Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 17

  When Eir hesitated, Brundi snapped, ‘I will walk there if I must, but I am going back. Now, stop wasting precious time and go to Odin!’

  Eir nodded. ‘Skaga, fly to the healer and explain the situation, but don’t mention Vonni. Ask if there is any potion she can give us to protect Sarah and the child – but make sure you don’t tell her that the baby will be a Dark Searcher. The rest of you – put on your armour. We’ll meet at Bifröst!’

  ‘Brundi, are you sure you’re up to this?’ Orus asked. ‘We can go. You are still recovering.’

  ‘Of course she is,’ Pym shot back at him from Brundi’s shoulder. ‘Brundi is stronger than all of you put together.’

  Brundi’s eyes filled with fire as she walked carefully out on to the flight balcony. ‘Nothing is going to keep me away. Now, who is going to carry me to Bifröst?’

  ‘Archie and I will,’ Freya offered. She called to Maya. ‘Would you bring my armour with you? We’ll meet up at the bridge.’

  Within a short time, the Asgard members of Brundi’s family were gathered at the Rainbow Bridge, looking ready for war in their battle armour, winged helmets, daggers and swords.

  ‘Greeting, Heimdall. We have been given leave to return to Midgard,’ Eir explained.

  ‘I have been informed,’ Heimdall responded, dropping all formalities. ‘I beg you to hurry. I fear I may be ordered to close Bifröst at any moment. You must be back before then.’

  ‘We will,’ Brundi assured.

  ‘Stay safe and travel well, Valkyries,’ the Watchman said as he bowed and invited them onto the bridge.

  They arrived at Valhalla Valley late in the evening with the vial of potion that would help Sarah. Vonni had refused to call a doctor, and was more than relieved to see the arrival of his mother and her Valkyrie entourage.

  Brundi, Eir and Loki went upstairs with Vonni to Sarah, carrying the healer’s potion, while Freya and her sisters were ordered to stay with the others.

  As they waited, the residents of Valhalla Valley caught up the Valkyries on what had been happening in the time they had been away from Earth.

  ‘How long have we been gone?’ Freya asked. She and her sisters were standing at the back of the dining room, pressed against the wall. With so many people gathered in the room, it would be easy to make a mistake and touch someone.

  ‘Just over a month,’ Tash answered. She was seated near Freya and her curious eyes lingered on all the Valkyries. ‘We’ve been working on the mine since you left. But we’ve still got big trouble with hunters. They’re killing wolves, bears and anything that moves. Vonni tries to drive them away, but there are so many. He says they aren’t really hunters. They want the gold in the mine.’

  ‘What did the police say?’ Freya asked.

  ‘Nothing,’ George, the vet, said. ‘We think they must be working with the hunters.’

  ‘Hunters are bad,’ Gage said.

  George nodded. ‘Seems they’ve been trespassing and taking gold from that mine for a while now. They won’t give it up without a fight.’

  ‘They’d better,’ Skaga said. She spoke to the large gathering. ‘Brundi is our grandmother. That makes this our property too. No human on this Earth will ever drive us away. We need that mine to shelter you, and we’ll fight to protect it if we must.’

  A healthy, welcome cry sounded from upstairs. It was the breathy, strong cry of a newborn baby.

  ‘He’s here!’ Freya exclaimed. She opened her senses fully and could feel Sarah’s presence. It was growing stronger. ‘Sarah is alive. She is recovering!’

  Freya threw her arms around Archie as cheers erupted and relieved celebrations began around them.

  Before long Vonni entered the dining room, carrying the baby wrapped in a blue blanket. His face was flushed with emotion. Loki stood directly behind him, beaming with pride.

  ‘Everyone, I would like to present – Michael Loki Angelo . . .’ His voice broke. ‘My beautiful son.’

  ‘Mims!’ Orus cawed as he flew from Freya’s shoulder. He landed on Mims’ arm and cawed excitedly, ‘You have a new brother!’

  Everyone in the room came forward to greet the new arrival. Vonni’s eyes found the Valkyries as they stood back, away from the people. He carefully handed the baby to Mims and crossed the room to them.

  ‘Thank you!’ he cried as he wrapped his arms around Freya.

  Freya held her uncle tightly. ‘I didn’t do anything.’

  He released her and kissed her forehead. ‘You did everything.’ He looked at her sisters and embraced each of them in turn. ‘For so long it was just Mother and me. Now I have a wife and children, a twin sister, five beautiful nieces and a ghost nephew! I am truly blessed.’

  ‘Vonni,’ Archie asked, ‘does he really have wings?’

  Vonni nodded. ‘The most adorable wings I’ve ever seen. They have the softest downy, black feathers. He’s even flapped them already. Sarah and I are thrilled.’

  ‘She isn’t frightened?’

  ‘No. My Sarah is an exceptional woman. She’s excited to be part of such a unique family.’

  ‘Will you let him keep his wings?’ Maya asked.

  Vonni nodded. ‘I understand why Mother had to remove mine. She was blind and alone, and she feared for my safety in the human world. But no one is going to touch a feather on my son.’

  When Eir returned, she stood beside her brother, holding his arm and never looking so radiant. They were almost the same height, with very similar features. Standing next to each other, it was obvious that they were twins.

  Loki crept up behind Freya and tapped her lightly on the shoulder. ‘Isn’t this a touching reunion?’ he said, gazing around the room. ‘Look at all those happy faces.’

  ‘Loki!’ Freya cried excitedly. ‘Please, I need to speak with you.’

  ‘Could this be about a certain Dark Searcher called Kai?’ he whispered.

  ‘Kai?’ Freya asked.

  Loki nodded. ‘That’s his name, you know.’

  ‘My brother is called Kai?’

  ‘Now you understand.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell her about this before?’ Archie challenged.

  Loki’s expression darkened. ‘I’ve warned you about that tone, ghost. One more word from you and I won’t help Freya get to her brother before the war begins.’

  Before Freya could say another word, Loki walked over to Vonni. ‘It’s my turn to hold my godson!’

  ‘He’s lying,’ Archie said. ‘He’d never help you find your brother.’

  ‘Of course he’s lying,’ Orus agreed. ‘Freya, he’s doing this to trick you. I know you are desperate to find Kai. But if Thor has gone to Utgard, it can only mean the fighting is about to start. It would be too dangerous for you to go.’

  Freya watched Loki moving through the room. He stole a look back at her and winked playfully. Then he nodded his head and mouthed the word ‘Kai.’

  The next morning Freya was invited to visit Sarah. The baby was cradled in her arms. His deep-blue eyes were open and taking in his surroundings.

  Sarah pulled the blanket away to reveal the baby’s tiny wings, neatly folded on his smooth back. Just like Vonni said, they were covered in soft, black downy feathers.

  ‘They are so cute!’ Mims cooed as she gently petted her brother’s little wings. ‘And they’re just like yours, Greta. They’re as black as night.’

  ‘He’s lovely,’ Freya agreed.

  ‘He’s my perfect boy.’ Sarah blushed. ‘I mean, I know all mothers say that. But he really is so very beautiful.’

  ‘He sure is,’ Freya agreed when Sarah handed the baby to her.

  Freya cradled her small cousin carefully, and smiled when he caught hold of her lower lip in his tiny hand. The grip already promised the great strength he would grow into. ‘Hello, Michael, welcome to the world.’ She gazed at Sarah and felt the woman held no fear at her son’s wings. Her mother’s love was perfect.

  After the visit, Freya was more determined than ever to find L
oki and ask him to take her to her brother. But once again, he was frustratingly absent. However, after a few enquiries, she learned that Loki was with her mother and Vonni at the mine.

  ‘Gee, I know you are anxious to find your brother, but look around you – we’re really needed here. We only have one Asgard day to prepare the mine. We can’t waste a moment of it,’ Archie reminded her.

  ‘I understand,’ Freya agreed. ‘But I must go. I can’t explain it and I realize it makes no sense. But I can’t leave Kai there.’

  ‘What choice is there?’ Archie asked. ‘Gee, think. Let’s say you find him. What are you going to do?’

  ‘I don’t know. Try to get him away from them somehow. Show him that there is another life he could have.’

  ‘Where?’ Orus cawed. ‘Odin would never allow him to remain with you in Asgard. He would send him back to the Searchers.’

  Freya hadn’t thought that far ahead. What was she supposed to do with a fourteen-year-old Dark Searcher? Then it struck her. Brundi said that Valhalla Valley was a sanctuary for all. ‘We’ll bring him here,’ she offered. ‘Vonni can show him that he has choices. He doesn’t have to be a Dark Searcher.’

  ‘I don’t know about this. What if he’s a fully trained Searcher? He may be dangerous.’

  Freya turned to Archie. ‘Please, Archie, I’ve never asked you for anything before. But I am now. Will you help me find my brother? If he’s dangerous, I’ll leave him. But if there is any hope for him, I’ve got to try.’

  Archie grinned. ‘You don’t have to ask me. You know I would go with you anywhere.’

  ‘Me too,’ Orus cawed. ‘Even if it means we’ll all face certain death. At least we’ll be together.’

  Breaking the tension, Archie laughed. ‘Well, at least I don’t have to worry about that. I’m already dead!’

  Freya, Archie and Mims joined the other Valkyries inspecting the new work on the mine. The area around it still bore the scorch marks from Loki the dragon’s flames, but lots of progress had been made to secure the mine since the night Brundi had been shot.

  The exterior now had a heavy locked door, while inside the mine itself there were more support beams and the rough dirt walls had been brick-lined and plastered. But despite all the work done, it was a far from comfortable or even liveable place.

  ‘It’s moving too slowly,’ Vonni complained. ‘We get one area supported and then another part collapses deeper inside. I can’t see how we can get water or heating in here.’ He shook his head. ‘I can’t bring the others in here. It’s a death trap.’

  ‘You don’t have much choice,’ Eir said as she inspected a support beam. ‘The gold in this mine will shield you from others. You must stay safe. I have lived an eternity without you – I won’t see you endangered now.’

  Vonni sighed heavily and caught his sister by the arm. ‘Eir, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I want you to bring us back to Asgard with you. I would much rather face Odin and beg him to let us stay than risk my family in here. I will offer to fight for him, do whatever he asks of me. I’m strong, you know I am, and I’ve fought in many wars. I just can’t risk my family here.’

  ‘Vonni, you can’t!’ Freya cried. ‘It’s too dangerous. Why would you want to go to the one place about to be attacked by Frost and Fire Giants, when they may never come to Midgard?’

  ‘Freya is correct,’ Eir said. ‘But more than that, I doubt you would leave Sarah behind.’

  ‘Of course not. She would come with us.’

  Eir shook her head. ‘She cannot. There are no living humans in Asgard, for a very good reason. They can’t survive there. It’s another realm. The only way Sarah could join us is if I gave her my name and then reaped her. Only in death could she remain with you in Asgard.’

  Vonni’s eyes widened. ‘Never! Sarah is my life. But surely there must be another way?’

  ‘No, there is none. That is why we are desperate to secure this mine. When the war comes, you must be as deep in here as you can go. We are here for several days and we are strong. We don’t need to sleep and can work steadily until we return to Asgard.’

  ‘But—’ Vonni said.

  ‘No buts,’ Eir insisted. ‘If you are to survive the war, this is the only place for you.’


  The Valkyries joined the others from the ranch, working in the mine to make it safe. The shifts were long and hard and the work dirty but, after only one day with the powerful Valkyries helping, they were making progress.

  As day turned into night, while the human members of Brundi’s extended family retired to bed, exhausted, the Valkyries and Vonni headed back to the mine to continue work.

  Freya finally managed to convince Loki to lead her to Utgard. But he made her swear that she would do absolutely everything he told her. She agreed and they arranged to meet at the lake during her patrol shift.

  ‘Are you sure you want to leave here now?’ Orus asked as they made their way through the woods to the lake. ‘There is a lot going on at the ranch. We are needed here.’

  ‘I know, but the others are at the mine. Our job is only to patrol for hunters. We’ve searched the property twice, and there’s no one here. If we don’t go now, we may never get another chance.’

  ‘I’m just worried it’s another of Loki’s tricks,’ Archie said.

  ‘Look, I’m sick of you two trying to stop me. It’s not a trick,’ Freya insisted. ‘He promised. He told us to wait here, and that’s what we’re going to do. If you don’t want to come, that’s fine. Stay here. But I’m going!’

  ‘All right, all right,’ Archie soothed. ‘We’re one hundred per cent behind you, OK?’

  ‘Even if it’s a crazy idea,’ Orus cawed.

  ‘What are you up to, Freya?’ Maya’s voice broke through the tension and she emerged from the trees. ‘And don’t lie to me. I know something is wrong. I’ve felt it from you all day. What’s going on?’

  Grul cawed, ‘What has Orus talked you into?’

  Freya glared at her sister’s raven. ‘Orus hasn’t done anything.’

  ‘Ha!’ Grul cawed. ‘Don’t make me laugh! Orus is always talking you into doing stupid things.’

  Orus cawed back, ‘Don’t start with me, feather face!’

  ‘Enough!’ Freya cried.

  ‘Tell her,’ Archie said. ‘She deserves to know.’

  ‘Know what?’

  ‘Maya, we have a brother. He’s my twin.’

  ‘A brother?’ Maya cried.

  Freya nodded and explained to her sister how she’d worked it out. ‘I know it’s true,’ she challenged. ‘It’s just like Mother with Vonni. So don’t try to tell me it’s not.’

  Maya appeared distant. She walked over to the edge of the lake and dipped her boot in the cold water. ‘You’re right, it is true. I was very young, but I remember the day you were born. Everyone was so happy when they carried you out of Mother’s room. But then someone dressed in black came and took a bundle away. I remember Mother crying and begging them to stop. She cried for days and days but wouldn’t tell us why.’

  ‘They took away her son,’ Archie said.

  Maya nodded. ‘After that, Mother changed. She became harder. She said she would never have another child and told us we were not to discuss your birthday – ever! I’d completely forgotten about it.’

  ‘His name is Kai,’ Freya said softly. ‘We’re going to Utgard to find him.’

  ‘Freya, you can’t!’ Maya cried. ‘You know what’s happening! If the Frost Giants don’t kill you, the Dark Searchers will! And have you even thought about Thor and Balder? What if you encounter them?’

  ‘It’s a huge risk, I know, but I have to go,’ Freya said. ‘I can’t explain it, but all my life, something has been missing. That is Kai. I must find him before the war starts.’

  ‘What happens then? What will you do?’

  ‘We’re going to bring him here,’ Archie offered. ‘He’ll be safe, away from the Utgard and the war.’

  Maya shook her head. ‘This is madness. You can’t bring him here. The others will follow. You’ll expose the family.’

  ‘Not if we’re careful,’ Freya argued.

  ‘What if he doesn’t want to leave Utgard?’

  ‘Then we’ll come back without him. But at least I’ll know.’

  Maya shook her head. ‘Is there nothing I can do to stop you?’

  ‘Don’t bother trying,’ Orus cawed. ‘Nothing can stop her. I’ve tried.’

  ‘I must do this,’ Freya insisted. ‘Please don’t tell Mother where we’ve gone. She has enough to worry about here. With luck, we’ll be back very soon.’

  ‘Freya, don’t go,’ Maya begged. ‘Please, they’ll hurt you.’

  Loki emerged from the woods. ‘No one can stop Freya when she sets her mind on something.’

  Maya’s eyes narrowed as she turned on Loki and jabbed him in the chest with an accusing finger. ‘You did this, didn’t you? You filled Freya’s head with ideas of how she can rescue Kai. You’re leading her right into the Dark Searchers’ hands.’

  Loki caught hold of her hand. ‘Your sister is quite capable of thinking for herself. I simply offered to guide her. If you prefer, I won’t go. There is plenty for me to do here.’ Loki started to walk away.

  ‘No!’ Freya ran after him. ‘I know you’re not doing this to hand me over to the Searchers. Loki, you promised you’d take me to my brother. Please . . .’

  ‘Yes, I can lead you there.’ He indicated Maya, Archie and Orus. ‘But none of them want me to help you.’

  ‘But I do!’ Freya begged. She turned to Maya and Archie. ‘You can’t understand how it feels to have part of yourself missing. I don’t have a choice. I must go to him.’

  Loki stood for a long moment as his eyes moved from Maya to Archie and finally Orus.

  ‘Please,’ Freya begged.

  Loki nodded. ‘All right, I will lead you. But you must be warned. This is very dangerous. With tensions so high, one little mistake could be all it takes to start the war. Are you prepared for that?’