Read Vampyre: The Graveyard Series: Elizabeth's Journal Page 6

  Father is adamant that we create an alliance with King Rattenkönig. We need to develop trade among our Realms. There are Adamantine stones that can only be mined from this Realm. They are said to be nearly indestructible. It is my duty to convince King Rattenkönig that they are also in need of this alliance. Father also wants me to try and have King Stain to expand his trade routes to us as well. This would endow the Fleur Realm an advantage the other high Realms do not have.





  Twenty-Fourth of October, 1206


  I have been here in Ratimir for a wee bit over one moon; it is a considerably exotic place. The chateau we are staying in is… meager. I know it is improper to say, but it is maybe one tenth the size of Fleur Castle. Marie basically is sleeping in my closet. There is room for her bed and chest, but that is all. My room is a quarter the size of my room at home. They have provided us with respectable linens and a fully staffed house. Arthur looks as if to have no complaints and is rather bemused by mine.


  In order to not feel cramped and confined I have spent much of my time sight seeing. There are engaging trade stalls available for shopping. I have found many dark dresses to wear during my time here, now that my brightly colored dresses stand out a bit too much here. The fabric choices leave much to be desired, but I am able to layer my more exceptional brightly colored dresses underneath, at least my skin not need be chaffed. I am creating a particular fashion statement as the bright colors of my dresses still show from under the darkness of the new dresses. Many of the ladies of the court have tried to unsuccessfully copy my look. The green eye of jealousy shows through each time I visit court. I am arranging to have enough dresses made for each of them this Christmas. I am excited to spoil the ladies of this Realm. They have spent much time in the darkness and I am seeing that they are not treated as well as their male counterparts.

  I have captured the eye of King Stain’s son Prince Leopold Willardson. He has been cordial, charming and courteous. He has shown me the sights; taken me on horseback rides through the countryside, revealing its hidden beauty to me. We spend hours just sitting and talking. During one of those talks he revealed to me why he and his father were banished from the Leander Realm. King Stain who is true name is Lord Willard Crisps murdered an elder vampire. I remember reading of his crimes and of his son’s involvement but Prince Leopold tells me most of what I know is misinterpretation of the truths. He can never speak of what indeed happened that night, but he and his father accepted their punishment and have been able to create a new Realm out of the ashes of their fall.


  He reminds me a bit of Godfrey. They have similar chins and jaws. There is something with the way his eye twinkles when I catch him watching me. There is a safety, a security that I bask in when I am with Leopold. I know he would hand over his life to protect me and I would protect him as well. I enjoy the tenderness Leopold provides to me. In this dark world that I have yet to grow accustom to, he brings me light and a smile each time I recall of him.



  Twenty -Second of November 1206


  The second full moon since my arrival just passed. While things are going well for Prince Leopold Willardson and I, I have not yet been able to win over King Stain Rattenkönig. Just when I feel I am charming him, he twists the meaning of my words and I am left stumbling trying to regain my composure. Leopold tells me that it is just his way of maintaining control and making sure anyone in the room knows he is the most powerful. It can be such a blow to my ego, which it has left me in tears more than once. Leopold told me that since he is being allowed to court me, that meant his father did like me… and is accepting of Arthur. Since most of the beings I have to speak with in court as wary of Arthur, he has backed off, which has left the position of my escort free. Leopold has been delighted to step in.


  Prince Leopold Willardson can be considerably sweet when we are alone. We will sit for hours talking about everything, yet nothing. The first time he held my hand leaves the sweetest memory for me. We were sitting in a field under an explosion of stars and he made me a delicate wildflower crown. He placed it upon my head and as his hand drops down on mine, our fingers become entwined. It was like the earth took a deep breath and held it. We continued talking for several hours while our fingers entwined and tickled each other’s palms. I have many sweet memories like this to keep me warm during the day.

  When we arrive to court or during our travels in town, he is different. More callous, harsh and verbally aggressive. We often sneak away from court and go to some of the seedier taverns and enjoy the revelry and array of characters. The humans that live nearby go into their homes at sundown and stay inside until sunrise. This allows us to stalk the streets undisturbed. Occasionally we run into a human or two. Some are prostitutes that allow them to be fed on, and others are boys who believe they are tough and know how to take on the demons that haunt the night. Leopold commonly will send them home but occasionally, only when others are around, he will convince me to feed on them with him. It is deeply arousing to feed off a human together. There is something purely intoxicating when I am with him. He makes me feel joyous and excited to wake up in the evening. Leopold brings out the best in me, he accepts my insecurities and faults. Something I have not been able to show anyone since Isobel.


  I have begun staying more often at the keep with Leopold considering Arthur and Marie will not stop nagging me in regards to how much of a dangerous influence they feel he is on me. They are just having an arduous time adjusting to me making my own choices. They became used to making all my decisions for me for too long, that now they feel out of sorts that I am taking back the reigns over my life.


  Does it bother me that the humans in this Realm are not well cared for? Of course, I believe in humanity and want to preserve it. Most of them walk around like zombies and are kept on as blood bags.

  King Stain has humans shipped in from the Dragon Realm for the royals to feed from. It is not illegal here to have human feed bags as long as you are not mass murdering them and I was raised to respect and abide the laws of each Realm when you are a visitor in their land.


  One evening I saw something most disturbing. It has scarred me to my core. It is an offense that would normally send you to the box for a century or more, and considered one of the worst crimes to commit. I was wandering the keep one morning just after sunset; I was bored and could not sleep. I heard talking in a room nearby. I believed it was Arthur and Leopold, and I am naturally curious, thus I snuck down the hall and peered through the partially agape door.


  Arthur was not in the room but Leopold was, as was King Stain and his head guard Sir Kudurri Usur Belshazzar. That must have been who I thought was Arthur. Now recalling back, they do have similar voices. There were two men tied to chairs in the room, no windows and only a few torches to provide light.


  I recognized the men tied to the chairs. They were at the tavern we visited earlier that night, we had chatted with them for much of the night. They told us their story. How they were young vampires exiled from the Ursa Realm for petty theft, stealing from the human villagers and sell back to them for a profit. They have been here for a month and feeling lost in the crowds. Leopold told them he would put in a word with his father. But it looks like it is not the word they were hoping for.


  King Stain stepped into my direct line of sight grabbing one at his neck and swiftly beginning to drain him of his fluids. I had never seen someone this thirsty before. If he had been human he would have died instantly, but since he was a vampyre he just gets paler and paler, slumping in his chair until he appears to pass out. The other guy, seeing what just happened
begins to get extremely violent in his chair, thrashing against his restraints. I hear the chair crack and he is grabbed by his throat just after he frees himself. I see the excitement then pure terror saturates his eyes.

  I run down the hall at this point, not wanting to see anything more.


  That night I left for my house and spent the upcoming nights avoiding Leopold. I keep to myself though Marie and Arthur are making it apparent they are curious regarding my sudden return. After being at the Chateau for eight moons I begin to become paranoid that King Stain will begin to suspect something, I am not categorically sure, but it is possible he saw me. Therefore I agreed to an evening at the puppet show. This way I can judge the temperament of the King and see if he suspected me of anything.

  That night I dressed in one of my more brightly colored dresses and we headed out. King Stain and Leopold were already in attendance when I arrived. It is weird being around King Stain now, knowing he drinks vampyre blood. It is one of the worst crimes you can commit. It is what precipitated many of the early wars among our breed. Elders can get addicted to the sanguine fluid and go crazy from the compulsion to feed.


  Leopold came running to me the moment we arrived. His hug was willingly welcomed and reassuring but then a flash of what his father did crossed into my mind and I stiffened in his arms. He pulls away slightly and gives me a strange look. I am pretty sure I kept my composure mostly though. I blamed my disappearance on Isobel. I was told she was nearby and I had to try to find her. Arthur appeared perplexed by my lie, but smoothly covered for me.


  We made our way over to King Stain and he was especially dismissive. This is fairly usual thus I do not believe he suspected anything. Leopold and I then sat together and our time together convinced me he did not drink any of the blood. I wonder how much of a culprit he is in aidng his father. Were we stalking those men? Was I only there as a distraction? The barmaid was the only one to handle our drinks… I realized the more I focused on that morning the more my nervousness was beginning to show through. My hands shook with enormous trepidation and I fumbled many of my words. Arthur and Marie kept making excuses, explaining that this is the effect Isobel has on me. I hate showing that sort of weakness.


  Leopold offered to take me on the long walk through the woods back to my chateau, he was a consummate gentleman. I wanted to bring him up to my room before Arthur got there, but he had guard duty in an hour and had to go get ready. He would come and spend the subsequent nights with me. He said he had been away from me for entirely too long and was not going to let any more time pass than he could.


  Arthur arrives home a few hours after I retired for the evening and immediately goes on a tirade demanding I tell him why I lied and what was going on, but I could not get Leopold in trouble and I know this is something Arthur would immediately report. Thus I lie again, hoping Arthur will believe me.


  “I saw something. One of the Generals, he was torturing a kid. He was slicing him, the screams and terror… I thought I heard Leopold’s voice inside the room with him, but now I know I was mistaken. It was Sir Thomas Danby Nevaeh.” I felt like Arthur is buying it, though his gaze still looks slightly unbelieving…


  “I know I got swept up in the dark side. It is fun, but when it got scary… I grew frightened and just wanted to come back to where I felt safest.” I look at him softly in the eyes, tears welling up.


  Thank you for making me feel safe, and I know with you around nothing will ever happen to me.” I see his aura showing signs of sympathy and his body begins to soften. I do feel safe here. I did not lie in respect to that. It is only a half lie, or like Isobel use to say “it is a half-truth. Just include your truth within your lie, to make it more believable. Then if you have to pass a truth detection spell or potion, you can because you are, in a way telling the truth.” This was her logic at age 10 and became her mantra soon after.



  I hug him tightly and he awkwardly hugs be back. It felt comforting to feel like that young girl who use to run to his arms when the shadows in the night grew darkest. That awkward hug is my safety net. It always catches me when I stumble. I hope to never find out what would happen without it.



  Third of January 1207




  It happened during the final ceremony of the Christmas Festival. Leopold proposed in front of father and all of our guests. He wrote the most splendid poem.


  She walks in grace with the eventide.

  Her soft touch setting my skin a blaze

  Her pure heart shines through her soft amethyst eyes.

  Burning away the darkness we live within

  She looks inside my soul and seeing my thoughts

  My dreams, my fears, and my love

  On this night of Noel

  I ask for her to drink of my blood

  As I drink of hers

  Princess Lady Elizabeth Isabella Raina

  Augustus Demonte OF the Fleur Realm Will you be eternally bonded to me?

  Will you spend your everlasting life with me unraveling the puzzle of our existence?


  His words made my heart soar and of course I accepted. Father gave his approval. I know it is to be injunction with a deal to unite our Realms, but I could not be gifted to a more marvelous being. We will be bonded in eleven moons. There is much to discuss and prepare for. Arthur and I will stay on, designing each detail and Father will return one moon before the ceremony.

  This will be a huge celebration.



  Twenty-Fourth of December, 1207

  Fleur Castle


  As I sit here in my room back in Fleur castle, looking at my gown, I am only beginning to process

  what went wrong…


  We were blissful. Arrangements were being made. Father had just left a few nights prior. He was traveling by mirror now. It is a new way of travel recently developed by a group of mages from the Edmead Realm. There are only a few chantries who have been gifted one. Father was gifted one as a belated gift from Max and Jesica’s union. Father asked for another to be gifted to the Ratimir Realm therefore he may travel freely to visit me. Father paid handsomely for this mirror, but he told me during his last visit that it is worth the expense to be able to see me at his leisure.


  Leopold moved in with me. We had just had a pleasing evening with Arthur, who had finally genuinely begun to accept Leopold and treat him more like a friend. King Stain was arriving the following night just after sunset to finalize the flowers and guest list.


  I was having the sweetest dream. I was sitting on the shores of the English Channel. Isobel was sitting on my left and Leopold on my right. We were having the strangest conversation regarding the color of horses and which horse looks best with which dress. We all jumped up and began dancing around. Soon it was just Leopold and I, when dark, black clouds rolled in hastily, the thunder that reminded me of a raven’s scream, began to come between the lightening. I felt warm and sticky tar beginning to envelop me, poured from over my head. I try to scream but it flows into my mouth. The taste was noticeably familiar. I began to choke. I see Leopold running away. He looks back and I see the light leave his body. I try and scream but the tar keeps me silent.


  My eyes popped wide open. Everything rushes forward. It was all just a horrible nightmare. Just a horrible nightmare. Abruptly there is a rush of sound and I hear Marie screaming as Arthur stands silently over me. His eyes wide with fear. There is a strange smell permeating the room. Denial begins to set
in as I recognize the smell. I turn my head to see Leopold’s blood-soaked body lying there. His carcass viscously ripped apart. A vacant look in his eyes. His beauty completely masked by the violence of his death.



  I look at Arthur, who is trying to stay calm and kept repeating to me “What happened? What did you do?” I recognize his words but my mind could not comprehend their meaning. I just sat there, staring.


  Then Arthur’s words began swarming in my head. I did not do anything. I just woke up. I hear the words melding together. Then screams begin to erupt out of my mouth. I cannot stop myself; the pain over the realization that my eternal lover is dead is too much for me to bear. All of our servants come running. Pierre is the first to arrive and luckily keeps anyone else out.


  Arthur grabs me roughly and lifts up to his eye line. “BE SILENT”. My screams turn silent instantly. I can still hear them in my head but my voice will no longer compose sound.


  “Sire, this look exceedingly familiar… Was Is-”

  Arthur cutting him off before but I am sure he was about to say Iso. “No Pierre, I do not suspect...” At that moment I look up and he is trying to conceal his true feelings behind his steel blue eyes. The last time I remember seeing that look was when Arthur came to tell me in respect to the crime Isobel committed. Arthur begins issuing orders.



  “We need to leave immediately. Grab only what we can carry, we must leave in rapid order. We will travel to the Mage Chantry and use the mirror and get back to Fleur castle by morning light.


  “She will be blamed for this and Stain is not someone we want to take on.


  “And Elizabeth,” nodding to me as I lay across Leopold’s desecrated body hugging him trying to get him to wake up.