Read Vicious Carousel Page 19

  He turned to look at her. She met his gaze, unflinching, unblinking, her jaw tight and every muscle in her face and neck starkly visible.

  They heard more shouting by the gate, a familiar voice, and Bill waved someone else through. The vehicles and angle blocked their view of who it was.

  Then Scrye came pounding up, panting, his T-shirt and shorts soaked with sweat.

  Nolan would testify in court if asked that June’s feet didn’t even touch the ground as she flung herself off the ambulance bumper at her husband. He caught her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, buried her face against his chest, and started sobbing as he held her and stroked her back. He walked over, turning to sit on the bumper next to them.

  “May I?” he asked.

  Nolan suppressed a nervous laugh. “Our bumper is your bumper.”

  Nolan returned his focus to Betsy and tuned out the soft whispers Scrye spoke to June, her sobs now nearly as loud as Betsy’s had been.

  It did seem the tiny, terrifying gymnast had a two-hundred-pound-plus weak spot.

  Kenny’s phone rang, but he ignored it. Then Nolan’s rang, and he answered it. It was Ed.

  “You fucking find them yet?”

  “Yeah. They’re okay.”


  “Not so much.”

  “Good. I’m getting a shower and some sleep. I’ll call you when I wake up. Ross has Amanda’s weekend number. He’ll take care of whatever needs to be taken care of until I get back.”


  Two crime scene deputies wheeled a gurney with a body bag on it out toward the Medical Examiner’s van. Nolan shifted position, in case Betsy looked up, so she couldn’t see it. He glanced over and saw Scrye lift one of his hands and press June’s face against his far shoulder, keeping it there and keeping her in place as he continued whispering to her.

  Nolan knew he heard “good girl” and then tuned out, sure that whatever was being said was way too private for his ears.

  Instead, he focused on Betsy.

  Their good girl.

  Bill waved someone else in, and Ross and Loren ran up, both of them out of breath. That was when Bill stepped in close. “Guys?” Bill said to Scrye, Kenny, and Nolan. “They have to take their statements. Especially June’s.”

  June sniffled and sat up, wiping at her eyes. “Daddy,” she whispered, “they had to take my gun.”

  Scrye laughed and kissed her. “That’s okay. I’ll buy you a new one, sweetie.”

  “You gave me that one.”

  “I know, and you did good. You did just what I always told you to do. Now, I’m going to sit here and make sure I’m not having a heart attack from that jog, while you and Ross are going to talk to the deputies. I’m going to sit right here. Okay?”

  She nodded, unpeeling herself from his massive frame. Scrye handed her—literally passing her hand—over to Ross, who led her over to another vehicle with a couple of officers.

  Bill stayed there with them as the other officers started questioning Betsy.

  Nolan looked at Scrye, who was mopping the sweat from his face with the hem of his now-soaked T-shirt.

  “You all right?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t run track since high school, and even then I was slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through a tub of peanut butter. I don’t think we’re going to be joining everyone tonight, though. I think we’re going to make a stay-home night of it.”

  “Yeah, I think we are, too.”

  The men stared at each other for a moment before they both broke into wide grins.

  He leaned close to speak into Scrye’s ear. “Remind me to tell you the story where your wife literally made me piss myself in my own driveway a couple of months ago.”

  Scrye chuckled. “Buddy, I’ve had a few yellow stains myself over the years. And I’m her damn Dom!”

  * * * *

  After they finished questioning Betsy, Kenny handed her off to Nolan while he stepped away to call Tilly.

  She answered before the first ring even finished. “The first words out of your mouth better be ‘they’re okay.’”

  “They’re okay.”

  “Oh, sweet mother dick, thank you.”

  “You sitting down?”

  “Is this going to require liquor?”

  “No, but I suspect you’ll want to start packing and fly home.”

  He gave her the short version, what he knew of it from listening to Betsy tell it. When the other officers had finished questioning June, as he was talking to Tilly, he watched Ross lead her back to her husband. She’d once again climbed onto him, not caring what anyone else thought, and clung to him like a koala on a eucalyptus tree.

  In fact, the scale looked pretty accurate.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Tilly whispered. “Seriously? She fucking killed him?”

  “I just watched his body get wheeled out of here and into an ME’s van.”

  “Fuck. Me.” She giggled. “Is it horrible of me to want to ask Landry to buy June a commemorative gold-plated gun?”

  “No, but I don’t think she’s in a celebratory mood right now.” He turned. Scrye was once again whispering in his wife’s ear. He couldn’t see June’s face, but from the way her body shuddered, he suspected she was crying again.

  He heard fingers on a keyboard. “You’re probably right. Ooh, book that flight, yes, please. I’ll be home by nine p.m. Florida time. Keep me posted if you aren’t home, because I’ll stop at your place first.”

  “Will do.”

  “Hey.” Tilly’s tone softened, snarkless. “Give them both a hug and kiss for me. Tell them I love them.”

  He glanced at June. “I’ll pass the word to Scrye for you for June, but I’ll take care of Betsy.”

  “You’re a good Dom, Charlie Brown.”

  * * * *

  By noon, the investigators had finally released everyone to go. From witness testimony and the physical evidence, it was clearly a case of self-defense. Whether June would be charged with having a concealed weapon in a state park remained to be seen, although Ross said even if the state attorney’s office did press charges they could likely plead it down to a misdemeanor in light of what had happened.

  Although when the media found out who the deceased was and his tie to Betsy, it got…crazier.

  Ross had sent everyone home, Loren driving June’s car back for the couple since it was all Scrye could do to order June to let go of him and sit in the passenger seat of his car. Ross would go home, get a shower and more coffee, get in touch with Ed and Ed’s office, the other authorities, and then get in touch with everyone.

  Kenny drove while Nolan sat in the backseat of their car with Betsy, holding her. He took the Interstate back, and when he turned toward her apartment, she asked, “Where are we going?” in a rather shrill tone.

  “I was going to drive us to your place and stay with you there, sweetie.”

  “I want to go home,” she said. “I want to go home with you.”

  His first instinct was to say, “Your wish is my command,” and spin the wheel around right there in the middle of traffic.

  But he didn’t want her to make a decision she’d regret. “We hadn’t talked about you moving back yet,” he said. “I didn’t want to assume—”

  “Ask June! I told her this morning I was going to ask you guys tonight. Please, please, take me home.” She started sobbing again. He caught Nolan’s gaze in the rearview mirror and thought his partner was going to punch him for not immediately turning the car around.

  “Okay, honey. Calm down. We’re almost to the apartment. Let’s pull in there for just a minute and talk.”

  He parked next to her car, put it in park, and then turned.

  Nolan glared at him, her face pressed against his shoulder.

  Kenny gave him a stink-eye and then reached over the seat to stroke her hair. “We promised you we wouldn’t force you to do anything, sweetie,” he said. “You tell us what you want.”

nbsp; She sniffled as she lifted her head from Nolan’s shoulder. “I’m yours. I belong to you both. Please, I don’t want to be alone anymore. I feel safe when I’m with you, and I’m done trying to stay alone. I want to be with you guys. Please?”

  “You don’t need to be our submissive or our slave to be with us,” he gently said. “We love you, and we want you in our lives. If you want to wait on other stuff, we’re okay with that.”

  “Yeah,” Nolan said, his expression softening when he realized Kenny wasn’t going to force her to stay at the apartment. “We just want you, however you want to be with us.”

  “I want to be your slave,” she said. “I trust you guys. I love you guys.” She sniffled again. “Do you know what June whispered to me when you got there?”

  “No, sweetie,” Kenny said. “We couldn’t hear her.”

  “She told me if I let you two go because of fear, she’d never forgive me, because it cost her her favorite gun.” She giggled. “She really said that.”

  Kenny laughed. “I can believe that, strangely enough.”

  “I think she was in shock,” Nolan said. “When Scrye got there, it was like she had a nervous breakdown or something.”

  “I was pretty out of it before you guys got there.” Betsy sniffled. “But I’m pretty sure I heard one of the cops say ‘tight grouping’ or something like that when they were examining Jack, before they took us out to the parking lot. She got between me and Jack. She was willing to die to protect me, if she had to. If she has that kind of faith in you two and doesn’t even know you two as well as I do, I’m done trying to do this shit on my own. I’m choosing you because I love you and life’s too short for me to live in fear anymore.”

  “Tell us what you want, sweetie,” Kenny softly said. “You need to ask us.”

  She took a long, hitching breath. “I want to be with you guys, as your slave. I want to belong to both of you. I want you two to get legally married—because fuck you, assholes who kept holding up gay marriage for so long here in this state, and you two have been together for so long—and I want to be your slave.”

  Kenny started laughing. “You have been talking to Tilly waaay too much,” he teased, leaning across the seat to kiss her.

  Nolan kissed her. “Would you do us the honor of being our slave, Elizabeth?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.” She looked at Kenny. “I would love to be your slave. Both of you.”

  Kenny reached out and touched the shark’s tooth necklace still around her neck. “I wonder if Becca can make something out of chainmaille with a shark’s tooth?”

  “I have a rule I want to put forth,” Nolan said, getting their attention.

  “What?” Kenny asked.

  “It’s an addendum to the punishment rule, so she needs to approve it.”

  She looked a little nervous, but she nodded for him to go on.

  “I get that sometimes you’re going to go places with your friends,” Nolan said. “I get it. And I also get that, sometimes, you won’t have your phone on you, or be able to use it. In the future, please, make sure you throw us a text, or leave us a note, if you aren’t going to be in contact.”


  He thought about it for a moment. “You would have to choose the punishment,” he said. “No, we will not use that as an excuse to punish you at will,” he added. “And you can, of course, say no punishment was needed. But…come on.”

  “She didn’t know Jack was free,” Kenny said.

  “I know. Today wouldn’t be a punishment day,” he said. “Because, reasons. However, I would like to reserve the right, in extraordinary circumstances, to bring up punishment.”

  Kenny hoped that wasn’t pushing the envelope too far.

  Betsy slowly nodded. “That’s fair,” she finally said. “I’ll agree to that. But what are you thinking are punishments?”

  Nolan shrugged. “Your choice.”

  “Cane strokes?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”


  Another shrug.

  “Well, what?” she asked.

  “I was thinking more like you on your knees, not being allowed to come while you suck one of our cocks and the other uses a vibrator on you. And if you come without permission, you get five swats with a paddle, and then it’s forced orgasm torture on you until we say stop.”

  He watched as she slowly licked her lips. “That’s fair,” she softly said.

  She couldn’t fool Kenny. Her eyes had already taken on that sweet, spacey glaze he loved seeing her wear.

  “Well, can I make a suggestion?” Kenny asked.

  She nodded.

  “How about we grab whatever you’ll need for the next day or so, and take it home with us, and then you can try out that punishment, just to see if you’d be okay with it or not?”

  She nodded. “Maybe even without the paddle strokes?”

  “Sure. That’s fair.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Kenny smiled. “Such a good girl.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They didn’t actually play when they got home. They grabbed showers and snuggled on the couch and had to answer phone calls every five minutes, it felt like.

  By the time Tilly arrived later that evening, driving a rental car and having come straight from Tampa International, Ross and the investigators had some answers.

  Yes, there was a restraining order against Jack about Betsy. But what Ed had forgotten was that, when he’d originally filed it, he’d included the building’s property address where the apartment and club were as one of the specifically prohibited locales. Because they were a commercial property, and not technically a residential property, he’d been prepared to say she was storing her stuff there, had there been any questions asked.

  Which, technically, had been the truth, in the beginning.

  The men’s address had been protected, but no one had foreseen Jack making bail that close to the trial date.

  He’d apparently gotten the paperwork from his attorney sometime on Friday about his trial, and had simply used it to start looking for her. He must have seen June arrive to pick Betsy up and followed them.

  That was all conjecture, since all they had was Jack dead in the park at that point. The car traced to him at the park belonged to a former coworker of his who said Jack showed up with five hundred dollars and asked to rent the car for the week because he didn’t have a credit card and needed to get evidence to prove he was innocent.

  Tilly left after reassuring herself Betsy was alive and well. She was heading for Scrye and June’s next, just to put eyes on her friend. Tomorrow, they would all come to Tilly’s for brunch, including Ross and Loren.

  Tonight, they would cuddle in bed, kiss every inch of Betsy’s flesh, and give thanks for tiny little former gymnasts with anger issues and concealed carry permits.

  At least, that had been Kenny’s plan.

  It soon became apparent that Betsy had other plans. She rolled on top of him, getting him hard with her hand before slipping him inside her pussy.

  She was wet.

  Nolan crowded in close. “You sure you’re up for this, sweetie?” he asked, voicing what Kenny was feeling.

  “Absolutely, Sir,” she said.

  “Okey dokey,” Nolan said, leaning in to suck her right nipple into his mouth.

  She gasped. “That’s not what I want, Sir,” she said.

  Nolan’s head popped up like a meerkat. “Huh?”

  “I want you both.”

  Kenny and Nolan shared a quick glance before Kenny glanced at the bathroom door, and then back to him.

  The coded message there being, “Go get a towel and stuff.”

  Yes, they had already crossed this bridge early on. She enjoyed anal play, but usually they worked her up to it over an hour or so of playing with butt plugs and vibrator play.

  Nolan quickly returned and jumped into bed. Kenny felt him kneeling behind her, and she fell still as he got to work lubing her ass.
  She rested her head on Kenny’s chest. “I want my Sirs to fuck me hard tonight,” she said.

  Kenny reached up and brushed the hair from her face, holding it out of her eyes, searching her gaze with his. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Life is too short,” she said. “No more wasting it.”

  After a few minutes, she was rocking back and forth on Kenny’s cock in her pussy and Nolan’s fingers in her ass. “Ready for more, baby?” Nolan asked her.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The sound of a condom pouch being ripped open was followed seconds later by Betsy falling still.

  Then Kenny felt it as Nolan worked his cock up her ass. Once they were both deeply buried inside her, she started slowly fucking herself on their cocks, leaving them to fill in.

  And normally, like this, she liked a vibrator tossed into the mix to help her get over faster. Not tonight. Tonight, she was apparently determined to ride this one out au naturel, so to speak.

  He reached up and played with her nipples. That was rewarded by her breath quickening, her pace growing faster as she fucked them harder, deeper, until she was close. He could feel the tension ratcheting inside her body like a rubber band, close to snapping. When it finally did, she threw her head back and let out a cry that sounded somewhere between triumph and pleasure before the men started moving, fucking her, catching up to finish with her, leaving them all breathless and weak and utterly satisfied.

  As they all snuggled together, she closed her eyes. “Thank you, Sirs,” she whispered. “You both have always taken such good care of me. I love both of you.”

  Kenny kissed her. “Love you, too, sweetie.”

  Nolan did the same. “Love you, baby.”

  The men shared a long, sweet kiss. “Love you, Sir,” Nolan teased. “You’re faaabulooouuus.”

  Betsy giggled, and that was probably the best sound Kenny had heard in his entire damn life.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Everyone ready?” Leah asked?

  After getting thumbs-ups from everyone, Leah hurried back outside to where they were holding the wedding. Loren was officiating the vows between Kenny and Nolan.