be there along with Morgan and Steve.

  “I know this is a lot to ask, but it’s not just for me. I’m more than willing to take what I have coming. If you are all there and see me own up to what I have done, maybe, just maybe, it will help us all start healing. Believe me Jenn, that’s the only reason I’m asking. If you don’t agree with me, or just don’t want to attend, I’ll understand.”

  She sat quietly, still gazing out over the landscape. He wasn’t sure what to do so he just sat back in his chair and waited. As he watched her, it finally sank in how devastating this had been to her and how deeply he’d hurt her. But through it all, there she was, strong, resilient, and he was proud to say, still his wife. Finally, she turned and looked him in the face.

  “Okay, Jeff. You might be right. We certainly need to start the healing process and I’ll go and stand by you. And for the well being of our children and my sanity, I’ll try to forgive you. But forgetting…well, let’s just leave it at forgiving. I can’t give you more than that right now.”

  His eyes welled with tears as he reached out and took her hand. With all his fame and success, she was the true champion in this family. He quietly got up and left her to her reading. He had done at least one smart thing in his life.

  * * * *

  There was a light tap, the signal tap. Morgan jumped from the couch and ran to the door. Mattie had made it back – safely.

  “Come in. You can stay here tonight.”

  “I’ll tell you Morgan, I’ve never been so scared in my life. All the way back I kept thinking I was being followed, or was going to be run off the road, or who knows what.”

  Mattie stood there in the kitchen as Morgan made some coffee, trembling like a newborn calf. Morgan drew her close and hugged her.

  “Mattie, I’ll never be able to thank you for what you’re doing.”

  Morgan poured them a cup and they sat down on the couch still holding hands. Mattie’s hand was still cold and shaking.

  “Mattie, listen to me. Ty called and he’s safe and said to thank you for all your help. Also, my dad called me and said he’s hired a private investigator to find out who’s behind this. He said the guy’s very good. If Ty can just lay low long enough, maybe the investigator will solve this.”

  They talked on into the night. Mostly about old times, school, friends, that sort of stuff. It was a good distraction. The next morning Morgan’s dad called and told her to meet Warren at the Field Museum. He was then going to take her to meet Jake Mozzetti at a secluded location.

  They didn’t say much in the car, small talk mostly. Warren had always been rather solemn, but Morgan knew he was loyal to her father and would do anything to help them. As they pulled up to Orland Lake, she could see a large van parked off the road. Warren pulled up next to it and told Morgan to get in the van.

  “Where are you going Warren? I don’t even know…”

  “Morgan, it’s alright. I’ll be close by. Mr. Mozzetti is waiting for you.”

  As she opened the door of the van a reassuring voice said, “Morgan, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Jake Mozzetti.”

  He made her feel relaxed with his calm demeanor. He told her a little about himself and what her dad had told him and how he was starting to put a backdrop behind what had happened.

  “Morgan, I want you to tell me everything you know about this case, starting from the beginning. Don’t leave anything out, no matter how unimportant it might seem to you. Sometimes it’s those small, seemingly incidental facts that lead to major developments. Now, I’m going to record this and take notes, so just keep going and try to remember every detail…okay?”

  Morgan started at the very beginning, how she met Ty and continued, up until she had to tell him where Ty was.

  “You know Mr. Mozzetti, I’m just not comfortable giving out that information right now. It’s not that I don’t trust you…but, well, I’d just rather not. I hope you understand.”

  “Certainly. It’s not something I need to know right now. But I hope you understand that at some point I’m going to have to talk to Ty. As you well know, time is not on our side.”

  She agreed. Mozzetti opened the van door and in a matter of seconds Warren appeared outside. All the way back to her car, Morgan tried to subtly extract information from Warren about Mozzetti and what he was doing. But as usual, Warren stayed low key and would only divulge that he trusted him and told her if anyone could solve this it was Mozzetti.

  By the time she got back to her apartment she was exhausted. She liked Mozzetti and certainly trusted Warren, but Ty’s life was at stake here and she just wanted to be sure. She dozed, but fought sleep. Ty would be calling any time. Sure enough about eleven her phone rang.


  “Morgan, it’s me.”

  They talked for quite a while. She explained how her dad had hired a private investigator and that she’d talked to him that very day. Ty had the usual questions about who he was and asked if she could trust him. She told him not to worry and that, although she’d given him a lot of information, she had not disclosed his whereabouts. Ty informed her he’d seen on the news that the FBI had gotten involved and she was bound to be at the top of their list. She told him she was ready and was going to stick to the same story she’d given the Chicago police. They bid each other a loving au revoir and said goodnight.

  * * * *

  Marks and Johnson had been conferencing all night. They too had seen the news about the FBI’s involvement and realized that the Chef could take them down. They needed another plan - what to do with the Chef. Everything was working fine until he went off on his own and killed Sonja.

  “Mr. Marks, we’ve dealt with operatives in the past, but none like this guy. Where in the world did you come up with him?”

  Marks sat deep in thought, not really hearing the question, but wondering the same thing.

  “What? I’m sorry Jack, I didn’t hear you.”

  “I said, where did you come up with this guy? We’d always had a lot of success with Benedict. Why the switch?”

  “Because Jack I knew this was going to take more than just some wire taps and surveillance. Benedict had been fine for that kind of thing and had really helped us keep the wolf at bay. But when Eastman got the Illinois Bureau of Investigation involved checking out some of the scams we’d pulled, we both agreed a more drastic approach was neede
d. You do remember that don’t you, Jack?”

  “Yes, but this guy’s crazy. And now he’s making us crazy. If he gets caught and talks, he’s going…”

  “Jack, hold on a minute. We’ve been through some pretty rough times and we’ll figure out how to get through this one. We need to keep our wits about us and zero in on what to do with the Chef - agreed?”

  “Yes sir, agreed.”

  This wasn’t going to be easy, because Chef wasn’t crazy. That would make it too simple. He was in fact ruthless and cunning, and there was no way he was going to take the fall for these two. How do you out fox a fox? That was their predicament.

  First up was a meeting with him. They could act concerned about what was happening with the FBI and seek his opinion. If he was willing to disclose any of his plans that would give them some room for maneuvering. If the meeting idea failed…well they’d have to come up with something else. Marks agreed to contact Chef and set something up as soon as possible.

  * * * *

  Mozzetti knew he didn’t have the luxury of time. Now that the FBI was involved Ty was on borrowed time. He’d done some research and discreet interviews and felt it was time to sit down with Mr. Eastman and get down to business. He called Warren and set up a meeting out at the lake. Warren and Eastman made of couple of car changes along the way and felt the location was safe.

  “Mr. Eastman, good to see you again sir.”

  “And you, Mr…Jake. This certainly is a clandestine approach.”

  “Well sir, I think you’d agree, we can’t be too cautious.”

  “Oh, I know Jake, I was trying to be…let’s get to it. What do you need from me?”

  “I need you to go back to the beginning, not of this, but your political career. I need to know of anyone along the way you might have crossed or turned into an enemy.”

  “Jake, as you ascend the political ladder, others will naturally get knocked off. I have crossed and crisscrossed many people, any number of whom I might consider an enemy.”

  “I know sir. But just limit it to those who would have the power to do something about it.”

  “Okay…but that could still be fairly extensive.”

  “Mr. Eastman, you tell me. Were you set up? Does Tyler Flynn have anything to do with this? And who has the most to gain by your fall? Does that help? Eastman sat and thought for several minutes.