Read Welcome to the Neighborhood #1 Page 2

  Chapter 2

  “Howdy neighbor, need some help there?” Andrew offered his open hand as the blonde haired man looked up from his moving box. The man cocked his head to the side, taking his burly guest in. It reminded Andrew of something his dog, Billiam, would do. After a few seconds, the man smiled and took Andrew’s outstretched hand, firmly grasping and shaking it.

  “Sure, I could use the help. Thanks uh…I’m sorry, how rude of me. My name is Garrett, Garrett Sheppers.”

  “Pleasure to meet you Garrett, my name is Andrew, Andrew Dean. Me and my wife Ellen live in the house across the street.” He turned and pointed to the dark green house he and Ellen had bought when they got married five years earlier. Turning back, Andrew released Garrett’s hand and turned his attention to the moving box, sizing it up.

  “So, what do have here…seems like it was giving you a lot of trouble.” Garrett paused, looking at Andrew skeptically.

  “How long were you watching me struggle Andrew?” Oh snap, crackle, pop, Andrew thought. Ellen was right, he was a creeper. But, luckily for him, he was also quick on his big feet.

  “Oh, not long. Just on the way over.” Andrew’s quick lie seemed to satisfy Garrett and he too turned his attention back to the box.

  “Well, it is full of books. Stupid, I know, to put that many books in one box, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. What do you think, think we can handle it together, neighbor?” As Garrett looked down at the box, Andrew noticed the man’s ears were unusually pointy. Weird, he thought. Shaking off his judgemental observations, Andrew responded.

  “Bells yes we can. I’ll take this side, you take that side, and we’ll lift on three.” Garrett nodded and positioned himself on the other side opposite Andrew. As they both squatted, Andrew made eye contact with his new neighbor and nodded.

  “One, two, three.” As they both lifted the box up off the ground, Andrew let out a grunt. Ham it all, the box was extremely heavy. How many books did Garrett have in here, he wondered. Red faced and straining, they shuffled their way through the front door and into the house. After half lowering, half dropping the heavy box onto the wood floor in the foyer with a loud thud, Andrew stood up and stretched, pressing both hands into his lower back. Taking in the inside of the house, he didn’t try to hide the fact that he was impressed.

  The place had a huge, open design that Andrew loved. It was something Ellen and him both wanted but they’d settled on their more closed off, modest floorplan of their home. They figured they could do worse for a starter house. Continuing to look around, his eyes took in cathedral ceilings, expensive hardwood floors, and earthy wall colors and décor that all worked together to give the room a calming, inviting feeling. Andrew’s eyes bugged out when he came across the best part. Before his mind could stop his feet, he was hurrying over to the gigantic flat screen television that was the centerpiece of the room.

  He stared in awe at the vision of beauty, estimating it had to be at least 80 inches or more. It was more than twice the size of his 36 inch flat screen…he had to get invited over here to watch a football game in the fall. Heck, any kind of sport would suffice on this bad boy.

  Drooling and practically having an orgasm, Andrew didn’t notice Garrett’s approaching footsteps until he cleared his throat right behind his ear. Startled, Andrew jumped out of his skin and yelped like a little girl. Great, he thought, so much for being invited over to watch anything manly.

  Turning around, Andrew put on his best grin.

  “Sorry Garrett, you startled me there.” Garrett just looked at him skeptically, cocking his head again to the side like Billiam always did when Andrew did anything goofy around him. Awkward silence ensued until finally, sick of the strange feeling of being studied by Garrett, Andrew turned back to the television and changed the subject.

  “Anyhoo, so yeah, wow…this is quite a beaut you have here. How big is this gorgeous vision?” Garrett straightened his head, shaking his head as he seemed to snap out of a trance. Cracking a seemingly forced smile, he came to Andrew’s side and joined him in looking at the television.

  “It is 84 inches. You want to take it for a spin?” Andrew looked at Garrett and noticed he held a remote control in his hand, offering it. Grinning, Andrew took hold of the remote but when he tried to pull it free of Garrett’s grasp, he couldn’t. His pointy eared neighbor held on tight. Jeez, he thought, this guy is strong. Not many people were stronger than him. Andrew looked into Garrett’s eyes, confused.

  “Are you teasing me Garrett, I think you just broke my heart.” Garrett chuckled, pulling the remote free of Andrew’s grip. Then he held it up.

  “You can watch my TV after you help me with the rest of my stuff. It would be great to have some help. Takes a long time to unload and unpack a full moving truck all by yourself. It’d be nice to have help with the unloading. What do you say Andrew?”

  “Seems like a fair trade buddy. Let’s get to it.” As the two walked back towards the front door, Andrew noticed one of the flaps on the top of the heavy box they’d carried in had come open. He glanced at it and started to reach towards the box.

  “So what kind of books you have in here? Me and my wife love to read. Maybe we could do a book swap or somethin-” He was cut off by Garrett forcefully shutting the flap down and sliding it back in place under another. Andrew glanced up into Garrett’s face and was a little frightened by what he saw. His neighbor was not happy.

  Breathing heavily, and his face twisted in rage, Garrett spoke through clenched teeth.

  “Don’t ever get into my stuff. Ever.” Whoa, Andrew thought to himself. Psycho-meter going cuh-cuh-cuhRAZY. Straightening up, he put both hands up in a defensive gesture.

  “I’m really sorry buddy, I didn’t mean to disrespect you. Let’s just finish unloading the truck.” Garrett shut his eyes tightly, seemingly trying to calm himself. Jeez, Andrew thought, what in the hell is this guy’s problem? Who gets that P.O-ed about someone asking what kind of books they had? Maybe the guy is into hardcore porn or something? Maybe the box is full of midget monkey sex books.

  “Just get out. It was a mistake to let you into my house. I thought you were different. I like my privacy and you are just like everyone else. Please go, its best for you if you just go.” Well dang, Andrew hadn’t meant to upset Garrett. Way to go, he thought. Damage control time.

  “Garrett, pal, hey listen I’m sorry. I really am. Let me make it up to you. I will help you unload the truck and then me and my wife would love to have you over for dinner. She is a really good cook. What do you say?” Garrett didn’t think long on the offer. Pointing to the door he spoke slowly, practically foaming at the mouth with rage.

  “I say get out. Go. Get out of my house.”

  “Come on buddy-” Garrett punched the wall, his fist leaving a jagged hole in the dry wall. Then he started towards Andrew, shaking and seething.

  “I AM NOT YOUR BUDDY, I AM NOT YOUR PAL, AND I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE! NOWWW!” Holy crap, Andrew thought as he backed out the door quickly. He turned to leave and didn’t even take a step before he heard the door slam shut behind him. Damn, he’d really screwed that up. Now he’d never experience 84 inches. Wow, he grinned as he shook his head, good thing he’d only said that in his head. Sighing, he trudged slowly back across the street to his house, his tiny TV, his stained carpet, and his angry wife.