Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 12

  Mims looked exhausted. Dark rings circled her eyes and her hair was uncombed.

  ‘You OK?’ Archie asked.

  Mims shook her head. ‘So much is happening, I just couldn’t sleep.’

  ‘I understand.’ Freya approached her cousin. ‘Does Brundi go out a lot at night?’

  Mims nodded. ‘She likes to spend time alone on the platform. I’ve asked her why, and she says she likes to do this thing called wind dancing. But lately I’ve sensed that she’s afraid.’

  ‘Afraid? Of what?’

  Mims sighed. ‘Last year some men came and offered her a lot of money to let them open the gold mine again. She threw them off the property. But they just won’t stop bothering her. They want to get lawyers involved.’

  ‘They can’t do that,’ Archie said. ‘This is private property.’

  ‘I think Gran is frightened that they can.’

  ‘Gold isn’t the big problem now,’ Orus cawed. ‘We’ve got to get your dad back here as soon as possible and make our plans.’

  ‘He won’t be easy to convince.’

  ‘Yes he will,’ Freya said, ‘when we tell him who he really is. We’ll explain why Brundi has to go back to Asgard and what he must do to protect you. I’m sure he’ll come back and keep the family safe.’

  From downstairs came a loud clanging.

  ‘That’s the breakfast bell; we’d better go. We’ve got a lot of work to do today before we go to my dad.’

  Freya spent the day working closely beside Mims, helping to settle a delivery of rescued horses at Valhalla Valley. Here they were cared for and found new, forever homes. If rehoming wasn’t possible, the animals would spend the rest of their lives in the safety of the ranch.

  By the end of the day, Freya wasn’t tired like everyone else, but she was uncomfortably hot and sweaty. Her wings were cramping up from the coat and she was covered in a film of dirt. She was grateful to get back to her room, undress and finally take a shower.

  As the hot water beat down on her aching shoulders and wings, Freya leaned against the wall, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on her. Brundi was so desperately needed here. There seemed no way out of the problem. Other thoughts also invaded her mind – thoughts that wouldn’t be put aside. Loki’s final comment about the white-winged Dark Searcher haunted her: ‘Why do you ask the question when you already know the answer . . .’ But she didn’t know the answer. Yet it felt like she should. There was something about that Searcher. Something special, that had called to her.

  For the first time in her life she actually wished Loki was around so that she could ask him.

  Emerging from the shower, Freya found Mims inside her bedroom, with a selection of outfits laid out on the bed.

  ‘I thought you might like a change of clothes – especially as we’re going to see Dad tonight.’

  Freya looked down at the lacy tops and long, colourful skirts. ‘They’re lovely, but they won’t fit over these . . .’ She fluttered open her wings to make a point.

  ‘Sure they will,’ Mims said, grinning. She held up scissors. ‘We’ll just make a few adjustments.’

  Freya regretted destroying her cousin’s clothes, but Mims didn’t mind at all.

  ‘Perfect!’ Mims said approvingly once she had chosen an outfit. ‘You’ll fit right in at the concert.’

  Freya walked over to the window. It was early evening and the temperature was finally going down. She opened her senses, searching, but could find no trace of her grandmother.


  When the sun had just started to set, the three of them walked to Brundi’s platform.

  ‘Do you know where we’re going?’ Mims asked.

  Freya nodded. ‘I have a rough idea. But I’ll need help when we reach Los Angeles. Where is your father performing?’

  ‘The Hollywood Bowl,’ Mims said.

  ‘Really?’ Archie cried. ‘Wow!’

  ‘What’s so special about that?’ Freya asked.

  ‘It’s huge,’ Mims explained. ‘Really famous. All the biggest acts play there and Dad’s been dreaming of it for years. Here, I printed off a map.’ She handed the map to Freya. ‘I figure if we aim for the coastline, we can find it from there.’

  Freya studied the map. ‘All right, it looks like a fairly straight route, so we should be fine.’ She handed back the map. ‘But keep this with you. We may need it again.’

  ‘Are you sure you can carry me? I’m not small,’ Mims said.

  ‘She carried those two hunters away,’ Orus cawed. ‘Don’t worry. You are safe.’

  Freya pulled off her coat, balled it up and put it in a backpack. She handed it to Archie. ‘Would you carry this? I need my arms to hold Mims.’

  ‘Hello . . .’ Archie laughed, holding up his hands. ‘Ghost here, remember? I can’t lift anything.’

  ‘I’ll take it,’ Mims volunteered. ‘Just don’t drop me.’

  Freya was going to have to fly holding Mims in front and with Archie clinging on to her back between her wings. ‘I’ll try not to. Just tell me when you’re getting tired and I’ll land for a bit.’ She looked back at Archie, who was standing behind her. ‘And hold on tight back there, unless you want to try flying again.’

  ‘No thank you!’ Archie cried. ‘You just concentrate on not dropping Mims.’

  Freya felt like the filling in a very strange person-sandwich as she carefully opened her wings and leaped confidently off the top of the platform. It was the most awkward flying she’d ever done.

  At first Mims held tight to Freya’s arms as they climbed higher in the sky. But soon her fear turned to excitement. She relaxed and loosened her grip.

  ‘This is awesome!’ Mims shouted. She opened her arms and pretended to fly.

  Freya laughed and, tucking in her wings, dived lower. Then she climbed higher in the dark sky and dived again.

  Orus was flying closely at their side, calling to them and enjoying the journey.

  ‘Tell me if you’re feeling cold,’ Freya called.

  ‘I never feel the cold,’ Mims said. ‘Dive again; this is amazing!’

  They played the whole journey south. Freya delighted in the excitement of her cousin and Archie. Despite the awkwardness of it all, she’d never had more fun flying.

  A couple of hours later Mims pulled the map out of her pocket and did her best to direct them. She pointed down. ‘If I’m right, we shouldn’t be too far away now. Just fly west and we can head for the coastline toward Los Angeles.’

  The sun had set as they reached the California Coastline. The great expanse of the Pacific Ocean spread out before them, with the city lights shining below. Not far away, they heard the sound of a helicopter. Freya tensed, as memories of her failed escape flight in Chicago returned to her. But she soon registered it was a tourist helicopter, and not the police.

  ‘OK, we’re at the sea. How far to Santa Monica?’ Archie called.

  Mims held up the map and gazed down to follow the coastline. ‘Not far – it should be just ahead.’

  With Mims navigating, they found the point where they needed to fly east. Curious about California, Freya dipped lower in the sky.

  ‘So this is Hollywood,’ Archie called. ‘I never dreamed I’d see it. Especially not from the back of a Valkyrie!’

  The Hollywood lights blazed below them. Not far ahead, searchlights were shining their vibrant beams in the sky. ‘What are they looking for?’ Freya shivered to herself. She didn’t like searchlights – they reminded her of Chicago.

  ‘Nothing,’ Mims assured. ‘They use them at premieres – there must be a new movie opening. I’m sure they’re not for us.’

  Veering around the searchlights, Freya dipped even lower in the sky. She had heard about Hollywood from Archie and really wanted to see it. They were low enough to see people on the streets and the lines of traffic on the roads.

  ‘I wonder what they’d do if they saw us?’ Archie called.

  ‘This is California,’ Mims said.
‘Probably nothing. Hey, look . . .’ Mims pointed. ‘There it is. That’s the Hollywood Bowl!’

  Freya gazed down on the large arena that looked very much like a giant seashell. Thousands of people filled the seats and were sitting on the grassy hill surrounding the shell-shaped stage. She could hear music rising up to meet them. A man’s operatic voice, clear, deep and strong, was singing to the music of the large orchestra.

  ‘That’s my dad!’ Mims called excitedly.

  ‘Vonni Angelo?’ Archie cried. ‘He’s my mom’s favourite singer! She has all his albums. You never said he was your dad!’

  ‘You knew his name was Vonni . . .’

  ‘Yes, but I never imagined he’d be Vonni Angelo!’ Archie cried.

  As she soared over the large open-air arena, Freya listened to her uncle. His voice was enchanting, and it called to her. ‘He has the power of the Valkyries . . .’ she mused softly. Each note, each word seemed to hypnotize her and leave her powerless. The war, Brundi, all of it was forgotten as she got lost in the music.

  The song ended, the spell was broken. Beneath them, the crowds roared with applause. Freya was able to concentrate on finding a safe place to land.

  ‘How about down there, on that small flat bit of roof over the stage?’ Mims suggested. ‘I can’t see anyone there and, with the lights shining out from the stage, we should be able to land without being seen.’

  Freya followed Mims’ finger and agreed. Most of the roof curved like the high slope of the bandshell, but to the right was an area where she could touch down safely. She tilted her wings and descended in the sky. ‘Hold on, everyone, this might get messy.’

  With Mims at the front and Archie on her back, a smooth landing was impossible. Just as they touched down, Mims’ feet got tangled in Freya’s and they lost their balance. Freya, Archie and Mims tumbled to the roof in a heap. They lay together laughing and moaning as they untangled themselves.

  ‘Not your best landing.’ Archie laughed as he rose to his feet. ‘I’d give it a one out of ten!’

  ‘I haven’t seen you do so badly in a very long time!’ Orus cawed, still laughing.

  ‘That’s not fair,’ Freya said. ‘I was carrying two people and this isn’t a large roof.’

  ‘Still . . .’ Orus teased.

  Beneath them on the stage, Vonni started to sing again. Freya paused to listen. She closed her eyes and became lost in the music. ‘His voice is beautiful . . .’

  ‘My mom wasn’t the only one who liked him,’ Archie said. ‘Vonni Angelo was one of the few things we didn’t fight over.’

  Mims didn’t look impressed. ‘It’s just my dad. He sings in the shower all the time. We have to tell him to shut up!’

  When the song ended, Freya shook herself again. She pulled her coat on over her wings and looked around. ‘There’s a door over there. Let’s get inside before he starts singing again.’

  They reached the door and found it locked. Freya stepped forward and, with one kick, the door was ripped off its hinges and sent flying. Mims stared at her in surprise.

  ‘You’ll soon be that strong,’ Orus said as he settled on Freya’s shoulder.

  They found a set of stairs leading down to the back of the bandshell. The area was filled with people.

  ‘It’s insane back here!’ Archie cried.

  ‘It’s always like this at my dad’s concerts,’ Mims said. She took the lead and led them through the backstage area. They reached the side of the stage, where a crowd of people were watching the performance. Mims started to push through but Freya held back.

  ‘C’mon,’ Mims called. ‘I want to let my dad know we’re here.’

  Freya shook her head. ‘I can’t. There’re too many people here. Someone might touch my hair or face. It’s too much of a risk.’

  Mim’s excitement vanished. She looked at the people, then back to Freya. ‘I have to start thinking like that, don’t I?’

  Freya nodded. ‘As Valkyries in the human world, we have to be constantly aware of who is around us. One accident could kill.’

  They decided to find Vonni’s dressing room and wait for him there. As they made their way through the gangs of people loitering backstage, Mims bumped into someone from her father’s entourage, who pointed them in the right direction.

  The dressing room was small but filled with large bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolates. Costumes were hanging on racks and used clothes were discarded on the floor. There was a dressing table filled with buckets of ice and bottled water. Freya smiled when she saw a photograph of Sarah and Mims in a large silver frame.

  ‘Dad takes that with him everywhere,’ Mims said.

  ‘Wow.’ Archie was totally starstruck. ‘I can’t believe we’re in Vonni Angelo’s dressing room. This is too cool!’

  Orus cawed. ‘You are standing with two powerful Valkyries and yet you find this music more exciting!’

  ‘Not more,’ Archie said. He grinned at Freya. ‘Well, maybe a bit more.’

  Freya stuck out her tongue at him.

  Two large speakers hung from the wall. The sound of Vonni’s voice filled the room. Deafening applause followed.

  ‘We got here just in time. That’s Dad’s last song. He usually does one or two encores, runs through the audience to say hello and then he’s done.’

  A new song filled the room and Freya drifted away with the music. She knew that a Valkyrie’s voice could charm humans. But she never imagined a sound could ever enchant a Valkyrie. Every note captivated her.

  Finally the encore finished and they heard Vonni thanking everyone and wishing them a safe journey home.

  ‘He’ll be here in a minute,’ Mims said as she rose ready to greet her father. She looked back at Freya. ‘Just give him a few minutes to relax before we tell him – OK?’

  Freya nodded as they heard lots of voices and activity fill the hall outside the dressing room. Her heart fluttered with excitement. This was her uncle. Her mother’s twin brother. Her family.

  When the door opened she was struck by how much Vonni looked like her mother. He was taller than she expected. His hair was dark and brushed back with sweat and his eyes were the deepest, sparkling blue. Freya realized he was perhaps the most attractive man she’d ever seen – even surpassing Azrael.

  ‘No wonder Dark Searchers hide their faces,’ Archie muttered beside her. ‘If they’re anything like him, the Valkyries don’t stand a chance!’

  ‘I felt you arrive, even before they told me.’ Vonni scooped Mims up in his arms. ‘What a wonderful surprise!’

  Vonni released his daughter and his eyes found Freya. He frowned and looked back at Mims, then to Freya again. ‘Hello.’

  Freya noticed Vonni’s eyes flash to Archie for a moment before settling back on her. ‘Do you want to introduce me to your friend?’

  ‘Dad, this is Greta,’ Mims said. ‘And that’s Archie.’

  He looked down on her. ‘Archie?’

  Mims nodded. ‘But don’t be scared, he’s a friendly ghost. He won’t hurt you.’

  ‘You can see him?’

  ‘Yes she can.’ Freya walked forward and offered him her hand. ‘It’s so wonderful to meet you. We have so much to talk about.’

  The dressing-room door opened and another man entered. ‘Hey, Von, the press is here . . .’ His eyes landed on Mims.

  ‘Hiya, squirt,’ he said, ruffling her hair. ‘When did you get here?’

  ‘Hi, Simon,’ Mims said. ‘Not too long ago. We wanted to surprise Dad.’

  ‘Did you hear those crowds? Your dad had three curtain calls and two standing ovations. We should have been booked here for a week!’ He turned to Vonni. ‘The reporters are anxious to interview you. Can I steal you away from the girls for a few minutes?’

  Vonni’s eyes went back to Archie, then to Mims. ‘I’ll only be a couple of minutes. Will you all wait here for me?’

  ‘Sure, Dad,’ Mims said.

  He kissed her on the top of the head and then followed Simon out of
the dressing room. Immediately the hall outside was filled with applause and people cheering.

  ‘This is so cool,’ Archie cried again. ‘My mom would freak out if she knew I’d met him.’

  ‘He’s just my dad, Archie,’ Mims said. But her face revealed her pride.

  With her uncle out of the room, Freya shook her head and focused. She pulled the chair out from the dressing table and sat down backwards on it. ‘He looks so much like my mother. He’s absolutely beautiful.’

  ‘Beautiful?’ Mims said. ‘Only women are beautiful. My dad’s handsome.’

  Freya shook her head. ‘No, handsome isn’t the right word for him. He’s more than that – he is beautiful.’ She paused and looked at Archie. ‘Do you think that’s why Odin sends them to Utgard to become Dark Searchers – because they’re too beautiful?’

  ‘Maybe,’ Archie agreed. ‘Without their helmets they’d be a big distraction to the Valkyries – they wouldn’t want to go to the battlefields to reap! Unmasked Dark Searchers are even more dangerous than covered ones. They’re super strong, can fly and charm anyone with one look. I bet they could take over all the realms without anyone raising a finger against them.’

  Freya recalled Dirian. ‘Did you notice Vonni’s eyes? They were the same colour as the Searcher’s who killed me.’

  Mims stood in shock. ‘You were killed?’

  Freya nodded and then told her cousin of the Ten Realms Challenge and her battle with Dirian. ‘I won the Challenge and my prize was this golden sword.’ She held up her flaming sword.

  Archie added, ‘Dirian went ballistic and strangled Freya to death. But she came back to life that night. She’s immortal.’

  ‘If you’re immortal, am I?’ Mims asked.

  ‘I really don’t know,’ Freya admitted. ‘Your father is, so you could be too.’

  At that moment, Vonni re-entered the room.

  ‘Dad,’ Mims started. ‘We have a lot to talk about.’

  ‘We sure do.’ A frown creased his brow. ‘Like, does your mother know where you are? How on earth did you get here?’

  ‘Don’t worry, Dad,’ Mims said. ‘I was safe. I was with Greta and Archie.’