Read What Will Be... Page 12


  I was down to one paintball; both Roxy and I were covered in paint. I had been keeping a rough count on her paintballs and was fairly confident that she was all out and was in hiding until I was finished.

  Creeping around, I spotted her sitting in one of the lower branches of a nearby tree, watching me. I let out a grin as I aimed and threw my last paintball at her, grumbling when it missed her leg and splattered against the already paint-stained trunk.

  "Alright Roxy, I'm all out now. We can go if you like." Making my way over the base of the tree she was sitting in, I held out my arms for her to jump into. When she landed in front of me I wrapped my arms around her tightly and hugged her for all I was worth. This date was turning out better than I had expected and it was making me fall for her more. Watching how happy she was while we had been playing had made my heart continue to swell with more love for her than I had thought possible.

  I couldn't wait any longer to kiss her. Lifting her chin up so she was looking at me I swooped in and planted my paint stained lips onto her still clean, soft ones. Loving the way her lips moved against mine, I was shocked when I felt her tongue licking across my bottom lip, seeking an entrance, which I couldn't give fast enough. I craved the feel of her tongue against mine as they moved together, sharing their flavours and increasing my pulse until I was convinced I would shatter if I didn't get to touch more of her soon.

  My good feeling was abruptly stopped though when I felt something warm and sticking smash into my head. Fearing I had just been made a public lavatory for a passing bird I pulled back and lifted my hand to my hair, only to furrow my eyebrows together in confusion when my hand came down covered in purple paint. Roxy's laughter invaded my ears as the pieces slowly started to form together in my mind.

  "Did you just smash a paintball on my head while we were kissing?" I had been sure she was all out, but the devilish grin on her face gave her away.

  "You might have been all out my lovely teddy bear, but I have been smart with my paintballs." Assuming that the last one had just been used in my hair I reached for her again, hormones still raging. Roxy slid her hands up my shirt and I felt a shiver down my spine. Great, I'm turning into a girl with all these shivers and shit. Then I felt the same stickiness dripping down my chest and abdomen. Letting go of Roxy I swiftly lifted up my shirt to see more purple paint smeared all over my front. That evil little witch.

  "That was the last one, I swear Baydon. It was too good an opportunity to miss." She barely got that out before she exploded into a fit of giggles again. Thinking quickly, I pulled my shirt all the way off before grabbing on to her in an unbreakable bear hug, successfully coating the front of her in paint while she still laughed away like a hyena.

  "Shall we, my lady, your chariot awaits." I loved the sound of her laugh and would do anything to keep her happy.

  "You mean the date isn't over yet?" She questioned as we made our way out of the paintball park and towards the car.

  "Not yet it isn't. Just a quick stop off to clean up and then we move on to the next stage." This last stage of the date was the one I had put the most effort into and I really hoped that she liked it. I needed to impress her, and I was sure she had had a great time so far but I needed to show her the other side of me. The sensitive side and I hoped this would do it.

  Roxy leant over to me once we were in the car and nibbled on my earlobe before whispering in my ear, "You have thought of everything for this date haven't you? How will you ever top this?" She leant back in her chair and started fiddling with the stereo.

  I had no idea how I could top this date just yet, but if I had my way I would get to spend the rest of my life trying.


  After resting for a few hours, I headed out to find some clean clothes. I hadn't bought anything with me and I refused to make a bank withdrawal. Doing that would alert my father as to my whereabouts, so I was left with only one other option. To steal some. Having never done anything like this before, I had no idea as to where to begin looking. Wandering around aimlessly, taking in my surroundings was peaceful before my serenity was interrupted by my wolf's growl.

  'Look over there, to your left. Take those clothes and let’s go get our mate.'

  Shifting my gaze to where I had been instructed a clothesline entered my vision. Fearing that my wolf may take control from me again if I didn't follow his directions, I jumped the nearby fence and entered the yard I had been walking past moments ago.

  Not wanting to get caught I raced over to the clothesline and took off a pair of dark denim jeans, white socks and a black muscle tee. They wouldn't normally be my first choice of clothing, but I was in no position to be picky. Looking around I spotted a line of shoes on what looked like a back patio, grabbing a pair of brown work boots that I thought would fit, I leapt back over the fence and ran for two blocks. Slowing down to a fast paced walk, I made my way back to the motel I had decided to stay at.

  Luckily the motel was one of those ones that don't make you pay until after you have stayed, so I didn't need to worry about Dad finding me until I sent him the bill. I wouldn't be sending the bill until I had found Roxy and was taking her back with me.

  Showering quickly and dressing in my newly acquired clothes, I slipped the room key into my pocket and made my way out. I was going to find Roxy, she was going to be mine and there was nothing anyone could do about it.