Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 25

  ::There! I feel her, Stefan!::

  ::Lead the way, Kid.::

  ::I’m not a kid! But I’ll argue about that later. Let’s go!::

  They traveled easily, encountering little resistance which made Donil wary. ::Something is wrong. Where are all the interior guards?::

  ::I’m not sure. Be cautious.:: Stefan urged.

  ::I’m not a novice. Watch out!:: Donil shouted as several blasts from a laser rifle came at them. He flung himself down and toward the left wall.

  Stefan snarled and leaped to the right, pressing flat against the floor.

  “Whew! That was close,” Donil muttered at Stefan, who wagged his tail in agreement.

  Stefan growled. ::I smell Gerard’s men. I also smell Zina and Laylah. They’re in the room around the corner. We have to get through the guards first.::

  “Well, if it isn’t the Alpha pansy and the traitorous cur,” Gerard taunted. “How about we settle this right now?”

  Donil peeked around the corner and considered their opponents ::I take Big Mouth and you take the rest?::

  ::Sounds good to me, Alpha. Don’t do anything foolish. I can’t stand to see my niece cry.::

  ::Don’t worry, Old Man, it’s all good. Neither do I. One, two, three!::

  Donil gave a ferocious yell that was joined by Stefan’s howl of challenge. They charged the enemy. Gerard’s men flooded the hall and headed for Stefan, completely ignoring Donil who went straight for the grinning Gerard.

  “Hello, Mr. Old and Slow. Ready for a rematch?” Donil grinned.

  “Bring it on, Kitten!” Gerard snarled, leaped and changed into a dark brown wolf, the size of a miniature pony. His jaw was open and sharp fangs glistened with saliva.

  Donil didn’t give Gerard the opportunity to land near him. Instead, he jumped and shifted into his panther form. He stood about a foot taller than Gerard’s wolf. Sleek, black fur covered toned muscles and four paws of wicked-looking claws.

  The two males charged and collided. The momentum sent them into a hard roll. They bit and clawed, trying to get the upper hand.

  ::I’m going to declaw you and, then for kicks, I’ll kill you, Little Kitty!:: Gerard vowed and lunged at Donil’s right foreleg.

  ::Dream on, Windbag.:: Donil swiped at Gerard, who easily dodged the blow. He was getting nowhere like this and was tiring fast. He had to end the fight decisively.

  They circled again, snarling and growling. Suddenly, Gerard feinted right and swiftly spun left and opened a gash on Donil’s left flank. Donil hissed and slashed Gerard’s muzzle.

  The wolf howled and backed away, his ruff standing up. ::Lucky shot, Kitty Cat. It will be your last!::

  ::I’m not the one who will die today.:: Donil had slowly pooled his Alpha energy for one concentrated burst. If he hit Gerard with it, he should be able to incapacitate the other male. He was ready to send it when he felt a small amount of extra energy trickle in and join with his own. It took a moment to recognize the source. He hadn't known Stefan could do that. Donil would make sure to thank him later.

  ::Play to win, Boy. Play to win.:: Stefan ordered.

  Donil bared his teeth and let out a loud yowl that startled Gerard with its volume. Not wasting time, Donil threw the collected power at his enemy.

  The blast manifested as visible sound waves that slammed into Gerard, knocking him off his paws and smashing him into the far north wall of the corridor. The wolf fell to the floor with a sickening thud and lay unmoving.

  Donil grunted and shifted back to human. He looked down at his left leg. The gash from Gerard’s surprise move was bleeding and healing at the same time. With a grimace, he wiped away the blood. “Good thing we’re near a full moon. Otherwise I’d have to give up,” he muttered.

  “Good job! Here.” Stefan exited a nearby room and tossed Donil some clothes. “I don’t want you to give my niece a heart attack.”

  “What about you?” He pointed to Stefan’s nude form.

  “Me? I’m going wolf. She doesn’t need to know me yet.”

  Donil frowned, shrugged, and put on the guard uniform. “Whatever. Let’s go.”

  ::Good-bye, my dream prince.::

  He froze at the sound of Laylah’s voice in his mind. Never had he heard such despair and loss. ::Laylah!:: His telepathic yell went unanswered.

  Donil whirled around and saw Stefan’s amazed expression. “You heard it too?”

  “Yes, but it’s not possible though. She shouldn’t…never mind. Go, two doors down to the right. That’s where she is. I’ll be coming behind you to watch your back. Be careful, Kitty.”

  Donil smirked. “I will.” He broke into a jog. ::I’m coming, Beautiful. Hold on a little longer.::

  Chapter 63

  Saturday, 4:15 am

  Henry and Yon sat in the limo and watched the live footage of the attack on Zina’s compound.

  “They are doing well,” Yon acknowledged.

  “Yes, they are. However, it’s time for our hunt,” Henry added, a feral grin spreading across his face. He opened the door and got out. Taking a deep breath, he savored the smells in the air. He would finish what Zina started thirteen years ago. She would pay for his loss.

  “They are almost inside. If you want Zina, we have to go now.” Yon shrugged out of his suit jacket and shirt. “No need to waste good clothes.”

  Henry watched Yon shift into a very shaggy dark brown wolf. “Interesting,” was his only comment as he changed into his own black-furred body. ::Let's go!::

  Yon wagged his tail and let Henry take the lead. With nose to the ground and eagerness in his step, Henry headed for the central building where he knew his target would be. They made good time down the hill and through the security gate. Only once did they stop to fight and Henry watched Yon easily dispatch the cheetah that attacked from the shadows. The scent of blood and death clung to the air.

  Any other day, Henry would have stopped to relish it. But not this time. He needed to reach his quarry first. They made it to the building and found the doors wide open. Bodies were strewn about on the ground and inside.

  ::Someone beat us here.:: Yon sniffed a body and sneezed. ::Make that two someones.::

  Henry trotted around Yon, got a good whiff and growled angrily. ::Impossible! After all this time, he dares to show his face?::

  Yon nudged Henry with his nose. ::What's wrong? Are we not in the correct place?::

  ::No, that is not the problem. There is an unforeseen snag to my plans, but I will deal with it when it arises. It appears that Alpha Donil has been here as well. I don't smell any Council members, but many of the dead outside were regulars in the Council's court.::

  Henry ran down the hall, angry that his twin had found some way to be present. He would be the one to rid the world of Zina. No one else. He growled, and Yon, still on his heels, followed as they hurried toward the building's interior.

  Henry made a right turn, still tracking Stefan's scent when a mental scream ripped through his mind disorienting him. He crashed into Yon who was having trouble, too.

  ::What was that!:: Yon demanded and sagged against the nearby wall panting.

  ::I don't know. No time. We must hurry or the quarry will win.::

  ::I think not. I never lose my prey, Henry.:: Yon boasted and surged to his feet with fangs bared.

  ::The scream was nearby.:: Henry changed course. They neared the end of a hallway and a giant boom rocked the building. The two Alphas yelped in surprise as the floor bucked and they were knocked off their feet.


  Laylah whimpered when the first slice of Zina's knife bit into her right arm. The cut was shallow but it stung.

  “Does that hurt, Little Prey? It does? Good,” Zina purred. “Feel free to scream any time you want.”

  Laylah kept her eyelids squeezed shut. If she looked at Zina, she might not like what she saw. Who was she fooling? Of course she wouldn't like what she saw! A mad, crazy lunatic was slicing her up like she was the main course.
br />   “I hate it when people ignore me, especially an abomination like you. Do you think you're better than me? Because you're not. Your parents might have gotten away with breaking the rules and having you, but I will rectify that mistake by snuffing out your life!” Zina's sinister laugh filled Laylah with terror. “Mama always told me not to play with my food. Good thing I didn't listen well,” Zina cooed.

  “You're sick! Let me go!” Laylah screamed and opened her eyes. She blinked and felt her heart race.

  Zina's eyes narrowed and, without turning, she spoke. “Donil, my dear old friend. If you don't wish me to gut her, stop moving. Why you thought you could sneak up on me is laughable. Besides, her eyes gave you away. All that hope replacing my well cultivated fear.”

  Zina's sneer worried Laylah. Yes, she was relieved to see Donil. It meant, at least to Laylah, an end to this madness. She would worry later how Zina knew Donil.

  Zina moved behind Laylah's chair and draped herself over Laylah's shoulders making sure to place the knife against Laylah's throat.

  Donil snarled but didn't move from his spot. Laylah's gaze stayed on him. If she allowed herself to think of the insane woman who could end her life, she would lose hope. That definitely wouldn't help save her from this predicament. I trust you, Donil, she mouthed to him.

  “Well, Boy, I have a proposition for you. Why don't we both enjoy the prey?”

  Laylah stiffened, surprised by Zina's offer.

  “I'm not like you, Zina. I don't hurt and kill innocents,” Donil retorted.

  Zina laughed and nuzzled Laylah, her warm, cloy breath blowing across Laylah's cheek. “So high and mighty. Too bad the snot-nosed, fawning kid grew up. Such a waste. Did you know, Donil, that I've tasted her blood?”

  Donil growled and took a step toward them.

  “Uh, uh. Wrong move,” Zina taunted and nicked Laylah's neck. “Oh, lookie! The prey bleeds.”

  Laylah gasped and fought down a scream. She saw Donil's enraged glower. Calm down, please calm down, she silently begged him. Couldn't he see it excited Zina to see him lose control?

  “Stop hurting her, Zina!” Donil opened his mouth again and suddenly snapped it shut.

  His abrupt pause and unfocused look distracted Laylah from the knife at her throat. He blinked and, when he talked again, his reasonable tone surprised Laylah.

  “Do you think, Zina, that if you injure the girl, it will bring him to you? Perhaps even make him beg for your love?”

  Zina tensed behind Laylah, the knife moving closer to her skin. Laylah prayed that Donil knew what he was doing.

  “He's incapable of loving anyone except himself and his money. C'mon, you're better than that! Find a male who wants you, for you.”

  Zina's mocking laughter filled the quiet room. “Ah, to be young again and so incredibly naïve. You know those with power don't have the luxury of fairy tale endings. And if I can't have one, no one can. Enough talking. Come take me if you're able. Look, I'll even make it easy for you.” She leaned in closer to Laylah's neck and murmured, “Pain is a great incentive.”

  “What? Ow!” Laylah shrieked as Zina sank her teeth into Laylah's neck. She felt lightheaded and vaguely heard Donil's enraged bellow mixed with Zina's maniacal giggles.

  Laylah blinked and saw Donil charge Zina who had moved from behind the chair to meet Donil's rush. Laylah heard the impact of bodies and winced. Another wave of dizziness swamped her. She had to stay awake and get free. Laylah started working the knots and tried to break loose.

  Chapter 64

  Stefan had decided to stay in the shadows while the brash Donil attacked Zina. He took the opportunity to belly-crawl toward Laylah's chair. His paws were silent as he inched along. He didn't need Zina's attention on him. Not yet, at least. Stefan made it to his niece and pushed his cold nose against her hand. He felt her jerk and then go still.

  ::Hey, want out of this hell hole?:: He heard Laylah's hiss of recognition and then he received a surprise.

  ::You! You were in my head at school during the fight with Violet. Who are you? Wait, you're one of them!::

  ::You can speak mind-to-mind?:: Stefan was confused. Henry and Jacques maintained, in fact insisted, that Laylah was not capable of telepathic speech. She could receive thoughts, yes; send them, no.

  ::You can send thoughts?:: he asked again. He felt Laylah's amazement through the link they shared.

  ::I didn't know I could. I mean, I never tried to before. Are you here to help me? I can't break the ropes like last time.::

  Stefan licked her fingers. ::Yes, I will free you. Be still.:: He clamped his teeth around the loose part of the rope and with a savage jerk, broke it.

  Laylah rubbed her wrists and glanced down at him. ::Can you get both feet? If not, Crazy Lady had a knife.::

  Stefan looked about, but didn't see one. ::Stay seated. I know where one is.:: He licked her hand again and belly-crawled back to the door he'd used before. Donil and Zina still grappled with each other across the room and away from Laylah.

  Stefan knew Zina's ways. She was toying with the Panther Alpha. His former love held the mistaken belief that a wolf was better than any feline. It had been one of the few things they'd never agreed on. Feline Alphas were more dangerous because they didn't worry about the clan's thoughts on their decisions. Plus, the larger cats outweighed any single wolf. He was banking on Zina's arrogance. It would give Donil the opening he needed. Still thinking about the two fighting Alphas, Stefan missed the footsteps of an approaching opponent and was bowled over.

  Stefan snarled, rolled and snapped at his assailant. He felt his teeth score flesh. He jerked and came away with fur. Stiff-legged, he stood and waited for his opponent to stand.

  ::Stupid, Boris. Very stupid.::

  ::My Alpha will be thrilled to see you dead.:: Warily, the tan-gray wolf stared at Stefan.

  Stefan snorted. ::Yes, Henry would celebrate my demise. But, sorry to disappoint. It's not gonna happen today.::

  ::And why not?:: Boris demanded.

  Stefan yipped, his eyes dancing with laughter when a tranquilizer dart hit the unsuspecting Boris in the flank, knocking out the Beta Enforcer.

  ::Took you long enough,:: Stefan groused and then wagged his tail.

  “I'm in no hurry to tangle with my Alpha or Gerard,” Alexis retorted. “Here, I do believe you need this.” He held up a dagger.

  Stefan growled.

  “Hey, don't get mad at me. I love watching a good fight and the young panther is doing well. I saw you with your niece and knew what you needed. So here, watch the edges. I've got to go. Don't need to be rounded up by the Council's army.”

  ::You really are a grouchy bear, Alexis. Much thanks for the assist.:: Gingerly, Stefan took the blade between his teeth. ::Go hibernate somewhere and come back in a year or two. They will have forgotten your part in this mess.::

  “Perhaps, old friend. Perhaps. Oh, by the way, Jacques and the rest of Henry's obedient Betas are fuming on the southeast hilltop.” Alexis waved and lumbered down the hall.

  Stefan shook his head. People never ceased to amaze him. He trotted back inside and peeked in on the fight. Zina and Donil were still human which made him frown. Why hadn't they gone animal? He didn't have time to wonder. Using the shadows for cover, he made it to Laylah, who'd had enough presence of mind to keep her hands behind the chair as if still bound.

  ::Good girl. Here. Be careful. It's very sharp. I will keep watch.:: He laid the dagger in her left hand.

  ::Thank you.:: She started sawing away at the rope.

  Stefan whipped around when he heard the crash. Zina was shifting to her Werehum form. ::Change, Alpha!:: Stefan roared at Donil.

  ::Be quiet, old man! Besides I can't.::

  ::What do you mean, you can't? Are you mad? Zina will kill you if you don't!::

  ::Laylah doesn't know I'm Were. And I don't want her to find out this way. Get her out of here, Stefan!::

  ::Of all the idiotic...! Fine, I'll get my niece out of here.:: Angr
y at the Panther Alpha's stupidity, Stefan nipped Laylah's hand.

  ::Ouch! Stop that! These knots are tough and I'm going as fast as I can.:: Laylah glared at him.

  ::Less talk, more cutting.:: Stefan snapped. He smelled blood. Things were going from bad to worse.

  Laylah freed one leg and started on the other. Stefan helped by gnawing on the knots. The final rope fell and he took her hand in his mouth, careful to not pierce her skin. ::Come.::

  ::What about Donil? We can't leave him here.:: She hesitated.

  Stefan growled a warning. ::Move! You are a distraction he cannot afford!:: He regretted yelling at her the instant she gave him a wounded look. ::Laylah, I didn't...::

  “Die, Boy!” Zina shouted triumphantly, startling Stefan and Laylah.

  Stefan whipped his head up and saw Zina slide her claws home inside Donil's abdomen. ::No!:: He threw back his head and howled defiance. Helpless, he watched Zina retract her claws and push Donil backwards.

  The younger man staggered and went down, writhing in pain.

  “Never send a boy to do a man's job,” Zina taunted and kicked Donil's leg. “And you, Stefan, did you really think I wouldn't recognize your scent? You're such a naughty boy, trying to steal my prey.”

  Stefan bared his fangs and took a step toward her. ::You die, this day, Zina!:: He would have said more but Laylah once more surprised him.

  Chapter 65

  Saturday, 4:15 am

  Outside, the battle had slowed. Isabella stood and watched as General Nancer's soldiers rounded up the traitors and loaded them into the transports. A good hunt indeed. Only one thing remained. She heard her favorite assassin approach and smiled. “Yes, Drayden?”

  “My lady, we found Henry's Betas. Only Jacques seems angry about Henry's order to not help with the rebels.” He came to a stop beside her and stared at the captured Weres.

  “Interesting. Tell me, Drayden. Do you think the Le Croix brothers are inside? I know Alpha Donil is. After all, he's in love,” she sneered.

  “We have confirmed that both Le Croix men as well as Alpha Yon are in the main building.”

  “Yon? Most intriguing. Make a note to set spies on the Jaksenville Alpha. I don't wish to be blindsided. Now, my faithful Beta, let's go feast on the bones of our last remaining enemy.” Isabella gave a seductive laugh and shifted into her polar bear form.