Read Valkyrie: 2: The Runaway Page 3

  ‘Perfect timing,’ Freya said sarcastically as she wiped sweat off her brow. ‘You show up just as we finish all the work.’

  ‘I would have come sooner, but Heimdall wanted to chat.’

  Maya was spending a lot of time with the Watchman of the Rainbow Bridge, Bifröst – the only way into Asgard from Earth. ‘He’s asked me to go with him to the Closing Ceremonies.’

  Archie grinned. ‘Ooh, Maya’s got a boyfriend.’

  ‘I do not!’ Maya blushed. ‘He’s just . . . very nice.’

  ‘Nice or not, hurry up!’ Orus cawed. ‘I want to see the races!’

  ‘Don’t tell Maya what to do!’ Grul snapped. ‘We’ll go when we’re ready.’

  ‘And we’re ready now,’ Freya said impatiently as she hung up her fork and brushed off her soiled tunic.

  ‘Please tell me you’re going to get changed first.’ Maya looked at her in disgust. ‘Look at your hair! When did you brush it last? I won’t even mention how you smell or the state of your feathers . . .’

  Freya looked down at herself. ‘I’m fine. Now, let’s go.’

  It was Archie who convinced Freya to get cleaned up before heading over to Valhalla to watch the Troll Racing – much to Maya’s relief.

  The open battlefields outside the Heavenly Hall had been transformed into a massive arena encircled with high bleachers. At ground level, with the best view of the field, were the two thrones for Odin and his wife, Frigg. Beside their thrones were seats for Thor, his brother, Balder, and the other high-ranking officials from all the realms.

  Changing rooms had been constructed near the entrance to Valhalla and a large score-keeping board had been built. An exceptionally tall Frost Giant used a huge piece of chalk to enter the teams and their scores.

  The first competitors entered the field and Archie frowned. ‘Frost Giants? I thought you said this was Troll Racing.’

  ‘It is Troll Racing,’ Freya said. ‘Keep watching.’

  A line of Frost Giants gathered at the starting point, just in front of Odin and Frigg’s raised thrones. Once they were in position, the squat, round trolls entered the arena. They each took a place in front of a Frost Giant and then bent down and tucked themselves into tight balls. When Odin gave the signal, the Frost Giants pulled back their legs and gave the trolls mighty kicks.

  The trolls soared high over the heads of the cheering crowds towards the highest bleachers and out of the arena. As they sailed through the air, they unfurled, reached into their hidden pouches and pulled out handfuls of rocks. The next thing they knew, the trolls were hurling the rocks down at the crowds below.

  ‘Why do they always bring rocks?’ Maya ducked aside just as a rock the size of her fist whizzed past her head. ‘I know it was you, Skull!’ she howled, and waved a threatening fist in the air.

  The sound of troll laughter filled the sky above them.

  Archie was stunned. ‘That is Troll Racing?’

  Freya nodded. ‘They search the trolls before the race, but somehow they always manage to bring rocks to throw at us.’

  ‘It’s insane!’ Archie protested. ‘You call that sport? Those giants kicking the trolls?’

  Freya shrugged. ‘And the troll that lands the furthest away wins. What did you expect?’

  ‘I expected the trolls to run a race. Not get beaten up!’

  ‘You’ve seen them. They can’t run. They can barely walk. Making them race would be cruel. Trust me, they like it. If they didn’t, no one could get them to do it.’

  ‘What they like is hitting us with rocks!’ Orus complained as a smaller pebble rained down and struck him in the beak.

  ‘But it’s barbaric!’ Archie cried.

  ‘No, it’s the Ten Realms Challenge. What were you expecting, Earth games?’

  ‘Yes,’ Archie cried. ‘Running, swimming, track and field, gymnastics, maybe even football, like the Olympics.’

  ‘We do have swimming,’ Maya offered. ‘Well, kind of. There’s the Odin’s Falls Challenge where Frost Giants freeze Odin Falls. Then competitors jump off the top and those that don’t crash through the ice at the bottom win.’

  ‘What happens to those that break through the ice?’

  Freya shrugged. ‘They drown and get washed away under the ice.’

  ‘What?’ Archie cried. ‘They die?’

  ‘Only for a little while. They come back to life later.’

  ‘Then there is the Moat Race,’ Maya added. ‘The Valkyries race the Dark Elves, swimming eight laps in the deep moat surrounding Valhalla.’

  ‘What’s the danger there?’ Archie asked. ‘Because it seems to me all of these Challenges are dangerous.’

  ‘There’s no danger,’ Maya said.

  ‘Except for the water dragons in the moat,’ Freya added. ‘They bite really hard!’

  ‘And occasionally eat a competitor,’ Orus added.

  ‘And you call these games!’ Archie mused.

  ‘These aren’t games,’ Freya said. ‘They are Challenges. And they’re here to keep peace in the realms. So there has to be an element of danger.’

  A second line of Frost Giants and trolls were taking their place on the starting line. The trolls balled themselves up and were kicked by the Frost Giants and, like before, as the trolls flew into the air they pulled out more rocks and fired them into the crowds below.

  ‘Argh – every time!’ Maya ducked but not quick enough, as she was struck in the shoulder with a rock.

  Nothing was as Archie expected. Least of all the Drinking Challenge, which took place on the second day. For this Challenge, Thor and his brother, Balder, competed against the dwarfs to see who could drink the most.

  Thor had a reputation of being the biggest drinker in all Asgard. So to keep the competition fair, instead of his favourite drink, mead, Thor was forced to drink what he hated most – apple juice.

  The brothers stood on a raised dais beside twelve dwarfs. A bell sounded and they each made a grab for the nearest tankard and began to guzzle down the drink.

  ‘Look at Thor’s face!’ Freya laughed, pointing. As he drained tankard after tankard of apple juice, his pinched face grew greener and greener. He looked as if he was about to be sick.

  Soon only the brothers and three dwarfs were left, until Balder drained another tankard of mead, gave a foolish grin to Thor, fell backwards off his chair and passed out.

  Another three tankards were consumed before the last dwarf surrendered and Thor won. When he came forward to receive his medal, he belched with enough force to blow the judges off the field and the stench of his breath sent the crowds running and screaming to get away.

  But it was when Odin joined the games on the fifth day that things started to get interesting. Climbing on to his eight-legged steed, Sleipnir, he took his place at the starting line in the Lightning Race. For this Challenge, Odin would team up with eight Valkyries against eight Light Elves.

  While the speedy Light Elves raced around the outer wall of Asgard four times, the Valkyries tried to slow them down by pulling on their cloaks or darting in front of them, and Odin would fire lightning bolts at them. If Odin struck a Valkyrie, she would be disqualified and removed from the race. But if he struck all eight Light Elves before they made it around Asgard four times, Odin and the Valkyries would win. If just one Light Elf remained untouched, the Light Elves would be declared the winners.

  ‘Whoa – talk about complicated!’ Archie mumbled when Freya finished explaining the rules.

  ‘What? It’s simple.’

  Archie shook his head in disbelief and tried to keep up with the race.

  Despite Odin and the Valkyries’ best efforts, the Light Elves won the challenge. But Odin took the defeat gracefully and shared drinks and celebrations with the victorious Light Elves.

  ‘Odin would have won if you’d been allowed to compete,’ Maya complained to Freya as they walked away from the Challenge. ‘Everyone knows you’re the fastest flyer in Asgard.’

  ‘I asked Mother this
morning if I could enter,’ Freya said. ‘She said if either of us asks her again, we’ll be banned from watching any more Challenges!’

  ‘No way!’ Archie said. ‘She’s still mad. Why is she always so angry?’

  Freya sighed. ‘Mother has never been a happy woman.’

  ‘She used to be,’ Maya said. ‘I remember before you were born, she would laugh and play with us all the time.’

  ‘Really?’ Freya said. ‘What happened?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Maya said. ‘She seemed to change overnight. Now we rarely see her smile.’

  After their Challenge that day, Freya and Archie returned to the stables to feed the Reaping Mares.

  ‘What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?’ Archie asked.

  ‘Dragon Wrestling,’ Freya said as she petted Sylt. ‘This is one I’m really looking forward to. Normally it’s Fire Giants versus Fire-breathing Dragons. This time it’s the Angels of Death against the dragons. Azrael is competing.’

  ‘Cool!’ Archie said as he set to work.

  The next morning, the Angels of Death entered the field and took on a line of Fire-breathing Dragons. The challenge was for the angels to wrestle a dragon to the ground while avoiding getting burned by the dragon’s fire.

  When Azrael led his angels forward, Freya, Archie and Maya cheered loudest. Freya was surprised by the power and strength of the Angels of Death. She had only ever seen their compassionate side. But as Azrael took on Nidhogg, the largest and most ferocious dragon in all the realms, he showed skills of speed and guile that Freya would never have imagined possible in an angel.

  The wrestling event went on for the better part of the day. Sometimes an angel would win, other times a dragon. But as day gave way to night, Azrael and Nidhogg were the only competitors left on the field.

  All other Challenges paused as every spectator and participant came down to the main arena to watch the leader of the Angels of Death do battle with the dragon. Freya couldn’t watch as Nidhogg caught Azrael by the wings and hoisted him in the air. As Azrael struggled to get free, Nidhogg slammed him down on the ground.

  ‘Azrael!’ Freya cried.

  But Azrael was back on his feet before Nidhogg could shoot flames from his nostrils.

  It was nearly dawn before Nidhogg made his fatal mistake. He lifted his wing, intending to smash it down on Azrael. But as it made contact with him, Azrael caught hold of it and flew up into the air.

  Nidhogg was caught by complete surprise and roared in fury as Azrael twisted his wing back. The more Nidhogg struggled, the harder Azrael pulled, until he managed to pin the dragon to the ground. Victory was declared.

  As the dragon was corralled and taken away, Freya and Archie ran up to the edge of the battlefield to greet Azrael. Most of his clothes had been burned away and the pristine white feathers on his wings were singed black. His face was filthy, but he was grinning.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Freya cried as another Angel of Death handed Azrael a clean robe.

  Azrael laughed and his bright eyes shone with excitement. ‘I haven’t fought like that in ages! It was wonderful!’

  ‘Whoa,’ Archie finally managed. ‘If I hadn’t have seen it, I’d never have believed it! You were amazing! I wish I could fight like that.’

  Azrael grinned. ‘I hear you’re being trained by Crixus and the Warriors of Valhalla. With a bit of time and practice, I’m sure you could manage it.’

  ‘Not against Nidhogg,’ Freya said. ‘I doubt even Thor could win against him.’

  Azrael shrugged. ‘Thor is much stronger than you think. Now, part of the Closing Ceremonies is going to be our Tug-of-War.’ His eyes landed on Freya. ‘I hope you’ll be ready.’

  ‘We will. But will you?’

  Azrael ruffled her hair before being swept away by the other angels. ‘We’re always ready for a fight!’

  As the days of Ten Realms Challenge continued, Freya, Archie and Maya took in as many events as they were allowed, while also training for their Tug-of-War Challenge. It was late afternoon on the eleventh day when the Valkyries were called on to the battlefield to take on the Dark Elves in the Three-Strike Sword Challenge.

  From the podium, Odin called the crowd to attention. ‘Hear me! There has been a programme change! A Challenge has been laid down that I have accepted. For the very first time ever, the Dark Searchers will participate in a Challenge. The Dark Searchers will replace the Dark Elves on the battlefield against the Valkyries!’

  The spectators erupted in cheers as the black-robed Dark Searchers filed on to the battleground. Everyone knew the Valkyries and Searchers hated each other. This would be the battle of the millennia.

  Freya shot a look at her sister. ‘Did you know about this?’

  ‘No!’ Maya cried. ‘The Valkyries were supposed to take on the Dark Elves. The Searchers never participate in a Challenge.’

  ‘They do now,’ said a voice behind them.

  Freya turned to see Loki grinning. She hadn’t felt or heard his approach. ‘What are you doing here?’ she demanded of the one who’d almost caused her to be blinded, de-winged and banished from Asgard.

  ‘I’m watching the Challenge, just like you. And just like you, I too have been banned from participating in most events. I wonder how long it will take Odin to forgive us.’

  ‘After all the trouble you caused, I hope he never forgives you,’ Freya cried. ‘You should have been banished from Asgard!’

  ‘Temper, temper,’ Loki teased. ‘If it hadn’t been for me, you and young Archie would never have met. You should thank me.’

  ‘Thank you? Are you insane?’

  ‘Gee, calm down,’ Archie said. ‘He’s just trying to get at you.’

  ‘Go away, Loki,’ Orus cawed. ‘You are not welcome here.’

  A sneaky smile pulled at the corners of Loki’s mouth as he leaned closer to Freya. ‘Don’t worry – I’ll go. I just wondered how you feel about the new Challenge.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Maya said. ‘We’re not competing.’

  ‘Are you so sure?’ Loki asked knowingly.

  Freya pulled back her fist, ready to punch Loki in the nose.

  ‘All right, all right,’ he chuckled, and held up his hands. ‘I’ll go. But before I do, I want to draw your attention to the Dark Searchers.’

  Freya followed Loki’s gaze towards the Dark Searchers filing on to the field of battle. ‘Look at that last Searcher at the end of the line. Look how small he is compared to the others – his cloak hardly fits. And how he covers his wings when all the other Searchers are proudly revealing theirs. Don’t you wonder why?’

  ‘He’s a Dark Searcher,’ Freya spat. ‘I don’t wonder anything about them except why Odin tolerates them.’

  ‘Oh, child, you do make me laugh!’ Loki cried. ‘Odin does much more than tolerate them. They are his closest servants. His Enforcers of Justice. I am certain Odin would see the Valkyries banished from Asgard long before his Dark Searchers.’

  ‘Go away, Loki,’ Maya warned. ‘My sister doesn’t have the tolerance I have. I don’t want to see her getting into any more trouble by breaking your nose!’

  The smile faded from Loki’s face and his dark eyes grew hard and stormy. ‘I don’t appreciate empty threats, Valkyrie, not from you or anyone. You would be wise to remember that.’

  Maya’s wings opened as she advanced on him. ‘And I don’t make empty threats. Now, go!’

  A dangerous silence fell as Freya, Archie and Maya squared up to Loki. After a long moment, Loki straightened to his full height and smiled again. He focused on Freya. ‘This isn’t over between us.’

  As he walked away, he almost bumped into Thor. Loki bowed respectfully, but all Thor did was grunt in response.

  ‘Was he bothering you?’ Thor demanded as he approached Freya.

  Freya secretly wondered if this day could get any worse. Odin’s powerful son was known to resent the Valkyries. ‘Not really. I just wish he would leave us alone.’

’s not his way.’ Thor turned to watch Loki’s back. ‘Causing mischief is in his nature. But you would do well to stay on his good side.’

  ‘Loki doesn’t have a good side,’ Maya spat.

  ‘He does,’ Thor said. ‘It just takes time to find it. Now, my father has sent me to collect you. You are both to join the others on the battlefield.’

  Freya’s heart sank. The day just got worse.

  ‘What?’ Archie cried. ‘No, you can’t mean they have to fight the Dark Searchers!’

  Thor nodded his reddish-blond head. ‘I mean exactly that. Father has ordered that Freya and Maya must finish the battle they started with the Searchers he sent after them.’ He paused and glared at Archie. ‘Be thankful he hasn’t ordered you on to the field with them. That Searcher hasn’t forgiven you for what you did to him with Freya’s sword.’

  ‘He doesn’t scare me!’ Archie replied. He rose to his full height and puffed out his chest. ‘After what he did to Gee, I’d love a chance to get even.’

  ‘He was following Odin’s orders,’ Thor finished. ‘You stopped him from doing his duty.’

  ‘His duty was to kill Gee?’

  ‘His duty,’ Thor corrected, ‘was to capture her. He would not have killed her. Your involvement impeded him and forced him to be harsher than ordered.’

  ‘You weren’t there,’ Freya cut in. ‘You didn’t see what he did. He was going to kill me, and he’s going to try it again. I’m not going to compete.’ Freya crossed her arms over her chest. ‘Not against them.’

  ‘Are you refusing Odin’s command?’ Thor said. ‘Whilst you are still under probation?’

  ‘The Searchers will kill Freya and Maya,’ Orus cried. ‘Odin can’t want that.’

  ‘Kill them dead!’ Grul added from Maya’s shoulder.

  ‘No they won’t,’ Thor said. ‘This isn’t a battle to the death. Believe me, Freya and Maya will join their sisters on the battlefield if I have to drag them there myself. It’s that, or face Odin’s wrath.’

  Thor caught each Valkyrie by the arm. His grip was firm enough to let them know there was no refusing. The crowds parted to allow them through. Freya heard their whispered excitement. Everyone knew about their trouble in Chicago and were anxious to see a live re-creation.