Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 18

  “I’m trying!” Laylah grunted. She wildly swung her fist in Violet’s direction and felt it connect with the other girl’s nose. Blood splattered on Laylah’s face. Violet’s shriek of pain silenced all noise and the older girl stumbled back, clutching her bleeding nose.

  Laylah quickly came to her feet, warily watching the crowd, afraid that another attack would happen. Her belly hurt and so did her face, but Laylah couldn’t worry about that. She saw Britta push through the crowd.

  “Chica!” Britta yelled.

  Slowly, Laylah moved toward her friend and made sure to keep everyone in sight. “Britta!” Laylah staggered the last few feet and fell into her friend’s arms.

  Violet’s flunkies surrounded their injured leader who slapped away their helping hands. Violet gave Laylah a murderous glare and hissed, “You’ll pay for this, Mouse! I’ll make sure of it! Move!” Violet shoved Theresa out of the way and stormed off. Theresa and the other girls quickly ran after her.

  “Okay, kiddies, show is over.” Britta kept a protective arm around Laylah. “Nothing to gawk at. Buh-bye!” She shooed the grumbling students away. “Come on, let’s go some place quiet.”

  Laylah let Britta lead her away. Her adrenaline was wearing off and numbness made her mind slow. She’d hit Violet. Laylah couldn’t believe it. She felt a silly grin on her face.

  “Reality to Laylah!”

  “Huh?” Laylah blinked twice and focused on Britta’s worried expression. “What?”

  “Amiga, I’m glad you tried to stand up for yourself. But punching Violet did not help. Next time she comes after you, she’s going to do some major damage and you have no fighting skills.”

  Laylah gaped at Britta. “I don’t understand.”

  “Here, sit first.”

  It took a second for their surroundings to register. Britta had taken her to the music room. Laylah sat in the seat Britta pointed to. “Why are we here? I don’t understand.”

  “You’re in shock, Laylah. Your face is a mess and your shirt is torn. Do you really want to go to Mozar’s class looking like this?”

  “No! I’m sorry, Britta.” Meekly, Laylah dropped her head and cringed at Britta’s loud huff.

  “Stop doing that! I swear, Laylah!” Britta shouted.

  Laylah jumped, her head snapping up as her eyes locked on to her friend’s irate expression. “What?” she wailed.

  “Stop with the apologizing! You’re not in trouble!” Britta shook Laylah. “I’m so proud of you! Violet may have got the best of you, but you stood up for yourself.”

  Laylah stared. “You’re not mad at me?”

  “No, silly, Chica! I’m happy for you. Stay right here. I’m going to get you another shirt and something to clean your face.” Britta hugged her and left in a burst of excited energy.

  Laylah laid her head down on her arms as she thought about the fight. Who had spoken to her telepathically? It had been a man she didn't know.

  ::Of course you don’t know me. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be trusted.::

  Slowly Laylah raised her head. “Don’t you know it’s rude to be in another person’s mind without permission?”

  ::Yes, but I’m not keen on following the rules.::

  “Good to know, I guess. Look, my face and body hurt. Can you keep the mind chatter to a minimum? Please?”

  ::No problem. Remember, I’ll keep watch.::

  “Yeah, you do that, Mr. Voice.” Laylah waited for a snide comment and was mildly surprised when he didn’t give one. “Figures. Well, better take a look at the damage.” She reached into Britta’s backpack and pulled out the hand mirror. “Here goes.”

  With shaky hands, Laylah held up the mirror and a cry of dismay escaped her. She touched her right cheek and winced at the instant pain. The bruise covered most of it. She also had several scratches and cuts. This was the first time Violet had ever injured Laylah in such a visible place. Laylah started crying.

  A door opened behind her and Laylah hastily wiped at her face, not wanting her friend to know she’d been crying. “Britta, you’re back!” Laylah turned around and froze. “You’re not Britta!”

  “No, Miss Le Croix, I am not. However, you will come with me and join Miss Newsome in the principal’s office.”

  Laylah was rooted to the spot. Never had she been called before the principal!

  “Are you deaf, Miss Le Croix? I said move!”

  Laylah jumped up and hastily stammered, “Yes sir, Mr. Mozar!” She grabbed her stuff and Britta’s backpack while doing her best to ignore Mozar’s scowl. “I’m ready.”


  Obediently, Laylah followed and fretted the entire fifteen minutes it took to reach the office. She walked through the door Mozar opened.

  “Here she is, Principal Hubbard.”

  Laylah was afraid and seeing Britta’s pensive look did not help quiet her own unease.

  “Thank you, Victor.” Principal Hubbard nodded and turned his attention to Laylah and Britta. He waited until Mr. Mozar left before speaking.

  “Laylah, please sit,” Principal Hubbard instructed kindly.

  Laylah managed to stiffly sit in the chair next to Britta. Principal Hubbard was not a tall man, but his expression was imposing. He was ordinary looking with short neatly trimmed brown hair. His ever watchful and probing gaze made her squirm. Principal Hubbard had a reputation of being hardcore.

  “Nice of you to join us, Miss Le Croix.”

  “Sir, I can….”

  “Quiet! You will not speak unless given permission to do so,” he cut her off sternly. “It has come to my attention that you and Miss Spritz were in a confrontation during lunch. As you are aware, Miss Le Croix, such behavior is not tolerated here.”

  Oh no, he was going to expel her! Father would kill her! Laylah felt the urge to cry. Her day was turning into a nightmare.

  “As such, I have listened to the testimonies of everyone involved. I will hear yours now before I decide on a punishment. You may talk now, Miss Le Croix.”

  Laylah considered what to say and decided to stick to the facts. “I went to get dessert, Violet attacked me, and I tried to protect myself. I didn’t mean to hurt her.” She hoped Principal Hubbard would be satisfied with her answer. Laylah ignored Britta’s frantic look. She kept her eyes lowered, but felt Principal Hubbard’s measuring stare.

  “I see.” He rustled some papers on his desk. “Miss Le Croix, I will let you off with a warning. Next time this happens, you will be expelled. As it is, I’ve called your father and explained the situation to him.”

  Horrified, Laylah surged to her feet. “No! Please, sir! You can’t do that!” Laylah knew she was panicking, but she didn’t care. If Father had heard…she could kiss her freedom good-bye forever.

  “Sit down, Miss Le Croix, and compose yourself! Honestly, the nerve of teenagers today. Your father is sending someone to pick you up in ten minutes. Miss Newsome, you may walk Miss Le Croix to her pick-up spot. Dismissed!”

  Numbly, Laylah allowed Britta to drag her out of the principal’s office and to their lockers.

  “Whew, that was rough!” Britta suddenly hugged her. “Laylah? You’re pale! It’s not that bad. I know your dad’s not the best in the world, but surely he won’t ground you for standing up for yourself.”

  “Yes, he would,” Laylah muttered, too upset with Principal Hubbard for calling her father. She would not cry. She had to be strong. Laylah opened her locker and put her homework in her bag.

  “Chica, would it help if I told your dad what I saw happen?”

  Britta’s concern unleashed Laylah's pent up tears and Laylah flung herself into her friend’s arm and sobbed loudly. She barely heard Britta’s “you’re safe, it’s okay Laylah.”

  “Come on, Amiga, we’d better get you to Jacques.”

  Laylah’s sobs had slowed and she sniffled. “How do you know it’s Jacques?” She stepped back and put her backpack on.

  “He’s the one who always picks you up,” Britta c
almly pointed out and slid her hand into Laylah’s, squeezing it in encouragement.

  Laylah let herself be led outside. She was already envisioning her father’s reaction. It was making her positively ill. Laylah had a feeling that the rest of her day was going to be miserable.

  Chapter 45

  Henry’s rage was still simmering. He’d had a whole night and day to ponder Wednesday’s events. As Boris drove the limo toward the Invarnash mansion, Henry sat in the back seat and contemplated his most pressing problem — Donil Silentshadow. The younger man was a thorn in his side that refused to go away. He was not going to allow the Panther Alpha access to Laylah. Henry had too much riding on keeping Laylah ignorant and pure.

  “We’re here, my Alpha, and Jacques is waiting on the steps.”

  “Boris, call in the other Betas. We have a hunt to plan.”

  Boris chuckled, stepped out, and opened Henry's door.

  Henry got out, saw Jacques’ face, and smirked. His Invarnash Beta was not happy. Henry could see the tension in the other man’s body. Jacques was concerned as well he should be.

  Henry went up the marble steps and brushed by Jacques, ignoring his greeting. He headed for his study and obediently Jacques followed. Once inside, Henry set to work tapping some keys and staring at the display. Before him sat his Beta, but he did not acknowledge Jacques.

  After a moment Henry glanced up. “Jacques, go to Citrus Academy and pick up Laylah. The principal left a message saying that it was urgent someone come get her.”

  Jacques’ eyes narrowed and he ground out, “Yes, my Alpha.” Angrily, he stomped from the room as Boris entered.

  Henry chuckled. Let Jacques stew. “Boris, what is the ETA of my other Betas?”

  “Kenneth and Michael are thirty minutes away. Byron will be here in fifteen, my Alpha.”

  “Good. Go and have Naiya prepare a meal. We have plans to make.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.” Boris bowed and left.

  Alone for the moment, Henry sat down at his desk and took a photo out of the drawer. Lovingly, he caressed it. “Oh, Helena. Why did you have to go and die? I will avenge you and then, maybe, I can find some peace.” He put the picture away and called up a display of the current tests running at the Ohcale lab. So far, so good. This time Henry would succeed, and there would be no Zina to stop him.


  Laylah sat on the bench at the pick-up spot and brooded. Next to her, Britta remained quiet, giving her space to think.

  “I should have laid there,” Laylah blurted out, her hand going to her braid. She tugged it hard and chewed on her bottom lip. She could see her hope of going to the party vanishing rapidly. She knew what her father would list as reasons for her not attending.

  Father would cite public smearing of the family name and her failure to mind her own business. Even though Violet started the fight, he wouldn’t care or see it that way. And the biggest excuse would be that Laylah had interrupted Father's day and probably one of his precious experiments.

  Laylah jumped when Britta touched her. She was surprised to feel tears on her cheeks again. When had she started crying? She was such a wimp!

  “Hey now, Chica, chin up. No tears, you hear me? No matter what your father says, I’m proud of you. And Donil will be too, when he hears about it.”

  Laylah gave a small laugh. “That’s right, he will, won’t he? He believes in me like you do, Britta.” She hugged her friend, afraid to let go. Deep in her heart, fear rested. Unsure why, Laylah chose to ignore it.

  “Look, it’s Jacques!” Britta stood and pointed toward the road as the limo came into view.

  Laylah rose. She watched Jacques stop the limo and get out. She gave a glad cry and ran to him wanting comfort.

  “No!” He stopped her before she could hug him. “You are in trouble, young lady. Your father is home and not pleased with the call from the academy.”

  “Jacques, I can explain!”

  “No more excuses! Get in the car before I toss you in.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Laylah hissed and edged closer to Britta, who had hurried over holding Laylah’s backpack in her right hand.

  “Mr. Lyser, the other girls jumped her. It’s not Laylah’s fault!”

  “I noticed.” Pointedly he stared at Laylah’s bruised face. “Now…get…in!”

  Laylah gulped and dropped her gaze at Jacques’ annoyed expression. “I’m so screwed,” she whispered.

  “Laylah, get in the car now!” Jacques snarled.

  Not wishing to test Jacques' patience any farther, Laylah grabbed her backpack from Britta’s hand, gave her friend a hopeless look and climbed inside. She winced when Jacques slammed the door. He got in the driver’s seat and Laylah turned to look at Britta through the window. Her friend’s concern almost made her cry, but bravely Laylah waved as the limo pulled away.

  The ride home felt like an eternity, and all too soon they pulled into the mansion’s driveway. When Jacques opened her door, Laylah hesitantly stepped out and touched his hand. “Jacques?”

  He jerked his hand away and snapped, “Get in the house, Laylah!”

  Hurt by his brush-off, she ran up the steps and inside. Laylah came to an abrupt stop at the sight of her father in the middle of the foyer. His gaze was cold, and that cruel grin always meant harsh punishments. She heartily wished she’d never hit Violet.

  “Laylah, so glad you could come home to see me," her father drawled.

  She shivered at the menace in Father's tone. She started to respond, but decided against it when she saw her father’s associates Kenneth, Bryon, Boris, and Michael walking into the room. Naiya emerged from the kitchen with a grim look.

  Laylah was baffled and she froze, too scared to move. She felt trapped and the feeling increased when Jacques came and stood a foot behind her. She almost started hyperventilating. This was the way she’d felt when the Weres chased her two months ago. She didn’t like it then and she didn’t like it now.

  “You know, Laylah, many people would kill to be you. Nice home, staff that cater to your needs and a rich parent to give you all the money you could want. Most people would be grateful. But not you, Laylah. You seem to delight in destroying this precious life.”

  “Father, that’s not true! I do appreciate it all!”

  “Hmm, you have a funny way of showing it. I have very few rules that I expect to be obeyed. I do it out of concern for your well-being. And what do you do? You throw it back in my face by disobeying me.”

  “Father! I....” Laylah stammered and fell silent at his glare.

  “You will be quiet, Daughter! I want you here, front and center!”

  Reluctantly she moved to the spot he pointed to, which put Laylah an arm’s length away from him.

  “Let’s review your latest lapses in judgment starting with Donil Silentshadow.”

  Laylah focused on her father, confused by the rage behind his calmly spoken words. “Father?”

  “Quiet!” Jacques growled.

  Father continued, ignoring her attempt to interrupt. “You were told to stay away from that boy for a reason. Yet what do I find? You hanging out with him in public for the whole world to see!”

  “Father, that’s not what happened! Please, let me explain.”

  “No! No explanations. All you do is lie to escape punishment. And you will be punished. I do not, and will not, tolerate defiance, Laylah!”

  “You don’t tolerate anything,” she mumbled.

  Henry’s eyes narrowed. “What did you just say?” He stepped closer.

  Fear hit her as she realized her mistake. “I didn’t say anything!”

  “See, my daughter, you’re lying right now. Another mark against you. You are forbidden from speaking with Donil and that is final.”


  “Furthermore, if you defy me on this matter, you will experience firsthand what a beating is. I have been lenient with you for far too long. That ends now. About your fight at
lunch today. I’m extremely disappointed that you did not win. Really, Laylah, your Le Croix blood must be rather thin if you can’t stop one girl from hitting you.” Her father shot her a look of disgust.

  Laylah stiffened, her green eyes wide as she stared at him.

  “Well? What do you have to say for yourself, Daughter?”

  “What does it matter? You don’t care, Father! You’ve already tried and convicted me. You shouldn’t have even bothered coming here. Do what you always do, and ground me! I have homework to finish.”

  Naiya gasped, Jacques appeared stunned and the other men growled disapprovingly. Laylah was amazed at her own boldness, but didn’t get to contemplate her loss of control. Her father’s hand lashed out and backhanded her. She yelped, stumbled and would have run, but Father snagged her arm and jerked hard. She was forced forward as Father pulled her to him. His left hand grabbed her chin in a bruising grip and he made her look up.

  “You dare to sass me?”

  Sheer terror kept her from replying. The rage in her father's eyes convinced Laylah that he might hurt her worse. She lowered her gaze.

  “I asked you a question, Daughter.”

  Father squeezed and the pain made her whimper. “You’re hurting me!”

  “Answer the question!”

  “Sir, I did not mean...I’m sorry for back talking! Please let me go! You’re hurting me!” Laylah cried softly, but the pressure from her father’s fingers only increased until it felt like her jaw would break!

  “Henry, sir, she’s sorry for her behavior. You need to release her.” Jacques put a hand on her father's shoulder.

  Father slowly let go and stepped back. “Go to your room and stay out of my sight. You’re grounded and that includes no comm calls either!”

  Laylah knew when she was defeated. “Yes, Father,” she meekly replied. Tugging on her braid, she spun around and ran upstairs to her bedroom.

  A quiet settled over the room after her departure. Henry growled, “Get your hand off me, Beta. I blame you for this mess, Jacques. If you can’t do a proper job of keeping her away from Donil, maybe you need to be replaced.”

  Jacques moved his hand from Henry’s shoulder and stepped back. “That would be unwise, my Alpha.”

  Henry felt a feral smile form. Now he'd see were his old friend's allegiance lay. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, my Alpha. Laylah is almost an adult by human standards. She chafes at all the restrictions. She doesn’t understand the logic behind them and questions your motives. Laylah is intelligent and curious. Punishing her for the feline half of her nature is like telling a mountain to turn into a river. Hitting her only makes things worse. No one, least of all Weres, likes to be controlled. Your daughter is no exception. It is your prerogative if you wish to replace me, but think how much trouble Laylah will give you if I'm gone.”