Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 18

  Freya didn’t waver or hesitate. Her eyes settled on Loki only. ‘Yes.’


  Under the cover of night, Freya carried Archie up into the darkened sky as they followed Loki, now an eagle, towards the Rainbow Bridge. As a very young child, she had gone to Utgard when they had hosted a Nine Realms Challenge. She had not been back since.

  They entered the shimmering bridge and travelled halfway across when Loki stopped and called out: ‘Bifröst, lead me to Utgard!’

  They waited for something to happen, but the bridge remained unchanged.

  ‘It didn’t work,’ Archie said.

  ‘Foolish ghost,’ Loki called. ‘Follow me.’

  They continued to travel along Bifröst in the same direction they would normally take to reach Asgard, but soon emerged into a world vastly different to either Asgard or Midgard. This was Jotunheim – home to Utgard and land of the Frost Giants, the trolls and the Keep of the Dark Searchers.

  ‘How is this possible?’ Archie asked. ‘We didn’t change direction – how can we be in Jotunheim?’

  ‘We don’t change direction,’ screeched the eagle Loki. ‘Bifröst moves for us. Now, take care and be silent; remember where you are!’

  The first difference was the temperature. It was freezing. Even though Valkyries never feel the cold, there was something about the air around them that chilled Freya to the bone.

  They soared across the open sky. Finally the eagle touched down on the frozen, snow-covered ground.

  Archie crossed his arms over his chest and jumped up and down to keep warm. ‘Whoa, it’s freezing here! Are you sure I’m dead, because I sure don’t feel it!’

  ‘I’m sure,’ Freya said, as her teeth started to chatter. ‘But I told you. Here and in Asgard, you have a body.’

  ‘Then you should have warned me to wear more layers!’

  Orus settled on Freya’s shoulder and puffed up his feathers. He huddled close to her for warmth. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever been so cold!’

  ‘Now I know why they call them the Frost Giants,’ Archie said. ‘Does this place ever warm up?’

  Freya shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. I’ve heard it’s the coldest place in all the realms.’

  ‘Would you stop complaining and be silent!’ Loki ordered. He turned back into his man shape. ‘Freya, use your senses. Is anyone near us? We can’t risk being seen.’

  The sky above them was brilliant blue and filled with fluffy white clouds. Snow-capped mountains rose high in the distance. As far as they could see, the landscape around them was frozen and covered in a thick layer of snow.

  Freya turned and looked behind them. Dark clouds were gathering in the distance. ‘We are alone. But I think a storm is moving in; we’d better get going.’

  ‘Where?’ Archie asked.

  Freya pointed. ‘If I remember correctly, on the other side of those mountains is Utgard.’

  ‘Very good,’ Loki said. ‘Now, are we going to stand here all day talking about it, or are we going to get to your brother before sunset, when the temperature really drops?’

  ‘It gets colder?’ Archie cried.

  ‘Much,’ Loki said. He paused and a trace of mischief came into his eyes. ‘Oh, and did I mention that, due to the threat of war, Kai’s Searcher Ceremony has been moved forward?’

  ‘What Searcher Ceremony?’

  Loki shrugged and inspected his fingernails. ‘It’s not too unlike your First Day Ceremony, when you swore your oath to Odin and became a full Valkyrie. Normally it would happen when Kai turns fifteen. But under the present circumstances they are holding it on the next full moon – which, by the way, is tonight. Kai will swear his oath of allegiance and drink the potion that will destroy his voice – forever.’

  Freya’s expression dropped.

  ‘You didn’t know about that?’ Loki asked. ‘Haven’t you ever noticed how silent Dark Searchers are? Their voices are destroyed at the age of fifteen. They can speak, but only in a harsh, guttural growl.’

  ‘Why?’ Archie asked.

  ‘Odin knows the power they hold in their voices,’ Loki explained. ‘They can enchant Valkyries, just like Vonni’s voice enchanted you. Knowing what could happen, Odin ordered the Searchers to swear an oath of loyalty and drink a potion that damages their vocal cords. I don’t want to see that happen to Kai.’

  ‘Why do you care so much?’ Archie challenged. ‘It’s not like you to think of anyone but yourself.’

  ‘You really do want me to kill you, don’t you, ghost?’ Loki stalked Archie and drew a hidden dagger from his shirt. ‘So be it.’

  ‘Loki, no.’ Freya flew between the two. ‘I’d like to know also. Why do you care what happens to Kai?’

  Loki hesitated, holding the dagger. He sighed and put it away. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he glared at Archie before turning to Freya. ‘If you must know, it’s because of Vonni. Until I heard him sing, I never realized how beautiful Dark Searchers’ voices truly are. Just as you are the youngest Valkyrie, Kai is the youngest Dark Searcher. I doubt there will be more after him for some time. It would be a tragedy to lose his voice.’

  ‘So you want to help us free him.’

  ‘Yes,’ Loki said.

  ‘Don’t trust him!’ Orus cawed. ‘He’s going to betray us again! He’ll hand us over to the Searchers or tell Odin. Odin won’t forgive us a second time.’

  Loki nodded his head. ‘It is true that from time to time I can be a little mischievous, but not about this. I’ve heard Kai sing when he’s alone. That voice is too precious to destroy. You have my word. I will lead you to your brother and help get him away from the Keep. But after that, I make no promises about what may happen next.’

  ‘See – we can’t trust him, Gee,’ Archie warned. ‘He’ll lead us in, but we’re on our own getting out.’

  Loki advanced on him and leaned close to his face. ‘If Freya weren’t here, I would make you pay for that remark, ghost!’

  ‘Try it!’ Archie cried, tensing for a fight. ‘I’m ready for you.’

  ‘Stop it, both of you!’ Freya snapped. ‘This is too important. Loki, look at me.’

  Loki was staring down Archie, but broke off to turn to Freya. ‘Go on, Valkyrie; use your powers on me. See that I am telling you the truth. I am here to help Kai.’

  He remained still as Freya gazed into his dark eyes. She nodded. ‘He’s telling the truth. He wants to help us get Kai away from here before the war.’

  ‘Now, may we go, or shall we let the ghost waste more precious time?’ Loki spat. ‘Perhaps we could wait for that storm to arrive.’ He leaped into the air and turned back into the large eagle.

  Before Archie could form a biting response, Freya grabbed him and leaped into the air to follow.

  They flew over the snow-covered landscape and climbed higher in the sky to soar over a tall mountain range. Sharp peaks rose up to meet them, but with each flap of her black wings, Freya flew easily over the tops.

  After they had cleared the large range, the ground beneath them evened out. A lush forest of tall, snow-covered pines spread out before them. Further in the distance, dark spires rose high into the sky.

  ‘That’s Utgard,’ Freya said to Archie. ‘It’s bigger than Asgard and is surrounded by even higher walls. There is only one way in, but it is heavily guarded.’

  ‘Can’t we fly over the walls?’ Archie asked.

  ‘No,’ Loki called. ‘Powerful magic protects Utgard. If you tried to fly over the walls, you would smash into an invisible barrier that climbs far into space. You would never find the top of it.’

  ‘Then how do we get in?’

  ‘We take the main gate,’ Loki said.

  ‘That won’t be easy,’ Orus cawed. ‘I’ve heard there’s a nasty troll who guards the gates and Frost Giants defend it. They don’t like the Valkyries and won’t let us pass – especially now.’

  ‘I have already considered that,’ Loki called. ‘Land here. I have somethi
ng for you.’

  They followed Loki down into the thick pine forest, where the trees opened up into a small clearing. Back on the ground, Loki returned to his usual form.

  ‘This way,’ he called, leading them forward. ‘I have a plan.’

  They walked through the tall pines until they came upon an immense tree with a natural hole in its trunk. Loki reached inside and pulled out a large chest.

  Inside were loads of cloaks, masks and costumes. Loki removed two cloaks, a mask and a visored helmet. ‘As you know, Valkyries are not allowed in Utgard without the King of the Frost Giants’ permission. With tensions so high, you’ll never gain that permission. However, Dark Searchers and elves can come and go as they please.’ He handed Searcher clothes, cloak and helmet to Freya, and a Dark Elf outfit to Archie. ‘Here, put these on.’

  ‘Why do you have all of this?’ Freya asked as she started to change.

  ‘You never know when you might need a disguise,’ Loki said.

  ‘What about Orus?’

  ‘He will have to hide under your cloak.’

  ‘Oh no, not again,’ Orus moaned.

  Freya put on the black, leather-like trousers and top of the Dark Searcher. They had been designed to accommodate large wings and they fit her comfortably. Loki helped her pull on the long black cloak and settled it around her exposed wings.

  ‘Where did you get these?’ Freya asked.

  ‘I know the dwarfs who make the uniform for the Searchers. They owed me a favour and I collected on it.’ He stood back and scrutinized Freya. ‘It’s a good thing you’ve got black feathers. You will blend right in. Of course, you are much shorter than other Searchers, so you will have to walk with their attitude.’

  ‘I’ll try,’ Freya agreed. She pulled on the Searchers’ black gloves and visored helmet. The world around her turned dark. ‘How do they see in these things?’

  ‘They use their senses more than their eyes,’ Loki said. ‘Now remember, do not speak to anyone. If anyone tries to talk to you, growl at them. I’ll be there to cover you.’

  ‘What about you? Archie asked as he pulled on the dark-green elf cloak. ‘Won’t you get into trouble being here?’

  Loki gave him a dismissive look. ‘Freya, didn’t you tell your dead friend about me?’

  Freya shrugged and faced Archie. ‘Loki is part Frost Giant. He’s allowed here. He has a Frost Giantess wife.’

  ‘We have a home deep in Utgard,’ Loki added. ‘We spend as much time here as we do in Asgard. Now, let’s get moving. The sun will be setting soon.’

  They trekked through the deep snow and finally made it to the edge of the forest. Utgard loomed directly ahead of them. The closer they got to the gates, the higher the walls and tall gates climbed into the sky. Near the ground was another set of gates, built right into the larger set.

  Orus was hidden under Freya’s cloak. ‘Just don’t forget about me in here.’

  A troll sat in a guard house and followed their approach with mild interest.

  Loki nodded curtly. ‘Let us in, Frogg. The sun is setting and the temperature is dropping. My wife is expecting me for dinner.’

  The heavy-set troll rose from his chair. He sniffed the air and looked at the two cloaked figures suspiciously. ‘Who is this?’ he growled.

  ‘I met them on the trail. We have journeyed from Svartalfheim together to watch the Searcher Ceremony this night.’

  Frogg leaned closer to Freya and studied her intently. His black eyes searched every inch of her and he made strange, guttural noises.

  Freya could feel his mistrust. This wasn’t going to work.

  ‘Well?’ Loki challenged. ‘Are you going to let us in or not?’

  ‘Not,’ said Frogg as he sat again.

  Freya wasn’t about to be stopped at the first hurdle. She moved as if to go for her sword and growled with as deep a voice as she could manage.

  ‘I’d let us in if I were you,’ Loki warned the troll. ‘If he loses his temper, there’s no telling what will happen. Especially with the Searcher Ceremony tonight. Have you considered what the others will do if they learn of your behaviour towards one of their own?’

  The troll muttered angrily to himself, but walked out of the guard house and over to the smaller gate. He opened it and spat at Archie and Freya as they passed through.

  ‘He just spat at us,’ Archie cried in disgust, once they were inside.

  ‘Shhhh! Do you want to get us killed?’ Loki warned. ‘And stop staring at everything. You’re supposed to live here!’

  Freya had forgotten just how huge everything was in Utgard. It was built for the Frost Giants. The others who lived here did so at their own peril and had to build around the giants’ homes and streets, which were many times the size of their own.

  Dark Elves had built their little houses on the front steps of Frost Giants’ massive homes. The streets built for giants’ feet had small trails running alongside them for the non-giant population.

  Loki pushed Freya and Archie out of the way just as a huge foot came down on the ground. The Frost Giant kept walking without pausing to see if he had stepped on them.

  ‘You two wouldn’t last a minute here without me!’ he muttered. ‘You must watch where you are going – always. Frost Giants don’t care if they tread on you and squash you into nothingness. Just stay close to me and you might survive.’

  ‘This place is insane,’ Archie whispered to Freya as they followed Loki on to the Dark Elves’ trail.

  Not far ahead, two drunken Frost Giants were lying in the road, wrestling over a large keg of mead. Their slurred voices boomed so unbearably loud, Freya and Archie were forced to cover their ears. As the giants exchanged punches, the open barrel they were fighting over slipped from their hands and started to roll. Mead began to pour out as the barrel rolled away from the giants . . . and towards Freya, Archie and Loki.

  ‘Fly!’ Loki shouted as he turned into the eagle and took off.

  Freya grabbed Archie and launched into the air just in time to avoid the racing river of mead that rushed past the place where they had been standing. Freya looked back and saw several trolls being washed away.

  ‘This way,’ Loki screeched, keeping to the air.

  Holding Archie close, Freya followed Loki through the complicated design of Utgard. Beneath them, none of the streets followed a straight line and seemed to constantly wind and twist into each other. It appeared as though buildings had been stacked recklessly on top of one another and looked ready to topple over in the slightest breeze.

  This was nothing like the ordered design of Asgard. It was confusing, deceptive and impossible to navigate, unless you’d been raised here.

  The air was full of flying Dark Searchers. Fear knotted in Freya’s stomach. Utgard was their territory; she was the invader. One mistake and it would be over. She realized this may not have been one of her best ideas. They were badly outnumbered and she was on the Dark Searchers’ most wanted list.

  But the Dark Searchers weren’t the only danger here. As they followed Loki over the city, Freya sensed the tension from the population even more acutely than in Asgard. There was anger in the air, and more than a trace of excited anticipation. There was no doubt about it – war was on their minds and, with disgust, Freya realized that they were looking forward to it.

  They flew away from the congested city and into a sparse area where the structures became notably smaller and more proportioned to their size. Freya spied Dark Elves on the roads and a market filled with elf traders, trolls and dwarf shoppers.

  Further ahead were rolling snow-covered hills and open land that gave way to another forest.

  ‘Are we still in Utgard?’ Archie asked.

  Freya nodded. ‘It is walled, just like Asgard. And like there, you can’t see from one wall to the other.’

  On and on they flew. As the skies above them became darker with the approaching storm, the land beneath looked more threatening and sparse.

  ‘There it is,’ Loki c
alled. ‘The Keep of the Dark Searchers.’

  The immense Keep rose in the distance. It was made of huge rough-cut rock, as black as the Searchers themselves. Four tall spires marked each corner – at the top of each tower flew the flag of the Dark Searchers. There were very few windows, and those that were there held no glass to keep out the intense cold. The thick, heavy doors at the entrance looked as old as time itself and completely impenetrable.

  Along the top of the outer walls were heavy wrought-iron balustrades so the Dark Searchers could move along the wall-walk with little risk of falling off. No trees grew around the Keep and not even snow rested on the dead, black ground.

  Freya tried to take it all in. Her brother was somewhere in that vast, ugly structure. But so were all the other Dark Searchers – including Dirian, the one that had sworn vengeance against her.

  As they approached, Freya spotted Dark Searchers building a large seating area around a tall scaffold and platform. They wore their visored helmets and double swords at their waists, but they were without armour.

  ‘That is for Kai,’ Loki explained. ‘He will swear his oath and destroy his voice on that tall platform.’

  ‘How do we find him in there?’ Freya called.

  ‘That’s up to you. He’s your brother – use your senses.’

  Freya tilted her wings and veered away from the Keep. She landed on the ground and released Archie.

  Loki landed beside her and turned back into himself. ‘Well? Are you planning to stop for a picnic?’

  ‘No,’ Freya snapped. ‘I need a moment to focus and not be distracted by all those Searchers working over there.’

  ‘Go on then,’ Loki ordered. ‘We don’t have all day.’

  Freya ignored him and closed her eyes. She focused on overcoming her fear of the Dark Searchers and concentrated fully on the Keep. She could sense the layout and feel the Searchers moving around inside. ‘Where are you . . . ?’ she muttered softly.

  Suddenly she felt a strange, familiar sense – the same one she had on the battlefield at the Ten Realms Challenge. ‘There!’

  ‘Where is he?’ Orus cawed.

  Freya opened her eyes. ‘He’s not in the Keep.’