Read What Do We All Want From Life ? Page 3

zooming. He had never met any girl who had been so professional in her approach till date. So he thought he had found his match and exchanged numbers with her. Both of them spent a good time at the pub and left for their respective homes.

  Sam’s endorphins were too much and he could not handle the happiness, he went back home and dozed off. In his dream he saw that he was getting married to the same girl and he was starting a family with her. Sam was seeing himself in the church exchanging rings and when he was about to exchange the ring there was a loud noise, he woke up with a start and realized that there was someone at his door.

  He got excited thinking the girl was at his door without even realizing that he had only exchanged his phone number and answered the door and to his shock found that there were 2 policemen standing at his door.

  One of the policemen introduced himself as Mr. Green. Green said “Morning sir, I have some bad news for you. You are under arrest.”

  Sam felt the entire world collapse in front of him. Sam asked “But I haven’t done anything.”

  Green asked “Do you know who Sarah is?”

  Sam said “Yes, I know her, but I met her only yesterday in the ‘Flow Pub’. What happened to her?”

  Green replied back saying “She was found murdered yesterday night and the only footage we have got shows that the last person she met yesterday was you.”

  Sam was in tears, so much for a girlfriend and relationship he thought. Sam had to oblige and he followed both of them to the police station. At the police station he was put behind bars and an idea struck his head. Though he was half drunk the previous night he was still in his senses and remembered seeing someone familiar in the pub at that time when he was having his drink with Sarah.

  Sam had a habit of sharing all his personal life incidents with a junior in his office. A good person that he was did not have any false ego that he was a senior in the company where he worked. He remembered seeing Todd in the pub at that fateful hour the previous night.

  Sam was thinking hard why Todd would be present there. Was it mere coincidence? Had Sarah something to do with Todd, though he had poured out his heart about his personal life to Todd, he had not known even a single personal secret of Todd. At that moment the Police Head entered the room where Sam was present for interrogation. The interrogation went on and when the police head asked him if he had any doubts on anyone he took this risk of mentioning Todd’s name without thinking of how it would affect his image if he was wrong.

  The Police Head sympathised with Sam and ordered for an investigation into Todd’s personal affairs and to Sam’s luck the truth finally came out.

  Todd was the culprit behind all this. He had a professional and personal rivalry towards Sam and poor Sam didn’t know the intentions and had become a close friend of his. He had sent Sarah who was a part time theatre artist to act like as if she was a regular pub goer and had asked her to befriend Sam so that he could later on blackmail him and control his life. But fate had other plans; somehow Sarah had found out about all of this and had refused to act. Todd in a fit of rage had beaten her up black and blue and had killed her.

  After all the investigations Sam was found to be innocent and was acquitted. Sam after all of this started taking his life seriously and never complained from then on. In a few years down the lane he found his soul mate and married her and started leading a peaceful life with his family.

  MORAL: All of us are destined to meet our soul mate. If we stop getting frustrated and stop searching for that one person, then we would marry that person who would be compatible with us. So, please wait and enjoy the fruits of labour.


  Sally and Cathy were the best friends, though they were twin sisters they were more than that. They never used to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner without each other. Their parents were very proud of this. They grew up together even at times crying when they used to miss each other.

  But all of this looked like a farfetched dream when both of them decided to join a technical course in one of the best colleges in their city. Unfortunately both of them got the seats and both of them were very excited. Their parents were very happy that things were going very smoothly.

  They started attending college and made great friends when one fine day a handsome young man joined their college. Tall handsome, he would go down well with any of the leading actors of the film industry. As usual for girls of their age, both of them were trying to woo him by wishing him whenever they would meet him in the corridor and the days passed by.

  One day Sally had gone to the supermarket to get stuff for their house when Cathy had decided to give it a miss as she was very lazy to go out after attending her college. Sally went into the supermarket and started buying all the groceries that she needed and when she was about to check out, she saw someone with a single item in his hand break the queue. She was a bit surprised and then she saw the person give out a big laugh and when she tried to make out who the person was she was able to make out that it was the college hero Dick.

  Dick had on purpose not followed the queue system so as to get into a conversation with Sally. Sally said “Hello Dick, how are you?”

  Dick wanted the same thing; it looked like he was interested in Sally. They spent a wonderful 20 minutes together in the supermarket and Dick bade her goodbye, but before leaving the mall he asked Sally “I have one lat question, do you play any games or sports?”

  Sally was very good at playing tennis, so she accepted the fact that she was a good tennis player. Dick asked “Then why don’t you come over to my farm house this weekend, we can enjoy some fun time by playing tennis, what say?”

  Sally was more than happy; she accepted the offer immediately and awaited the weekend. It was the Saturday that she was looking forward to; the twins who were an inseparable pair were now becoming distant. Sally lied to Cathy and left for Dick’s house. Cathy did not find anything unusual initially but as the days went by, Sally started giving silly excuses so as to spend time with Dick rather than with her sister. Cathy started feeling suspicious, so one day she thought of following her. Cathy followed her and was shocked to find her sister Sally hugging Dick in a food joint; she got the jolt of her lifetime. Little did she know that a man in a lady’s life would break a relationship?

  Cathy was in tears and she left the place frustrated. Back home Sally was humming her favourite song and when she was about to enter the house Cathy gave her a very cold stare, a very good mood that Sally was in, she ignored it and went back to savour the moments with Dick in her mind. This was another shocker to Cathy, her sister who had been so close to her till date was now ignoring her for the sake of a boyfriend.

  Cathy forgot about the incident and tried concentrating on her studies which she thought was more important, but the ways of fate are mysterious. One day while coming back from college as usual she found Sally in Dick’s arms and this time around she could not control her emotions and went ahead and asked “Sally,aren’t you ashamed to ignore your twin sister for the sake of a boyfriend. Have a boyfriend, I have no problem but you are behaving like as if you are stealing something. You could have told me about this, I would not have had any problems with it, but now that you were trying to hide, this actually makes me feel like as if I am a non-entity in your life.”

  Sally had developed lot of false ego because of all those things that she had started getting in her life and said “yes at times selfishness is a good thing, what would you have done if you were in my shoes?”

  Cathy could make out that her sister had changed a lot since her friendship with Dick. She was no longer bothered about her twin sister and she had developed lot of false pride.

  Cathy decided to teach her sister a lesson. She left the place and started devising a plan to trap her sister. Cathy obsessed that she was with getting a boyfriend, decided to make sure that Sally would start hating Dick somehow. Sally was not in a mood to leave the relationship with Dick. She was in such a state of mind where even if she would
have caught Dick red handed with another girl then she would not have even bothered.

  Sally should have understood that too much of a nice thing is bad. Dick’s behaviour was very polished; it was actually very difficult for people to make out his real intentions. He would always hide under the garb of goodness.

  The fated day arrived. Sally was asked by Dick to go to their farm house again for a tennis match. Sally blinded by the love of Dick went to his house, but she did actually feel that something suspicious was going on. The farm house which had many maid servants was actually deserted. Dick told Sally that all of them had taken leave and had gone to their respective homes. Sally shrugged off the doubts that she had in her mind and went ahead with her romance with Dick.

  A few hours passed and Dick offered juice to Sally, the evil intentions of Dick had started to surface. He had mixed sleeping pills in her drink and was about to abuse Sally physically, Sally had no clue about it and drank the entire cup of juice. Sally started feeling a bit dizzy and fell unconscious on a sofa. It was Sally’s lucky day probably , the obsession of Cathy had made her follow her this time around and when Dick was about to abuse Sally physically, Cathy took a large log of wood lying in the farm house and gave a heavy blow to the