Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 15

  “Your insolence knows no bounds, does it? It is not for you, Omega, to tell us when to act,” Javier sneered.

  Stefan gritted his teeth. He dearly wanted to smash his fist into the Werebear’s face but now was not the moment. The longer the Council delayed, the greater the chance Zina’s plan would succeed. He chose to ignore his challenger and concentrated on Isabella.

  “My lady. You asked. I gave. Yet, here we are, twiddling our thumbs. Zina has gathered an army like before. They are fanatical followers, like before. And if you continue this procrastination, it will end badly, just like before! Consider yourselves warned.”

  The assembled Weres booed and hissed, but Stefan didn’t care. Stupid, the whole group was stupid! He’d done his good deed. All that mattered was her. He had to keep Laylah safe. Not waiting to be dismissed, Stefan turned his back on the Council, head held high, and left them to their fate.


  Laylah stayed quiet on the ride home, despite Jacques’ repeated attempts to start a conversation. He was being nosy and lately it had begun to irritate. That feeling of being smothered kept returning. The number of rules had increased, too. She had to have someone with her at all times. The drop-off and pick-up spots rotated to the point that she thought her head would explode from trying to remember it all.

  “Laylah, we’re home.”

  She blinked and stared out the window. The gentle breeze ruffled the weeping willow branches. She felt like crying. She got out and ran inside. Jacques was right on her heels.


  “Don’t start, Jacques!” She threw a hand up dismissively; angry at what she thought was going to be a lecture. Laylah attempted to sidestep him. She wasn’t in the mood to listen to anyone, not while her feelings were such a mess.

  Jacques' fingers wrapped around her right forearm and jerked hard. Thrown off-balance, Laylah twisted and slammed against his body. Shocked, her gaze flew upward to his face and she paled. Never had Laylah seen that expression on Jacques’ face before. Always concern, sometimes laughter, but never anger.

  “Laylah Cherie Le Croix, I’ve had about all I can take of your attitude! I told you to stay away from Donil Silentshadow, and what do I find?”

  “But, Jacques!”

  He cut her off with a sharp dig of his fingers in her arm. “You and Britta, outside where everyone can see you chatting with Donil! Have you lost your mind! Do you have a death wish, Laylah? Do you?”

  “Ow! No, I don’t! Jacques, please stop!”

  “Be silent!” Jacques bellowed and Laylah flinched. “I’m trying to do my job and keep you safe. I’m also trying to keep you from getting into trouble with your father. You are not making it easy! He will not be so forgiving if he learns Donil is hanging around you.”

  “But why? Donil saved my life two months ago. Father should thank him, not hate him!”

  Jacques shook her, his expression harsh. “Do not question your father’s motives or orders, Laylah!”

  Laylah stared at Jacques, her mind numb from dealing with too many shocks. First seeing Donil, then having Britta fuss at her, and now Jacques. It was too much.

  “Jacques! What are you doing? Let her go!”

  Laylah felt his grip loosen and Jacques stepped away, his body rigid. She saw Naiya off to the side with a peculiar look on her face.

  “Go to your room, Laylah. You have homework to do,” Jacques ordered.

  Angry at his resigned tone, Laylah glared at him and ran upstairs. She slammed her door. Childish, true, but it made her feel a little better. She threw her backpack on the bed and stomped over to the balcony doors. Pushing them open, she was blinded by the evening sun. She blinked a few times to clear her watering eyes. No, not watering. Tears were falling.

  She was bawling like a baby. Laylah hated to admit it, but she was more embarrassed than angry. Jacques’ fit of temper was the kind a parent would display. The idea brought her up short. Did Jacques view her as a daughter? It would explain the way he’d been treating her lately. She had always considered him and Naiya like her parents, but she hadn’t known if the feelings were mutual.

  “I’m so confused!” Laylah wailed and leaned on the railing, staring at the forest. Agitated by the day’s events and miserable at the thought that Britta and Donil might be together, Laylah went back inside, flung herself on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter 38

  Donil stayed annoyed with Britta during the drive from the school to her parents’ house. The teenager had yet to stop harping on his lack of finesse in dealing with Laylah. If she called him an idiot one more time.... Donil felt bad about his behavior. He really shouldn't have acted all Alpha but, dangit, Jacques was too arrogant for a Beta. Donil had to show the other male he was the boss.

  “Yo, chico! I’m talking to you!”

  He grimaced at Britta’s sharp tone. “What? Run out of ways to insult me? Or have you invented some new ones?”

  “Working on it. You hurt her feelings, Donil. You might as well have stabbed her. And Laylah doesn’t get over such things quickly like most people.”

  Donil ran his fingers through his hair. “Look, I said I’m sorry. And I’ll call and apologize to Laylah, later, ok? Now, can you please drop it?”


  He saw her grin out of the corner of his eye and wondered what it meant. Donil had to give Britta credit. She had definite ideas of how the world should work and was known for fixing problems accordingly.

  “So, about your party…. Is it humans only or are Weres invited?”

  “Of course, Weres are invited! I’m asking you to be there, aren’t I?”

  “True, but that doesn’t mean others can, Britta.”

  “I don’t discriminate, ever. Anyhow, my new boyfriend is a Were.”

  Donil glanced at Britta in surprise. “Wait a minute! When did you get a guy?”

  “Are you jealous?” She batted her eyelashes and blew him a kiss.

  “No! You’re like a younger sister to me, Britta. Besides, I’m interested in someone else.”

  “Oh? Found another conquest from your groupies?”

  Donil saw her glare and grimaced. “Big deal if I have women following after me, Britta. I’m a grown man with needs. One day you’ll understand.”

  Britta sputtered indignantly, but Donil was saved from a tongue lashing when his ear comm rang. “Sorry, got to take this.” He answered the call and was unhappy when he heard Stefan’s voice. “What do you want?”

  “No need to bristle, Kitty Cat,” Stefan taunted.

  “Don’t call me that!” Donil growled, almost missed his turn, and had to quickly jerk the wheel to go down the lane to Britta’s home. He didn’t need this kind of distraction right now.

  “You are too easy to tease, but that’s not why I called.”

  “If there’s a point you need to make, old man, then spit it out before I disconnect.”

  “Young people, always so impatient. How do you get things done when you’re always in such a hurry? Tell me, Donil, what made you think you could visit my niece without ramifications?”

  “How did you know I saw her?” Now on guard, Donil focused on Stefan’s next words.

  “I told you that I keep track of Laylah. I watched you face off with Jacques. Very stupid, by the way. You don’t have much fighting experience and he could kill you if he chose to. By showing up at her school, you’ve now made it twice as hard on her at home because of your little stunt.”

  “What do you mean, 'twice as hard'? Spill it.”

  “Henry has all his Betas watching Laylah. There has also been an increase in activity in his Ohcale office. He’s plotting something and I don’t think it bodes well for my niece.”

  Donil felt his blood turn cold. “What can I do? How do I help her?”

  “You need to contact her, find out what she knows. And, for once, be discreet. I’ll come by your place tonight to share more information with you and your mother.”

??All right.” Inwardly, Donil bristled at Stefan’s attitude. He was Alpha, not Stefan. He should be giving orders, not taking them. Dead silence followed, signaling the end of the conversation. Donil felt Britta's intense stare. “What?”

  “Fine! Don’t tell me,” she huffed.

  “You don’t need to know everything, Nosy Butt. Ah, there’s Mom and your parents.” Donil parked the truck and got out. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Newsome.” The older man’s grip was firm as they shook hands.

  Donil noticed the gray in Mr. Newsome’s black hair and thought about his age. Ahdum Newsome’s assessing hazel eyes took in everything and his shrewd mind made him a formidable Tri-Ruler of the Citrus Unified District. It helped that his hulking stature and deep rumbling bass voice cowed most criminals into repentance and confession.

  His wife, Mahriah Newsome, was vivacious and stood only five feet tall. Mahriah was content caring for her family. She only participated in a few community activities, despite numerous offers to join more. Adding to the black haired beauty’s list of talents was a warm heart and great cooking.

  “Mrs. Newsome, you are looking very lovely today. May I ask, what’s for dinner?” Donil grinned when his mother laughed.

  “You’ll have to excuse Donil’s manners, Mahriah. When the bottomless pit he calls a stomach starts growling, we all have to watch out.”

  Mahriah grinned. “Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite, Kattcha. Come, dinner is served.”

  Talking happily, the group headed inside.

  Chapter 39

  Drayden Morales was parked thirty feet away from the Newsome home, bored to tears. He glanced at the time. He had come on duty when the Silentshadows joined the Newsomes for dinner. That had been over two hours ago. Every hour, Isabella demanded updates on Donil’s doings. The female Alpha had chuckled over Laylah Le Croix’s cold-shoulder treatment of the Panther Alpha.

  He wasn't surprised by it. If Laylah was anything like her old man, she probably thought she was better than Donil and his family. She might even toy with the Panther Alpha before stomping on his heart.

  A sharp rap on the window startled Drayden. His right hand automatically gripped the pulse pistol on the seat next to him. He lowered the window when he saw Stefan’s reflection in the side mirror. “What do you want?”

  Stefan’s wolfish grin made him tense. The car limited Drayden's mobility, but he was still lethal if he had to be.

  “I find it interesting, Drayden, that you’ve been following Alpha Donil. I wonder how he would respond to the news of his invisible stalker.” Stefan carefully inspected his nails and waited.

  Drayden gritted his teeth. Isabella would be pissed if she found out Stefan was snooping around and interfering with her plans. “Donil should feel honored. Alpha Isabella only puts a watch on those she considers potential allies or potential threats.”

  “Which category does the good Alpha Donil fall into?” Stefan grinned.

  Drayden shrugged. “I’m not in my Lady Alpha’s mind to know her thoughts. I only do as I’m told.”

  “Still sniffing after a prize you can’t have, Cub?” Stefan chuckled.

  Pricked by his words, Drayden snarled, his grip tightening around the pulse pistol as it squeaked in protest from the pressure.

  “Stay out of this, Stefan. You only have temporary Omega status. You can always go back to being scum. You told me before that you don’t play the politics game anymore. You should stick to your words.”

  “True, I did say it. That was before you involved Laylah.” Stefan leaned forward, his brown eyes shifting to wolf yellow. “If you destroy anything that makes my niece happy, then you will pay with your life.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “No, Drayden, it’s a promise.” Stefan's eyes changed back to normal. “You have a good night, Cub.”

  Drayden bristled at the condescending tone, but chose to let it pass. He watched Stefan disappear into the darkness and pondered how upset Isabella was going to be with his report.


  Light from the imposing Sevicorps building sliced through the evening's fog. Outside, guards patrolled the ten-mile protective fence.

  Inside, Henry harassed his interns. He was in a foul mood and lashed out at his staff. They might not like his treatment of them, but they knew who paid their salaries and their silence. Resentment brewed, but greed and the hope of getting a cut of the profits if the drug was successful kept them all working.

  Not that Henry cared. Over the last two months, he’d pushed his staff to the breaking point to get more results. He needed the drug ready now. His financial backers were getting antsy. He glared at his 3-D display. Henry could not get his trials to match the first test results from the original source. What to do? What to do? He needed answers and time was running out.

  It was moments like these that he missed Helena most, her quick mind, her teasing smile. Her encouragement that moved him to go above and beyond his limits. Henry grieved for her more than he ever let on. Seeing his daughter only made his heart hurt more. Why had Helena saved the brat? He and Laylah had never really bonded.

  From birth, she’d always clung to Helena. Laylah would cry hysterically if he came near her. Henry had wanted to wash his hands of his only child and heir, but his wife’s gentle, yet firm, insistence that he try harder paid off. By the time Laylah was one, she enjoyed being around him as much as her mother.

  He'd had it all and then Zina interfered. That crazy female. Never could take rejection well. The one thing he hated most in a woman was arrogance. True, being an Alpha tended to instill that quality in an individual, but Zina took it to extremes.

  Zina had taken Helena from him, leaving him angry and vengeful. She had the audacity to try to take Laylah, his last link to Helena.

  Henry cared nothing for his daughter’s welfare, but he would not let Zina score a victory against him. He would crush the female Alpha, once and for all. And Henry had the perfect bait — Laylah.

  The intercom chimed and Delilah’s voice intruded on his scheming. “Dr. Le Croix, a Mr. Yon is here to see you.”

  “Ah, yes. Send him to the conference room. I’ll meet him there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Henry left his office and took the elevator to the conference room on the third floor. This building was not his only lab, but it was the largest at fourteen stories. He walked in, checked to make sure the coffee was fresh and sat down at the head of the table.

  A few minutes later, Henry heard Yon’s footfalls as the older man drew near. He gave a feral grin. Henry couldn’t stand the Jaksenville Alpha. But when he’d needed capital for his scientific research, Dayid Yon had been one of the first to sign a contract. Of course, there were stipulations attached. Not that Henry cared. The reward was so much greater than the claims laid out in their agreement.

  Henry glanced up at Yon’s knock. “Enter.”

  Yon strode in and without preamble started speaking. “Henry, we need to talk!”

  “Indeed? Why not calm yourself and have a seat.”

  “Don’t take that tone with me! I am older than you. I am an Alpha. Or have you forgotten how to behave around your own kind?” Yon folded his beefy arms across his chest, rage flashing in his eyes.

  “Peace, Alpha Yon. Peace. No need to bristle. Coffee? It’s imported and quite good.” Henry rose, his gaze on the surly Alpha. Yon stood an impressive 6'7” and, though he had many vices and lived extravagantly, Yon's bulky girth was more muscle than fat.

  In his youth, Alpha Yon had been a promising amateur wrestler. He’d given it up to become Alpha of the Jaksenville Wolf Clan. Under his guidance, the clan had grown in reputation and financially. He was not a man to cross. Rumor had it that Yon was seeking a Were Council seat.

  Yon stared hard at Henry before seating himself with a grunt. “Make it black.”

  Henry nodded and poured two cups. “Why are you here?” He set a cup in front of his visitor.

  “You said that the S
ilentshadow issue was handled.”

  Henry stiffened. “It has been.”

  “Hmm, interesting. Then tell me, Henry. Why was he was at Citrus Academy today talking with your daughter and her friend?”

  “I see. I was not aware, Alpha Yon, that you were that concerned with my clan affairs.”

  Yon laughed mockingly and Henry growled.

  “My dear Henry, everyone’s dealings, especially in New Florida, concern me. Even more so with you, since things that affect your image impact our various agreements.”

  Henry took a sip of his coffee and regarded Yon. His ally was more ambitious than he’d anticipated. He needed to have Yon watched more closely. “Our contracts are solid. I will handle this issue tomorrow.”

  “That’s all that I ask. Now, I’m off to dinner with that actress Bongita.”

  Henry laughed. “That’s one thing you can’t be accused of — poor taste. Have fun.”

  “But, of course.” With a chuckle, Yon heaved himself to his feet and left.

  Henry waited until he could no longer hear Yon’s steps before stabbing buttons on the comm console. “Delilah!”

  “Yes, Dr. Le Croix?”

  “Set up a comm conference with Jacques and Kenneth immediately!”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Henry fumed while he waited. Why had he not been notified about Donil’s whereabouts? It was only 8:00 pm, plenty of time for either of his Betas to report in. He snarled in disgust. Henry was sure of the reason why Jacques hadn’t informed him about his daughter’s transgression, but that did not explain why Kenneth had failed to report in.

  The comm chimed and the 3-D display split into two views. Kenneth’s long blond hair was pulled back in its customary ponytail and his intense baby blue eyes focused on Henry. Jacques looked pissed and wary.

  Henry resisted the urge to verbally rip into his two Betas. Jacques was keeping secrets, a fact Henry was going to have to address soon. His trust in his Invarnash Beta was almost gone. Maybe it was time for fresh blood. He knew he could find loyal young men looking for a jump in pack position.

  “My Alpha!” Both men replied formally as they bowed, momentarily disappearing from view.

  “Rise! I want to know why I was not informed about Donil’s contact with Laylah.”