Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 11

  ‘What’s so funny?’ Archie challenged.

  ‘You are!’ The raven choked as he gasped to catch his breath between laughs. ‘A ghost who’s afraid of the dark!’

  ‘Orus, stop it,’ Freya said, though she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. ‘Archie, you aren’t afraid of wolves, are you? Odin has two – you see them all the time!’

  ‘I know,’ Archie said. ‘But those are pets, these are wild.’ He moved closer to Orus. ‘And I wasn’t frightened for myself. I was thinking of Mims. What if they go after her?’

  ‘They won’t,’ Freya said. ‘No animal is dangerous to a Valkyrie. If a wolf approached her, it would be friendly. That is one of our charms.’

  They continued to pick their way through the dense woods. With the trees in full leaf, they couldn’t see the canopy of stars above. But soon the trees thinned and then tapered off. A beautiful star-lit lake spread out before them.

  ‘There,’ Freya said softly. ‘She’s over there.’

  Mims was sitting on a log at the water’s edge. Three dogs were beside her, wagging their tails and baying for attention. When she leaned down, they licked her face.

  Creeping closer, Freya smiled. They weren’t dogs; they were the wolves that had been howling. ‘See?’ she whispered softly to Archie. ‘Those wolves are tamed under her charms.’

  ‘I don’t believe it,’ Archie breathed.

  ‘Believe it,’ Freya said. ‘That could just as easily have been bears or mountain lions. They’re all the same to us.’

  They watched the magic of Mims with the wolves until a cracking sound shattered the moment. It was followed by a loud pain-filled yelp.

  ‘No!’ Mims screamed.

  ‘Hunters are here,’ Freya said darkly as she closed her eyes and opened her senses. ‘They are here to kill the wolves.’

  She darted into the clearing and opened her wings as a second gunshot shattered the night. ‘Mims is going after them. She could get hurt – I’m not going to let that happen. Archie, you and Orus stay here.’

  As Freya launched into the air, Archie called, ‘Gee, be careful, you’re not wearing your armour!’

  Freya rose higher in the night sky. She caught sight of her cousin and the three wolves, running along the water’s edge.

  Orus appeared in the sky beside her.

  ‘I told you to stay with Archie,’ Freya called.

  ‘I’m not staying back there when there’s a fight to be had!’

  Below them, Mims was shouting at two men dressed in dark clothes. They were wearing night-vision goggles and standing before the body of a large grey wolf.

  ‘This is private property!’ Mims shouted. ‘You have no right to be here!’

  The two hunters didn’t appear surprised to see her. As she drew near, they raised their weapons. The wolves by her side lowered their heads and started to growl. Mims looked back at them and ordered them to stay.

  ‘Step away from the wolves,’ a hunter ordered.

  ‘If you think I’m going to let you kill my wolves—’

  ‘They’re not your wolves,’ the hunter said. ‘They’re vermin that kill the elk. Now, stand back!’

  ‘You don’t care about the elk. You just want to kill wolves so you can hunt the elk. Get off my property!’

  Freya tilted her wings and circled in the air above her cousin. She didn’t want to show herself unless it was absolutely necessary. But there was no way she would let these men hurt Mims or the wolves.

  ‘We know all about you people here,’ the other hunter said. ‘You’re just a bunch of tree-hugging losers determined to stop our hunting and mining. We’re doing our jobs. We’re killing those predators that are eating our livestock. If you have a problem with that, call a cop. Now, step away from the wolves.’

  Mims called the wolves closer. ‘You are not going to kill any more animals. This is private property. I am warning you, leave here now before I lose my temper.’

  The hunters raised their weapons. ‘Last warning, kid. Stand back!’

  ‘Freya, this is getting serious,’ Orus warned.

  ‘Orus, do as I say and stay with Mims. I’m going to take care of the hunters.’

  ‘You’re not going to reap them?’

  ‘Of course not!’ Freya cried as she changed direction in the sky. ‘I’m just going to make them wish I had!’

  Freya let out a Valkyrie howl and swooped down. She dived at them at full speed and caught both hunters by their shirts. Without missing a wing beat, she hoisted them off the ground and carried them away from Mims. They struggled against her iron grip.

  ‘What are you?’ one of the hunters cried, struggling to break free.

  ‘Stay still or I’ll drop you!’ Freya threatened.

  The second hunter manoeuvred his weapon to point up at her. ‘You drop us and you’ll be dead before we hit the ground. So take us down now or I’ll shoot!’

  Freya kicked him in the back. ‘Your threats are meaningless, your weapons powerless against me. Drop them or I’ll drop you!’

  Freya gave both hunters a shake. One weapon fell to the ground but the other hunter held on to his.

  ‘Do it!’ Freya commanded as she loosened her grip. ‘Or learn to fly!’

  Reluctantly the second hunter surrendered his weapon. ‘What are you?’ he repeated, straining to look up at her.

  ‘Your worst nightmare,’ Freya cried. ‘Now, don’t look at me! After what you did to that wolf, I am more than happy to do the same to you. So look away now.’

  The hunter turned away.

  Freya carried them up to the top of the same mountain which Azrael had brought them to. While they were still in the air, she released them. Both hunters struck the rocky ground with a grunt.

  Freya touched down and charged at them. She snatched away their night-vision goggles before they could get a good look at her and tossed them over the side of the mountain.

  Standing before them, she concentrated on their minds and was chilled to discover that they were surprised by her, but not frightened. They’d never seen a winged being like her before, but didn’t seem the least bit perturbed, only excited by what a wonderful trophy she would make.

  ‘Just what kind of failed science experiment are you?’ the hunter demanded.

  ‘Failed science experiment?’ Freya repeated. ‘I am the top predator in this world. I am the head of the food chain, not you.’ She spoke in the only language they would understand – that of the hunter. ‘And I’m the one that sees your kind as my prey. You are fortunate tonight; I have no desire to kill. But I will tell you this, if I ever see either of you in Valhalla Valley again or if I ever come across you hunting anything – I won’t hesitate to show you the same mercy you showed that grey wolf.’

  The two men remained still. Defiance poured from them.

  ‘Valhalla Valley is under my protection,’ Freya continued. ‘You will tell the others to respect that and keep off the property, or they will face me!’

  Freya moved closer. She kept her wings open wide to frighten them, but it wasn’t working. What kind of men were not frightened by the first sight of her?

  ‘Answer my question. Why are you here?’ she shouted.


  ‘Speak!’ Freya roared as she kicked them backwards. ‘Tell me why you’re here or I will throw you both off this mountain right now!’

  ‘Looks like you’re going to have to kill us!’ One of the hunters pulled a long hunting knife from his boot and lunged at Freya. As he moved forward, another blade flashed as the second man came at her from the opposite direction.

  Valkyries were trained in weapons fighting from a very early age. Freya had the advantage of experience, superior strength and full night vision. It was little work for her to duck away from their flashing blades. Drawing her sword, she flipped the knives from their grip, drawing blood from both men’s hands as she did so, and left them moaning on the ground.

  ‘You really think you can defeat me?’ She charged fo
rward and placed her boot on the chest of the first attacker. ‘Listen to me very carefully. Go back into the hole you crawled out of and tell the others this property is now protected. Is that understood?’

  Neither hunter said a word.

  Freya threw back her head and howled the loudest Valkyrie cry she could manage. It echoed across the valley like thunder. ‘Must I kill you? Is that what you want?’ she roared. ‘No one comes back to Valhalla Valley, do you understand?’

  ‘Yes,’ one of the hunters spat.

  Freya stepped up to the cliff edge. ‘Don’t bother going back for your weapons. They’re mine now!’

  Without waiting for their reaction, Freya leaped off the cliff and glided back down to the lake where Archie was waiting with Mims. Orus was on her shoulder and the three wolves were nearby. Mims was kneeling on the ground, stroking the dead wolf. Freya touched down. ‘Are you all right?’

  Mims nodded without looking up. ‘If you hadn’t come, those hunters would have killed all the wolves – maybe me too.’ Her voice started to tremble. ‘This was Big Grey. He was Gran’s favourite; we’ve known him since he was a pup. She’s going to be so sad when she sees what they did to him.’

  ‘He was beautiful,’ Freya agreed. She looked at Archie. ‘I just don’t understand humans. How can they keep dogs as pets, but still want to hunt wolves, which are just like dogs?’

  ‘Don’t ask me,’ Archie said. ‘I’ve never understood hunters. What they do is disgusting. What about those two? Did you reap them?’

  Freya shook her head. ‘No, though they deserved it. Let’s just say I took them for a short flight . . .’ She stepped closer to her cousin. ‘I doubt they’ll be bothering you again.’

  ‘Don’t count on it,’ Mims said. ‘They are always trespassing on our property. They hate that Gran attracts all the big game and wildlife. So even though we’ve posted private property and no hunting signs, they still come here to kill.’

  ‘What about the authorities?’ Archie asked.

  Mims shook her head. ‘They won’t help. Everyone around here is a hunter. They call us crazy because we don’t hunt, and because we protect the predators.’

  Freya looked down at the remaining wolves. One came over and rubbed against her, and she stroked its head. ‘Wolves are naturally drawn to Valkyries. They come here because of you and Brundi. They know you will keep them safe.’

  ‘How can we leave here and go into hiding?’ Mims said. ‘What will happen to all the animals and people who come for protection?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Freya admitted. ‘But you will be too vulnerable if you stay. Those hunters are nothing compared to Frost Giants.’

  ‘Or Odin,’ Archie added.

  ‘How will they find us?’ Mims asked. ‘We live in the middle of nowhere!’

  ‘I’m not really sure,’ Freya replied. ‘If there’s a war, there is no reason for the Frost Giants not to try to take Earth. It is a beautiful world. They will want to conquer this place too.’

  ‘You have powers, Mims,’ Orus added. ‘So does your father. They will sense them and come after you. This is why we must hide you where they can’t feel you.’

  Mims shook her head. ‘Our property covers thousands of acres. It takes in this whole valley, the lake and most of the mountains around us. There’s even a closed gold mine. People have been trying to drive Gran and Dad off this land for years because they want to reopen the mine. But we won’t let them. If those men have come this close to our house, something is up. They wanted more than to just kill the wolves, I could feel it.’

  Freya gazed towards the mountain where she’d left the hunters. ‘I know. But they kept their true intentions well hidden. I couldn’t sense what they were after. Even my threats would not loosen their tongues. I’m thinking now I should have been more persuasive. Maybe I should go back up there and see if I can get the truth out of them.’

  ‘No,’ Orus warned. ‘With Brundi gone, we must stay near the house to protect it in case others come.’

  ‘He’s right,’ Archie said. ‘We should stay until Brundi gets back.’

  ‘But sometimes she goes for days – even weeks.’

  ‘We don’t have that kind of time,’ Archie said. ‘Odin is expecting her back in Asgard. Can your father find her?’

  Mims nodded. ‘He always seems to know where everyone is. I can never hide from him.’

  ‘He’s a Dark Searcher,’ Freya said. ‘No one can hide from them. Where is he? We must speak with him.’

  ‘We can’t. He’s on tour,’ Mims explained. ‘My dad’s a singer. He was playing in Houston tonight and tomorrow night he’s going to be in Los Angeles. Then he flies to Europe.’

  ‘Then we’ll go to him,’ Freya said. ‘He must be told everything and convince Brundi to return to Asgard. Then he must take you all into hiding.’

  ‘Mom would never let us go. Besides, we’d need to book flights. I don’t think we could get there in time for tomorrow night’s concert.’

  Archie shook his head. ‘We don’t need to book flights. We have our very own special way of getting there.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Mims asked.

  Freya opened her wings wide. ‘Me!’


  It was deep into the night by the time they made their way back to the house. Mims yawned as she gently pulled the front door open. She looked back at Freya, who was standing away from the house.

  ‘Aren’t you coming?’ she whispered.

  Freya shook her head. ‘I don’t sleep very well when I’m in this world. Just get some rest. Archie, Orus and I will patrol the area and make sure there are no more unexpected visitors.’

  Mims nodded. ‘See you in the morning.’

  As they walked away from the house, Freya led them to Brundi’s platform. ‘Let’s go up there for a while. It gives us a good view of the valley.’

  Freya opened her wings and flew to the top of the tall platform. She peered over the side and watched Archie on the ground. His arms were open and he was jumping in the air. She started to laugh.

  ‘Orus, look – I think he’s trying to fly!’

  ‘He’s not doing a very good job of it!’ Orus called down to Archie, ‘Stop thinking like a living human. Focus on what you want to do. Think “up”, and then let yourself float. Believe you can do it and you will.’

  ‘Come on, Archie, you can do it!’ Freya called as she watched Archie close his eyes and start to concentrate. He began to lift off the ground.

  ‘I’m flying!’ Archie cried. ‘Gee, look, I’m really flying!’

  ‘That’s it, Archie!’ Freya encouraged. ‘Keep going, you’re almost here.’

  But after a few more metres Archie cried out and crashed down to the ground.

  ‘Well, I was flying.’

  After several more failed attempts, Archie gave up and climbed the tall ladder.

  ‘I’ll never figure it out,’ he muttered as he reached the top.

  ‘Not with that attitude,’ Orus cawed. ‘Do you think Freya learned to fly overnight? No, it took practice – a lot of it. Why, I can’t count the number of times she took off, lost control and fell out of the sky! One time she flew off the balcony at the house and then smashed right into a tree. We were pulling leaves out of her hair and feathers all afternoon!’

  ‘Thanks for bringing up a painful memory,’ Freya teased.

  ‘I’m sorry, but Archie must understand that it will take him time to learn what he can do. He hasn’t been dead all that long.’

  ‘It seems like forever,’ Archie said. He stopped beside Freya. ‘Wow, you can see the whole valley from up here.’

  Freya nodded. ‘I don’t think Brundi built this platform just to wind dance. I think she’s been using it to keep watch on the house and family.’

  ‘How?’ Archie asked. ‘She was blind.’

  ‘Yes, but Pym isn’t. And something tells me that some of Brundi’s senses came back. How else would she and Vonni have managed so well over all the
se centuries?’ She closed her eyes. ‘There’s no one else around. But I’m certain those two hunters weren’t acting alone. I’m tempted to fly back up to the mountain and have another chat with them.’

  ‘That’s not a good idea,’ Orus cawed. ‘With Brundi gone, we are all that are left to protect the house. Mims is growing in strength, but she is far from a full Valkyrie yet – and she is untrained. She may have powers, but doesn’t know how to use them.’

  Panning her eyes over the dark woods, Freya recalled all the training she’d had growing up. From a very early age she’d been taught to fight with swords and all manner of weapons from across the ages, and how to use her powers. Mims’ powers were emerging, but Brundi hadn’t trained her at all.

  ‘You’re right,’ she finally admitted.

  ‘While we’re here, you could teach her,’ Archie offered. ‘Just like you did the Geek Squad, back home? Show her how to use her powers and how to fight. If Brundi won’t, you should.’

  Freya looked approvingly at Archie. ‘That’s not a bad idea. She’s going to need skills for when Brundi goes. We’ll start as soon as we can.’

  Dawn arrived and there was still no sign of Brundi. Now that she had been reunited with Jonquil and had her sight back, there was no telling where they had gone.

  ‘Do you think she’ll come back today?’ Archie asked.

  ‘I hope so,’ Freya said. ‘If it was me, I would fly all round the world, trying to see what I’d missed. She knows big trouble is coming. She’s probably trying to see as much as she can before that happens.’

  ‘But she’s left the family unprotected,’ Archie said.

  ‘Brundi knows Freya is here and will protect them,’ Orus cawed. ‘She may not show it, but she trusts us.’

  Freya looked over to the house. The sun was barely up, yet there was activity starting. ‘We’d better get back inside before anyone sees me.’

  They just made it back up to Freya’s bedroom before John, the ranch manager, was up and brewing coffee in the kitchen. Soon others joined him and started to make breakfast. Before long the house was filled with noise again.

  A light knocking started on her door. Freya sensed it was her cousin and invited her in without bothering to cover her wings.