Read Vicious Carousel Page 20

  And Betsy.

  And Nolan’s parents still weren’t exactly sure why their son was legally marrying Kenny, yet the girl who seemed to be their girlfriend was also wearing a wedding dress. Likewise, Betsy’s parents were a little confused about why Nolan and Kenny were getting married when they thought, but still weren’t sure, that Betsy was marrying Nolan or Kenny.

  The rest of the wedding party pretended it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Which, of course, to them, it was.

  This was as vanilla as it got in their group. They were holding the wedding at Lucas, Leigh, and Nick-2’s house. Fitting, because that was where Nolan and Kenny had been the night Betsy really walked into their life to stay.

  Only a select group of close friends from the Suncoast Society were invited, and all of them had been at the party that night as well. And the family.

  Only Kenny’s mom was totally in the know and did her best to help the other sets of parents through it all.

  Dennis was on a cruise to Mexico with a buddy of his, a Christmas gift to her husband.

  And it happened to coincide with the date of the wedding.

  How convenient.

  Leigh, bless her heart, was waddling around, trying to make sure everyone was being taken care of. Tilly was busy chasing after her, trying to order her to get off her feet.

  They all gathered together. “Any comments before we get started?” Loren called out.

  “Does anyone need the duct tape?” Gilo called out, making everyone except the parents laugh, and only because they weren’t in on the joke.

  “Nope, I think we’re good there, Gilo,” Loren said, obviously trying not to bust out laughing. She seemed to need a moment to compose her thoughts. “I know you three have your vows and said I could say whatever I wanted,” she started. “So, for starters, you two are married,” she said, indicating Kenny and Nolan with a smile. “Let’s just get that right out of the way, because even though it’s the legal part, it’s not the important part.”

  Around Betsy’s neck, she wore a gorgeous, delicate niobium necklace, from which hung a shark’s tooth. That had been given to her the night before at the club by the men, in front of all their friends, during their collaring ceremony.

  This was for the families, and the legal portion of the proceedings. “Families aren’t just born, they’re made,” Loren said. “That’s obvious by not just you three, but by most of us in this audience. We have families we were born into, and some of them accept us and some of them don’t, but we’ve built families. Of both lovers and friends, of friends who became lovers, of friends who are so close they might as well be blood relations—Gilo, if you make a bloodletting joke, so help me, I’ll smack you.”


  The audience laughed, and laughed again at the clueless looks on the parents’ faces.

  They couldn’t help it. They were all well aware of how tragically close this day came to never being for a variety of reasons, and it felt good to laugh in celebration as well as victory.

  When they were settled—again—Loren continued. “The bonds we make, the vows we take, the bread we break. It’s all part of the tapestries we create together. And I feel blessed and honored to call you my friends. Kenny.”

  Kenny and Nolan flanked Betsy, all three of them holding hands. “Just because a piece of paper lists only one of you doesn’t mean that we aren’t a family together.”

  Ed Payne had made sure of that, the paperwork ready to file Monday morning, powers of attorney, a trust, and an LLC, in all three of their names.

  He continued. “Nolan, we’ve been together for several years now—”

  “How many?” Gilo called out.

  “Almost seven, Gilo,” he shot back with a grin. “Nice try. I heard Tony bet you.”

  “Dammit,” Tony muttered from the other side of the audience. “I owe him twenty.”

  “Nolan, we’ve been together for nearly seven years now, and while it’s been a wild and crazy ride, I wouldn’t have ridden it with anyone but you.”

  Even Loren snickered.

  He glanced at her. “Say it.”

  “Ridden. That’s what she said.”

  The audience, already on the edge of hysteria, burst out laughing again.

  And it was all expected by most. Betsy had made it loudly known that if people didn’t cut up and keep the ceremony light-hearted and filled with laughter that she would sic June on them. Even their vows had been crafted with an ear to the ready one-liners.

  “And I’m glad we have Betsy joining us on this ride,” Kenny finished, smiling down at her. “Because I didn’t know how much we needed her in our lives until she was there in the middle of it.”

  Loren snickered, which made Betsy laugh.

  “I love you both,” Kenny said. “And I’m glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you both.”

  Now it was Nolan’s turn.

  “I wanted to quote lines from Rocky Horror and The Holy Grail, and that got overruled for some reason, something-something-sacred, something-something-seriousness.”

  When that round of laughter died down, he continued. “You know, just to my left, is the man I had hoped to marry, and finally get to do just that. And then, just a step to my right, is the woman we both love and will cherish forever.”

  “I’m not putting my hands on my hips,” Loren said.

  “And it’s too late for Leigh to keep her knees tight,” Lucas said as he draped his arms around her and patted her baby belly.

  That round of laughter took a little longer to settle down.

  Nolan smiled down at Betsy. “I thought Kenny had made a monogamist out of me,” he said. Then, in a mock British accent, he said, “But I got better.”

  Fortunately, Betsy had opted out of mascara and eyeliner, because tears of laughter were rolling down her cheeks.

  “And boy, has it gotten better and better with you. I love both of you, and I know from here on out, things will only get better for the three of us.”

  * * * *

  Betsy took a deep breath. So far, her men and her friends had far exceeded her expectations. “I don’t know where I would be without you in my life,” she said to them. “It’s a hard idea to swallow—”

  Competing rejoinders scrambled over each other. Someone called out, “That’s what she said,” while two others called out variations of “laden versus unladen” and “African swallow versus European swallow,” and someone even slipped in a “good girls swallow and bad girls spit.”

  When it died down, she continued. “It’s a hard idea to swallow that I came so close to never being where I am today. Your love, your support, your patience—”

  “Your pussy,” Loren playfully muttered low enough the audience couldn’t hear, but it cracked Betsy up.

  “If it wasn’t for you both,” she said, “I wouldn’t have known the greatest happiness in my life, and I love you both so much.”

  “Done?” Loren asked.

  They smiled and nodded.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Florida, I pronounce these men husband and husband. And I pronounce these three a family of their own making. Start swapping spit.”

  Kenny and Nolan kissed first, which was what Betsy had asked them to do.

  Besides, it was only right her Sirs got to have the first snog as a married couple.

  Then they each kissed her. And as the crowd erupted into applause, Loren leaned in to hug and congratulate them.

  “Fess up, kiddo,” Loren said. “Which one of you deviants put my husband up to tossing the sex doll in the pool?”

  It was fortunately floating face down in the water, but yes, one of the impromptu sex-toys-turned-pool floaty from the night of the baby shower-slash-kinky party had made a return appearance.

  The three of them grinned at Loren. “We’ll never tell,” Betsy teased.

  * * * *

  It was a long, exhausting day. Someone managed to get the sex doll out of the poo
l before Nolan or Betsy’s parents spotted it. By the time the three of them collapsed in the gulf-side hotel suite on Siesta Key later that evening, Betsy was hoping she’d still have the energy for a newlywed romp with her men.

  She flopped onto the bed, still in her wedding dress. She’d been ordered to keep it on all day, the men loving the semi-formal strapless dress. She thought they looked pretty hot in their tuxes, too.

  Kenny reached up under her dress, hooked his fingers around the waistband of her panties, and slid them down her legs. The only reason she’d been allowed panties at all was the very valid argument that she might end up so wet she’d get a spot on her dress and ruin it.

  And the men certainly didn’t want that.

  She still wore her shoes as well, Kenny climbed up under her skirt and buried his face in her pussy while Nolan knelt by her head, unzipped his trousers, and fished his hard cock out for her to suck.

  “Ravishing the bride,” Nolan teased. “I like this game.”

  She did, too.

  She smiled up at him, mouth wide and ready for his cock when he slid it between her lips. For the rest of the weekend, once her dress came off, she didn’t get any other clothes until they were ready to give them to her.

  And that was a condition she’d heartily agreed to.

  She’d also enjoyed the fifteen cane marks they’d put across her ass the night before in front of their friends at the collaring.

  There were a lot of things in her life she was able to enjoy again with them.

  As Kenny’s talented mouth and tongue worked on her clit, she sucked and licked Nolan’s cock. He tangled his fingers in her hair and held her firmly in place as he started fucking her mouth.

  “That’s our good girl,” he said. “Our very good, very beautiful slave,” he said.

  She stared up into his blue eyes. Yes, she was their slave. All of her. Down through the depths of her heart and soul.

  They owned her.

  And they knew it.

  Even better, she knew it, and wanted it exactly this way.

  It didn’t take Kenny long at all to get her over. That was when he emerged from under her skirt.

  “Change,” he declared, rolling her onto her stomach and sliding her down to the end of the bed. Now her feet were on the floor, legs spread wide, the dress shoved up and Kenny’s cock embedded deep in her pussy.

  As she moaned in pleasure, Nolan returned his cock to her mouth. “There we go,” he said. “Now you can make all the noise you want.”

  And she did. Every thrust Kenny took in her pussy shoved her onto Nolan’s cock, and vice-versa. They seesawed her between them, building her up to another orgasm as Kenny used his fingers on her clit to get her over.


  The world exploded around her, bright and clear, her men quickly catching up to her and filling her at both ends with their cum.

  She happily rolled onto her back as they leaned in and deeply kissed her.

  “Love you both,” she said.

  The men smiled. “Love you, too,” they said in unison.

  They’d talked about kids, but it wasn’t a priority for her right now. She wanted to wait, to enjoy them, to enjoy being a family, the three of them.

  She wanted to enjoy the right now.

  Because it was all that was guaranteed, and she wanted to make the most of it, with the men she loved, who loved her. This carousel she now rode was beautiful, smoothly running, and even better, was perfect for them.

  And it was a ride she hoped never stopped.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  One year later…

  June sat at the table and stared out at the water. It took her a while to finally speak. “Ross and Loren suggested I come talk to you,” she said. “I was going to talk to Ross, since he’s an attorney. But when he realized why I needed to talk to him he told me it was better if he didn’t hear it. That’s why I called you. To talk. Well, to listen while I talk.”

  The man across from her nodded but didn’t speak.

  She stirred her iced tea with her straw and took a sip before sitting back again.

  “I can’t even tell my husband this,” she whispered, thankful that she hadn’t worn makeup today that would run if she cried. “He thinks I’m up here visiting Clarisse today.”

  He still didn’t speak.

  She took a deep breath and let it out. “Maybe if I tell someone, then the nightmares will stop. It’s been nearly a year and I still have nightmares. About how wrong it could have gone if I’d missed him, or if I’d hit her by accident. Or if he’d gotten closer to her with that knife. Thank god he didn’t have a gun. But the nightmares aren’t because of what I did. I don’t regret what I did for a second. They’re about what might have happened and didn’t. Because I didn’t just call the cops.”

  “You sound like it was planned.”

  “It kind of was. Not in advance. I came up with it on the spot. When I drove in to pick her up, I saw the car parked over to the side where I never saw one parked before on a weekend. Then I realized someone was in the car.”

  Sully leaned forward, his arms crossed in front of him on the table. “When did you realize it was Jack?”

  “On the drive south. The car followed us out. I didn’t tell Betsy about it. I thought at first it was a coincidence. Then I started driving a little slower, making sure I didn’t lose him at lights, and I knew. There wasn’t a lot of traffic that time on a Saturday morning.”

  She met Sully’s grey gaze. “That’s when I was sure it was that fucker.”

  “I thought you guys were supposed to go do what you did? Wasn’t that planned?”

  “Yeah, it was. But we were originally going to walk the trail there at Blind Pass Beach. She didn’t know that. I let her think it was always going to be the other park, especially after.”

  He slowly nodded. “You baited him.”

  “I saw the fucker parked in the back part of the parking lot when we came off the beach after tai chi. I knew I’d have a better chance of getting a shot at him down south. Open area, more of a chance of it looking right.”

  Sully stared at her. “You really had been thinking a lot about killing him, hadn’t you?”

  “You were there that night. You helped rescue her. You saw her, what he’d done to her. What do you think?”

  “I think Jack would have killed her, sooner or later, had she not left. That night was a test.”

  She nodded. “My sister was murdered by her boyfriend two months into our freshman year in college.”

  “I thought your sister ran a gymnastics school?”

  “That’s my older sister. My other sister was murdered.” Her hand shook as she picked up the glass and took another sip of iced tea. “She was my twin. Nobody around here outside my family knows that but Mark. Scrye,” she clarified.

  Sully nodded. “So that’s why you set Jack up, to give you a reasonable chance to shoot him.”

  “I was hoping for witnesses. I knew it wouldn’t look right if he just jumped out and bang in the middle of woods. Really? I just happened to shoot the guy who attacked my friend, as if I was ready for him.”

  Sully smiled. “That’s what happened.”

  “Yeah. But with a lot of witnesses. Thank god she was fighting, too. It drew more attention and allowed me time to get a good vantage.”

  “True. You okay for that?”

  “Yeah. They cleared me. State declined to press a weapons charge against me considering I saved her life. First time I’m happy our state government is a bunch of gun-happy nuts. Finally got my damn gun back.”

  She took a deep breath. “I couldn’t believe it, at first. I mean, he was supposed to be in jail. What the fuck was he doing there? I couldn’t just go up to the window of his car and kill him sitting there.”

  “Security cameras?”

  “Fuck, yeah, security cameras. At least three in that part of the complex. Damn Kel.” Then, she laughed. “Geez, I sound horrible.”

p; “I’m a writer, and a former cop,” he said. “I do the same thing. It’s a blessing and a curse.”

  Her smile faded. “It’s why I never made the team,” she said. “The US Olympic team. We were trying together. Yeah, we were a little older, but we were good. We were only seventeen. So fucking good. Then she died, and my heart died, too, that day. The grief killed my fucking parents. Slowly, but it did.”

  “What happened to the guy?”

  She picked up her glass and took a long sip of iced tea before meeting his gaze again. “What guy?”

  “The guy who killed your sister?”

  She slowly shrugged. “That’s the pisser of it. He disappeared. He was listed as the prime suspect. Still is to this day, far as I know. No one was ever arrested for it, no prime suspect but him. Fucker had marks on his hands that looked like he’d beaten her, claw marks on his face, too, from her fingernails. She died with DNA under her nails that matched DNA from a hairbrush the cops found at his apartment.”

  “How did they know he had those marks on him? I thought you said he disappeared?”

  She looked out the window, at the murky water of the Anclote River flowing just outside the restaurant. “He did.”




  Tymber Dalton lives in the Tampa Bay region of Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”) and too many pets. Active in the BDSM lifestyle, the two-time EPIC winner is also the bestselling author of over eighty books, including The Reluctant Dom, The Denim Dom, Cardinal’s Rule, the Suncoast Society series, the Love Slave for Two series, the Triple Trouble series, the Coffeeshop Coven series, the Good Will Ghost Hunting series, the Drunk Monkeys series, and many more.

  She loves to hear from readers! Please feel free to drop by her website and sign up for updates to keep abreast of the latest news, views, snarkage, and releases.