Read Vigilante Page 38


  Wednesday the 17th of March 2011, 10.00 am, the Australian Attorney-General Karl Spencer paced up and down behind his desk at his Canberra office on the hill reading papers in his hands. Graham Billet sat nervously in front of him; Spencer eventually stopped pacing and sat down in front of Billet.

  "Let me get this straight Graham, you claim on Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.30 pm you were assaulted at Jodi Simpson's property by a John Stanton who broke your right arm just below the shoulder. The incident was reported to the police, you attended the John Hunter hospital at 10.50 pm, had your arm attended to for a hairline crack in your upper right arm and returned to Sydney, getting home at 3.00 am.

  "Yes that's correct."

  "You further allege that John Stanton and quote: is a ruthless vigilante carving a furrow of missing persons though the world landscape with gay abandon."

  "Well yes you've seen the allegations and evidence supplied." Spencer threw the papers on his desk.

  "I'll tell you what I have, this report of yours and a report by a Darren Mack ABC reporter looking ominously similar. Other than that I have got nothing! John Stanton - try and get some information on him and I can assure you that you will come up with absolutely nothing. Does this guy exist?"

  "You've heard all about him Karl, time someone put him in his place."

  "Why didn't you tackle this when it happened? This is the Attorney-General’s department; we act on facts and undeniable evidence in a court of law. Not rumours and stories more akin to a paperback novel that you have listed here; a security video of a vehicle leaving a car park in a cloud of smoke. I can't even see the driver. How many newspapers were you hoping to assist in the sale of?"

  "I am bringing this up this week and using my parliamentary privileges to air the allegations in the House of Representatives. Someone has to put this lunatic in his place."

  "Lunatic, say it was this John Stanton in the car; all I could do is refer him to traffic police to check out. Are you aware of how busy we are, government ministers selling weapons, in cohorts with arms dealers, oil merchants. Radicals wanted by Interpol and the FBI running around the country kidnapping children. Members of ASIO in accidents; and I haven't even really started. We have enough serious shit to keep us busy till the next trip to the moon if it ever happens!"

  "You look at this or I will have to use the lower house to force the issue." Spencer blew wind through his lips and shook his head.

  "Give me this Jodi Simpson's phone number and I'll call her; if she’ll give evidence about your assault we may have grounds for a preliminary hearing." Billet gave Jodi's number to Spencer from his phone and Spencer called Jodi. He enquired with her as to the alleged assault and asked if she would give evidence. She agreed and Spencer was surprised. He mentioned a preliminary hearing with haste and she just kept agreeing with the phone pinned on her shoulder with her head as she hastily prepared lunch. Spencer asked his secretary to get copies of the police report and put them in a file with Billet and Mack's reports and to arrange for the police officers who attended the incident to give evidence at the hearing. Billet stopped bickering and seemed happy with Spencer's efforts leaving his office saying he would be checking on progress.

  Spencer gave the job of commencing a committal hearing in the magistrates court and having Jodi Simpson and the police officers involved with the case subpoenaed to appear to a new junior member of the department. Everyone else was busy; this kept Billet at bay. John Stanton was issued with warrant to commit ordering to appear at the Newcastle Magistrates court New South Wales on Monday the 7th of May 2011 at 10.00 am.