Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 2

  Freya was forking fresh straw into a cleaned stall and looked over at her best friend, puzzled by the randomness of his question. ‘I’m sure.’

  ‘But if I’m a ghost, why can I lift up this shovel? Or carry a sword and train with the warriors at Valhalla? And eat? I’ve never been so hungry. All I do is eat! You say the Light Elves would keep me for a pet if they caught me. But would they keep a dead person? And how could the Dark Elves eat me if I’m already dead?’

  Freya stopped working to carefully consider her answer. It was obvious he had been thinking about this for some time.

  ‘Here in Asgard, things work differently to the human world. You’re dead, but you’re not a ghost. You have an Asgard body that people can see and touch. It’s just like the dead warriors at Valhalla – they were killed in Midgard battlefields and brought here. In the human world they would have no substance, but here, you’ve seen how they spend their days fighting and their nights drinking and singing in Valhalla. If you returned to the human world it would be different.’

  ‘So I’d be a ghost there?’

  ‘Yes.’ Orus flew off a stall door and landed on Archie’s shoulder. ‘And there, I couldn’t do this to you.’ He nipped Archie’s ear and cawed in laughter.

  ‘Hey! That hurt.’

  ‘See?’ Freya said. ‘On Earth you wouldn’t have felt that.’

  Archie rubbed his earlobe and grimaced at the raven. ‘You didn’t have to bite me to prove it. You could have just told me.’

  ‘Where’s the fun in that! Besides, now that you’re dead, you can understand me, and that alone was worth dying for!’

  Archie chuckled for a moment, but then became pensive. ‘But I don’t remember . . .’

  Freya wondered about the sudden change in her friend. He’d been so happy watching the competitors arriving, and had laughed at her for trying to shoo away the faeries. But now something was troubling him.

  ‘Archie, what’s wrong? What don’t you remember?’

  ‘Dying,’ he answered. ‘I can’t remember how it happened.’

  ‘What can you remember?’ Freya asked.

  Archie frowned. ‘Not a lot. You and Maya were hurt and in danger and I needed to get back to you. But that’s it.’

  ‘You really don’t remember?’ Orus cawed. ‘You don’t remember taking Freya’s sword to fight off the Dark Searcher?’

  ‘I did what?’ Archie cried.

  Freya nodded and stepped closer to him. ‘You fought the Dark Searcher for me. You nearly cut off his hand when he held me by my broken wing. I was so grateful to you.’

  Archie’s frown deepened. ‘How did I die?’

  Freya knew she had to approach this carefully. ‘I was badly hurt but the Dark Searcher wouldn’t stop. You tried to get me to run with you, but I couldn’t. Then you took my sword and attacked him—’

  ‘It was really dumb, but very brave,’ Orus cut in. ‘He was bigger and much stronger than you.’

  A sudden memory seemed to flash across Archie’s face. ‘Wait – I remember something . . .’ He looked down and rubbed his stomach where the Searcher’s sword had cut into him. ‘He stabbed me here . . .’

  ‘That’s right! What else do you remember?’

  Archie looked up at her in wonder. ‘I don’t remember the pain, but I remember you. He was going to kill you, so I had to stop him. But then he stabbed me.’ Archie’s eyes grew wide. ‘Gee, you were crying. You were crying for me.’

  ‘No I wasn’t,’ Freya huffed. ‘I just had something in my eyes.’

  ‘Liar!’ Orus teased. ‘You’re not such a tough Valkyrie after all, are you? You knew Archie was going to die and you didn’t want to lose him. Then the floods arrived.’

  ‘I didn’t want to leave you either,’ Archie continued. ‘But then you gave me your name and your mark.’ He held up his right hand, indicating the symbol that had appeared on the back of his hand the moment she’d told him her true name and reaped him. ‘You saved me, Gee, and I’m so glad you did.’

  Freya looked at the ornate gold and black symbol blazoned on the back of Archie’s hand. Every Valkyrie had a unique pattern which appeared on the hands of those they gave their true name to. In Asgard it was a great honour to be marked by a Valkyrie and these chosen ones were the envy of those who didn’t bear such a mark. With it, Archie was safe from anyone who might trouble him, knowing he had a Valkyrie’s protection.

  ‘Most of the warriors I train with are jealous that I’ve got your mark. Crixus says I’m really lucky. But I just think it’s cool!’

  ‘You do?’ Freya asked. ‘It doesn’t bother you that it means you belong to me?’

  Archie shrugged. ‘Nope. I’d be with you anyway, with or without the mark. Besides, it means that you belong to me too. So we’re even.’

  ‘Yes we are,’ Freya agreed softly.

  The turn in the conversation was making her uncomfortable and she fumbled to change the subject. ‘We’d better get these stalls finished if we hope to see anyone else arriving.’

  Freya lifted a fork full of clean straw and heard Archie chuckle. Before she could wonder why, she was struck in the back with a shovelful of smelly, soiled straw.

  Spinning round, Freya saw Archie laughing as he bent down and picked up handfuls of straw and threw them at her.

  ‘Straw fight!’ Orus cawed as he swooped off his perch, caught straw in his claws, soared higher and dropped it on Freya’s head.

  ‘Hey! You’re going to pay for that!’ Freya threw down her fork and hurled handfuls of straw at Archie.

  The barn erupted into a full-on war as neatly stacked bales of straw were torn open and used as ammunition. Archie ran across the barn and tried to avoid Freya’s projectiles while gathering up more to throw at her.

  Freya opened her black wings and launched in the air. She reached Archie in two wing beats and knocked him into a large pile of clean straw.

  ‘Using wings is cheating!’ Archie laughed as he rubbed handfuls of straw into Freya’s dyed-red hair and into the feathers of her wings.

  Lost in fits of hysterics, they were soon covered in dry, golden shafts of straw. Freya pinned Archie down and hovered above him. ‘Do you surrender?’


  Freya pulled a large stack of straw down on to him and shoved it into his face. ‘Now do you surrender?’

  ‘No!’ Archie cried, spitting out straw. ‘It’s you who’s going to surrender.’ With a quick wrestling manoeuvre, Archie spun Freya round and was soon pinning her down in the straw. ‘Do you give up?’

  Freya cried, ‘Who taught you that?’

  ‘Crixus,’ Archie answered. ‘He said if I’m going to stay with you, I’d better learn how to fight properly so I can protect you.’

  ‘Crixus said that?’ Freya asked. ‘How does he even know me?’

  Archie shrugged. ‘Don’t know, he just does. Now, do you give up?’

  ‘Archie, I’m lying on my wings,’ Freya protested.

  ‘Then you’d better tell me quickly!’

  ‘Let me up!’

  ‘Not until you say “uncle” and give up!’

  Freya was laughing too hard to use her Valkyrie strength against him. Instead she lay in the straw, looking up into his beaming face, and saw that it was true. Archie had no regrets that she had reaped him and brought him into her life here in Asgard.

  A familiar voice rose from behind them. ‘Is this what you two call cleaning the stables?’


  Freya rose and flew at the leader of the Angels of Death.

  Azrael received her in his open arms and wrapped his white wings around her tightly until she could no longer be seen in his angelic embrace.

  ‘I’m glad to see that Odin’s been keeping you busy.’ He released her and chuckled softly as he picked straw from her tousled hair.

  Archie walked forward and bowed his head. ‘Hello, sir.’

  Azrael smiled. ‘And how’s my favourite human?’


  ‘What are you doing in Asgard?’ Freya asked.

  ‘I’m here for the Challenge. I’ve been speaking with Odin and we both feel it’s time for my realm to join in the competition. We’re the Tenth Realm.’

  ‘The Tenth Realm?’ Freya asked.

  Azrael nodded. ‘Heofon. My angels will be arriving shortly.’

  ‘I really wish we could watch,’ Freya explained sadly. ‘Odin has forbidden us to compete in any Challenge

  or visit Valhalla during the events. We’re even banned from watching.’

  ‘Yes. About that . . .’ Azrael said. ‘I’ve been speaking with Odin and asked if your punishment might be suspended, just for the Challenge.’

  ‘You did?’ Archie asked.

  The tall Angel of Death nodded and plucked another piece of straw from Freya’s hair. ‘I did. And Odin

  has agreed. So if you two would like to get cleaned up, we can head over to the Opening Ceremonies. You will be competing with your sisters and the other Valkyries. But you’d better hurry if you want to join them in the opening parade.’

  The parade wound its way through the crowded streets of Asgard. Freya was thrilled to be riding her Reaping Mare, Sylt, beside Maya. Seated tall and proud on her own Reaping Mare, her sister’s pale face glowed with excitement at being part of the Opening Ceremonies. As the most beautiful of all the Valkyries, Maya held everyone’s attention. But Freya wasn’t jealous. She adored her older sister and was honoured to ride beside her.

  They were following their mother, Eir, who was leading the Valkyries upon her tall Reaping Mare and waving the Valkyrie banner proudly up ahead.

  But the noise, colours and crowds ebbed away as Freya felt a sudden chill running down her spine that caused her to look back. More participants had joined the parade directly behind the Valkyries.

  Dark Searchers.

  Freya’s blood ran cold. As her eyes passed over the dark-cloaked and armoured creatures, she noticed one in particular staring directly at her.

  Knowing he now had her attention, the Dark Searcher opened his black wings and raised his right arm. He made a cutting gesture across his wrist with his left hand. Then he pointed at her and shook his head slowly. The message was crystal clear. This was the Dark Searcher that Odin had sent to find her in Chicago. The same one Archie had cut with her sword. He had not forgotten nor forgiven what they had done to him.

  ‘Maya, look,’ Freya said tightly to her sister. ‘Dark Searchers are here.’

  Maya refused to turn back. She shivered. ‘Mother warned me they were coming. They’re the “Enforcers of Justice”. It’s their job to keep everyone from fighting and to deal with any troublemakers. She warned us not to antagonize them.’

  ‘Us, antagonize them?’ Freya cried. ‘The one that killed Archie just threatened me. He’s going to try something, I just know it.’

  ‘He’s definitely going to do something,’ Orus cawed.

  ‘He can’t. Odin has declared an armistice which includes the Dark Searchers. Just ignore him. I’m sure that we won’t see them again after today,’ Maya said.

  ‘Ignore him? Are you kidding?’ Orus complained. ‘Have you forgotten Chicago so soon?’

  ‘No, I haven’t. But this is Asgard, and that Searcher can’t do anything to you.’

  ‘Did you tell him that?’ Orus finished.

  ‘Don’t be such a scaredy-bird,’ Grul, Maya’s raven, cawed. ‘Maya and I aren’t frightened of a few Dark Searchers.’

  ‘You’re not smart enough to be scared,’ Orus insulted.

  ‘Orus, that’s enough.’ Freya stroked her raven and stole a glance back to the Searcher. The tilt of his visored head suggested he was still staring directly at her. Freya shuddered and turned to face the front, determined not to look at him again.

  When the parade ended, the competitors moved into their training areas. Archie joined them as the Valkyries gathered in the large, brightly coloured tent that flew the flag of the Valkyries.

  ‘Now, remember.’ Her mother addressed all of them but her pale, disapproving eyes landed on Freya. ‘Each and every one of you represents the honour of the Valkyries. We must not bring any more shame down upon us.’

  ‘I think she means us,’ Archie whispered to Freya.

  ‘I know she does,’ Freya agreed.

  ‘Shhhh . . .’ Maya warned. ‘You don’t want Mother to get any angrier.’

  ‘I hardly think that’s possible,’ Orus added.

  ‘All the realms have drawn lots,’ their mother continued. ‘The Valkyries are participating in a total

  of eleven Challenges. We will be in three races – two on the ground and one in the air, a total of four different battles. There will also be a Challenge of strength, of swimming, and one of tracking and hunting. Finally, we’ll all participate in the Tug-of-War against the Angels of Death. I will assign each of you the Challenge you are to compete in. Come forward as I call your name.’

  ‘I hope I get the Moat Race Challenge. I rule at that,’ Maya whispered to Freya as her mother began calling up the Valkyries one by one. ‘I’m sure Mother will pick you to race. You’ll definitely win – you’re the fastest out of all of us.’

  ‘Especially flying,’ Archie added.

  Freya blushed under the compliment. ‘I’m just happy to be here!’

  They watched their mother call more and more Valkyries up to the front but still none of their names were announced.

  ‘I thought Azrael said we were going to get to participate,’ Freya whispered to Archie.

  ‘Not everyone’s been called yet. It will be your turn soon.’

  They continued to wait and watched the last of the other Valkyries walk to the front.

  Everyone had been called, apart from Freya and Maya. But Eir turned to address them all as if she

  was finished. ‘Sisterhood of the Valkyries, this is our moment to shine. We are strong and we are powerful –let’s show the other realms just what we can do! Will you give me your best?’

  The Valkyries opened their wings and raised their hands to cheer. All except Freya and Maya. Both girls stood at the back, crushed, knowing they had been excluded from the games.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Archie said brightly. ‘I know how strong you both are. You don’t need to prove it to anyone.’

  Freya was grateful to him for trying, but this cut deep. She had been desperate to participate in the Challenge.

  ‘I don’t care,’ Maya said. But her eyes spoke differently. They were downcast and her lips held a pout. She couldn’t hide that she was deeply hurt by being cut from the Challenge.

  Eir climbed down from her dais. ‘Freya and Maya, because of your punishment you are forbidden from officially taking part in the Challenge. However, your punishment will be lifted for one event only. The Tug-of-War against the Angels of Death. You are only allowed to participate because Azrael has lobbied for it. You are very lucky to have such an influential friend.’

  ‘What about Archie?’ Freya asked.

  ‘What about him?’ her mother said sharply. ‘If Archie wishes to compete, he may join the warriors at Valhalla as they represent Midgard – he’s been training with them; let him stand with them.’

  ‘Crixus won’t let me compete,’ Archie said. ‘He says I’m not ready yet.’

  ‘He’s right,’ Eir agreed. ‘You have only started to train. You need more time.’

  ‘But he’s with me,’ Freya insisted. ‘He should compete with us.’

  Her mother’s eyes blazed. ‘Your pet human is not a Valkyrie. He may not compete with us.’

  ‘Archie is not my pet!’ Freya cried. ‘He’s my friend. If he can’t compete, I won’t.’

  ‘Gee, it’s OK,’ Archie insisted. ‘I don’t want to compete anyway. Your mother is right. I’ve only just started to train. I’m not ready to go up against Frost Giants or dwarfs or anyone.’


  ‘It’s OK,’ Archie repeated. ‘I’ve caused enough trouble f
or you already. I really would prefer to watch. Next time I’ll be ready, but not now.’

  Eir’s eyes bored into Archie. ‘Tell me, child, how old are you?’

  ‘I’m fifteen,’ Archie said.

  ‘Fifteen,’ Freya’s mother repeated. ‘Before you died, did my daughter warn you that once she reaped you, you will forever remain that age? That even though she continues to age and grow, you will be stuck as you are. You will watch her mature and perhaps have children of her own, and still you will remain a child.’

  ‘Archie will always be my friend, no matter what!’ Freya defended.

  Archie faced Freya’s mother. ‘Crixus and I have already talked about that,’ he said respectfully. ‘And just like I told him, I’m grateful to Gee for bringing me here with her. Whatever happens in the future will happen. But for now, we are friends.’

  ‘We are all friends,’ Maya added. ‘And we will remain so, for all time.’

  Eir’s eyes softened as she looked at them. ‘You all feel the same?’

  ‘Yes,’ Freya agreed. Archie and Maya nodded.

  ‘Time alone will tell,’ the tall, elegant Valkyrie said. ‘For now, Archie, if you will not compete with the Valhalla warriors, you may remain with Freya and help her prepare for her Challenge.’ Just as she was leaving, she paused and turned back. ‘Also, I am sorry, but you are all restricted to watching only one event per day. So choose wisely.’

  ‘One!’ Freya protested. ‘That’s not fair!’

  Her mother charged back and pointed a shaking finger in Freya’s face. ‘Running away to Chicago without permission was wrong. You must be punished. This is the price you will pay! Be grateful I don’t ban you from watching all Challenges!’


  ‘Hurry up,’ Freya called to Archie as she struggled to clean the stable as quickly as possible. ‘We don’t want to miss the Troll Racing Challenge!’

  Up before dawn, they cleaned all the stalls faster than they had ever done before. Just as they finished, Maya arrived.