Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 16

  Vonni stopped and his expression darkened. ‘If that fails and if they dare come back, then I shall make them regret the day they crossed a Dark Searcher.’


  Just before noon, Brundi was prepared to return to Asgard. Cradled in Vonni’s arms, she remained unconscious. With a heavy heart, he carried her out of the house.

  ‘Will you come back and tell us what happened?’ Mims begged.

  Freya felt very sorry to be saying goodbye to her cousin. It was as if she was leaving a sister behind. ‘I will try. Jonquil must remain here to heal. I’ll ask Odin’s permission to bring back a healing potion for her.’

  ‘It’s time,’ Maya said softly as she caught hold of Freya’s arm. ‘We must get Brundi back.’

  Freya and Maya helped Vonni lift Brundi up into Skaga’s arms. Pym flew up to Freya and landed on her shoulder, beside Orus. The raven was inconsolable with fear and grief for Brundi.

  ‘I will stay with her until I know she is safe,’ Loki reassured Vonni. ‘Then I will return. You must prepare that mine as quickly as possible. You may have to stay there some time.’

  ‘I understand,’ Vonni said. ‘We’ll start today.’

  Loki turned to Sarah. ‘And you take good care of that godson for me.’

  Sarah sniffed and nodded as Loki turned himself into a fly and flew up and landed on Brundi’s hand.

  Freya looked at the large gathering of people who had opened their home and hearts to them. She would miss them all. ‘Remember what I told you,’ Freya warned Mims. ‘You are a Valkyrie, you can’t change that. You must always be careful.’

  Tears trailed down Mims’ cheeks as she stood with her father. ‘I’ll remember.’

  The journey wasn’t long. As the shimmering colours of the Rainbow Bridge glowed to meet them, sadness tugged at Freya. The family seemed so vulnerable on Midgard. There was no one to protect them if the war came.

  ‘They’ll be fine,’ Archie said, as if reading her mind. ‘Vonni is there and he won’t let anything happen. Just focus on Brundi.’

  Crossing Bifröst, Freya and her sisters were surprised to see their mother standing with Heimdall at the entrance. Arms crossed, the expression on her face gave away all her emotions. She was desperate to meet her mother.

  ‘Greetings, Heimdall,’ Skaga said formally, leading her Reaping Mare off the shimmering bridge.

  ‘Greetings, Valkyrie,’ the Watchman responded. ‘I hope you journeyed well.’ His eyes landed on Brundi in Skaga’s arms. ‘What’s happened?’

  ‘Mother?’ Eir cried as she ran forward.

  ‘She was shot,’ Freya explained as she climbed down from Sylt. ‘It was terrible. Mother, we must get Brundi to the healers and then I must ask Odin for permission to return to Midgard.’

  ‘I’m coming back with you,’ Maya said.

  ‘And me,’ Archie agreed.

  ‘We must all go back,’ Skaga announced. ‘Once Brünnhilde is healed we will avenge this violence done against her.’

  Eir gently lifted Brundi down from Skaga’s arms. Without waiting for her daughters, she launched into the air, carrying her wounded mother in the direction of the healers’ haunt.

  ‘Go on,’ Heimdall said to the Valkyries. ‘I’ll take care of your Reaping Mares. Follow your mother.’

  Freya carried Archie as she and her sisters tried to keep up with their mother. Freya had never known her to fly so fast. When they landed at the healers’ haunt, Eir kicked open the door. ‘I need help here!’

  The same healer who had treated Freya at the Ten Realms Challenge appeared. ‘Who just kicked in my door?’

  ‘I did!’ Eir said. ‘Please, Healer, this is Brünnhilde – my mother. She was shot in Midgard.’

  The tiny woman easily lifted Brundi from Eir’s arms. ‘She is Valkyrie?’

  Eir nodded. ‘She was known as Frigha.’

  The healer inhaled sharply. ‘The runaway Valkyrie? Does Odin know she is returned?’

  ‘He is the one who sent for her. But she was shot by a human. With no armour for protection, she was badly wounded,’ Freya explained.

  The healer placed Brundi down on a cot. Pym flew from Freya and landed on Brundi’s leg. When the healer tried to shoo him away, the raven refused to go. ‘Stupid bird,’ the healer spat.

  She turned back to the Valkyries. ‘Leave her with me. I will do all I can to save her, but she has been away from Asgard too long. Her life force is weak.’ She shoved Freya and her sisters towards the door, but their mother refused to budge.

  ‘You too, Eir,’ she ordered. ‘Out!’

  ‘I must stay,’ Eir insisted. ‘This is the first I’ve seen of my mother – I will not leave her.’

  ‘You will go!’ the healer cried. ‘Do not force my hand, Eir. You know what I can do. Go. I will take good care of your mother.’

  Eir stood tall, challenging the healer.

  ‘Mother, please,’ Freya begged. ‘Let her work. There is so much we must tell you about the others we met in Midgard.’

  That stopped her. Eir nodded to the healer and left the haunt with her daughters.

  ‘Vonni,’ Eir repeated as she sat with her daughters in the living area of their private palace. Freya told her mother everything they’d done since she and Archie left Asgard, and also filled her in on the details of the possible war.

  ‘Brundi thinks they’ll be safe if they hide in the gold mine,’ Archie added.

  ‘Gold has powerful properties,’ Eir agreed. ‘It is the best possible solution. But please, tell me more about my brother. He’s a singer?’

  Freya nodded. ‘He’s famous in Midgard. He has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Now I understand what it’s like for humans when they hear us. He was enchanting. When he sang, I couldn’t do anything – all I wanted was to listen to him forever.’

  ‘It was sickening,’ Orus cawed. ‘Freya mooning over her uncle like that.’

  ‘My brother,’ Eir said wistfully. A shadow crossed her face. ‘I envy you. You have spent time with him. I would pay almost any price for that.’

  ‘And there’s Mims,’ Freya added. ‘She’s a wingless Valkyrie. Her powers are developing and she’s very frightened. I wish I could be there for her, to teach her what she needs to learn.’

  ‘Mother,’ Skaga said. ‘If the war is coming, they are very vulnerable on the ranch. Vonni said he was going to work on the mine, but it is dangerous and they may not have time to make it safe. They need our help.’

  Eir rose. ‘With tension so high, I doubt Odin will allow us to return without good reason. We must convince him to let us go without giving away our true intentions. I have lost enough of my family; I will not surrender more.’

  That one comment stuck in Freya’s mind. Her mother had lost enough family? Was she talking about surrendering her son? Despite all the talk of saving Vonni and Mims, her mind kept going back to the missing part of her life. Her twin brother.

  ‘But others are trespassing and trying to steal the gold for themselves,’ Maya added. ‘They are prepared to kill to take it.’

  Gwyn said, ‘I will not tolerate humans endangering our family. We must go back to protect them.’

  ‘Family?’ Odin’s deep voice sounded. He had entered the home without knocking. ‘Family?’ he repeated. ‘What family? Who are humans endangering?’

  Loki was beside him. His eyes fell on Freya and held a secret warning that sent a chill down her spine. Had Odin overheard more of the conversation than was safe?

  Freya nodded subtly to him and then hoped she would be able to speak privately with him. He knew more about her brother. She couldn’t ignore that. She had to speak with him as soon as possible.

  ‘Great Odin,’ Eir said. ‘Be welcome in our home. I trust you have heard about my mother?’

  ‘That Brünnhilde is back, yes,’ he said. ‘Loki has informed me. I am also told she has been gravely wounded and is with the healers.’

  ‘Yes,’ Eir said. ‘She was shot by a

  He looked at everyone in the room. ‘And you are talking of going back and avenging her.’

  Eir approached and knelt before him. ‘Great Odin, you know I have served you loyally my whole life. Now I ask your permission to defend my family. We are your Battle Maidens. We have never shied from a fight or showed fear in conflict. But an attack has been waged against us. We must not ignore this challenge.’

  Eir rose but kept her head lowered in respect. ‘It is true that Brünnhilde broke your rules, but she is still one of your Valkyries. She has done you proud. She’s created a sanctuary in Midgard for animals, especially wolves. To honour you, she has called this sanctuary Valhalla Valley. But others are trying to take it from her – which is why they hurt her. The humans who serve her have become her family and sheltered her. But now they are in danger. I beg you, when she is healed, please allow us to return and do what is our right.’

  Odin shook his head. ‘This is not the time to be venturing away from Asgard. Brünnhilde is home; that is all that matters. Valhalla Valley will have to fend for itself for the time being.’

  Freya could feel tension in Odin. He was trying to hide it, but it was there. Was the war drawing near?

  ‘What about Jonquil?’ Orus cawed. ‘We have left her behind.’

  ‘You did what?’ Odin demanded.

  ‘We had to,’ Freya insisted. ‘She was shot by the same men who hurt Brünnhilde. She was badly wounded and we could not move her. The people on the ranch are caring for her, but she is a Reaping Mare; she doesn’t belong in Midgard.’

  Odin rubbed his beard. ‘Indeed. No one must be left behind . . .’

  ‘Please, Great Odin,’ Eir begged. ‘You know how important Reaping Mares are to their riders. My mother will not rest knowing Jonquil is still there.’

  His gaze passed to the other Valkyries in the room. ‘You all want this?’

  The Valkyries and their ravens all nodded.

  Odin considered this for several heartbeats and then spoke. ‘Over the years that Jonquil lived at my palace, Frigg developed deep feelings for her. It will distress her greatly to hear of Jonquil’s wounds.’ He focused on Eir. ‘I will grant your request, my most favoured. You may return to Midgard to collect the Reaping Mare, but you must not linger. I give you one day – no more. That should be ample time to rescue Jonquil and bring her home.’


  ‘I must return with you!’ Brundi insisted.

  Eir shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, Mother, but you are not well enough to travel. You have only just been released by the healer. She says you must rest.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ Brundi insisted. ‘The healer’s potions worked perfectly. I am strong and prepared to fight.’

  ‘You are not fine,’ Eir insisted. ‘The potions worked, but you are not completely recovered. I can feel your pain. You can’t hide it from me.’

  ‘You’re wrong,’ Brundi said.

  ‘Mother, you nearly died from your wounds. You need time to finish healing and grow strong again. Odin has only granted us one day to collect Jonquil. That is but a couple of weeks in Midgard. We will need every moment of that time to help Vonni. We won’t be able to focus on that if we’re worried about you.’

  Freya stood back with Archie and her sisters as her mother and grandmother argued. Eir was strong minded and determined, but Brundi was even more stubborn.

  As the argument heated up, Eir looked back to her daughters. ‘Don’t you all have other work to do? Go on, get to it!’

  Not needing to be told twice, Freya and Archie left the room. Since Brundi’s return to Asgard, to help pass the time they had returned to their duties in the stables of the Reaping Mares. Because she had completed her mission to return Brünnhilde to Asgard, Freya’s probation had ended and she was restored to the rank of full Valkyrie. But due to Brünnhilde’s injuries, she and her family were excused from Reapings.

  ‘Gee, what’s wrong?’ Archie pressed as he cleaned the final stall. ‘You look like you’re gonna freak! Don’t worry about your mom and Brundi. They’ll work it out.’

  Freya still hadn’t told Archie about her brother. But she couldn’t keep it in any more. ‘It’s not them I’m worried about. Loki’s gone and I can’t find him.’

  ‘Loki? Why would you care about him?’

  Freya shook her head. ‘Normally I wouldn’t, but now I need to talk to him.’

  ‘He’s probably gone back to Midgard to help with the mine,’ Orus offered. ‘That, or he’s causing mischief again. Whatever it is, we’re better off without him.’

  Freya threw down her fork and started to kick at the straw. ‘The one time I really need him and he’s gone!’ She turned sharply on Archie. ‘I bet he’s doing this on purpose. He knows I need him so he’s staying away!’

  ‘Gee, stop it!’ Archie cried. ‘Talk to me. What’s wrong? What has Loki done?’

  Freya sighed heavily and sat down on a bale of hay. ‘He hasn’t done anything. He knows I know something and now he’s hiding so I won’t ask him about it. Probably to torture me.’

  ‘Freya, you’re talking in riddles,’ Orus cawed.

  Freya lifted sad eyes to Archie. ‘Do you remember the Ten Realms Challenge and that small Dark Searcher?’

  ‘The one with white wings?’ Archie asked. ‘You asked Loki about him.’

  ‘He’s my brother,’ Freya said flatly.

  ‘What!’ Orus cried.

  Freya nodded. ‘When we were on the battlefield during the Challenge, we bumped into each other. As soon as we touched I knew. Just like Mother when she first saw Vonni.’

  ‘So now you think that Dark Searcher is your brother?’

  ‘I know he’s my twin.’

  ‘How?’ Orus cawed.

  ‘Because I feel him!’ Freya faced her raven. ‘Orus, my whole life, I’ve felt like something was missing. You always said I was restless. But it was more than that. It’s like a part of me had been cut off.’ Her pain-filled eyes turned to Archie. ‘Finding you has eased a lot of it. But even so, I can still feel the pull of something else. Something unknown. But when I touched him, I knew. And I know he felt the same from me.’

  ‘Gee, this is insane! Your mother would have told you.’

  ‘No she wouldn’t,’ Orus mused darkly. ‘Not if she was grieving over him.’ Comprehension shone in the raven’s eyes. ‘Azrael told us that male babies were taken from their mothers and given to the Dark Searchers. Eir said she’d lost enough family – but she’s only just found her brother. She must have been talking about her son. Loki has been hinting at it since the Ten Realms Challenge.’ Orus flew to Freya’s shoulder. ‘You must be right.’

  ‘I know I’m right. And I’ve got to find him.’

  ‘Freya, no!’ Orus cawed.

  ‘I must,’ Freya insisted. ‘I can’t bear the thought of him in Utgard and being turned into a Searcher. We must go there to rescue him.’

  ‘Utgard!’ Archie cried. ‘Don’t the Frost Giants live in Utgard? And aren’t the Frost Giants plotting to attack Asgard?’

  ‘So?’ Freya asked.

  ‘So!’ Archie cried. ‘Gee, it’s too risky. You can’t go. Especially now, with the war coming. Besides, if he felt it too, why isn’t he trying to find you?’

  ‘Maybe he is.’

  ‘And maybe he doesn’t care! He’s a Dark Searcher, Gee.’

  ‘I have to!’ Freya insisted.

  ‘Are you insane?’ Orus cawed. ‘Have you forgotten about Dirian? He killed you. He was de-winged, demoted and banished. He’s there. If he discovers you, he’ll take his revenge, they all will. I know you want to find your brother, but in Utgard all you will find is death, or worse!’

  ‘What’s worse than death?’ Archie asked.

  ‘A lot!’ Orus cawed. ‘I don’t want to see anything happen to either of you.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Orus. But you can’t stop me,’ Freya insisted. ‘My brother is out there somewhere. And just as soon as I find Loki, he’s
going to tell me how to find him. I’m going to Utgard with or without your help!’


  Growing tension filled the air of Asgard and Freya felt it everywhere. Rumours of traitors and spies were whispered throughout the city and trust was at a premium. Citizens looked at each other suspiciously, wondering who could have betrayed Odin.

  Dark Elves and dwarfs slipped away silently and returned to their own realms while Light Elves poured into Asgard, offering their support.

  The dead warriors of Valhalla intensified their battle preparations and worked with Thor on strategies. Armourers toiled day and night, creating weapons to outfit those preparing to fight for Asgard. All non-essential travel was cancelled. It was rumoured that soon Odin would close Bifröst.

  The secret was out, and everyone was preparing for war.

  As Freya’s family settled down to their evening meal, Eir announced, ‘I heard from a friend today that some Light Elves are going to Valhalla to visit Odin. Word is that they’ve heard of more secret meetings between the Kings of the Frost Giants and Fire Giants, brokered by an unknown person.’

  ‘The traitor,’ Brundi mused. ‘But peace between the giants should be impossible. They’ve been enemies forever. Unless that’s changed since I left.’

  ‘No, they are old enemies,’ Eir agreed.

  Skaga nodded. ‘I heard that Thor and Balder are going to Utgard to visit the Keep of the Dark Searchers. I bet it’s to prepare them for battle.’

  ‘This is not good,’ Eir said. ‘If Thor is going to Utgard, it can only mean one thing – war!’

  ‘We must warn Vonnie,’ Brundi said.

  A large eagle screeched and flew in the window. It landed beside the dining table and shimmered into Loki. He ran over to Brundi. ‘There is no time to waste. You must come back to Midgard now. Sarah is having the baby, but there is a problem. They need help now or both of them could die.’

  Brundi rose slowly. ‘I must go to her.’

  ‘Mother, we agreed to give it another day. You are not well enough to travel. We’ll go tomorrow.’

  ‘Another day will be too late!’ Brundi insisted. ‘Go to Odin. Tell him that we are heading back to Midgard now to collect Jonquil. Let him know you’ve heard some of the rumours and think it is best not to delay.’