Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 17

  “So, did he call?” Britta curled up in her bed, brimming with curiosity as she waited for Laylah to get her thoughts in order.

  “No, no one’s called except you. He’s not going to either.”

  The hurt and conviction in her friend’s tone sparked Britta’s temper. “Stop it right this instant, Amiga! I’m not going to let you wallow in self-pity any longer. Donil is crazy about you! He’s going about it all wrong. Men can be dumb that way sometimes. And they don’t get it when a woman doesn’t act like they expected. It’s funny, really. Please, give him a chance, Laylah. That’s all I’m saying. Can you do that for me?”

  Britta heard Laylah's sigh of defeat and smiled. A little guilt never hurt anyone. “Change of subject. You ready for my party Friday?"

  “Britta, I want to come but I don’t think…it’s the same as before. I know Father. He’ll find something to ground me for. I know that any party you throw will be great. I don’t think I’ll be allowed to go.”

  “Well don’t give up yet, Amiga. You will be there. I’ll make sure of it. Now, get some rest. Donil will probably call you tomorrow.”

  “Um, ok. Hey, Britta?”


  “Thanks for being my friend. I don’t think I can ever say it enough.”

  “Hey, now. Don’t get all mushy on me,” Britta replied gruffly. “If you cry, I will too, Chica.” She heard her friend’s choked laugh and smiled. “Much better. It’s off to bed for me. Catch you in the morning.”

  “Night, Britta.”

  Britta put away her ear comm and stared at the picture on her nightstand. She and Laylah had taken it at the mall last year. It was one of the few times her friend had been relaxed enough to smile. Britta touched the frame. “I promise, mi amiga, you will be happy and free from your crazy father.” She reached over and turned off the lamp, satisfied with her plan.

  Chapter 42

  Donil had spent the last three hours pacing and contemplating his choices. The right thing to do was contact Laylah, apologize and try to make it up to her somehow. But Stefan, his mother and Jacques were telling him to stay away. Then there was the issue of Zina: too many variables and not enough options.

  He knew his family and friends were skeptical about Laylah being his mate. He didn’t care. In his heart and soul, Donil felt the mate bonds that bound him to her. Laylah probably felt it too, but didn’t understand the feelings. Donil desperately wanted to tell her the truth about her heritage. He wanted to see the joy in her eyes as she discovered what being a Were really meant.

  “Not yet, though. Soon. And I have to tell her about me.” The clock’s red 1:00 am glared at him. “She should be asleep now. Laylah, I’m coming.” Decided on his course of action, Donil left the study and went to his room.

  The air was cool against his skin. Weres ran higher body temperatures than humans and winter tended to be a favored season. At least, it was his favorite at any rate. Donil considered the type of dream he wanted to give Laylah. Nothing overly romantic that might scare her or make her angrier. “Hmm, I think I know.” He flopped on to the bed, concentrated on his telepathic and mate bonds with Laylah, and reached for her sleeping mind.

  “Sweet dreams,” Donil whispered as his eyes closed and he pulled them both into the dreamscape he wove.


  At first, the darkness confused and frightened Laylah. Where had the room with her animal friends gone?

  A bright light blinded her and she cried out, instinctively shutting her eyes. Laylah stumbled backwards and bumped into something that grabbed her. She shrieked and fought to wake up. This wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare!

  “Shh, Beautiful. I’ve got you.”

  Arms wrapped around her in a hug. That voice, she would know anywhere. “Donil? Please, help me! I can’t see!”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Give me a minute.”

  Abruptly the light was muted and, after a few hard blinks, Laylah was able to see. “A garden! Where did this come from? I don’t dream of gardens!”

  “Calm down, Laylah. I did this. I picked this setting.”

  “But why?” She turned around, reluctant to step free of his arms. It put her flush against his body, but the familiar fear of being close to another didn’t surface.

  “Trying to talk with you while your zoo of animals eye me is uncomfortable. I thought I’d bring us some place neutral. I hope you don’t mind.” Donil rested his chin on top of her hair and breathed in her scent. It was a heady mix.

  Laylah wanted to be angry but she had to admit his choice was a good one. She felt at peace here, surrounded by the beautiful scenery and him. “Don’t think because you gave me a pretty location that it makes up for the last two months.”

  He chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest, and Laylah gave Donil a mock glare.

  “I know it doesn’t, but at least it’s a start. C’mon. Let’s take a walk.”

  He moved away from her and Laylah felt bereft. Her heart gave a painful thump and she wondered why she felt so lost at such a simple movement.

  “My lady.” Donil offered her his arm.

  With a giggle, Laylah accepted and they spent several minutes strolling and admiring the myriad of flowers that he pointed out. Covertly, she watched his every move. He looked tense. Had she done something wrong?

  “It’s funny how one moment of forgetfulness can cause so much pain,” Donil whispered as he stopped and faced her.

  Laylah froze and her breath caught in her throat. She felt panic and was afraid that he would tell her that he wasn’t interested in her except as friends. She stiffened and he snarled which only succeeded in making her flinch.

  “I’m sorry, Beautiful. I don’t mean to scare you. You got that beaten look in your eyes and I don’t like to see it. I can feel your fear and I don’t want you afraid. I blame your family for making you this way.”

  “What do you know about my family? Why do Jacques and Father dislike you so much? How long have you known Britta? Are you dating her?” Laylah couldn’t seem to stop the flow of words from her mouth. This was her only chance to get answers and she was going to take it, even if it wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

  Nonplussed by Laylah’s burst of questions, Donil collected himself and tried to respond. “Slow down, Beautiful. I’ll answer as best I can, but some truths should come from your father or Jacques.” He put a finger to her lips when she started to object. “We do it this way or not all. Your choice.” He stood watching her.

  “Fine, Donil. Your way.” Laylah wasn’t happy, but she said nothing else and looked down at the ground.

  “I know quite a bit about your family. Your parents used to be good friends with mine. Then things changed. My dad and your mom died, and life was never the same after all that.”

  At the mention of her mother, Laylah glanced at him, curiosity burning bright in her gaze. “My mother?”

  “Yes.” Donil continued on, not giving her a chance to ask another question. “As to why your dad and Jacques have issues with me, you’ll have to ask them to tell you.”

  “What? That’s not fair! What kind of answer is that?” Angrily, Laylah glowered at him, distracted from pursuing the issue of her mom. She crossed her arms over her chest while putting some distance between them.

  “And as for your last two questions, they’re easier to answer. I’ve known Britta since she was a baby and, no, I’m not dating her.”

  Slowly, Laylah raised her eyes up until her gaze collided with his. Her lips parted in surprise at his words and hope showed on her face. “Are you seeing anyone else?”

  Donil closed the gap between them and gently pulled her against his body, her head resting on his chest. She was shorter than he, but holding her like this felt natural and special. She was rigid at first, but the longer they stood together, the more relaxed she became. “Not at the moment. High maintenance ladies wear me out.”

  “Why do I believe that I’m safe with you? I barely know you, but I feel
as if we’ve been friends forever. Oh, I’m sorry! That was a dumb thing to say!” Laylah stammered and tried to break the embrace.

  Donil simply tightened his arms and she stilled. “Laylah, I’m not your father. I won’t yell at you for telling me your feelings. And like my dad once told me, ‘only stupid people don’t ask questions'. I think it’s safe to say you’re not stupid.”

  He chuckled when she gave an indignant snort. “If it makes it any better, I’ve experienced the same emotion. In my case, I like knowing that there is someone who understands me.”

  Laylah peered into his eyes, studying his face for any lies. All his feelings showed in his gaze. After a moment, wonder transformed her face and she gifted him with a happy smile. Shyly, Laylah stroked his arm and broke eye contact.

  “Donil, uh, you said you aren’t with anyone. Right?”

  “That’s right, I did.”

  Laylah cleared her throat and suddenly her words spewed out. “Well, if you don’t have anyone maybe you can go with me to Britta’s party Friday.”

  Donil caressed her face and her breathing sped up. “I’d be honored, Laylah, to go with you to the party. I’ll pick you up, say around seven?”

  “I’d like that!”

  He laughed. “See, that wasn’t so hard,” he teased.

  “Yes it was! I’m glad you said yes.”

  Donil kissed the top of her head and gave her one last hug before releasing her.

  Laylah made a sound of protest but didn’t move toward him. She was disappointed and relieved at the same time.

  “I’m sorry, Beautiful, but dream time is over. You’ve got things to do and I have to get to work. I’ll contact you to arrange a pickup spot. Good-bye for now, my sweet lady.” He gave her one final encouraging grin that she answered with one of her own, though he saw her bottom lip tremble.

  As Donil let go of the dreamscape, he saw Laylah's sad wave. Darkness filled his vision and he hurtled back to wakefulness.


  Donil woke and stared up at the ceiling. He could still feel Laylah through their bonds and her unique smell lingered.

  She was an interesting mix of scents — not all wolf and not all panther. Laylah smelled of snow-covered mountains and the humid heat of the jungle, all of it intoxicating to his feline senses. Donil grinned. He would keep going slow but one day soon, he would prove to Laylah how much he did love her.

  Chapter 43

  The morning sun beat down on the gathered group, but no one seemed to notice. In the center of the pavilion sat Zina with a scowl firmly in place. She slammed a fist down on the wooden picnic table causing the males and females to jump back fearfully. She wanted to break their necks. Pathetic, the whole lot.

  “I want a plan of action now! I should’ve had Henry’s brat under my tender care by today. Instead, I have nothing but useless followers who chase their tails!” Zina sneered.

  “My Alpha, we’ve tried but we can’t get a lock on their new pattern. We tried to disrupt it, but Jacques found out and changed it again.” Gerard respectfully stayed out of arm’s reach, careful to look at a point beyond her shoulders.

  “I don’t want excuses, I want results!” Zina roared.

  “Perhaps I can be of assistance.” As one, the group turned and gave the newcomer an unfriendly glare.

  Zina smirked and, with a wave of her hand, had her people make way for the visitor.

  “I can’t believe I have a Silentshadow before me. Didn’t you make some kind of pact with the Council that you wouldn’t have any interaction with me, Mya?”

  “My mother, brother and cousin signed it, not me. I was not asked my opinion on the subject.”

  “Indeed. Tell me, Mya, why shouldn’t I rip your head from your shoulders?”

  Zina’s eyes changed to wolf yellow as she regarded the young woman before her. Mya was a pretty girl with that dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. Zina would hear the younger female out and then decide what to do.

  Mya shrugged nonchalantly. “Because I can get you Laylah Le Croix.”

  Some of those present gasped, but Zina remained focused on Mya.

  “And why should I believe anything a Silentshadow would say?”

  Fists clenched, Mya appeared poised to strike. Zina was suitably impressed by Mya’s bravery.

  “Because I will not let that thing destroy my family again. My father died trying to keep that girl safe. My mom and brother are trying to rescue her from Henry. No one but me sees how dangerous she is. I want her gone and my life with my family restored to what it was.”

  Zina was interested. Mya was telling the truth and Zina didn’t smell any lie. She considered her plans and how to manipulate Mya. Zina gave a wolfish grin.

  “Here’s the deal. You give me Henry’s offspring and I’ll spare you and your family.”

  Mya stared at Zina for a long time, but the Alpha didn’t mind. Any good bargainer knew how to hold out for more, or when to give in and agree. She was testing the young lady’s resolve.

  “Agreed. I know you think me weak for not asking for more, but I’m not greedy. My family will be safe and I’m content with that. You’ll find Laylah at Britta Newsome’s party Friday night.”

  “Friday? Are you sure?” Gerard growled. His posture said he didn’t trust the information or the informant.

  Zina assessed the proud tilt of Mya’s head. “How do you propose we get that close? The Newsomes are a powerful and affluent human family. I know the Tri-Ruler Ahdum Newsome will have tight security there to protect his only child.”

  Mya shrugged. “I don’t know. That's not my job. I only came to give you the lead you sought.”

  “Yes, it is good information and you will help us get in. Alexis, grab her.” Zina ignored Mya’s protest as the Russian roughly jerked Mya’s arm, forcing her to his side. “Take her to the community building and devise a plan to get us inside that party.”

  “Hey! Wait a minute! Let go of me!” Mya shouted as Alexis dragged her away.


  “Yes, my Alpha?”

  “Make sure that we have a distraction for Jacques as well. I don’t need him interfering in our acquisition.” Zina’s eyes changed back to their normal light blue.

  “Yes, my Alpha. I’m looking forward to the rematch.”

  Zina laughed nastily and rose. “I’m going hunting. When I return, I want to know how you will capture the abomination.”

  “Yes, my Alpha, your will shall be done.”

  Satisfied, Zina got in her vehicle and drove away, singing off-key to some music blasting from her speakers.

  Chapter 44

  Laylah was in good spirits as she went from class to class. Last night might have only been a dream visit, but the feelings Donil had awakened still lingered. Every time she thought of Donil’s touch, she blushed and felt hot. Even Britta’s knowing grin couldn’t dampen her happiness.

  The two girls went to the cafeteria and Laylah neatly avoided answering Britta’s prying questions.

  “Come on, Chica! I need details! How long did you make him beg for forgiveness? Did he admit how much he likes you? Well?” Britta demanded and pointed her French fry at Laylah.

  Laylah grinned. “Wasn’t it you who told me a girl has to have some secrets?”

  “Ha, ha. Don’t be so smug! Did he try to kiss you?”

  Laylah blushed and turned a bright pink when Britta crowed in delight. “Shh! Britta, you’re embarrassing me!”

  “Sorry, Amiga! I can’t help it. My little baby is finally growing up.”

  Laylah laughed at Britta’s silliness. “Good one. I’m going to go grab a brownie from the dessert station. You want anything?”

  “Yeah, get me a bowl of vanilla ice cream, please.”

  “All right, vanilla ice cream for my best friend and adviser.” Laylah walked over to the desserts and quickly got the food. She turned to go back to their table and found her way blocked by Violet and her flunkies.

  “Aw, l
ook, girls. The little mouse has left her corner. Maybe she needs to be chased back.” Violet made a tsking sound while her group tittered.

  Laylah gulped. “Please, Violet, I want to go sit down and get out of your way.” She was ashamed of how wimpy she sounded. Automatically, Laylah lowered her gaze and hunched her shoulders in an effort to make herself seem less of a threat.

  Violet chortled. “Wow! The mouse squeaks!” Her eyes narrowed. “I think I prefer silence.”

  Laylah didn’t have time to move as Violet slapped her hard enough to knock her backwards.

  “Oh, no!” Laylah tried to hold on to the food in her hands but lost her grip. She fell to the floor. The desserts flew up in the air and crashed down on her. Ice cream dripped down Laylah's face and on to her shirt. Pieces of the brownie were also in her hair. Winded, she blinked back tears of humiliation. Dimly, Laylah could hear Britta’s outraged yells. She looked up at Violet and her group as they laughed maliciously. Hatred throbbed in Laylah’s veins and she snarled, surprising herself and her tormentors.

  Violet gazed coldly at her. “Does the mouse think she’s a lion? Maybe we need to teach you a lesson in obeying your betters!”

  “You’re not better than me! You’re nothing more than a stupid bully!” Laylah sat up and was promptly knocked down by Theresa.

  “You don’t get to speak to Violet that way, Little Mouse.”

  Laylah sensed rather than saw other students moving in to catch a glimpse of the confrontation. She glared at Violet and felt something shatter in her soul. She was not a punching bag! She had feelings too!

  ::Stand up for yourself, little one! Put them in their place.::

  Distracted by the unfamiliar telepathic voice in her head, Laylah didn't see Violet's foot lash out. She yelped and rolled from Violet’s kick to her stomach. She fought for air and barely managed to scramble to all fours.

  “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The swelling chant filled her ears, but Laylah ignored it.

  Violet charged her again and Laylah braced for the impact. She whimpered when Violet crashed into her and sent them both rolling. Laylah tried to protect herself from her enemy’s fists and was partially successful.

  ::You need to knock her off you! You’re not going to last this way!:: The voice growled.