Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 14

  “No, Grandma, we haven’t gotten that far in conversation yet.”

  “Better get that in the open as soon as possible, too. No female likes to be treated disrespectfully. Not telling her the truth falls into that category. So please, tell her soon.”

  “Yes ma’am! Your wish is always my command.” Donil bowed to his grandma.

  “Cheeky boy,” his grandfather complained and laughed. “Go on, git. Your Gran and I have work to do. Give our love and regards to your mother.”

  “I will do that. Thanks to you both for hearing me out.” Donil shook his grandpa’s hand. Then he hugged both of them. “I love you and again thanks.” He left the room, grabbed the candles for his mother and went outside, smiling as he thought about Laylah.

  Chapter 35

  December 2220

  Zina sat at the bar and brooded. Her master plan had encountered snags and she was furious with her underlings. Incompetent fools. And to add insult to injury, Gerard had been stopped by that pipsqueak upstart Donil Silentshadow. Even as a kid, Donil had been a problem. Smaller than most, the younger male had tried to prove his worth to everyone older than him. She hadn’t wanted him around back then, but his cousin, Matt, wouldn’t leave him behind. In the end, Donil proved useful as a source of inside information about the Le Croix family and their progress on the new drug. It was his one innocent comment that helped her almost complete her rise to power thirteen years ago.

  Zina blinked and then glared at her empty beer mug. Present events were not working to her advantage any more than they had in 2207. Two months ago, the kidnapping of Laylah Le Croix had failed. This time she would make sure it succeeded.

  The mighty Le Croix dynasty and the Were Council would fall and she would stand on the ashes of the old and rule the new world. She shook her head no when the bartender offered her another beer. “It’s great to be me,” she purred. “Keep the change.”

  She tossed a fifty cred chip on the bar and sashayed out of the building, ignoring the catcalls of the male patrons.

  Gerard and Alexis stood outside by the van. Without a word, Gerard opened the door and she climbed inside. He closed the door, Alexis got in the back and Gerard took the driver’s seat.

  “Take me to the girl’s school. I want to see the freak that keeps eluding me.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.” Gerard started the vehicle and headed north, leaving behind Brayshell.

  The drive was silent, just the way Zina liked it. Her two companions were on her mutt list and had been trying to redeem themselves ever since their failure to capture Henry’s whelp. Despite that, they were still her best fighters, which is why they were with her right now.

  Trees gave way to abandoned buildings as they drove into downtown Old Invarnash. The once beautiful Lake Hendershen, home to boaters, fishermen, alligators and other aquatic life, lay dead, unused and polluted. Humans had blamed Weres for the contamination and destruction, which was absurd since many aquatic Weres had called the lake home. Once Zina seized control of the Were community, humans were next on her "To Be Eliminated" list. Only the fittest should survive.

  “My Alpha, we’re here. The prey should be coming out in five minutes from the east entrance.”

  “Park close by, Gerard. I want to see the brat who inspires such devotion from others.”

  Gerard obeyed, parking the van across the street. The wait was short. The end bell rang and students poured out of the school.

  Zina caught the scent of a few youthful Weres, but couldn’t pick them out of the crowd. She knew her presence would go undetected, for the van was downwind and its passengers hidden by the tinted windows. She continued to study the teenagers. One of these stupid, hormonal nobodies was her unknowing prey.

  “There she is!” Alexis pointed to two girls who emerged from a different entrance. “She’s the one with the purple backpack.”

  Zina studied the girl. The baggy clothing obscured the girl’s true shape and that annoyed her. A woman should be proud of her figure, not ashamed of it. Long red hair, olive colored skin and an air of nervousness clung to the girl. Zina completed her once-over of the teenager. She couldn’t see the prey’s eyes from here, but more than likely, they were ordinary.

  “She’s average looking, nothing special in the looks department. Why all the fuss by the other Weres to protect her?” Zina had spent most of her life wrapping men around her finger, but sometimes their tastes and whims were beyond her. “Who is the human with her? I was led to believe that she has no friends.”

  “She has only the one and that is who you see with her. And, my Alpha, the prey’s daily routine has been changed.”

  “What do you mean changed, Alexis?”

  “Her pickup spot is different as are the times when Jacques arrives. Sometimes her human friend walks with her as well. That is why it took us two months to even get this close. I know you desire to have the prey by winter’s end, but we are unable to figure out the pattern and snatch her.”

  Zina growled and her hands changed into a wicked set of sharp claws that she started tapping on the dashboard, her eyes on her subordinates. “Why was I not informed sooner?”

  Gerard flinched, his eyes watching her drumming fingers. Alexis didn’t respond right away. He, too, watched her claws. Zina could smell their fear. They needed to be afraid for she did not tolerate failure!

  “We believed that they would continue to be predictable after the first attempt had failed. When that didn’t happen, we did the same as the first time, looked for a pattern. Only it didn’t work as planned.”

  “None of Henry’s underlings are that smart. Someone is helping them.”

  “We thought of that too, my Alpha. We interrogated everyone in our inner circle that had knowledge of your plans. They all were cleared.”

  Alexis’ appeasing words grated on Zina’s nerves and flamed her mounting fury. “If the two of you continue being incompetent, I will rip your entrails out and force you to eat them for dinner! I want the abomination caught and brought to me by week’s end or you will face a very slow, painful dismemberment before my troops. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Alpha!” Sweat dotted both men’s brows, but they kept their eyes on her.

  “Now,” her tone became flirty as she shifted her claws back into hands. “Let’s go home. I have things to do. Must get work out of the way before playtime. Isn’t that right, Gerard?” She caressed his bared arm with a finger and grinned when a growl escaped him. The spike in the pheromones flooded her nose. Her eyes changed from blue to yellow. “Drive!”

  “Yes, Alpha!” Gerard obeyed.

  Zina spared one last glance in the direction of her prey and smiled.

  Chapter 36

  “Britta, look, I appreciate that you canceled your October party because I couldn’t go. I’m telling you now, Father will find some way to keep me home. I can’t even breathe without someone being right there watching. It’s been that way ever since those men tried to kidnap me.”

  “I know, I know. You have to try though. Tons of people will be there, Laylah, including Donil.”

  Laylah stopped abruptly. “Donil! Wait, how do you know him?” Shock and jealousy hit her hard. Quickly, she squashed it. She should have known that a handsome man like that would not be interested in someone like her. Besides, he'd never called Laylah after that day when he kissed her....

  “His mom provides veterinary care for my father’s horses.” Britta grinned. “He’s muy caliente, no?”

  A blush heated Laylah's face at her friend’s words and she glanced away, missing Britta’s knowing look. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “Oh, I think you do. Donil is always on the move and is a ladies’ man. At least that’s what Father says.” Britta giggled and draped her arm over Laylah’s shoulders. “Come now, Chica. What aren’t you telling me? I’m your amiga and we don’t keep secrets.”

  “It’s...I mean,” Laylah struggled with her feelings. She’d only told Britta the barest of detail
s about her would-be abductors. She’d left out certain parts about Donil and his mother. She also failed to mention that the men were not human, but Weres who had chased her that day in the forest. She felt guilty at first, but some instinct told her it was the right choice. She wasn’t having one of those moments right now though. She decided honesty was best.

  “I met him two months ago when he saved me from those guys. Those men turned out to be Weres. I met his mother, too. She was really nice and fixed my ankle.”

  “Those men were Weres! Did you report it? You know what the law says, Laylah!”

  “I know what it says, Britta, but Jacques and Father both wanted to keep the whole thing quiet, so no police.”

  Britta sighed, moved her arm away and stood in front of Laylah. “Oh, Chica. Why didn’t you tell me? I saw your face. You felt bad about keeping silent. It’s okay. There are some things I don’t tell anyone either. You like him though, don’t you?”

  “Who? Donil? No! I mean, yes, he’s nice,” Laylah mumbled.

  “Ah, ha! More than nice. You’re blushing again!”

  “Am not!” Britta’s laughter made Laylah squirm. “Okay, maybe a little. He’s not like the boys here at school.”

  “That’s because he’s an hombre. Muy machismo, as my mama would say. So, now, will you come to my party?”

  “Britta! I don’t think….” Laylah threw up hands in defeat at her friend’s pleading look. “All right, all right! I’ll try.”

  “No try. As a little green man said in that 20th century Earth film that Father and I watched last week 'Do or do not. There is no try.' You will be at my party, no matter what or how.”

  Laylah rolled her eyes. “You watch too many old vids.”

  “Hey, you have to admit those people in past centuries had lots of creativity and could come up with the most memorable quotes. Talk about entertainment! Better than the junk they put out these days. So boring! Who wants to watch vids of trees swaying in the breeze? Father agrees with me on that one. And the music back then…it had beat and rhythm.”

  Britta hummed a few bars of a song that Laylah didn’t recognize. Laylah laughed at her friend’s silliness and wished she had parents like Britta. Parents that listened and didn't bark orders.

  “Laylah! Hey, Amiga, wake up!”

  “Huh?” Laylah blinked and squeaked in surprise when her mind registered the addition of a second person beside Britta. Flustered, Laylah backed up. For two long months, she’d agonized and despaired over her confused feelings for the man now before her. Too shocked to do much, she simply stared.

  “Cat must have her tongue.”

  Donil’s teasing words struck a nerve. Laylah felt tears threatening to come as her fury grew. How dare he mock her! Without a word, she gave him a venomous glare, spun away from the pair and stormed off, ignoring Britta’s concerned shout.

  “I will not be made fun of by him!” Laylah angrily muttered and headed for the pickup spot. She wanted to get away from her feelings and the man that caused them.


  Donil was baffled by Laylah’s reaction to his arrival. He was thrilled to see her and had hoped that he could get her to smile. Instead she’d stormed off.

  “Ow! Cut it out, Britta!” He threw Britta a reproachful look. “Why’d you punch my arm for?”

  “You’re an idiot, Donil Silentshadow!” Huffing, Britta shoved past him and ran after Laylah.

  “An idiot? Hey, Britta, wait!” He chased after her. He would never understand females and their crazy moods. Donil rounded the hedge and froze as a faint scent caught his attention.

  “Impossible!” Warily he studied the immediate area, but didn’t see anything. Donil moved to the curb and inhaled deeply, allowing the flow of smells to filter through his nose. His eyes narrowed in fury.

  Zina, Gerard, and that Russian, Alexis, had been here recently. Donil had to get Laylah out of the area now. He stepped back from the edge and leaned against the brick wall. Not caring who saw, he closed his eyes and focused on the mental bond he shared with Britta. In seconds, Donil had a fix on her and jogged in that direction.

  He slowed when he heard the two girls arguing. Donil was relieved to find them unharmed. Now he needed to get Laylah to safety. Keeping to the bushes, he decided to eavesdrop. It would make it easier if he knew why both were upset with him. Then he could concentrate on protecting the ones he loved most.


  Britta planted herself in front of Laylah. Dangit! Both Donil and Laylah could be so stubborn and silly when it came to emotional issues.

  “Move, Britta!” Laylah snapped.

  “Nope, can’t do that, Chica. You’re being ridiculous. Stomping off like some kid throwing a tantrum. That’s no way to handle a guy like Donil.”

  “I don’t care! He can fall off a cliff or something! That works for me.”

  Britta found herself sighing. Lately, she’d been doing a lot of that around Laylah. Her friend’s severe mood swings made it difficult for Britta to keep up. Quiet, unassuming Laylah was turning into a new person, and it was hard to adjust to the changes. She focused on her friend. The hurt in Laylah’s eyes couldn’t be disguised. “You do care and that’s why you’re acting like this. Admit it.”

  “He didn’t even call me, after all that stuff happened,” Laylah whispered brokenly.

  Britta wanted to throttle Donil for being so inconsiderate. Had he no shame? What had he done to make Laylah this wound up?

  “I thought he liked me because he kissed me!”

  “He did what! When?” Britta tapped her foot and scowled as she waited for her friend’s answer.

  “After he rescued me from the Weres. It was the next day, right before his mom took me home. I guess I wasn’t good enough. He didn’t bother to call or try to see me again. I’m pathetic. I mean, look at me! Too ugly to be loved or wanted!” The tears flowed as Laylah sobbed miserably.

  Britta could handle anything or anyone, but she couldn’t stand to see Laylah cry.

  “Oh, Chica.” Britta wrapped her arms around her friend’s stiff body and hugged her, occasionally making soothing sounds as she held her. “I’m here and I don’t think you’re ugly or unlovable. I want to be around such a smart, funny, beautiful friend. So hey, no more tears, ok?”

  “Okay.” Laylah nodded and wiped away her tears.

  At one glance at Laylah’s red eyes, Britta reached in her purse and pulled out a bottle of eye drops. “Here.” She put it in her friend’s hand. “If you don’t use them, Jacques will aggravate you about it until you cave and tell him.”

  Obediently, Laylah applied the eye drops. “Thanks. Do my eyes look better?”

  Britta peered into each eye. “Yes, much. Now listen, I’ll talk to Donil and find out his reason for such poor manners. I’ll give him your e-number and he’ll message you. It’ll be up to you whether or not you talk to him.”

  “Britta, I....”

  She covered Laylah’s mouth with one hand. “Shh. No excuses, Laylah. Give him a chance before you blame him and toss a possible relationship aside.” Britta could hear the low purr of the Le Croix limo and knew Jacques would be there any moment. “Promise me, Laylah.”

  “Fine! I’ll hear his explanation. Now, I have to go. There’s Jacques. See you tomorrow, Britta.”

  The limo came to a stop and Jacques’ bulky form emerged from the driver’s side. “Hello, Mr. J!” Britta waved and smirked as he grimaced at the nickname.

  Jacques opened the back door and Laylah climbed in. He didn't answer Britta until he closed the door. “Good afternoon to you too, Miss Newsome.”

  Britta threw him a cheeky salute and grinned at his chuckle. His abrupt silence made her glance around. She spotted Donil near the bushes and took note that he and Jacques were locked in a stare down.

  “Enough! I swear! Mr. Jacques, por favor, take Laylah home. She’s had a long day.”

  She watched Jacques hesitate before giving Donil a dismissive look. “Stay away from h
er. I’m warning you now, Donil.”

  “No can do, Jacques. Besides I’m on public property. Henry doesn’t rule here.” Donil’s eyes glittered dangerously.

  Britta groaned. She knew what that look meant. Donil was about to antagonize Jacques into a fight. Laylah didn’t need that happening right now, not with the state she was in. Making a snap decision, Britta ran over to Donil and slugged him in the stomach. She knew it wouldn’t hurt him, but it did have the desired effect. He glanced down at her.

  “What, Britta? Can’t you see we’re a little busy here? And what’s the deal with all this hitting?”

  “Yeah, busy being an idiot again!” Britta heard the limo pull away and was relieved. “You know, for someone who’s supposed to be wiser because of age, you sure don’t possess any common sense!”

  “Britta, that is not true. I do have sense and, one day, all this macho chest thumping as you call it, will be made clear.” Donil’s eyes followed the limo as it turned the corner and disappeared from view. “We have to go. Mom and your parents are expecting us for dinner.”

  Britta was puzzled by Donil's strange behavior. She would call Laylah later. Maybe this day could at least end on a better note for her friend.

  Chapter 37

  Stefan marched into the Council’s large assembly hall with a scowl. The Council had asked for a plan to stop Zina. He’d given them two. The problem was that they'd done nothing. True, Laylah was safe, at least for the moment, but his own trusted group of informants warned him of Zina’s impending strike. He needed the Council to protect Laylah.

  “Stefan McJeysen, to what do we owe this honor?”

  Isabella’s silky honey tone grated on Stefan's ears. She had qualities similar to Zina and it concerned him. He would not allow himself to be goaded. “Lady Isabella, it is a pleasure to see you and the Council.” He really didn't think so, but he had to play the part. “I’ve come to discuss Zina.” He knew he was being blunt, but time was running out.

  “Bold, isn’t he?” growled Javier.

  “Not bold. You asked me a couple of months ago to help you get Zina. So far nothing has happened. Why?”