Read What Wendy Wants Page 2

  Whoever imagined that twins were always really close? Her two fought all the time. While not identical, they were similar in looks and in temperament. Equally matched; each was as stubborn as the other.

  Once all three boys were all out the door on the way to the school bus, Wendy sighed with pleasure.

  Should she grab her Kindle, go straight to her bedroom, and finish that sexy story? The main characters had hated each other for the first few chapters of the book. Then all that hostility had burst into passion. Wendy had left the story just as the hero was going down on his newfound love interest. The heroine was tearing at the sheets, writhing with pleasure as her sexy lover lashed her clit with his tongue.


  Yep. That was a panty-melting scene for sure. Wendy and her vibrator were both going to enjoy it. Disciplining herself to take care of business before pleasure, she decided to tidy the kitchen before she indulged.

  Unfortunately her teens got into a kicking and punching fight at the bus stop. Will came home refusing to go to school and Anthony and Jeff trailed behind. Everyone missed the school bus.

  Jesus, Wendy thought once she had sorted it all out and calmed Will down, which took about a half an hour. Will was certainly was a misnomer. I should have named him "Won't."

  Calm, calm, she thought taking a deep, steadying breath. I love my kids. I love my kids.

  After this morning's Super Bowl clash of family entertainment, Wendy managed to drive her little tribe off to school.

  The Hayward family lived in the Broadmoor area of Colorado Springs, and had a fantastic view of Cheyenne Mountain. The kids all went to Cheyenne Public Schools, the twins in High School and Jeff in Elementary.

  On the way home Wendy wondered if her life was a clear example of why all Moms should be medicated.


  As she turned into her driveway she felt her burdens lighten and her face stretch into a big grin. Forget the kitchen and the family room puppy-foam-in-pieces mess. Wendy planned to go inside, make a fresh cup coffee, and read more erotica. She deserved to spoil herself for an hour or two as a reward for surviving such a rocky start to the day.

  Little did Wendy know that the day that had started off so badly, was only going to get worse.

  3. Kindle Separation Anxiety

  Wendy grabbed her Kindle, made a coffee and a piece of toast. Then she sat down on her favorite recliner, unbuttoned her jeans and put her feet up.

  Gallantly following her everywhere, Stanley, the retriever pup, was exhausted from the morning's activities. The pup circled three times, and lay down at her feet. The thing about puppies was that they were a bit like a light switch, full 'on,' or full 'off.' Turning to 'off,' Stanley conked out and sprawled across the carpet, looking a bit like road kill. He was so damn cute!

  A familiar flutter of anticipation ran through Wendy as she turned her Kindle on. This was her time. Treasured alone moments of naughty pleasure, where she could escape to alpha male fantasyland.

  With euphoric bliss, Wendy read: "…with accrual accounting to measure performance and position of a company, recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur…."

  Say what?

  Her mind blank with confusion, Wendy re-read the text. When she went to Kindle 'home' the truth hit her.

  I have Frank's Kindle.

  Frank has my Kindle.

  Oh my fucking God! Think! Think! Wendy reflected wildly, jumping up and beginning to pace. So what? I don’t get to read today, BUT can my husband read my stuff?

  No, she decided with a shake of her head. Bless her children. They had forced her to put a password in place. The twins were obsessed with trying to find out what was on her Kindle. They often attempted to break through her password, or sneak up on her while reading. They also pestered the hell out of her about it.

  It was payback, she figured, because she loved to torment the twins.

  That was one of the best things about having teenagers, embarrassing them. Could anything be more fun? Subtly or openly, teasing her teens simply made it all worthwhile.

  The twin's had Kindles of their own, and as a parent, Wendy had access to their accounts. To amuse herself she had downloaded books for them both such as: "Why Mother Knows Best," and, "What a Difference a Mom Makes."

  Because of the twins, Wendy had set an unbreakable password on her Kindle. No obvious date of birth or mother's maiden name for her. But could Frank figure out the code? Would he even want to?

  Wendy frowned. If her husband decided to crack her Kindle password he absolutely could, there was no question of that.

  A fresh surge of, "Oh my God will he find out?" adrenaline spiked through her with electric zeal.

  The possibility made her squirm. What if Frank read her erotic favorites? Or checked out her highlighted quotes? Would he think she was a pervert? For a moment she saw her furtive reading activity through his eyes and felt ashamed and guilty over her depravity. What was wrong with her? Why was she reading all this dirty raunch anyway?

  Wendy began to load the dishwasher, while she thought it through. Her husband Frank was a genius. He honestly was. Driven, obsessed and brutally focused. If the man decided to get into her Kindle for some reason, Wendy had no doubt that he would do just that.

  But why would he want to? I should call him and tell him I have his Kindle, but would that get his curiosity going? Shit! Should I do something? Do nothing? What?

  Wiping up the table and counters, Wendy finished tidying the kitchen, managing to calm down. She decided to call Frank. Leaning against the kitchen counter, she pulled out her cell and phoned his work number.

  Frank picked up on the first ring. "Holdsworth."

  "Hi, hon," Wendy said.

  "Oh, hello, is everything alright? he asked. "Why are you calling?"

  This was a good point. Wendy rarely called him at work unless it was lunch time. "Well," she said, making her voice as nonchalant as possible. "I just sat down to read my Kindle, and when I opened it, I started reading something about accounting. So, it seems to me, Frank, that you must have my Kindle."

  "Oh," he said, "give me a minute."

  Wendy heard his leather chair creak as he no doubt reached over to pull the ereader out of his briefcase.

  "Yeah, I just turned it on and it says: 'Enter Passcode.' This must be yours, sorry. I was running late this morning and must have grabbed it. Never mind, I'll bring it home tonight. I'll probably work through lunch and get home early."

  "That would be nice." Wendy immediately went into distracting him with a tale of the morning's activities, and they both laughed over how much could go wrong with three boys and a puppy in the house.

  "Okay, well I just wanted to tell you, if you are looking for your Kindle, I have it," she said.

  "Alright, honey, I love you," Frank said.

  "Love you, too," Wendy said and hung up.

  Fuckfuckfuckfuck! she thought. Now I have to wait and worry all day long that my mastermind husband might decide to get into my Kindle. Fuck a damn duck!

  4. Revelation

  Frank sat thoughtfully gazing at his wife's ereader. Her Kindle continued to recommend that he 'Enter Passcode.'

  Restless, he stood up and walked to the window. It was mid October, quite a beautiful time of year when the deciduous trees were all turning red and yellow. Frank had a large office to himself, and a beautiful view of Pikes Peak with its elevation of over 14,000 feet. The Peak's treeless crest was already sprinkled with snow.

  The sky, as usual, was blue. Frank had read somewhere that Colorado Springs had blue skies over 300 days per year. Of course with an elevation of over 6,000 feet, a good mile above sea level, a large portion of those days were below freezing.

  A Senior Forensic Accountant, Frank loved his job. Nothing interested him more than a good puzzle. Born and bred in New York, he had started work there where he had easily and rapidly moved up to the top possible pay scale. As Wendy was from Colorado Springs, and her
family lived here, they had decided to move to Colorado once she had the twins. It seemed the best place to raise children.

  As an experienced auditor, accountant, and investigator of legal and financial documents, Frank was hired to look into possible suspicion of fraudulent activity within a company; or hired to prevent fraudulent activities from occurring. He was always at least three weeks ahead on his work because to him, his job was fun. Frank loved details, the minutia of facts and the process of performing analysis. He was naturally curious.

  Just now his attention was focused on that Kindle.

  Why had Wendy called? he wondered. Obviously I was going to discover that I had her Kindle at lunchtime anyway.

  There was only one explanation.

  Wendy had something on her Kindle that she didn't want him to read. Consequently, Frank decided that he would read it.

  But first he had to break her password.

  Having made up his mind, Frank set to work. He tried all the obvious possibilities, family birthdays, pet names, street names. The list was fairly extensive, but truthfully, he was enjoying himself.

  If I was my wife, what password would I use?

  Wendy had created this to prevent the twins from gaining access – not him. She wouldn't have thought of keeping him out at all. Wendy knew that he would never have considered looking into her Kindle. It simply wouldn't have crossed his mind.

  Until now.

  For a moment his thoughts returned to fifteen years ago, to the day they first met. Frank had gone on a blind date with another couple, one of them his best friend.

  Naturally built like a football lineman, his physique hadn't changed. Lifting weights had made him super stocky, and as a sporty, active person he easily maintained his muscular build. It was just the way his body wanted to go.

  Frank enjoyed playing football, but his favorite sport was baseball. That was why his nose listed slightly to the right. He had missed a fly ball while facing a bright noon sun. The damn thing had broken his nose. Man it had hurt like nothing else, but even worse it had been embarrassing to drop a catch in front of the spectators at a high school game.

  The upshot was that he looked a bit rough-edged and daunting, like a bouncer or a boxer. Back then Frank figured most girls were afraid of him, and honestly, he had been shy. When he met Wendy, while not precisely a virgin, he had been sexually naive.

  Frank would never forget that first date. They had gone off to a College kegger in Brooklyn. While it hadn't been love or even lust at first sight, there had been mutual mild interest. Wendy, feisty little thing that she was, certainly hadn't been frightened of him. Yet what really settled the evening was how similarly they had reacted to the party. Neither drank much, neither danced much.

  They were both standing near a table of finger-foods, from time to time eating various snacks. That was the first time they really saw each other.

  What happened had been comical and ridiculous, yet also magical.

  Frank and Wendy had each been mindlessly absorbed, concentrating on watching the outrageous shenanigans of the party. People were chugging beer, some girls down to their bras while dancing, some people smoking dope and others engaged in a chase with a young woman as the prize.

  Frank had felt like an observer engaged in an anthropological study of 'College tribal mating rituals.' He and his date, both captivated, had absently reached into that bowl at the same time. When their hands touched they looked up into each other's eyes.

  Humor and awareness had hit Frank with the force of a blow.

  Here they were, young healthy, and ready to party. But instead they each preferred to watch… and to eat Cheetos. Their eyes had locked, mutually twinkling with surprise and amusement. A moment later, in perfect concert, they had burst out laughing. Their date had been a winner after that, and from then on they had been inseparable.

  Wendy - beautiful, unique and amazing, was still the woman for him.

  From time to time during his marriage, other women had hit on him. Frank figured that he was perhaps attractive to the opposite sex, now that he was more mature and self-assured. Or did some women prefer married men? Each time a woman flirted, Frank had been flattered, but also uncomfortable.

  No matter who come on to him, he would never cheat. Infidelity was something he just didn't agree with. Married and faithful, or divorce – that's what he always figured. Lucky for him, such loyalty was easy in his case. No one could ever come close to Wendy.

  Thoughtfully, Frank tapped into the passcode: 'Cheetos.'

  The Kindle instantly opened.

  Frank's heart kicked into a little stutter. That first moment of intimate connection had been important. It still gave him a sense of awe and wonder. Right here, with Wendy's password, was the proof of that.

  He read on her Kindle from where she had been reading:

  "Arms over your head, sweetheart," he ordered, "and spread those legs."

  Kurt took his time, parting her with his fingers, enjoying the lush pink swell of her pussy and running his tongue along her slit to taste her sweet honey. To his delight, she was panting breathlessly, with the occasional broken cry from deep in her throat.

  When he slid a finger into her, while licking her clit, she became louder, fisting the sheets, and begging him to fuck her.

  Ah, he thought, utterly satisfied. My shameless woman, overpowered with lust.

  She was such a wanton greedy girl. Kurt loved to see her that way, enslaved by desire. He took his time fingering her, moving in and out, enjoying making her squirm.

  From time to time he took Carmen's clit right into his mouth, suckling and nursing it. He felt it inside him then, throbbing away like an athlete's heartbeat during a marathon. He smiled and thought about earplugs once more. Man, could she make some noise or what? Her ability to resist orgasm was still astonishing, although he did pull back when he felt her coming too close.

  Holy shit!

  A timeless flash of both confusion and clarity assailed Frank.

  It was like those rare moments while pursuing an accounting case. Nothing makes sense. Then, bang! All of a sudden one elusive factor resolves every aspect. Frank experienced a profound second in time where thousands of tiny details all consolidated into one perfect truth.

  Wendy wasn't sexually satisfied.

  His wife needed more.

  Frank carefully considered what he had read on her Kindle. When was the last time he had gone down on her? He couldn’t even remember. The numerous times Wendy had subtly refused his sexual advances, and her obvious irritability. They way she almost gave in to sex sometimes, rather than joyously jumping him as she had for the first few years of marriage.

  What had she said on the weekend when they had managed to get together to make love? Honey, sometimes I think that you should pretend I'm your sex toy, like a little game. Wouldn’t that be fun?

  Kicking himself, Frank shook his head in disbelief. How could I have been so blind? Well, he could see clearly now. More importantly he knew just what he was going to do about it.

  His eyes narrowed. But first he needed to find out what Wendy wanted.

  5. Analysis

  Frank hit Kindle 'home' to check out just what the name of this book was. It was apparently called "Carmen's New York Romance," by Nikki Sex. Nikki Sex? Good lord! Who would ever come up with an absurd pen name like that? These authors are apparently creative enough to write an entire story, but then can't think up a realistic pseudonym?

  Wendy had a Kindle collection she had called "Erotic favorites." He made a careful note of every one in order to download and read himself. Then he found her highlights – all 27 pages of them. He wandered out to the company photocopier in order to make a printed record to scrutinize at his leisure.

  Frank read non-fiction, noting thoughts and ideas that would help him in his work. What had Wendy highlighted?

  He returned to his office and stapled the papers together. His black leather chair squeaked as he sat back and put his feet u
p on the desk. Frank took the stapled hardcopy of her notes and highlights and read:

  "The fun for me, Elizabeth is in controlling you," he said. "I want you submissive to my desires, powerless, and hungry to let me do whatever I wish - to obey and do whatever I say."

  And this one, too:

  "It is true. I am a good lover, but that is not so difficult. It requires only that I pay attention, and watch and listen to a woman and her body."

  Huh. Well that was good advice. Frank had certainly not been paying attention at all. But that was going to change.

  Dumbfounded by his wife's interests, he flicked through the little booklet of quotes. Wendy had highlighted a ton of stuff from this Frenchman, André Chevalier. He seemed to be her idea of the ultimate lover. Also Kurt Nielsen, the guy in 'Carmen's New York Romance.' Wendy had quite a few romance authors on her Kindle, but Nikki Sex seemed to be one of her favorites.

  Her highlighted quotes had been both eye-opening and face tightening.

  Frank knew nothing about BDSM which apparently involved a variety of erotic practices involving dominance and submission, role-playing, and restraint. He just didn't get it. Why did Wendy want this? And why would he want to do it? Yet Frank valued his wife, and in his little heart of hearts, he knew that he would do anything to make her happy. He also knew that whatever turned her on, would also turn him on. Why wouldn't it?

  Getting Wendy hot and excited always revved him up.

  Treating this project like any other, Frank disengaged any other thought except his forceful curiosity combined with a dedicated attention to detail. Three hours disappeared before he had made his analysis of what his wife wanted to try during sex:

  Spanking 76%

  Submitting 65%

  Hair pulling 57%

  Neck/ nape bite/ nuzzle 55%

  Bondage 55%

  Oral (giving) 51%

  Oral (receiving) 46%

  Blindfold 30%

  Nipple pinching, etc 30%

  Frank couldn’t believe it.

  Spanking? Really? Why would she want that? He wasn't even sure if he could smack her on the butt. Yet if it turned her on? For a moment the image of Wendy lying over his lap with her naked ass exposed and squirming flashed through his mind. His dick twitched and he smiled. It certainly had possibilities.