Read `Warrior Girls' Page 6

3) Hebrews 12. 7 - 14: "If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons…Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness…pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord."

  Al, we have a "hold" assessment on you for now, but we must see improvement in your demeanor - and hopefully this letter of chastening will lead to peaceable fruit from you in the future. Earlier you argued with Martha and were quite rude to her, attacking her viciously on the issue of her age. You also implied that our laws pertaining to slavery are bad and evil laws. You were also messing with us by saying the earth is flat when everyone knows the earth is round. You can mess with us a little bit but not on some stuff. Please be less argumentative - don't argue so with Martha and everyone else - don't say or imply the laws of Avallonia are bad laws - These laws have been sanctioned by Her Majesty Queen Brittany, and she is The Supreme Representative on earth of God and God's True Church - So please don't rebel against God's Supreme Representative on earth and against God's True Church! - Please don't be contentious and obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, or else we will have to withdraw ourselves from your presence, by selling you.

  - Seraphinaria, Company Commander.'