Read What Wendy Wants Page 3

  Anal play was in there, too, really low in percentile, thank God. He wasn't sure if he was up to that, but hell, if Wendy wanted it? Frank would never refuse her. Maybe later they could discuss it. Yet why hadn't she spoken to him about any of this?

  Frowning and restless, Frank stood up with his hands in his pockets.

  She tried to talk about it stupid, he told himself. You were just thick as a plank. And maybe the subject is a little embarrassing for her to discuss.

  Frank left his office to pour himself another coffee from the staff lounge, absentmindedly giving one syllable replies to his co-workers.

  Returning to his office, Frank sat down and studied the entire book that Wendy was currently reading. Afterwards he carefully returned it to the exact page that she had been on so she wouldn't know that he had cracked her code. As far as he could tell, the male protagonists that she was interested in seemed to give the heroine multiple orgasms before they got off.

  He read a quote from, "Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set."

  A woman's mind is geared to fantasy, while a man is visually focused. That explained the number of romance books that sold. Not to mention the very few woman's magazines picturing naked men, verses racks and racks of naked women in men's magazines in the newsstands. What was the saying? How did you turn on a man? Just turn up, preferably naked. But to turn on a woman? That was something else entirely, for desire began in a woman's mind.

  Desire begins in a woman's mind. Frank echoed the thought, awed. I get an erection just seeing a naked woman, and my wife? What did Wendy want?

  Wow. Was Wendy reading these erotic fantasies and secretly masturbating to this kind of stuff? Just like he did with internet porn? Was she ashamed of her sexual yearning?

  That possibility blew his mind.

  Frank was embarrassed about his habit of watching internet porn, and consequently had never spoken to her about it. He had never joined a porn site; he just looked at free stuff. Jacking off in the shower was another thing he regularly did that his wife didn't know about. Wendy wouldn’t mind, Frank was certain. So why did he feel uncomfortable telling her? Why would he tell her at all?

  Except that he was keeping sexual secrets. The quote from Frenchman, André Chevalier, flashed into Frank's mind with sudden clarity.

  "Deceit is a barrier to intimacy."

  It made him wonder, Just when did I begin having more sex with myself than with my wife?

  Had he been afraid of a knock back? Wendy was no longer keen to make love - that was for sure. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to disturb her with his constant lust. In his wife's damn stories the protagonists masturbated in front of each other – and the women were always wet and ready.

  Had Frank and his wife been pretending? Were they both being less than truthful about what they wanted in bed? If that was the case, after thirteen years of marriage, and genuine mutual love, it seemed surprisingly easy to drift apart.

  Frank shook his head. How had it happened?

  The rest of the day Frank spent doing internet searches, figuring out all he could about BDSM because that was what Wendy wanted. He found one quote that he particularly liked:

  "When you screw up, own it. When your slave screws up, you own it."

  While Frank would never consider calling his wife a slave, and he sincerely hoped that she didn't want him to, he did think this was a relevant concept. Frank knew he had screwed up. His wife wasn't sexually satisfied and that could only be his fault and responsibility.

  It was a mistake that he fully intended to fix.

  Another favorite author of Wendy's was Joey W. Hill. Frank found an article from Ms. Hill called, "Ten Tips for bringing BDSM into your bedroom." In it she said, "The psychology of BDSM is what it's all about. The illusion of being dominated sexually, of submitting utterly to your lover –that's the turn on."

  Hummm, he thought. Now this is something I can really work with.

  Was that what excited her? The idea of being totally commanded and controlled during sex? The common denominator to her interests did appear to be in the area of complete submission. Now that Frank reflected on it, it wasn't giving a head job that Wendy had highlighted with her heroines. It was when the heroine was on her knees while going down on the hero. That seemed to be what did it for her.

  The heroine always seemed happy to swallow, too. Would Wendy do that for him? Ejaculating down her throat had been a long term fantasy that Frank had never spoken about. She went down on him sometimes, but he had always shot his load elsewhere. With his dick twitching, Frank began to harden at that thought.

  The idea of dominating his wife suddenly became a lot more interesting.

  Frank had all day Thursday and Friday to learn and prepare. He decided that he would take a few of her favorite books, and create an entire scene, following exactly what the characters in those books did.

  Frank didn't have to re-invent the wheel. He could just follow a script.

  Taking out his cell phone, he called Wendy's sister, Dawn.

  "Hello?" she answered on the third ring.

  "Hi, Dawn, it's Frank here," he said.

  "Hey, Frank, what's up?"

  Frank explained that he wanted to surprise Wendy this Friday, and asked if she would mind taking the kids over night. He explained that they hadn’t had much alone time together and really, he wanted to spoil her and make it a big night. Would that be okay? But he wanted it to be a secret until then.

  Dawn was absolutely up for it. She had two girls, one eight and one nine. The cousins always got on well.

  Frank hung up, pleased with himself. This Friday night, he intended to rock Wendy's world. He wasn't sure how exactly, not yet. But by the time he read all her favorite books, he knew he'd have formulated a detailed plan.

  He had started this whole investigation with curiosity and trepidation. Now he was excited in a way he hadn’t been in a long, long time.

  It was like that first date feeling, that nervous anticipation or performance anxiety. 'Fake it till you make it,' was his normal rule in such situations. He was going to be 'the Dom' and give the orders.

  How difficult could it be after all?

  Wendy Hayward, he thought. This Friday night you are going to have your every sexual fantasy come true.

  6. Friday Afternoon

  Wednesday evening Frank returned his wife's Kindle almost as an afterthought. Her relief had been obvious. Neither approached each other for sex Wednesday or Thursday night.

  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during the day, Frank spent as much time as possible engaged in erotic study.

  Friday afternoon he jacked off, twice. Once late in the day because he didn't want to be desperate – tonight was all about Wendy and satisfying her desires. The other time he masturbated just because all this sexual reading made him horny.

  How was it that he had never actually bothered to study such an important subject? Frank could readily understand why Wendy had highlighted so much that André Chevalier, the sexy Frenchman had said. Like this one:

  "The woman's sex, it is a magical thing! So absorbing and beguiling! As I teased and touched you, I watched, oh, so intently did I watch! For your tight, closed channel began to unlock its secrets and open slowly of its own accord. Soon the outer lips of your pussy spread wide and your sex became thick and plump. As you became more aroused your clitoris began to swell, and then it revealed itself, stiff and turgid. It is the way of your sex, do you see? During arousal a woman's cunt opens like the most magnificent flower, the slick channel, the empty hole – it begins to gape, to open wide and drip its honey, begging to be filled with cock. The enticing fragrance of this flower then perfumes the air, drawing a man toward the scent to smell, to touch and taste."

  His fingers caressed her, mesmerizing her with his hands and his words. "It is the way of nature, ma chèrie," he said in a low voice, "for a man to caress the flower of your sex in order to open its petals. And when you began to open for me, this gave me such pleasure." He took a d
eep breath in, and said intently, "To have this power over you, Elizabeth. For your cunt to willingly open, to submit to me and to my cock, this is what pleases me most of all."

  Frank felt his pulse quicken as he read. Hot damn.

  How was it that he had never noticed this? With all his attention now upon pleasuring his wife, Frank realized that he needed to understand the definitive signs of arousal.

  Masters and Johnson filled the gap.

  The vagina becomes lubricated, he read, and the pulse rate increases and breathing quickens. Well, these things Frank had already observed. But he never knew that the vagina increased in length and width. If he had been paying attention he could have seen his wife's outer lips grow large with engorgement as it exposed her vaginal opening.

  This must be the opening flower thing that André Chevalier talked about.

  A woman's clitoris was like a penis. Aroused, it increased in size by filling with blood. How had he missed that? But he hadn't gone down on Wendy in ages, and hadn't been attentive when he had.

  The nipples become erect too – something he had observed. But Frank had never realized that a woman's breasts also become engorged. Mounting sexual tension then caused muscular contractions in various parts of the body as well as a 'sex flush' on the skin.

  Frank studied numerous diagrams of female anatomy. He hadn't even been aware of a 'clitoral hood' on the clitoris. Apparently once a certain level of excitement has been reached, the clitoris retracts under the clitoral hood and becomes inaccessible to direct stimulation.

  Huh. Well he and his tongue were going to check that out tonight.

  Masters and Johnson confirmed what he read in his wife's erotica: continued stimulation can bring a woman to a second and third orgasm immediately following the first one. In fact many women were capable of having many orgasms in quick succession.

  And that is what I am going to do to Wendy, Frank decided. Tonight is all about her.

  It was only an hour to Denver from Colorado Springs. Frank didn't feel in the least bit guilty about taking time off from work to drive there. He had checked the internet and decided to visit the 'Crypt,' which proclaimed to be a popular store for 'sex, leather and adults.'

  He was too well known locally and didn't want to be seen visiting a kink shop in his home town. While the "South Park" boys grew up near Colorado Springs, there were a number of evangelical organizations in the area that would condemn sexual deviance of any sort.

  As he didn't frequent adult stores Frank was worried about the seedy, creepy image of them that he had in his head. The Crypt, to his relief was pretty tame. It was well-lit, and welcoming, like any other place of business.

  Frank had made a list of things to buy. Silk scarves and candles he obtained locally. From the Crypt he got some sheepskin softened leather cuffs with under the bed restraints, and a We-Vibe 3.

  He honestly had no idea, did Wendy have a vibrator? And if she did, why didn't he know about it? The We-Vibe 3 had been mentioned in that Nikki Sex story, so he got it anyway.

  He was persuaded to buy the most expensive blindfold by the sales woman.

  "Oh this is my favorite!" she gushed. "The silk elastic band will fit snuggly against the head, while double-layer brocade silk sashes extend to form a bow to tighten the fit."

  Frank also bought a flogger, kind of a soft mop and a paddle. He had no idea if they would use all these things, but he wasn't in a hurry to come back here. If all went well, maybe he and Wendy would come here together.

  So far everything was going to plan.

  He frowned suddenly as a thrum of excitement and anxiety went through him.

  Well, the thought. If it doesn't work out at the very least they would have a good laugh about it all.

  7. The Plan

  Frank called Wendy in the car on the way home. "Hi, hon," he said.

  "How was your day?" Wendy asked. "Are you on the way home?"

  "I had to go to Denver but I'll be home in an hour," he said. "Is Dawn there yet?"

  "No, why? Is Dawn coming over?"

  "Dawn is taking the kids to her house tonight," Frank said. "She will be there by 6pm. I'll be home by then. You need to get ready because it's Friday night and I'm taking you out for dinner and dancing. We're going to the Broadmoor. I've made reservations at the Penrose Room."

  "Really?" Wendy said, delighted. "What's the occasion?"

  "No real occasion, just that I love my wife," Frank said.

  "You are so sweet!"

  Frank was pleased to find how excited Wendy was at the prospect of an evening out. Wendy told him that she had gone into their bedroom to chat without little ears everywhere listening in.

  "So, how was your day?" he asked.

  "I had to hold myself back from bitch slapping one of the other soccer mothers who thanked everyone for their work on fundraising, especially those who 'have more time than others.' As if I have nothing to do just because I don't work full time."

  Imagining the scene, Frank laughed loudly. Wendy could always make him laugh.

  "How are the boys?"

  "Ah, well, Anthony and Will got into their usual punching and kicking fight in the family room this afternoon. Anthony called Will a douche bag, and Will called him a pussy."

  "Uh oh," Frank said.

  "I know," she said. "The joys of public school, right?"

  "I hate to think of how you responded," Frank said. "Are they both still breathing?"

  "I swear I didn’t touch them…."

  "Oh, shit, Wendy," Frank said with an edge of alarm in his voice. "What did you say to them then?"

  She laughed. "First I ascertained they knew what those words actually were. Then I said to Will, 'Oh so that means you go into him?'

  After a large intake of shocked breath, Frank began to laugh. "No! You didn't!"

  Frank knew that Wendy never pulled any punches, especially with the twins now that they were teens. She had always been forthright with the kids and couldn't stand child-speak like "pee pee." It drove her crazy when other parents did that. "C'mon folks," she was likely to say, "It's a penis!"

  "How did the boys come back from that?" he asked.

  Wendy giggled. "Anthony said, 'Mom, you didn't just go there, did you?' But I bet they hesitate the next time they decide to throw those kinds of words around, eh?"

  "My clever, ultra-tactful wife," Frank said. "Always so considered and restrained. Adult therapy will cost them thousands - especially for poor Anthony."

  "That's not fair," Wendy said. "I didn't mean to walk in on him."

  "I know you didn't, hon," Frank reassured her. "I still think it's funny. Being a teenager is difficult and Anthony was just sensitive."

  About mid-year Wendy had tapped on Anthony's bedroom door and walked in. Anthony had been standing in his closet doorway, buck naked. Before Wendy could think to guard her tongue, she had let loose with a screech of, "Oh. My. God! You have PUBIC HAIR!"

  Anthony hadn't talked to her for days.

  "I'll see you soon," Wendy said. "I'm going to take a shower and dress up, baby. You wait until you see what I'm going to be wearing. We are going to have such a good time tonight."

  "That's true," he growled. "I have been feeling exceptionally frisky, so you just think about that."

  "Really?" she said thoughtfully.

  "Yes, really," Frank said. "Don't imagine that you are going to get out of it. If you feel a headache coming on, take an aspirin. I fully intend to ravish you, wench."

  This comment surprised another laugh out of her. Lighthearted and happy, Frank laughed at her laughter.

  "You're on, baby," said Wendy.

  After goodbyes, Frank disconnected his Bluetooth connection and thought about the evening ahead. A number of emotions ran through him, excitement, nerves and lust. After reading about sex for three days straight, he was pretty damn horny.

  He remembered Wendy's highlighted quote by André Chevalier, the fictional Frenchman who was the 'woman-whisperer' in the Nikki
Sex novels. "I am a good lover, but that is not so difficult. It requires only that I pay attention, and watch and listen to a woman and her body."

  Tonight, Frank was going to put ALL his attention on his wife.

  He intended to make Wendy climax and climax and climax again….just like in all the books she was reading. She had been a horny little animal when they were first together. If he paid attention, and watched and listened, he hoped to make her come so many times that she would virtually pass out. Was it even possible? He wanted to find out.

  Besides…he was her Dominant for the night. It was up to him how many orgasms she had. He had memorized a number of Dom commands as per Kurt Nielsen the guy in 'Carmen's New York Romance,' as well as André Chevalier in, 'Elizabeth's Erotic Bondage.'

  Frank had a step-by-step scene planned. Wendy was going to be off balance and busy all night long.

  Grinning all the way home, Frank's jaw felt sore from smiling. Whatever happened tonight, they were both going to have some serious fun.


  Wendy hung up the phone with a thrill of exhilaration running through her.

  Perfect, she decided, her jaw tight with resolve. I'm going to dress up and even wear the garter belt, and stockings I bought to surprise Frank. Tonight when we have sex, I am going to tell him what I want. By God I'm going to be honest and brave and make him understand.

  8. Date Night

  The Broadmoor luxury hotel and resort was THE place to go in Colorado Springs. It had 700 rooms, 18 restaurants and cafes, 3 golf courses, tennis courts, and a world-class spa. The Penrose Room was the only Five-Diamond dining in all of Colorado. A popular conference destination for business and government officials, it was often fully booked.

  When Frank got home he showered, used a bit of sandalwood cologne and dressed in a tux. Women responded well to scent, he had read. Frank had intended to shave, too, with his moderate five o'clock shadow, but Wendy stopped him.