Read Vigilante Page 39


  Monday the 7th of May 2011 9.30 am. Local law reporter Darren Stack from the Gazette news chain was reading the court list and noticed State versus Stanton. He looked around the corridor outside court one and noticed Anthony and Robert Stanton standing next to John Stanton and Jodi. He went and spoke to Jodi, knowing her for some time in her role as reporter. During their conversation she mentioned she was there to give evidence and Robert got her attention and shook his head. The casual conversation was stopped and Stack noticed Darren Mack outside with an entire camera crew from the ABC. He took Mack to one side and asked for information; Mack leaked that John Stanton was in a committal hearing for assaulting a Member of Parliament breaking his arm. Stack couldn't believe the crowd in and around the court house. He made some calls to other reporters some in Canberra.

  Bevan Stanwell was at the time addressing a press conference in the parliament press room with updates on the progress of investigations into the Afghanistan small arms deal and links to radical elements attempting to gain control of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. It was the first time information linking the two could be released but was still scant and mentioned no names. During the course of the statements the press room began to empty one by one until Stanwell was left with only his aids and security personnel. He enquired as to what was going on when Graham Chatswood Minister for Defence entered the room and called him to one side. He informed him Billet had filed an assault complaint against Stanton and the committal hearing had just begun in the Magistrates court in Newcastle and there was no chance of stopping it.

  Stanwell rushed away to his office and rang Karl Spencer; Spencer confirmed the facts and was surprised Stanwell was unaware as Billet had assured him that everyone that should know had been told. Stanwell explained a few points and found that Spencer didn't know that Jodi Simpson was Stanton's wife and the lawyers for Stanton were Stanton's sons. He also informed him that Jodi Simpson had had an affair with Billet who lost his family in the process. Spencer attempted to call the phone of the young lawyer attending the hearing but it was turned off.

  It was 10.07 am and the clerk of the court spoke. "All rise, the Honourable Judge Julie Pollard residing." Judge Pollard walked in and sat at the bench making herself comfortable. The court was full to the hilt and she only then noticed Robert and John Stanton in the position of defence. She also recognised Billet behind the prosecution council. Pollard called the clerk of the court to the bench and spoke softly.

  "What on earth is going on here today, the traffic is shocking, hundreds of people, that's why I'm late."

  "Prosecution council has the same problem your honour; he is also just studying his case."

  "I've had no time to see the brief folder. Give me a few moments." The court sat in silence for a couple of minutes; Pollard looked up from her bench occasionally and at one time nervously cleaned her glasses. "Mr Bowman can you open your case please?” Young Trevor Bowman of the Attorney-General’s department cleared his throat as he rose.

  "Your Honour the facts are that on Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.30 pm Graham Billet was assaulted at one Jodi Simpson's property by a John Stanton who broke Mr Billet’s arm just below the shoulder. I bring your attention to the hospital emergency report from the John Hunter hospital detailing Mr Billet's injury.

  "Yes I have the report here," replied Pollard.

  "I also would like to bring to your attention the police report of attendance to a disturbance at Mrs Simpson's home just prior to Mr Billet's hospital attendance." Pollard shuffled some paper.

  "I have the report here dated the same day and similar time."

  "Your Honour at the premises in question Jodi Simpson observed the alleged assault and I would like to bring my first witness Mrs Jodi Simpson to the stand." Jodi walked to the stand and was sworn in. "Mrs Simpson."

  "Mrs Stanton."

  "I beg your pardon," said Bowman.

  "I no longer use my maiden name."

  "But your statements and documents are in the name of Simpson."

  "Does it make any difference? We are the same person." Bowman looked at Pollard who responded.

  "Proceed, I acknowledge that Simpson and Stanton are the same person for the record." Bowman continued.

  "Can you tell us what happened at your dwelling on the night of Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.30 pm?"

  "Yes I was in bed with Mr Billet and had to get up to answer a knock on the door. It was my husband John, he was most agitated and angry when he found Mr Billet was there."

  "Can you tell me how he broke Mr Billet’s arm?"


  "Mrs Simps… er Stanton, madam. I am led to believe you are here to give evidence for the State."

  "Correct, this is the first time anyone has asked me what evidence I would be giving." Bowman hesitated before he spoke, reading some of the signed evidence in the folder by Jodi.

  "Your Honour I wish to withdraw the complaint in the case of the State versus John Stanton."

  Anthony Stanton rose and spoke. "Objection your honour, we wish the complaint be heard and dealt with."

  Graham Billet rose to his feet and shouted out. "I agree, it’s time this murdering bastard was brought to justice and tau..." Pollard shouted at the top of her voice.

  "Mr Billet we are not on the floor of the house in Canberra behaving like children we are in a court of law presided over by the authority of this country. One more outburst like that and you will be removed and in contempt of this court." Billet sat down looking menacingly at Pollard. "Proceed with the cross examination Mr Bowman."

  "Mrs Stanton at any time did you see John Stanton assault Mr Billet?"

  "No, he's a wonderful man and I was unaware he had loved me for so long. I understand why he was so angry and I want him to know it won't happen again."

  "No further questions your honour," Bowman sat down.

  "Does the defence have any questions?" asked Pollard. Anthony rose and spoke.

  "No, Your Honour."

  "Mr Bowman, call your next witness."

  "Is there really any point Your Honour?"

  "The defence has requested the matter be heard and that is granted, proceed," replied Pollard; Bowman studied his paperwork.

  "The State calls police officer sergeant Frank Hatfield." Hatfield took the stand and was sworn in and Bowman commenced his questioning.

  "Sergeant Hatfield can you tell us what happened on your attendance to Jodi Stanton's dwelling on the Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.40 pm?"

  "Your Honour I and my partner attended a call for assistance in response to a disturbance at Mrs Stanton's home, Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.40 pm. On arrival we found Mrs Stanton, Mr Stanton and Mr Billet in the upper driveway of the garden" Hatfield referred to a notebook in his hands. "They were attempting to retrieve Mrs Stanton's cat from a tall tree in the front yard. Mrs Stanton was distressed regarding the pet and we assisted in the cat’s rescue and left your honour." The court room erupted in laughter.

  "Order!" shouted Pollard. "Any more such outbursts and I will have the court cleared." The court fell quiet and Billet jumped to his feet and yelled out.

  "Arrest that lying bastard!" Pollard stood up and shouted out.

  "Remove Mr Billet from the court room, charge him with contempt and bring the papers to me to sign!" Billet was escorted from the court yelling as he went.

  "I'm bringing this up on the floor of the house, how dare you!" The doors closed behind Billet and the court fell silent.

  "Continue Mr Bowman," asked Pollard as she sat down.

  "Sergeant Hatfield at any time during the rescue of the cat was there any mention of an assault on Mr Billet?" Hatfield studied his note book.


  "Is that the notebook from the night in question Sergeant?" asked Pollard.

  "Yes it is Your Honour."

  "Can I see it please?" Hatfield handed the book to Pollard just to his right at the bench. Pollard studied the pages r
eferenced by Hatfield.

  "Thank you," as she handed the book back. "Do you have any further questions Mr Bowman?”

  "No Your Honour."

  "Mr Bowman I bring your attention to the fact that the testimony by Sergeant Hatfield, his note book and the police report in file regarding the attendance line up."

  "I acknowledge these facts to be correct Your Honour."

  "Do you wish to call anyone else Mr Bowman?"

  "Yes, I call John Stanton to the stand." Stanton walked to the stand and was sworn in.

  "Mr Stanton on the night in question you must have been very angry to find your wife with another man."

  "No not really, it's my shortcomings as a husband that caused her to do things like that. I should have been there when needed." Jodi smiled at him in the dock. Bowman hesitated, surprised by Stanton's response and uneasy with his dominating manner and presence.

  "Graham Billet described you in this report as a ruthless vigilante carving a furrow of missing persons though the world landscape with gay abandon."

  Anthony shot to his feet and called out. "Objection Your Honour."

  "Sustained Mr Bowman," added Pollard. "The passage will be struck from the record."

  "Your Honour Graham Billet is an Honourable Member of Parliament elected by the people. Surely this must stand as some kind of testament to his claims?" Pollard glared at him.

  "Honourable, we have just witnessed and heard of Mr Billet’s conduct, if the State claim this is honourable then they have a different opinion of honourable than this court," snapped Pollard. The court broke into applause. "Silence please or the court will be cleared! Now does the prosecution have any further questions?"

  "Yes Your Honour." Bowman approached Stanton in the dock, stooping half way, further intimidated by Stanton's presence. "Mr Stanton did you assault Mr Billet and break his arm?" Stanton held the wooden rail around the dock and waited a few seconds before he answered, you could hear a pin drop as he stared at Bowman with his answer.

  "Now it comes to the point, you ask a lone man a simple question amidst a process upheld by western life for hundreds of years. Do you know how many people have perished upholding the system I am currently going through?" Bowman was puzzled and answered.


  "Well I do, I can still see some of them, feel them and would like to hold them again. Due to their sacrifice I can stand here and be judged by the system they have died for. Things change and the systems used to defend ourselves become ever more dangerous. We now have the ability to wipe ourselves out with the touch of a button yet the system to defend ourselves in a court of law remains the same. Thirty seconds after the decision in this court is handed down it will go the air in over fifty countries in many languages and opinions will be debated for a long time, now that's western democracy and people power. This morning I watched the sun come up and thanked all of them again. Next thing the Attorney-General will be bringing soldiers in here to prosecute them for attacking the enemy on the front line. I refuse to answer your question Mr Bowman for neither you nor I nor Billet will be giving a verdict on the outcome. The verdict will come from the people. Now I am accused of one thing here and if you have finished grandstanding I would like to see where it goes. If you have no further questions I wish to sit down." Bowman returned to his seat and sat down. Stanton looked at Pollard.

  "Please remain in the dock Mr Stanton." Stanton nodded. "I have briefs here that two thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven character witnesses are to be called to utter for Mr Stanton from many countries including the Middle East, is that correct defence?" Anthony rose.

  "Yes Your Honour, they are all in Newcastle in or in the vicinity of the court."

  "You have five direct witnesses to give evidence of Mr Stanton's movements and comments in and around the time of the alleged offence?"

  "Also correct Your Honour, none required subpoena, they all attend voluntarily."

  "This would be the reason I was late for court, the traffic in town is incredible and blocked my path. I ended up having to push my way though the crowd on foot from over half a kilometre away. Had I been able to view the facts prior to the hearing it would not have proceeded. This is indeed the most time wasting allocation of court time I have ever presided over, however the most important. In summing up; I will be referring the matter of Mr Billet’s contempt of court for investigation to the State Police. I have found no evidence at all that John Stanton assaulted Graham Billet on Tuesday the 5th of October 2010 at 10.30 pm or any other time. Mr Stanton you are free to go."

  The court erupted, the press ran riot making calls and attempting to get microphones to Stanton as he and Jodi pushed through the crowd and down the steps of the courthouse to the pavement where Cadiche edged Stanton's Mustang towards them, pulling up and getting out leaving the door open and engine running. Anthony and Robert Stanton tapped Darren Mack on the shoulder near Stanton while he tried to get a statement from the couple.

  "Do you mind stepping this way Mr Mack we would like to have a word with you regarding some defamatory statements we are in possession of relating to John Stanton," said Robert. Mack looked around and handed the microphone to a co-worker, stepping aside with Robert and Anthony. A female reporter finally got round Cadiche to Stanton in the chaos and thrust a microphone in his face and asked a question.

  "Mr Stanton where to now, will you be suing the State for defamation of character?" Stanton smiled at her as he helped Jodi into the passenger's seat; he answered as he walked to the driver's seat and got in.

  "I’m not an industrialist, manufacturing magnate, media empire or politician, just an everyday Joe Blow; not interested in such things. I'm going home. You want to sell newspapers, follow my sons." He climbed in and idled away out of sight as the pack surrounded Anthony Robert and Darren Mack.

  "Why didn't you break his bloody neck, we wouldn't have had to go through this?" said Jodi. Stanton smiled and touched her hand.

  "He's a politician, that's what they do. Deal in politics. He'll survive the ordeal and surface further down the track; they are part of the system. They can have it - it's not for me."

  "John Stanton you will get rid of this damn motor car or whatever it is; look at all the people staring at us."

  "Ever thought it may not be the car, could be you? No one ever looks when I'm alone."

  "John Stanton you're a charmer."

  Stanton pulled her closer. "Where would you like to go for lunch princess?"

  "Somewhere open, the foreshore, seafood."

  Stanton's phone rang; he let go of Jodi, pulled over and answered the call.

  "Stanton. Bruce. Kidnapped him? Send me the detai..."

  "John Stanton we are going to lunch!!" shouted Jodi.

  Stanton smiled at her raising his eyebrows several times like a naughty boy, he sourced a pen and note paper, jotted down some details. He ended the call, and calmly pulled away from the kerb toward their destination. He pulled her close and shrugged his shoulders. "Now then love, its all good, didn't feel any pain at all did you."

  Jodi was gently shaking her head, but she wore a warm smile.

  Circles Of Fear

  Vigilante is the first novel in a series of works featuring the character John Stanton and his family. They currently include;

  'Flaxmead'. The story of two children that own a horse that wins the prestigious Melbourne Cup, Australia's premier horse race. The story is centred in the Hunter Valley of NSW Australia, home of vineyards, coal mines and horse studs.

  'Once Upon A Time In Australia.' A romance centred in Australia's Western Sydney's underworld. A definite adult publication not for the faint hearted. Stanton is drawn into the pubic domain after his sidekick Cadiche is gunned down by a radical terror group.

  'In The Name Of The Mother'. The reason why John Stanton turns on autocracy becoming a vigilante. Burdened with the truth, he builds an impenetrable network. One straw breaks the camels back.

  'Bella Elizabeth'. Bella
is of French parents, a stunning black haired blue eyed beauty. She is Stanton's second childhood sweetheart, she looses the war against Jodi Ann for Stanton's marriage vows. She finds other ways to become part of his life. Dedicated to the infamous Hay street brothels in Kalgoorlie West Australia, where the author found incredible character reference for this manuscript. This is another adult publication for the open minded to say the least.

  'Jodi Ann'. Stanton's childhood sweetheart, blonde and beautiful she is a newspaper reporter within her fathers Media Empire and eventually takes the reins. In the life of Jodi Ann, things are not always as they seem.

  Currently in edit, 'Member 0026'. A gallant single red headed mother, disillusioned by government direction in Australia builds a political party in an attempt to bring Australia together as one nation. The party explodes into a national threat to current political power, Stanton sends an MI6 operative to gather intelligence on this new power. The male operative joins the organisation early and is known as member 0026.

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