Read What Do We All Want From Life ? Page 4

head of Dick.

  Dick collapsed on the floor. Cathy using her presence of mind called up the numbers of all the required services, the police, the ambulance, etc. Dick was admitted to the hospital who recovered in a few weeks, a hard blow that he had received on his head.

  Sally had promised Cathy that she would never do anything of this sort again in her life and would let everyone know when she would find her life partner. Sally and Cathy became the best of friends and vowed not to let go of each other till death.

  MORAL: As they say ‘Fools Rush In’. Please think about your decisions deeply, before taking them, because a wrong decision cannot be made right always, everyone is not lucky every time.


  Mr. Xavier was pondering over an issue which he had been unable to solve for a very long time, when his wife came and thumped his favourite coffee mug on the table. He was shocked on finding that his wife had tried to break his favourite coffee mug.

  He asked “What is the issue with you?”

  His wife a lady named Rose said “All of us try to earn a living only to be able to enjoy it with loved ones; you must be the only person who has been earning tonnes of money only to be having an increase in the number of problems. When will you learn to settle down, your children are married and they have settled down in their lives, but you still face the same stress even now? Look, I do not want to lose you to a heart attack or some other shock, I want you to live a peaceful life till I am alive at least.”

  Xavier had understood his fault. He had forgotten to wish his wife ‘Happy Anniversary’, maybe it was his fault only he thought and gave a broad smile. Rose who was waiting to see that smile also felt very happy on seeing it and Xavier wished his wife ‘Happy Anniversary’ and both of them spent their entire day thinking about their happy days when they were young.

  Next day was a very important day; Xavier was supposed to finalize a huge business deal. He was a ruthless businessman and a very cold man at heart because of which he had had many personal problems; it was probably only Rose who had adjusted with him, maybe they were made for each other.

  Xavier was the owner of a very huge Video Game Company named XIAGO. He got ready to seal one of the most important deals of his lifetime as a businessman. Xavier as usual got into his chauffer driven car and was beaming as internally he knew that he was going to create history on that day. He asked his driver to take one of the usual shortcuts to office so that he could reach office before giving the presentation to the clients.

  But destiny had its own plans, on the way he found out that the usual road to his office was blocked and a huge board was standing near the junction which read “TAKE DIVERSION”. Cursing his own luck he asked his driver to take a different route and it was the same story there too.

  Slowly his anxiety started increasing it was getting late, these clients who had decided to meet Xavier had taken their decision after thinking about it thoroughly and it looked like as if Xavier was going to have a hard time trying to explain his situation to them if they left him for good on that fateful day.

  As usual his anger rose and it had hit its peak when little did he know that the clients had left after waiting for Xavier thinking he was probably not interested in the deal. A car that was passing in the opposite direction came a bit close because of the road width and Xavier felt like releasing all his anger and lowered the window of his car and spat wildly at the opposite car, drops of saliva took their flight of fury and hit the windows of the car coming in the opposite direction. The driver stopped the car and signalled to stop the car but Xavier understanding his folly asked the driver to speed off. The driver sped off and both of them thought they had at least escaped a lawsuit, but both of them were wrong. The owner of the car coming in the opposite direction had noted down the registration number of Xavier’s car and there was a huge surprise waiting for him the next day.

  The door bell rang the next day and Rose answered the door, it was a courier boy who had come to deliver a letter. Rose did the needful and called out for Xavier. Xavier was still fast asleep after his stress and strain of the previous day, somewhere deep down in his psyche he felt like Rose was calling out for his name and woke up with a shock. He had just then dreamt of shelling out a huge sum of money in the name of ‘Tarnotrics’ a very famous gaming company.

  He came down to the living room and found his wife giving a sarcastic smile. He found out that he had done some sort of damage the previous day. It was indeed a letter from one of the lawyers of the area claiming damages and compensation for defamation.

  There was a CD inside the letter and parcel that Rose had received from the courier boy. Xavier thought of playing the CD and to his surprise found that it was the same action that he had done the previous day. He felt ashamed at seeing him spit out of his car with a furious face. Rose got up and left the living room, he knew he had hurt her feelings again, Rose after a few minutes came into the room and said “Be thankful that this was not sent to the media, otherwise all the shares of your company also would have come down by now, think of this incident as a lesson and stop over expecting things from now onwards and lead a happy life, otherwise it is your wish as they say it is difficult to straighten a dog’s tail.”

  Xavier had learnt his lesson, he realized that he had already achieved a great deal, he did not have to prove anything to anybody because nobody is bothered about who you are or what you have become. If you are struggling in life nobody would come to your aid and if you are enjoying your life and your success nobody would come to share that with you, it is only the family which would help a person when in need in life.

  He immediately called up his lawyer and decided to meet the person who had filed the lawsuit. The lawyer arranged for the meeting and when Xavier went to meet the person and apologise so as to make sure that everything was settled amicably, he was shocked to find that it was the same Manager of Tarnotrics whom he had seen in his dream and that these were the people whom he was supposed to have met the previous day.

  Xavier went and sat in the meeting room with a sheepish face and immediately apologised and explained the entire situation to them and how he was actually planning to meet them but he could not because of ad infrastructure and that actually had led him to do the thing that he had done the previous day. Manager of the company gave a broad smile and said “Mistakes happen, it is good that you have apologised to us, I will be taking back my case, let us settle this amicably.”

  Xavier was on cloud nine. He shook hands with the manager and was about to leave when the Manager one Mr. Nots said “Can we come tomorrow to meet you in your office?”

  Xavier could not believe his ears. He said “Of course, it would be a pleasure to meet you.”

  Both of them along with their lawyers left for their respective homes. Xavier was jumping up and down in his house without realizing that he was too old to be doing what he was doing. Rose was very happy that this incident had changed her husband. Xavier had also learnt his lesson and promised not to repeat anything similar to what he had done that fateful day. He really did change and anger was something that he thought never existed from that day onwards.

  MORAL: Anger is the root cause of all misery. So chill people respect all events in life and go with the flow and do not try to swim against them.

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