Read What Will Be... Page 11


  The car pulled up outside a store I had never heard of before.

  “What is Cold Rock, Baydon?”

  “You have never been to Cold Rock? You haven’t lived till you have had a Cold Rock.” A dreamy look passed over his face as he spoke; making me even more curious about the building we were now walking towards.

  Walking through the door Baydon was holding open, my eyes took in the most glorious sight, and I couldn’t help the excited squeak that left my mouth.

  “Oh my God, Baydon this is amazing!” I squealed as I grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the rows of counters in front of me.

  “Welcome to Cold Rock guys, what can I get for you today?” The girl behind the counter stood before us, grinning as she waited for us to place our order.

  Rows and rows of every flavour of ice-cream you could imagine were before me. Behind the ice-cream were jars filled with every kind of toppings I could think of. I was so excited at the options in front of me I hadn’t realised that Baydon already had ordered, and that he and the girl were both waiting on me.

  “Ummm, can I get the butterscotch ice-cream, the toffee ice-cream, gummi bears, flake chocolate pieces, Jaffa’s and caramel sauce? Please. Also can I get it in a big cup? Thanks.” I stood back to watch the server make my creation. She took all of the items I ordered and smashed them all together on top of a cold, granite looking slab, before putting it in the tub and handing it to me.

  Shoving a spoonful into my mouth, I let out a loud groan of satisfaction as the flavours filled my mouth. It was ah-maz-ing! How had I never had this before?

  “It’s good huh,” Baydon sounded so smug, but I couldn’t deny it. This was the greatest place I had ever been.

  “This is the best thing I have ever tasted. Great choice for our date. I’m impressed.” As I finished speaking, I shoved another spoonful of my dairy goodness into my mouth, savouring the taste as it melted away.

  “This is only the beginning of our date. Want to taste some of my ice-cream?” He asked, veering off the date topic quite suddenly.

  “What did you get?” My ice-cream was orgasmic and I knew I would have to try his as well.

  “I got chocolate and peppermint ice-cream with m&m’s, Oreo’s and skittles. You have to try it.” He held out his ice-cream in offering but I shook my head at him, frowning in disappointment.

  “If I wanted to taste peppermint I would brush my teeth thanks. Why do people ruin junk food by making it taste like toothpaste? It’s so stupid.” Finishing my rant, I sat down at a table out the front of the shop and focused on finishing my treat.

  “Ahhhh!” Baydon let out a gruff, manly kind of scream, startling me and sending me into a panic as I tried to figure out what was going on.

  One look in his direction had the mystery solved and I was on the ground laughing. He was holding his head in his hands with his face all scrunched up.

  “It’s not funny Roxy. Brain freezes can kill,” he moaned out. His eyes still squeezed shut and his head in his hands.

  Ten minutes later and I had finally finished laughing at him. He threw a glare my way as he stood and slowly started walking towards the car.

  “Come on Roxy, time to move along. We have a big day ahead.”

  Slurping on my slowly melting ice-cream, I followed. Wondering what was next on the agenda for this date.


  Driving down the highway, I couldn't help but to sneak some glances at the beautiful creature sitting next to me. She was stunningly perfect, from her shiny raven black hair, all the way down to her dainty, painted toenails. There was not a flaw to be seen, and she was mine. A grin made its way onto my face as I thought about the fact that we were now together and currently on our first date. I may have done some nasty things to get to her, but that is what love did to you right? It made you do crazy things. I had no doubt that I was, indeed, in love with Roxy.

  "Where are we going now Baydon?" Even the tinkling in her voice made my heart beat speed up. I had it bad, and I knew it.

  "It's a surprise Rox, but you might want to change your shoes. There are some trainers and socks on the back seat." I couldn't wait until we reached our destination, I had put plenty of thought into this date and tried to incorporate as many activities into it in the hoped Roxy would enjoy. The ice-cream bar was only the first stop there was still two more stops on this date.

  "Why do I have to change my shoes, will I need to change my clothes too? I don't want to get them dirty." Roxy sounded sceptical about my footwear replacement request; at least she wasn't completely against it though.

  "There is a spare shirt in the back too if you want to change into that but your jeans should be safe. I promise."

  "Seriously Baydon, where are we going? Should I be scared?" I snapped my head in her direction, worried that maybe I really was scaring her, but when I saw the beautiful smile lighting up her face I knew she was messing with me.

  Making my voice go deep and whispery I replied, "You should be scared little girl, very scared."

  She lost it and started laughing uncontrollably at me, even pointing at me while she laughed. I didn't really think it was worthy of that much laughter, it wasn't really that funny. Maybe she was on a sugar high?

  "Me," she pointed to herself. "Scared of you?" Again she pointed, although towards me this time. "You have got to be kidding yourself, my big squishy teddy bear." You have got to be kidding me, I don't want her to be scared of me but I also don't want her to think of me as a big, squishy teddy bear. What a blow to my manly ego.

  "I am NOT a big squishy teddy bear. I'm a muscly, well sculptured hunk of manliness. Don't you forget it either." Nodding my head, satisfied that I had correct that disastrous explanation of my appearance I turned the car down the dirt path that would lead us to our destination.

  "Sir, yes sir." Roxy, forever the smart arse, saluted me while stamping her foot, finishing up with the ever enchanting one finger salute when she removed her hand from her forehead.

  "Classy Rox. Real classy." I rolled my eyes at her as she tried unsuccessfully to contain her giggles.

  "You want a classy lady, go find someone else? If you want someone who will put you in your place and whoop your arse in everything, I'm your girl." She smirked at me, winked and then turned her head to look out the window and take in our surroundings. God damn she is a smart arse, I love the fact that she gave as good as she got. Damsels in distress can go jump, give me this independent, fiery she-wolf any day.

  "We're here, Rox. You getting changed?" Reaching into the back I grabbed the bag of spare clothes I had bought for the both of us and pulled it into the front seat with us.

  "Where is here? And yes I'm changing my shirt, no peeking right." Roxy grabbed the bag and started off by changing her shoes over before looking me in the eyes and telling me to turn around so she could change her top. Doing as she wished I could feel my blood heat at just the thought that she was sitting topless next to me.

  "You can turn back around now, I'm done."

  "Alright, let me change my shirt and then we can go. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up over my head, tossing it into the back of the car. Ruffling through the bag that was now in my lap, I found the shirt I was looking for and was about to put it on when I noticed Roxy staring at me like I was her favourite bar of chocolate.

  Feeling my ego boost itself up a few notches I decided to take my time in getting the shirt on and threw in a few excessive muscle flexes while I was at it. Just as I was about to pull the shirt over my head I felt something warm and wet on my stomach. Pulling the shirt down over my face, I opened my eyes and glanced down only to catch my breath as I watched Roxy roll her tongue over the ridges of my abs, before placing soft kisses all the way up to my pecks before lifting her head.

  Grinning at me sheepishly she leant forward and ran her tongue around my ear before kissing the side of my neck. Letting out a groan of satisfaction I made to grab for her but she moved out of
my path quickly. Throwing open the car door and jumping out she shouted, "Next time you will kiss me when I want to be kissed." Before taking off towards the entrance of the paintball range I had brought her to for the second part of our date.

  Little minx, "You know I still haven't kissed you though Rox." A smirk was plastered all over my face as I tried to reign in the immensely aroused wolf within me. She turned to face me with a look of bewilderment on her face as she realised what I had said was true.

  "I don't want your kiss now. But in the future you should remember to kiss me when I want it; otherwise I'll do that again." She smiled triumphantly as she thought she had won. It was cute, she thought what she had done was punishment. While I was upset it had stopped where it did, there is no way having her touch me was ever going to be punishment.

  "If you are going to use your mouth on me like that every time I don't kiss you on demand, maybe I will just never kiss you again cause honey you sure know how to use that tongue in all the right places." Yelling loud enough for passers-by to hear us she spun on her heel and stormed off towards the entrance. I ran after her, chuckling at her little tantrum. "Oh Rox, don't be like that. You know I was only messing with you."

  "Oh, you think I'm mad. You have no idea; I'm getting ready to whoop you in paintball. Hope you're ready to have your arse handed to you." Excellent. When I planned this part of the date I had hoped it would appeal to her competitive side. She loved to compete and there was no way I was going to take it easy on her. This little she-wolf was one of the most cunning and athletic in our pack.

  "Bring it on little girl." I called to her as I paid for our game and grabbed the 'paintballs'. This kind of paintball was different to the one most people played. Rather than shooting people with paint filled pellets, water balloons were filled with paint and you carried them around in a little hip bag to throw them at your opponent. It eliminated the need for protective clothing we just had to wear coveralls. It also made the game a little more interesting, as you had to be fairly close to each other to get a hit.

  I handed Roxy her bag of paintballs and put my bag on over my shoulder. Grabbing Roxy's hand I kissed the back of her wrist, "My lady, the game is on." She giggled before we both took off into the gaming area.

  Let the fun begin.