Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 19

  ‘Not there?’ Archie cried. ‘Where is he?’

  ‘He’s beneath it.’

  ‘Ah yes,’ Loki agreed. ‘Tunnels run beneath the Keep. The acoustics are amazing for someone with an intact voice.’

  ‘He goes down there to sing?’ Archie asked.

  ‘What would you do if everyone else around you had no voice, while you had a voice that could charm the stars from the heavens?’

  ‘You would hide it so you don’t remind the others of what they’ve lost,’ Freya answered.

  ‘Exactly,’ Loki finished. He turned back into the eagle. ‘I know a secret way in. Hurry, before anyone sees us.’

  They travelled back over the forest and Loki led them to a small area that had been cleared. He returned to his natural form.

  ‘This way,’ he ordered, entering the trees. He stopped in front of a pine tree that was distinguishable from the rest by its thicker trunk and pale, soft needles.

  They watched as Loki pressed five spots around the trunk. There was a strange hissing sound and, with a click, a small door appeared. It moved back, deeper into the trunk of the tree, and revealed an opening. He turned back to Freya and held up a warning finger. ‘You will tell no one of this entrance, is that understood?’

  Freya nodded.

  ‘Does Odin know about it?’ Archie asked.

  Loki frowned. ‘Why do you want to know?’

  Archie shrugged. ‘Just curious.’

  ‘Curiosity will get you killed – again!’

  Loki passed through the hidden entrance, with Freya and Archie following close behind. It slanted down into a narrow tunnel that cut deep into the earth. There were no support beams and the thick roots of the trees high above them hung down from the dirt ceiling and caught in their clothes. Freya had to remove her helmet as she could hardly see a thing.

  Loki turned to her. ‘You will put that back on when I tell you to. Now, open your wings fully.’


  ‘Must you question everything I say? Just do it,’ Loki said tiredly.

  Freya opened her wings – they just about fit, but the long feathers on either end grazed the dirt walls.

  ‘Do you think you could fly through here if you had to?’

  ‘I think so,’ Freya said. ‘But it might damage my feathers.’

  Loki nodded. ‘Better a few damaged feathers than letting the Dark Searchers get hold of you. Their wings are too large for this tunnel. Just be prepared – we may need to make a hasty retreat and I need to know if you can keep up with me.’

  ‘Don’t worry about us,’ Archie said. ‘You just lead us to Kai.’

  ‘You,’ Loki challenged, poking Archie in the chest, ‘you, I would gladly leave behind for the Searchers.’ He stormed into the darkened tunnel.

  The tunnel seemed never-ending. But they knew they were getting closer when they heard faint notes echoing softly towards them. Someone was singing. Freya paused to listen. The sound was beautiful. More amazing than anything she’d ever heard before. Vonni’s voice had enchanted her, but this sound captured her heart. She soared with each note, carried along a wondrous path to an unknown land . . .

  A sharp slap across her face woke her up.

  Loki’s piercing eyes loomed in front of her. ‘Freya, snap out of it!’

  Freya shook her head. ‘What happened?’

  ‘Your brother – that’s what happened.’

  ‘Kai?’ Freya asked. ‘Is that him singing?’

  Loki nodded. ‘This was where I first heard him. He spends a lot of time in these tunnels, singing to himself. The Searchers won’t let him sing above ground. Unless we get there quickly, that voice will be lost forever.’

  He pulled a tissue from his pocket and tore pieces off it. ‘Here, shove these in your ears and put on your helmet.’


  ‘Again with the questions? Do it because you are no good to anyone when you hear him sing.’

  ‘He’s right,’ Archie agreed. ‘You went all dreamy and stopped. You didn’t even hear me.’

  ‘Or me,’ Orus called from beneath the cloak.

  Freya plugged her ears with the tissue and pulled on the Dark Searcher helmet. She could still hear faint sounds, but not enough to capture her again.

  ‘This way.’ Loki motioned to the left as they came to a crossroads.

  They saw the flickering of a torch. Now Freya could feel the presence of her brother. Kai was just ahead. She started to run, but Loki caught hold of her wings and wrenched her back.

  ‘Are you mad as well as stupid?’ he whispered sharply. ‘You’re supposed to be a Dark Searcher. They walk, not run!’

  Loki was right. Kai was her brother, but they had no idea how he would react to her. After all, he was a Dark Searcher. She folded her wings again and walked towards the flickering light.

  As they rounded a bend, she saw him.

  Alone, in the dark tunnel, he poured his heart out in every note of his secret song. His Dark Searcher helmet lay on the ground beside him. He looked taller than Freya and long black hair fell down his back and cascaded between his half-opened wings. But his most striking feature was his amazing white feathers.

  Sensing their presence, Kai turned sharply. His hands instinctively went to the double swords he wore on his belt.

  ‘Kai, it’s me!’ Loki called.

  ‘Loki?’ Kai asked. He relaxed when he saw it was him. ‘What are you doing here with this Dark Elf and . . . ?’

  Freya could feel Kai’s powers reaching into her, sensing her.

  ‘Who is this?’ His dark brows knitted together as he advanced on her. ‘You are not a Searcher. Who are you?’ he challenged.

  Loki stepped towards him. ‘Young Kai, this is someone I thought you might like to meet.’

  Freya stared at her brother in wonder. Kai looked so much like her! As she stepped closer, his eyes were as unexpected as his wings. They weren’t the dark sapphire-blue of Vonni’s eyes and her own, but were as pale as Maya’s. Somehow, she and her twin brother had switched features.

  She pulled off her helmet and removed the plugs from her ears. She could barely contain her excitement. ‘Kai, I am Freya. I’m your twin sister!’

  Kai’s eyes widened at the sight of her. He inhaled sharply. ‘You! You’re the one that caused Dirian to be de-winged and disgraced!’ He howled at the top of his lungs. ‘Guards, sound the alarm! There’s a Valkyrie in our Keep!’

  He drew his two black swords and launched his attack.


  Maya was torn. She soared over the trees, patrolling in Freya’s absence when she knew she was needed at the ranch, helping everyone work in the mine. But she was frantic about Freya and Archie and desperate to go after them.

  ‘I should have stopped them,’ she said to Grul as he flew in the sky beside her.

  ‘You couldn’t have,’ Grul shot back. ‘Freya is too strong willed for her own good. If the Dark Searchers catch her, there is no telling what will happen.’

  ‘Which is why we should have gone with them,’ Maya said.

  ‘Then you would risk capture as well.’

  ‘It’s better than not knowing.’ Finally she changed direction in the sky. ‘If we fly fast enough, we might just catch them up.’

  ‘Maya, you can’t!’ Grul cawed.

  ‘I must!’

  But just as she climbed higher to find Bifröst, Maya’s senses picked up unfamiliar movement in the trees beneath them. She cursed.

  ‘Grul, we’re not alone. Hunters are at the lake.’

  She turned and flew back in the direction of the intruders. Flying low, she glided over the surface of the water. Men were gathering on the opposite shore. Her senses immediately picked up danger. With her helmet on, she knew they wouldn’t see her as she moved silently towards them.

  She landed several metres away and counted eight men moving around the lake. They all carried packs on their back and had weapons in their hands. She could feel that they weren’t
here to hunt animals. Their target was the main house. But there was more than that. They were planning something big – Maya crept closer to find out what. And then it hit her. They were going to burn down the house to drive everyone away, sure that it would leave the gold mine unprotected for them to take.

  Maya gasped. Their greed made them ready to kill anyone who stood in their way. Now she was even more torn. Should she continue to stalk the men, or go back to the mine to get her mother and sisters?

  Before she could decide, the choice was made for her. The men picked up their pace. Moving swiftly through the undergrowth, they headed straight towards the house.

  ‘They’ll make it to the house before we reach the mine to get Mother and the others,’ she whispered to Grul. ‘We’re going to have to stop them ourselves.’

  ‘How?’ Grul asked. ‘There are too many for you to fight alone.’

  ‘I don’t want to fight if we can avoid it. Maybe we can scare them away. I’ve got an idea.’

  Maya charged forward and ran straight at the first man. Still invisible, she kicked his legs out from under him and howled her loudest Valkyrie cry. He went down like a sack of wet sand. She attacked the next man. Careful not to touch him with her hands, she kicked him back into the trees.

  The remaining men fell to the ground and raised their weapons. They were prepared for otherworldly beings. Maya realized too late that they had also come here to hunt the Valkyries.

  Before she could get away, they opened fire.

  Bullets pinged in the air around her. One struck her in the arm and she cried out – but the sound of her voice gave the men a target to shoot at.

  ‘Maya, fly!’ Grul called.

  Maya opened her wings, but bullets continued to hound her. They cut into her wings and chopped at her feathers. She had no choice. She howled again to call her mother and sisters to the lake. They had to be warned of the attack.

  Beside her, Grul was hit. He let out a strangled caw and fell to the ground.

  ‘Grul!’ Maya shouted. As she reached down for him, a searing pain stopped her. Another bullet tore through her wings. Clutching Grul, she tried to run, but her legs had been hit too. More men emerged from the trees. Weapons raised, they opened fire.


  Kai didn’t hesitate. His first cut went across Freya’s upper arm while she reached for her flaming sword. The blow was intended to do as much damage as possible.

  ‘Kai, stop!’ Freya cried. ‘I’m your sister!’

  Freya drew her sword and defended against Kai’s second slash.

  ‘I don’t have a sister!’ Kai cried. He charged again and his two swords flashed against Freya’s one. ‘No Searcher does!’

  ‘That’s a lie. Look at me, Kai, you can feel it. We’re twins!’


  ‘Kai, stop!’ Loki demanded. ‘You’ll call the others!’

  ‘Guards!’ Kai shouted. ‘Guards – come quickly! Valkyries!’

  Freya was trying to defend herself. But she refused to strike her brother with her sword. She could sense others entering the tunnels. It wouldn’t be long before more Searchers arrived.

  ‘Kai, please,’ she begged. ‘Just give me a moment to explain!’

  ‘Never trust a Valkyrie!’ Kai shouted, pressing his attack.

  A second cut slashed across her abdomen and sliced through her black leather outfit, grazing her skin.

  ‘No!’ Archie charged at Kai from behind. He wrapped his arms around Kai and knocked him to the floor. ‘Stop it!’ he shouted, pinning him down. ‘She’s your sister!’

  But Kai had all the strength and training of a Dark Searcher. He spun out from beneath Archie and tossed him aside as if he was a feather. Archie struck the wall and fell to the ground.

  Gaining his feet, Kai charged at Freya again.

  ‘Freya, get out of here!’ Loki cried. ‘Fly!’

  ‘I won’t leave Archie or Kai!’

  ‘Go, Gee,’ Archie called as he climbed to his feet and ran at Kai again. ‘I’ll be right behind you!’

  ‘Go!’ Loki commanded.

  In the tight confines of the tunnel, it was impossible to reason with her brother. She could feel his intense desire to capture her, perhaps even kill her. Freya had an idea.

  ‘If you want me,’ she shouted at him, ‘you’re going to have to catch me!’

  Freya turned and opened her wings. She ran as fast as she could and launched into flight. But the walls weren’t even. She had to tuck in her wings to avoid the parts of the walls that jutted out.

  ‘Stop!’ Kai was close behind her. ‘Stop, Valkyrie!’

  ‘I’m Freya!’ she shouted. ‘Your sister, Freya!’

  Freya was grateful to be the fastest flyer in Asgard. Despite the tight confines of the tunnel, she was broadening the distance between them. But as she reached the crossroads and tilted her wings to turn into the exit tunnel, she smashed headlong into two Dark Searchers.

  They tumbled to the ground.

  Freya fought to gain her feet first, but powerful hands caught hold of her wings. Another hand wrapped around her neck. Seconds later, Kai landed beside her and caught hold of her hair. She was dragged to her feet.

  Freya looked for a way out, but she was well and truly trapped. The Dark Searchers held her tight in their firm grip. There was no escape.

  Her mind raced with all the horrors about to come. A single Valkyrie, trapped in the Keep of the Dark Searchers. She feared they wouldn’t tell Odin and simply hand her over to Dirian, who would make her disappear forever . . .

  ‘Let me go!’

  ‘What is this?’ rasped a Searcher, more a growl than a voice. ‘A Valkyrie in our Keep?’

  ‘She claims to be my sister,’ Kai spat. ‘She says we’re twins.’

  ‘We are twins!’ Freya shouted as she fought to break free. ‘Look at your wings. They’re white. Look at mine, they’re black! Your eyes are pale, mine are dark. Something has switched. We have the same mother. We were born at the same time. Kai, we are twins!’

  ‘Lies!’ Kai cried, wrenching her hair back. ‘I have no sister!’

  ‘Actually, you have five!’ Loki appeared out of nowhere, in true Loki style. He faced the Searchers holding Freya. ‘Would you please release that Valkyrie? I am in need of her.’

  The two Dark Searchers rumbled annoyance. The larger one rasped, ‘Do not interfere, Loki. She has broken our laws and invaded our Keep. She comes with us and will be punished.’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ Loki said.

  Freya struggled to turn back to the Searchers holding her. ‘Please, I beg you, listen to me. We are the same. Dark Searchers are the sons born to Valkyries. We are not different. There is no need to fight!’

  ‘Stop lying,’ Kai cried.

  ‘Use your powers!’ Freya implored the two senior Searchers. ‘You have the same senses as me. Use them. Know that I am telling you the truth. Valkyries and Dark Searchers are the same race!’

  The two Searchers said nothing, but Freya could feel their growing hesitation as their grip loosened. They were scanning her mind for betrayal.

  ‘It’s true,’ Archie added. ‘We have seen that a Searcher can have a wife, children and a home. You don’t have to live like this. You can be free!’

  ‘I don’t need this right now!’ Kai cried. ‘This is a big night for me; you won’t ruin it.’

  There was fury in his voice, but also a trace of doubt that Freya picked up on. ‘You can feel our connection, Kai. Admit it. You felt it during the Challenge and you feel it now. Why do you deny me?’

  ‘I am proud to be a Searcher – it is my duty, there is nothing else.’

  ‘You should be proud,’ Freya insisted. ‘You have served Odin loyally. But you are also my brother.’

  ‘Enough,’ one of the senior Searchers’ gravelly voice ordered. He tightened his grip on her neck again. ‘You will answer for your presence here.’

  ‘Kai, you know who I am, help me!’ Freya begged.
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  ‘No!’ Kai cried. ‘It’s a trick!’ He turned from Freya and ran down the tunnel. Leaping into the air he flew out of sight.

  ‘I swear it’s true,’ Freya cried to her captors. ‘You can be free. I’ve seen it for myself. You can have full lives and families if you want them.’

  The vice-like hand around her throat tightened. Freya was lifted off the ground and held at face level as the Dark Searcher scanned her eyes for deceit. She started to cough and gasp for air but kept her hands at her sides.

  ‘No!’ Orus cawed from under the cloak. ‘Let her go!’

  Archie charged forward. ‘You heard him. Let her go!’

  The second Dark Searcher dropped his grip on Freya’s wings, drew his two swords and advanced on Archie.

  ‘Oh that’s brave,’ Archie challenged. ‘Two swords against me – I thought Searchers were supposed to fight fair.’

  ‘That is enough!’ Loki shouted. ‘Release her now!’

  In the tight confines of the tunnel, Loki started to shimmer and change. In moments he turned into a smaller version of his black dragon. Though not as large, this one was just as deadly, with flames sparking from his nostrils and claws longer and sharper. The dragon inhaled deeply to let go of a blast of flames.

  The Searcher holding Freya dropped her and reached for his swords. ‘Foolish little dragon,’ he growled.

  ‘Go!’ Loki roared as he pressed forward and knocked Freya away from the Searchers with the back of his sharp claws. ‘Find Kai!’

  Archie ran over to Freya and helped her up. ‘C’mon, it’s going to get hot in here!’

  They stumbled away from the scene as the two Dark Searchers raised their swords and charged at Loki.

  Freya carried Archie and flew as fast as she could through the tunnels, cringing at the sounds of the dragon’s roars behind them. They exited through the large pine tree. There were fresh footprints in the snow that didn’t belong to them. The footprints stopped abruptly.

  ‘He must have come through here,’ Freya said. She closed her eyes and felt Kai flying away from the Keep.

  They launched back into the air. ‘We have to find him. The sun will be setting soon.’

  Freya could feel her brother was directly ahead and moving fast. But even carrying Archie, Freya was faster. She beat her wings as hard as she could and before long a dark shape came into view in the distance.