Read What Will Be... Page 21


  I stood outside in the rain, my black suit was getting drenched and the single red rose I held was drooping from the weight of the raindrops landing upon its delicate petals. The weather couldn't have been any more predictable if it tried. Of course today, of all days, it would be raining.

  All the planning that had gone into making today something memorable was being washed away, as the torrent of rain fell heavily from the grey skies. Standing around me in the rain were many others dressed in black suits, holding flowers of many different types and colours, all shivering as they too were soaked by the crying clouds above. We were all facing the same direction, watching and waiting, anticipation of the event to come eating away at us. I had never had to do something quite like this, and to say I was scared would be very true.

  At the same time a clap of thunder boomed all around us, the door we had been staring at swung open and hit the wall behind it. Out walked the women we had been waiting on, old and young, tall and short, mated and unmated, all dressed in long flowing dresses and made up to look like models. After the first four women had come out and linked arms with their partners and made a mad dash for the cars awaiting us, I saw her. The sleek silver dress clung to her curves making my mouth water; her shiny black hair was twisted around the sides of her head and left to flow freely over her shoulders and down her back. The soft pink lips that turned up into a smile when she spotted me drooling at the sight of her and the giggle that escaped those lips when I unsuccessfully tried to move towards her, both drove me wild. She took my breath away, I'm sure she always would.

  "Baydon, you ready to go? It's raining and I'm getting cold." When she had moved to standing in front of me I have no idea, I could barely focus on any thought besides taking her back in the house and seeing how that dress looked on the floor. I felt a soft tug on my arm as she led me towards the car waiting for us.

  "Shit, this is for you." I handed my droopy red rose to the angel before me, and smiled proudly as she smelt it and somehow managed to twine it into her hair. "You look absolutely beautiful, not that you don't always look beautiful, but wow." I felt as though I was rambling as I watched Roxy lift an eyebrow at me in confusion.

  "Thank you Baydon. You are looking quite handsome yourself you know. I was just wondering how that suit would look thrown all over our room." At her confession her cheeks shifted to a slight pink colour.

  "I was thinking the same thing about your dress. Want to go see?" I wiggled my eyebrows in Roxy's direction.

  She slapped me lightly on the arm, "You know we can't. We have to at least make an appearance at the Alpha's wedding anniversary party. Maybe later stud, if you play your cards right." The vixen winked at me as she said this, gently rubbing her perky little arse across the front of my pants and climbing into the car waiting to take us to the party.

  After her incident around six weeks ago we had sat down and had a little talk. The doctor had said she passed out because of the added stress of fighting with me all the time, not to mention all the sexual frustration she was keeping bottled up inside, so now we were on. The first time Roxy was so nervous about my wolf breaking out and marking her that she barely enjoyed it at all, but the second, third, and forth time that night, well let's just say her screaming my name was the second sexiest thing I had ever seen. The sexiest thing being when she took charge.

  I could feel my 'friend' slowly rising at my thoughts so I turned my mind to gross ideas like old ladies underwear and dog poop trying to stop the blood rushing below.

  "Thinking about me again?" Roxy sounded so sure of herself, she knew the power she held over me. She knew how I felt about her, the way I loved her so passionately. As soon as she had woken from her 'shutting down' spell I had told her. Sixteen days she was asleep for this time, it killed me to see her that way and to think that if she didn't wake up the last thing she would have heard from me were those nasty words I refused to even think about now.

  After I had confessed my love to her, Roxy had told me her thoughts on our relationship. She knew that what I had said were true, and thankfully she understood that a guy can do crazy, selfish things to get the one he wants. Although she had never planned to reject her mate, even though she had no idea who it was in the beginning, the way Blaze had acted towards her was what had cemented her decision. Roxy had told me that at the beginning there had been a chance she would still accept him, but when he disrespected her wishes and tried to force his mark on her that chance flew out the window. She could never be with someone who was so out of control of their wolf, not to mention the extreme disrespect she had felt when he ignored what she wanted. Her exact words had been, ‘If he was that forceful from the start what would have happened later on in life if I disagreed with him? Would he lose control and attack me again? I refuse to be with someone I would have lived in fear of.’

  When she had put it like that I could see why she was so determined not to go back to him. The circumstances may have been different if she didn’t reject him in the first place, which I took a lot of responsibility for, but then who’s to say that at the first disagreement they had, he wouldn’t lose control and lash out at her?

  My thoughts had occupied my mind for the whole trip to the recreation club, and as I looked up at the beautiful girl waiting for me to step out of the car I knew this was the way we were supposed to be. Roxy and I, together and enjoying life.

  “Come on stud, the sooner we get to the party the sooner we can leave and see what our clothes look like thrown together on the floor.” I let out a groan at the image my mind made, she was torturing me and she knew it judging from the smug look on her face.

  “Keep talking like that and we won’t even make it home, I’ll take you in the parking lot if I have to.” Her smugness turned to shock as I stared her down with the most serious expression I could muster. To my surprise, her shocked face morphed into a look full of lust as she lifted an eyebrow at me and pouted her lips ever so slightly.

  “Maybe I’ll want it in the parking lot stud.” The passion and lust that laced those few words almost had me begging to take her home now. She was messing with me, and she was messing with me bad. Roxy stood in front of me, hands on her hips with the left hip cocked out slightly, head barely tilted to the side as she trailed her eyes up and down my body slowly, biting on the bottom corner of her lips as she finished checking me out. “I would definitely let you take me in the parking lot, big boy.”

  I couldn’t help it this time, a groan ripped its way from my throat as I reached out to grab her. My fingers wrapped around thin air though as she quickly moved out of my grasp and started heading towards the large entrance doors, joining all the other pack members making their way to the formal event. During the whole time she was messing with me I had completely forgotten that there would have been other people around watching our interaction. Damn Roxy and the way she made me feel, she made me feel so happy, complete, and when I was with her it was so easy to forget that the rest of the world existed.

  After four hours attending the anniversary party for the Alpha I decided we had been there long enough and it was time to take my stunning goddess home. We bid our good-byes to everyone and again congratulated the Alpha and Luna on their anniversary before walking through the front doors and hailing a taxi to take us home. We barely made it into our room before there were clothes flying everywhere.

  And the night only got better from there.


  Emily and I have been dating each other exclusively now for almost six months, and it had been some of the best months of my life. After our first date the chemistry between us was obvious so we immediately decided to be exclusive. Basically we were boyfriend and girlfriend, although we almost never called each other that, we didn't need to really, it seemed like everyone in the pack picked up on the vibes between us straight away.

  After discovering how in tune we were with each other and how much of a beautiful soul Emily had I had spent the last few months tryi
ng to make up for my atrocious behaviour towards her when she first moved to the pack.

  My mum and Emily's father had taken over trying to decipher the revelation, Emily and I had made no progress and The Elders were starting to get slightly worried because, after all, it did mention an upcoming war. Although we still helped out with it occasionally, we made mainly started to focus on 'us'.

  A few weeks into our dating Emily revealed how much she loved the outdoors, although most wolves do, some of the she-wolves only like it in wolf form, with this new information I planned a weekend camping trip with her down by a creek that ran through our territory. We had stayed up all night the first night and told ghost stories, revealed some of our inner most secrets and just getting to know one another more. The second day we had gone for a long run together in wolf form before falling asleep next to one another in the sun. When we had awoken we made our way back to our camp site and changed back to our human forms before starting a small camp fire and roasting marshmallows to make s’mores. On Sunday we slept almost all day before taking a small swim in the creek, which was extremely difficult in the almost two feet of water we had, but we still tried. When we returned to the pack house Emily had thanked me with a deep, passionate kiss that left me hanging for more.

  A week later and Emily surprised me with tickets to a drag race meet, I had only told her about my passion for cars a few days earlier so I had no idea how she organised them so quickly. That night was the first time Emily asked me if I wanted to stay the night with her. Of course I said yes and we spent an amazing night together complete with candles, massage oil, and a lot of nakedness.

  The relationship between us had been developing quickly and before I knew it I had asked her to move into my room with me, to my surprise she agreed.

  From then on we were almost inseparable, we spent nights in curled up on the lounge watching movies, went swimming at a beach around an hour away, joined our friends on double or triple dates, attended parties together, we even destroyed one floor of the house making an enormous army fort with pillows and blankets one afternoon when we were feeling particularly energetic and childish.

  Every day I am grateful that Emily forgave me and gave me a chance with her. She makes me feel a sense of completion that I have never felt before and being with her made me forget about any troubles I was having.

  Basically she made me happy, from what I could tell I made her happy and I was pretty certain I was falling in love with her, hard and fast. Even my wolf was happy with her, so much so that whenever I even thought about Roxy he would let out a vicious growl and start pointing out all her faults, he did this until I stopped thinking about her completely.

  It had been months since I had even thought my true mates name for longer than a few seconds, and I couldn't have been happier.

  A lot of planning had gone into this date. I needed it to be perfect. Something to make up for the mistakes I've made recently and the horrendous way I had treated Emily when she first arrived. Thinking back to those few weeks had me cringing internally. I had treated her so bad, when really she was being thrown into this mating as well. Pushing the dark, negative thoughts to the rear of my mind, I glanced down at myself doing a final check of my attire.

  My black shoes shone, my black suit pants were crease free, red button down shirt tucked in, wrinkle free with a black skinny tie, my black suit jacket, which I opted to leave unbuttoned, completed the look. I was taking Emily out to a fancy, formal dress restaurant. An anniversary dinner I suppose you could call it, celebrating our six months together and I planned on making it a memorable one.

  The soft tap-tapping of high heels on floorboards awoke me from my thoughts and forced me to draw my attention to the staircase at my left. I watched, enraptured, as the beautiful woman before me descended the staircase. She was wearing one of the most stunning dresses I had ever seen. The peacock feather print was colourful, but not overbearing; it was long and flowing in the back, but short and tight in the front. It showed some cleavage but not too much.

  Those legs that I had come to fantasize about were out on display and I felt a stirring in my wolf as my eyes travelled up and down her body, taking in every inch of her. Since we had accepted that Roxy wasn’t going to ever come back to us, my wolf had set his sights on Emily. He accepted that Emily was the best choice to be our mate and Luna. With Alpha blood running through her as well, we would produce strong heirs to the pack. Not to mention mating Emily would extend our land and enlarge our pack family. Don't get me wrong, I cared deeply for Emily and I do love her, but in the beginning it was those reasons that cemented my wolf’s decision to try and work out our differences with her.

  "Blaze, honey, are you okay? You ready to go?" The sweet sound of Emily's voice filtered in through my ears, releasing me from the deep thoughts I kept drifting into.

  "Yeah Emmie, I'm fine. Ready whenever you are, you look absolutely ravishing. Maybe we should just stay here and celebrate?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her shocked face, letting out a slight chuckle as her cheeks flushed pink. I reached out to grab her hand and lead her towards the front door.

  "I was kidding baby, let's go out."

  Emily let out a sigh of relief before smiling that heart-warming smile in my direction and following me out the door towards the car. Being the gentleman that I am, I held the door open as she settled into her seat. Rounding the car and jumping into the driver's seat, I turned to give Emily a quick kiss before starting the engine and heading towards the restaurant.