Read Vampyre: The Graveyard Series: Elizabeth's Journal Page 5

  Without breaking his gaze, I haltingly reach up to untie his mask. He does not stop me, therefore I continue pulling on the ribbon until it slips open and the mask falls off his face. His chiseled features cut through the darkness and are illuminated by the moonlight. We stand there holding each other’s gaze until I hear the crunch of the leaves being crushed under Arthur’s boot, as he spied upon us.


  I jump slightly but compose myself, “Come let me show you where I use to sit and study. I fairly sure my initials can still be seen in the tree trunk.” I say as I pull him on.


  We made small talk about the Realm, what it was like to live my entire life in a castle. As we are walking, he reaches and plucks an orchid from its branch and places it gently behind my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck as he takes his time placing the flower. I tilt my head slightly in order for our lips graze. It sends a shiver down my spine; I swiftly take his hand and pull him along for I am afraid Arthur would see something and interrupt us. I begin rambling, referring to the festival and various people that were attending. All of the sudden I turn to him and ask


  “What is your name?” Brief, simple, to the point.


  He looked like he was almost going to let it slip, but with that damned twinkle in his eye again he replied “It is not yet sunrise, and if you remember our original agreement was for me to reveal it to you by the light of the morning. Come let me lead you back to your chambers, there is only 90 minutes until sunrise.” He says, nonchalantly.


  Just as we reached my door, Arthur makes it silently clear that he was not to enter my chambers, by standing a stone’s throw away to allow us a smidgen of privacy. I tried again to get his name, and he promised he would reveal it; I just need to be patient. He kissed my cheek, his lips brushing the corner of my lips. Then he kisses my hand, his lips lingering briefly before he disappeared down the corridor.


  I wandered into my chambers, my mind only on the memories of the last few hours. Marie began to prepare me for bed, as I stand looking out my window, watching the colors in the sky lighten and indicate the sun will rise soon. The beauty that radiates from the rising sun is complex to compare. Arthur stands watching me, perplexed by my silence.


  “Were you able to ascertain his identity?” Arthur asks after a few moments, after it was obvious I was lost in my own thoughts. I surely just wanted him to leave in order for me to be able to spend the rest of my evening pondering every moment from tonight.

  “No, he might have, if you did not feel the need to hover and protect me so much…“ I say accusingly, “How am I ever supposed to experience romance with you around?”


  “One day you will meet another being, who will capture your heart, mind and soul and when you are eternally bound, I will be released from my guardianship…” I cannot imagine Arthur never being nearby, “but until that day I will protect you as I have been blood sworn to do. I regret hovering as you claim, but King Renee wanted that information as speedily as possible…”


  “Wait… Father did not invite him? Whose guest was he then?” I interrupt.


  “He appears to have been an uninvited guest, though some rumors that he is a Lord from the Draconian Realm. Though this is not yet been verified. It was thought best not to create a scene at your festival, thus King Renee allowed it to continue, until he or I felt your safety was in jeopardy. You spent most of the evening together. What did you speak of?”


  I paused trying to figure out how to word this gracefully.


  “I honestly could not tell you. I was not paying much attention to his words, just the melodic sound it made….”

  “What?” after seeing the look on Arthur’s face.

  ”Hmmmm, well he mostly asked with regards me. Iso came up a few times but he was an absolute gentleman to steer clear of a subject that upsets me. Unlike other men I know... Mostly we talked about my childhood, growing up in the castle and what plans I had for my future…”


  Pierre, my personal foot solider interrupts, “I am sorry for interrupting Princess, but Sir Arthur is needed in the throne room forthwith.”


  “Inform the king, I shall be right there.”


  “Of course, Sir.”

  As he turns to leave, I catch sight of Pierre dropping a note into my vase beside the door. Arthur stays and tries to gather more information in regards to my mystery man, but I convince him that I sensed the urgency from Pierre and that he should undoubtedly hurry to see Father. I am afraid he saw Pierre drop the note, as he tries to delay further but he finally takes the hint and leaves. I close the door slowly behind him before I reach into the vase and withdraw a tiny folded parchment;



  Meet me where our eyes first gazed upon each other and I will reveal my name to you at the light of the morning sky.

  Your unmasked paramour

  Marie glances at me suspiciously, I immediately crumpled the note and walk to the fire place, casually tossing it in before it can be found by snooping eyes. I pretend to be extremely tired and ready myself for bed. Marie retires to her chambers, still suspicious bur ever obedient and as soon as I hear the door latch, I hop out of bed and rush to the window. I have a scant amount of sand left in my hourglass indicating the bells will soon chime for sunrise. Can I make it? Do I dare try? Isobel would go, she loved taking risks. I look out my window. I am on the second floor of the chateau, but I am fairly certain I can make the drop easily. I climb up on the ledge; take one last deep breath, then step out.

  I hit the ground with the grace of a hippo, but I am out and seemingly unnoticed. It is tranquil and quiet this time of the early morning. But I am wasting time. I gather up my night dress, the pear around to gather my bearings as I begin to move quietly through the gardens. It is time for the changing of the guards, therefore I am able to easily slip across the grounds undetected. As I approach the forest clearing, I can see his form standing in the darkness. I look back to make sure I have not been seen, and realize I can feel the suns imminent approach.


  “I was uncertain if you would accept my offer,” I hear his voice confidently in a loud whisper as he approaches from the dimness of the forest.

  “I was not sure I would either, but I took a cue from my sister, thus here I am. Please tell me your name, in order for me to make it back to my room before the sun rises and it produces a nasty burn.” I look deep in his eyes and catch a flash of a smile form on his lips.


  “You do not appear worried that the sun will soon be rising, do you have a secret you could share with me in order that I may avoid the nasty burn of the sun here in a few minutes?” I was just beginning to realize I had not left myself enough time to get back to my room before sunrise.


  “I have many secrets, most you will never know, however, yes. Take my hand.” He reaches his hand for me to take. As I entwine my fingers with his before I can begin to regret coming out here without anyone knowing, the world begins to melt away as he continues, “And I will show you my secret power against the harmful rays of sunlight”

  As he finished speaking, we were standing back in my bed chambers. I grew rather dizzy and collapsed into his sturdy, protective embrace. He laid me gently on my bed, kissed my lips ever so gently. As he tried to pull away, my arms entangled his neck and pulled him closer. He wrapped his muscular arms around my body, kissing me with a strength I had never felt before. As I lie beneath him, he can sense my hesitation. He pulls away gently, looking for my approval. I stare deeply into his eyes and search his soul. Seeing the purity that lies deep within his aura, I nod and he felt all my hesitation melt away.


  His fingers untie my nig
htdress and slowly slips it down my torso. I feel tiny kisses all over my torso, setting my soul aflame. His clothes just seem to disappear, as I peer through the slits of my eyes to see his exquisite physique glimmering in the candle light. The passion I had dreamed of and craved was right before me. He grabs my hips with force; I can feel the control over the power he has. The pleasure is overwhelming, as he maneuvers us around the bed with skill and grace, making each peak of bliss even more intense. I do not know how we did not bring anyone to my door, as I know I could not contain my gratification.


  When I am able to bring him to a final pleasure, he whispers in my ear, “My name is Godfrey, Godfrey of Bouillon.” He does not speak any other words and slips away into the daylight. My eyes fall closed and I sleep peacefully until just briefly before sunset when Marie awakens me. Was it a dream? My head feels foggy, but I can still feel his touch on my skin. It is not until I brush the inside of my breast while I am bathing that I feel and then see a bite on the underside of my right breast. Even though it still resembles a dream, it is breathtaking to know it was real. I cannot wait to see him again tonight. I hurry to dressed and get over to the main tent…




  I spent most of my time over the last two evenings glancing around for Godfrey. I was too distracted to enjoy or remember much of these final two evenings. But I know the events went off without a hitch and now I am the crowned Princess of the Fleur Realm. During Nuit de l'Artisanat, players sign up to compete for a variety of titles for mastery in archery, fencing, spell magik and many others. Any skills you want to showcase to the other Realms. This is crucial to bringing in revenue to the Realm as it allows the other Realms to see what you have to offer in goods and services. The Fleur Realm has masters in armory, dress making, long bow archery, and blacksmithing.

  My favorite competition is the Master Dressmaker competition. Our own Lord Tymn Guinne has won every competition for several decades. His dresses are works of art. I was his model for the night. His creation was the ideal blend of innocence and a shadow of the woman I will become. Its panels floated around me as I moved, the gems creating a sparkly silhouette on the light gold material. He took inspiration from the childhood story Father would tell me conerning Eleanor and Caine.


  Tymn is also the one who created my coronation gown and headdress. The entire ceremony went off like poetry. I kept my balance, not wavering once. After I was crowned, I was ushered off to a private sanguine bonding ceremony. This bonds my blood with Fathers and Dauphine Isolde. This creates a bond that means no matter where I may be, they will always know where I am. The ceremony is in the cramped chapel room and takes place over a humble wooden altar. It has many ancient carvings in it. Each of us slit open our left wrist with a special runic atheme into the goblet. Then we each drink from the cup, first Father, then Dauphine Isolde, then myself. The ceremony is brief and afterwards we enjoy a large feast in the primary throne room. The moratorium on feeding has been lifted and many of our guests began to get a snippet too carried away. They had to remove the royal vassels before things got too crazy and they were drained heedlessly. It was spirited occasion. The party began to wind down as the hour approached closer to sunrise. I had a spot too much to drink and needed Marie’s steady hand to aid me back to my chambers. A man bumped into us as we approached my bedroom door. He slipped a miniature paper scroll into my hand, then disappeared down the hall before either of us realizes what happened. Marie hurries us into my room. Marie takes her time preparing my room for bed. I even tried to assist her but that just made her suspicious, therefore I had to try and be patient. Finally, she retires to her room. As I lay tucked into my bed, I slowly unroll the scroll. To my surprise there is nothing but a brief poem:

  Look to this day for it is life the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the realities and truths of existence the joy of growth the splendor of action the glory of power. For yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.

  What does this mean? I recognize it from my readings. Father kept this book of stories and poems by… I am blanking on the name. I will have Marie go in search of it.

  There is no signature, but I believe it is from him.

  He was thinking of me today.

  There must be a reason why he had to stay away.

  I begin to weep as I fear this was his way of saying adieu.

  My tears lull me into a deep sleep.


  Twentieth of July, 1206

  Traveling the Kings Road

  From Fleur Castle to Ratimir Keep



  It has been two months since my coronation. I heard nary a word from Godfrey. It is okay though; I am finally on my way to the Ratimir Realm on my emissary mission to have them to sign a treaty developing trade between our Realms. Thus allowing us access to the rumored dark world trade routes.


  I was delayed one moon cycle in order to stay and attend Max and Jesica’s eternal bonding ceremony. It was a glorious ceremony. Once you become bonded, you gain access to that person’s thoughts, memories and feelings. The catch is that you get it in one massive jumble and you have to spend eternity unlocking their puzzle.


  The ceremony itself is rather we aspiring. To be witness to the ceremony grants you witness to some glorious one of the most powerful magiks in existence. On the night of the full moon those in attendance began chanting after forming a circle around the altar. The chanting began to sound like a delightful melody as it floated in the air around us. Each half of the couple enters from separate sides of the circle and takes their places. A priest comes up places a goblet down in the center of a large sigil drawn in chalk and then offers them an ancient atheme. Each alternates slicing their palm 13 times. The smell of blood permeated the air. Once they are done they gently grasps hands allowing each other’s bared wounds to bleed into the other and heal the wounds.


  They then intertwine their fingers while they take turns drinking 13 times from the goblet. Strange magic began to happen the closer they get to finishing. Sun flies float up from the grass below us illuminating the air with a bright white light. They begin to dance around, each slowly changing colors, the sky just glowing in a rainbow of lights. They grow to a substantial size and brighter until they explode showering the audience in a fusion of time and space magiks. With the explosion, the couple now share their powers for eternity. This way when they each create a new child, their child will be blessed with a blend of powers. This is what has allowed our species to continually evolve.

  My date for the event was Lord Tavus Irons from the Svarog Realm. He is of distant relation to Dauphine Isolde and I am doing this as a favor to her. He was rather pompous and dull, spent the evening talking only of his future, what our futures together would look like and his place in line to be heir. He even had the audacity to say to me that if we married then he would jump ahead to seventh from the crown. I suppose I was to be impressed but all he did was bore me. I had not been able to find another suitor that provided me with the excitement and security Godfrey did. Of course I was a disappointment to Dauphine Isolde. She had high hopes for this union, but when I grabbed his hand during Max and Jesica’s ceremony I did not feel safe with him. I felt cold, almost nothing. It was a strange feeling.


  I was glad to get away a few moons after the ceremony considering Lord Tavus decided to stay on infinitely. He made me feel significantly cold inside when I was near him. His aura was grey; I had never seen anything like it. When I asked Arthur with regards to it, he told me to stay away from him. He had heard only of a grey aura a few times but it meant that being felt nothing. They had no feelings and that was a deadly person to be ar
ound. They would slit your throat as soon as hug you. He followed me around when I would leave my room, but I was able to spend most of my time packing, it allowed me to avoid him most of my brief time left.

  Needless to say I was over joyed to leave and could scarcely contain my excitement. This is my first time outside of the Realm borders. We will take the King’s road through the Leander Realm and then take Volos King’s Road to the Black Sea. There is a boat that will take us to a caravan on the other side from King Stain Rattenkönig. It will transport us on the last portion of our trip. It is a long travel. Two full moons. There are more expeditious ways of traveling there but is it extremely dangerous according to Arthur. Traveling the kings’ road is the safest way for supernatural beings to travel among the Realms.


  Father has sent Arthur as my guide and my faithful guardian. I brought Marie, Pierre to attend to my personal needs, and two of our King’s personal guards to accompany us and keep me safe during our travel and time spent there. This is supposed to be a simple trip, but this new Realm is known for the dark activities that transpire within its borders.


  The Ratimir Realm was officially recognized only 217 years ago. For over 1000 years the area has become a cesspool of iniquity for those who were banished from their Realms. The Realm developed from these beings unifying towards common goals and be able to control the humans within the proximity of their newly formed boarders. King Stain Rattenkönig was named as their first leader after 52 years of infighting as they thought they needed no ruler.

  Arthur keeps warning me that the beings we will be dealing with here are much different from those living in the Fleur Realm. They were banished for one crime or another. Not all are guilty but all were banished. Many of them know how to charm a beautiful lady, but I am to be wary of genuinely trusting any of them. It is distressing to not have anyone trust my instincts. I am the one who can see auras and know when someone is lying to me. But due to the fact that I am young, that of course makes me naïve. I just wish Arthur could learn to trust me more.