Read Werelove #1: Dusk Conspiracy Page 24

  What really captured Laylah’s attention was Zina’s face. Though the muzzle had replaced the mouth and nose, Zina's cheekbones and eyes remained unchanged.

  "My Alpha, the girl’s interest is apparent as is her fear. I think, my Alpha, that our guest needs a nap.”

  "You’re right, of course, Gerard.” Zina’s voice was a deep rumbling growl that gave Laylah chills. “I’m tired of seeing her face. The prey looks too much like her mother.”

  "Wait! You knew my mother?”

  “Oh, yes. I knew her well,” Zina purred. “She was a naïve little fool who tried to catch a wolf and got bit one too many times.”

  “What do you mean by that? Laylah demanded, not caring that her desperation for information showed. She knew nothing about her mother, not even her name or a picture of her. Father had denied her that as well.

  “Look at the prey, my Alpha. Such a scaredy cat. That’s okay, Little Kitten. It’s nighty-night for you.”

  Laylah had only a second to process Gerard’s words before he hit her with a sideways blow to the temple that knocked her unconscious.

  Chapter 60

  Saturday, 1:30 am

  Donil was frustrated by the lack of progress in finding Laylah. The search had been going for several hours with no success. His periodic trips into the dreamscape had also proven fruitless.

  “We’re running out of time,” he mumbled.

  “Did you say something, Donil?”

  Donil glanced over at Benji. “I can’t explain it, but I feel like I’m going to lose everything if we don’t find Laylah.”

  “No luck in your dreams either?”

  “None. Either they are keeping her drugged or she’s too afraid to doze off. Both ways keep me from reaching her.”

  “Look. Give it one last try. I’m going to get a status update.”

  “You sure, Benji?”

  “Yeah, man. I’m sure. Do your thing. Find your girl.”

  Donil took a steadying breath. He would find her. He had to. “I’m coming, Laylah.” His eyelids closed and he slid into the dreamscape.


  Donil was surprised by the darkness. This was not what he'd envisioned when he’d slipped into the dreamscape.

  “Laylah! Laylah! Answer me!”

  “She can’t hear you, Boy.”

  Donil knew that, some day, he would meet others with dream powers like his own. He wasn’t expecting it at this crucial moment.

  “I don’t have time for games! I have to save Laylah!” Donil felt slightly foolish for shouting in the dark but he didn’t dare do anything else. He did not know who he was dealing with.

  “You know, Alpha Donil Silentshadow, that I could keep you here indefinitely.”

  “What purpose would it serve? I don’t even know who you are. Nor do I care. I WILL reach Laylah and if I have to fight you, so be it.”

  The darkness was suddenly filled with loud whisperings. Donil remained resolute. He didn’t bother straining his hearing to understand the voices’ words. Laylah meant too much to him and time would only make his feelings grow and solidify.

  “Very well, young Alpha. Call to your lady. Give her courage. She’s going to need it.”

  Before he could say thanks, the darkness was replaced by an intense light. After a couple of quick blinks, his eyesight adjusted and he was on a deserted beach. In the distance, Donil saw a body face down in the sand. He broke into a sprint. It couldn’t be her!

  He stumbled to a halt as he fell to his knees. “Oh my God! Laylah!” With shaking hands, he gently turned her over. He let out a weak gasp of relief when he saw her chest rise and fall. “Thank heavens, you’re alive!”

  He cradled her to him and whispered, “Please, Beautiful, wake for me.”

  Laylah groaned, stirred feebly and opened her eyes. “Don, Donil?”

  “Hey, Beautiful. You scared me there for a moment.”

  “Sorry.” Her voice was hoarse and she looked exhausted.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you, here in your dreams, but it was hard. My family and I are looking for you but we can’t find you. You have to help me, Laylah, so that I can rescue you.”

  “I don’t know where they took me. Donil, that woman, Zina, she’s scary. And angry. She’s...she’s a werewolf! And then she changed into some half-creature thing! And that man, Gerard...” Laylah’s outpouring of words ground to a halt as terror flitted across her face.

  “Laylah,” Donil gently shook her. He couldn’t take that fearful look. “Listen to me. Forget about them for a moment. I need you to concentrate. What does the room look like that you are in?”

  She quieted under his touch, but he could still see terror lurking in her gaze. “Laylah?” he prompted.

  “It has really high ceilings and it smells like chemicals. It's big enough to fit Britta’s party hall in it and still have space left.”

  “Wait. You said chemicals?”

  “Yeah. You know, like the kind that you smell in downtown Heyendo near the plant. Different chemical smell though."

  “Laylah, I think I know where you are!” Donil hugged her tightly. “Listen, rest, if you can. I’m coming to get you. Stay calm, don’t panic and be careful of what you say around Zina and Gerard.”

  “Donil, I’m frightened. Zina keeps calling me prey. It makes my skin crawl. She says she knew my mother. How can that be? There’s too much happening at once and I’m confused!”

  He pulled back, his gaze searching hers. “Don’t believe anything those people say. Promise me, Laylah. They are trying to get you to let your guard down and make you vulnerable. Never forget that you are strong and have courage.”

  “Me, have courage? I don’t have any! If I did, I wouldn’t be in this mess!” she yelled.

  “See, that’s the spirit! Get angry and use it to stay focused and alive. Now, I have to go. I need to get the rescue party to you. Be safe, Laylah.”

  “Wait, please! Donil, don’t leave me!” she clung to him.

  He smiled reassuringly. “Laylah, I’ll be there. I promise.” He didn’t give her time to do anything more as he closed his connection to the dreamscape.


  Isabella sat in the passenger seat of the van and smirked. As a small child she had enjoyed games of intrigue. This current one had grown more interesting as the various players emerged. She loved putting a kink in Donil’s tail by interrupting his foray in the dreamscape. She’d been suitably impressed when he stood his ground. She had to admit that his tenacity was impressive.

  Isabella grinned and Drayden’s discreet cough brought her back from her musings. “Yes, Drayden?”

  “My Lady, the General has sent word that he has located Zina’s base of operations and is doing recon of the area.”

  “Good. Tell him not to engage until I get there. We will attack at four a.m.”

  “Yes, my Lady. Anything else?”

  “No, nothing else. I want to be the first to sink teeth into that traitorous she-wolf. Kill as many of her army as possible. The Council has authorized extreme measures. Use them. I want a decisive victory. Make sure General Nancer understands that.”

  “Yes, Lady Isabella. I will relay the message right away.”

  Isabella turned away, ignoring the drone of his voice as he e-commed her orders. This game in-progress would end the way she had planned it. And when it was all over, no one would ever question her right to lead the Council. With a happy growl, she contemplated the battle ahead.

  Chapter 61

  Saturday, 2:30 am

  Henry stared at his watch. For over two hours his Betas and enforcers had searched. They still hadn’t found the girl. Or Zina. He was getting angrier at their continued failure. He sat in the limo while Boris drove toward Brockshill. Zina always preferred wooded areas that allowed for hunting and Brockshill had large sections of protected forest to the north of it.

  “If we do not find your daughter, I am willing to renegotiate the terms of our agreement.”

bsp; Henry casually regarded his traveling companion, Alpha Dayid Yon. The older man had insisted he come along and Henry felt it prudent to have a witness other than his Betas. “That is good to know. I would hate to think that a small stumbling block would you send running for the hills.”

  “Touché. However, I still will get the better bargain.” Yon smirked and caressed the snarling wolf handle of his cane.

  Henry scrutinzed his temporary business partner. He had heard rumors that Yon played dirty and was rough with the ladies. Not that it was any of his concern but Henry believed in solid backup plans in case of a double cross.

  “My Alpha, Kenneth has checked in,” Boris informed him through the open window.

  “What is it?”

  “The Council and Donil’s family are heading to the area north of us. They are approaching from opposite directions. He wants further instructions.”

  “Hmm, tell him to keep tailing but don’t assist. If the almighty Council wants glory, let them take it. I have other things to do that require my attention.”

  “Yes, my Alpha. Message sent and received. Here are the last known locations of Zina’s people.”

  In the center of the floor, a holographic map of the New Florida Territory appeared. Yon leaned forward and stared with interest as Boris relayed the report.

  “The red areas are “Do not enter” zones that are filled with traps and explosives. The blue areas are locations that were previously used, but were abandoned. The yellow sections were considered possible headquarter buildings for Zina and her people.”

  “Very nice intelligence network you have, Henry.” Yon nodded appreciatively.

  “It is, isn’t it? Now let’s see if we can do what the Council cannot.” Henry touched different points on the map causing them to disappear until only three yellow dots were left. “Much better. Boris, which directions are the Council and Donil’s family coming from?”

  “West and south, my Alpha.”

  “Map, enlarge view.” Henry pointed to the farthest dot. “She’s here at Pensoftkey. Most of the land in that area is unused and unsold. There are several empty buildings left behind from bankrupt businesses. Boris, contact Delilah and have her switch the tracking sensors on the Le Croix GPS orbital satellite to heat sensors so that my Betas can get a more accurate body count around those buildings.” Henry chortled. “It’s time to hunt some wolf.”

  Yon laughed and his eyes shifted to amber. “It has been a long time since I’ve gone on such a large hunt. Do you have a preference as to who kills Zina?”

  Henry assessed Yon with renewed interest. The older man kept surprising him. “Not really. Dead is dead. I don’t care who helps my enemy on her way to oblivion.”

  “I figured as much. Well then, let the tracking continue.” Yon popped his neck and settled back against the seat.

  Henry turned off the map and planned for the fight ahead.


  Laylah’s eyes fluttered open. She felt dizzy and almost threw up. She fought back the nausea and noticed she was once more alone in the room.

  “And still tied up,” she mumbled. She tugged experimentally on the rope only this time it didn’t budge.

  “I guess that first time was a fluke.” Laylah slowly turned her head and gauged the distance to the door. Even if she got free, there was ample time for someone to come through a side door and catch her.

  Her face throbbed a little and she wondered if she had a bump on her head from Gerard’s blow. That man had some serious hitting issues.

  “Maybe he thinks everyone is his personal punching bag. I wish he’d stop doing that to me.”

  Laylah’s muttering was interrupted by the creak of a door opening. Quickly she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She didn’t feel up to another one of Zina’s crazy stories. She heard at least three people enter and somehow knew that one of them was Zina.

  “You’re not much to stare at, prey, but that’s fine too. You might as well open your eyes, Girl.”

  Laylah lifted her head and stared at Zina. “How did you know?”

  “Your heart beat and breathing sound different when you sleep. Playing possum doesn’t fool me or deceive any Were for that matter.”

  Defiantly, Laylah glared at the other woman. “Why are you doing this to me? I’ve never hurt you. So why?”

  “My story told you why, prey. That you sit bound before me is a culmination of thirteen years of planning and surviving. And now that the day is here, I will triumph! Let my enemies quake in fear!”

  Laylah was frustrated by Zina’s circular reasoning. Zina was like Father, always cryptic, quick to injure, too, and always demanding obedience.

  “Let’s play a game. It’ll be fun,” Zina purred. “It’s called survival. You see, my prey, your rescuers have gathered outside and are waiting to strike. I wonder…” she laughed and dragged her sharp fingernail down Laylah’s left cheek.

  Laylah gasped as Zina’s fingernail cut painfully into her skin. She felt blood trickle down her face but she remained still. Madness shone in the werewolf’s eyes and Laylah was afraid that it would engulf her.

  “I really do wonder, what they would do if I did more than gave you shallow love scratches? Hmm, especially that boy, Donil. Never saw him this worked up over a girl before. Just what is so special about you, anyway? I will learn your secrets before I kill you.”

  “Kill me?” Laylah squeaked, disbelief loosening her tongue. “No! I don’t want to die! Please, let me go and forget I exist!”

  “I can’t. I have your scent and taste. I will hunt you down and rip you to pieces. Then, and only then, will I proclaim victory. Gerard, fetch my dagger.”

  “Yes, my Alpha.” He turned to leave but halted when a wide-eyed Devin flung open the door and ran inside, gesturing wildly.

  “What is it, Boy?” Gerard bellowed as he walked over to Devin.

  “Sir! Gerard, sir, we are being attacked!”

  “Impossible, the alarms have not sounded.” Zina waved a hand about in dismissal.

  “My Alpha, the alarms were disabled. We found them during our security check. Alexis was examining one when people charged us. He sent me to tell you.”

  “Gerard, validate his story. If we are being attacked, get my army moving! I want no interference during my date with the prey.”

  “As you wish, my Alpha.”



  “Do not fail me. If you do see Henry, send him my way. Have the boy bring me my blade.”

  Gerard nodded and left with a jittery Devin trailing behind him.

  Laylah shuddered at the malevolent gleam in Zina’s eyes. She flinched when Devin returned, handed a dagger to the woman and hurried back out.

  “No daydreaming,” Zina ordered and delivered a stinging backhand to Laylah who barely had time to brace herself.

  Laylah's ears were ringing and once again, she felt blood on her face. “Stop hitting me!” she screamed. “Leave me alone, you insane weirdo!”

  Zina took a deep breath and smiled. “Ah yes, the scent of fear. Aphrodisiacs to all Weres. Yes, it’s play time.”

  Laylah squealed in alarm and shut her eyes. If she was to die, she didn’t want to see the killing blow. She regretted the fact that she hadn't confessed her true feelings to Donil. ::Good-bye, my dream prince.::

  Chapter 62

  Saturday, 3:30 am

  Stefan stood on top of a storage building and watched the chaos below. The Council’s army, led by General Nancer, had finally attacked from the east. The Silentshadow clan and their allies hurried from the south to join the fray.

  He smiled. It was the perfect time to save his niece. Stefan moved back a few paces and then ran toward the edge of the building. A foot from it, he leaped, somersaulted and shifted into a white wolf midair. He twisted and landed on the opposite building’s ledge. His tongue lolled out. He belly-crawled along the ledge and entered an open window.

  He must remember to than
k his contact for helping him. Stefan knew where to go because the plans of Zina’s little hideout had been smuggled to him several months ago. Stefan slowed at the top of the stairs and sniffed the air. None of the scents were the ones he wanted. He continued down the hall to a second stairwell. This time he caught a faint whiff of Gerard.

  Stefan's paws made no noise as he crept down the steps. He held back a growl. So many aromas--fear, lust, rage and resolve, swirled in the air. Mixed in were the personal odors of Zina and her people. He decided to follow Zina’s trail. After all, that’s where Laylah would be. Filled with purpose, he kept his nose to the ground and his ears perked as he pursued his ex-lover.


  Donil dodged a blow from the werewolf before him. Zina’s minions fought in all three forms--human, Werehum and animal.

  Two could play this game. With ease, he shifted his hands to claws and viciously sliced into the Werehum before him. His opponent screamed as Donil’s claws ripped into his chest. With a hard downward jerk, Donil tore shirt, skin, and muscle, leaving an exposed wound. The man’s shocked look, right before he crumpled unconscious to the ground, bothered Donil for a brief moment. He reminded himself, as he changed his claws back to hands, that this was war and there would be casualties

  Nimbly, Donil raced toward the building where Matt said Laylah was being held. He punched a guard in the face who blocked his path. He didn’t wait to see if he was followed. Donil entered and paused as he peered about. He held up the DNA scanner, watching the screen before counting twenty blips near his location. None were the green that represented Laylah’s DNA signature. He frowned.

  ::Where are you, Laylah? Help me find you.:: Donil wasn’t surprised when there was no response. Laylah could pick up thoughts sent to her but she couldn’t project any. “I have to try something else,” he mumbled.

  ::Talking to yourself won’t help my niece, Kitty Cat.::

  Donil growled and spun around. He blinked, surprised at how close Stefan had gotten. He frowned at the wolf. He felt Stefan studying him.

  The wolf sneezed. ::Now, you’re getting it. You’re too absorbed in the technology and not aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to your senses, Boy. You’re an Alpha. Act like one. Use your senses, all of them.::

  Donil glared but decided that pride needed to be set aside. He shut off the scanner and focused completely on Laylah - her scent, her laugh, her face and, most importantly, her mind. He stretched his dormant senses and felt…connection!