Read What Will Be... Page 22


  Dinner had been perfect. Conversation between Emily and I had flowed easily all night. From the single red rose on the table, to the soothing background music, the atmosphere provided romance at its best. We were one of the last couples left in the restaurant now, enjoying ourselves so much we hadn't even noticed as everyone left.

  "We should go Blaze, I'm sure the staff would like to get home." That was Emily, always thinking of everyone else. She is truly a beautiful soul and I felt blessed to have her in my life. I threw enough money onto the table to cover this evening’s expenses and leave a nice tip for the staff. Holding hands we left the building and made our way to the car, with me again being the gentleman. Now was when the main part of my plans would begin.

  Starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot, I was shocked when Emily leant over and rested her hand on my thigh. She cleared her throat twice before giving my leg a small squeeze. Looking over at her she looked like she was having an internal battle.

  "You okay Emmie?" I was concerned by the out of character behaviour she was displaying.

  "I'm fine," she whispered back before clearing her throat for the third time. I couldn’t question her any longer as the first checkpoint in my plan was approaching us.

  Seeing it coming, I started to discretely tap the brake and accelerator, causing the car to hop and jolt around.

  "Uh oh, there is something wrong with the car, Emmie. I'm just going to pull over and check it out okay?" She nodded her head in agreement. I lifted the hood and pretended to look around for the problem before sticking my head back into the driver's side window and tapping the dashboard.

  "I think we are out of fuel, wanna walk with me to the house over there and see if they have a fuel can we can borrow?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

  "Yeah ok, but you owe me a new pair of shoes if these ones get ruined." She climbed out of the car while I did a little happy dance, quickly so she couldn't see.

  Clutching her hand tightly in my own, we headed off into the scrub beside the road. I was so nervous that I didn't speak out of fear of throwing up if I opened my mouth.

  "Ummm Blaze, you definitely owe me new shoes. I can feel the mud in between my toes. Are we almost there?"

  I managed to choke out a yes, we were almost there. It was time for me to man up. I picked Emily up bridal style and pushed her into my chest so she couldn't see as I carried her the last few metres to our destination. The excuse of saving her shoes seemed to satisfy her, saving me from blowing the whole surprise.

  Placing her down gently on a flat rock, I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Her lips felt so warm and inviting on mine that I never wanted to stop, but I knew I had to, so I pulled away slowly and rested my forehead against hers.

  With her eyes still closed she sucked in a huge gulp of air before blurting out, "I love you Blaze." Shit, I hadn't expected this, but it was a positive spin on what I was about to do.

  Quietly bending down on one knee and pulling the small jewellery box from my jacket pocket I responded, "Good." Her crystal blue eyes fluttered open, anger and hurt lighting them up as she scanned the area for me, never once looking down.

  "I confess my love for you Blaze and all you can say is good, before you disappear -,” I tugged on her dress and she stopped shouting to look down at where I was. The only light around us came from the moon, stars and the thousands of fireflies surrounding the area we were in.

  "I said good because it makes this easier for me in a way." I took a shaky breath before continuing, "Emily, you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You are smart, creative, caring, thoughtful and always full of happiness. I would be honoured if you would agree to become my Luna, my wife and most importantly my mate."

  Silence filled my ears as Emily stared down at me with shock etched all over her face. The only thing I could hear was the sounds of the waterfall behind us and the racing beat of my heart as I waited for her answer.

  A tear slowly slid down her cheek as a smile began to form across her beautiful face, lighting it up in a magical way. She began to nod her head, a sob escaping her still smiling lips as she whispered the one word that I was so desperately waiting to hear.


  The beat of my heart picked up pace yet again. My wolf yipped in joy as I shakily took out the white gold, ruby and sapphire diamond engagement ring that had been in my family for generations. Never breaking eye contact with her, I slid it onto her dainty finger and stood up to run a finger over her jaw bone. Her eyes flittered closed at my touch, leaning forward and planting soft butterfly kisses all over her face became my new objective as a feeling of completeness washed over me. Even my wolf was overjoyed and satisfied at the thought of our new mate.

  For a few seconds my mind drifted to Roxanne, my destined mate, the mate who rejected and ran from me. The mate I didn't deserve. I could only hope that I didn't make the same forceful mistakes with Emily. Something inside me knew that Emily was my only chance at being happy and mated now, and it felt so right.

  Running my fingers through her beautiful golden hair, I thanked the Goddess above for directing Emily to me, allowing her to be so patient in waiting for me, and finally for the love that Emily and I shared. Picking her up bridal style again, I made to head back to the car. I only got a few steps before Emily stiffened in my arms and looked me in the eyes.

  "What about the car? We still need to get the fuel can, don't we?

  I let out a deep chuckle before answering her question. "Baby, there is nothing wrong with the car. I faked it to get you out to that waterfall. I found it when I was younger and knew it would be the place I asked the love of my life to marry me."

  She looked thoughtful for a moment before responding, "Sooo it was all part of your proposal plan and the car is fine?" I nodded in agreement. "That means I didn't have to get my shoes covered in mud walking through the scrub?"

  "Well I guess I could have carried you the whole way, but you would have been suspicious of that wouldn't you?" Unsure of where this was leading I grabbed onto the newly placed engagement ring on her finger and twisted it around slightly. "Or though I could have just not proposed and -"

  I was cut off quickly then, "The proposal was perfect, and I love you so much it scares me a little. But," Emily paused dramatically and I felt my heart start to sink. "But, I think, for making me walk through the mud, you should at least have to buy me three pairs of new shoes. I really liked these ones." She giggled the last part, causing me to let out a nervous laugh as well. I must admit, I was worried for a minute there.

  As I planted a soft kiss on her lips I mumbled, "I'll buy you anything your heart desires, just so long as you are mine."

  I felt her smile against my lips before she pulled away and whispered in my ear, "I will always be yours Blaze, I love you."

  "I love you too Emmie." Happiness flooded my heart as we travelled the last few metres to the car, I couldn't wait to tell everyone the news. We needed to pick a date approved by The Elders to hold the wedding and mating ceremony.

  The sooner the better, as far as my wolf and I were concerned.


  The past couple of months with Baydon had been absolutely amazing. He was being so caring and thoughtful, so much so I could feel it in my heart that if he was my mate then my life would be full of happiness and love. We would complete each other.

  The weekend following the Alpha's anniversary party he took me out hiking, which I loved, and when we reached the summit of the small mountain we were climbing he tugged on a rope hanging from a tree branch and a picnic basket came swinging down towards us. He had obviously put in a lot of effort, it was full of so many of my favourite foods, there were flake chocolates, whipped cream, strawberries, vanilla berry jelly, and fresh pineapple. I knew he had packed it all with me in mind, especially the fruit as he was a renowned junk food addict. We had spent a wonderful afternoon relaxing on the summit, eati
ng, learning more about each other, watching the sunset and, of course, there was a very intense make out session.

  Little did I know at the time that it was going to be the beginning of some fantastic dates we would share together.

  The Wednesday after the hiking trip he took me out fishing, I know most girls wouldn't enjoy this but anything where there is competitiveness and I'm there. Much to Baydon's dismay I caught four more fish than he did and they were all bigger than the ones he caught. I guess he was quite competitive as well because shortly after we packed up all the fishing gear he threw me over his shoulder and took a running leap off the end of the pier we had previously been fishing from. Needless to say it also managed to turn into a heated make out session.

  Then there was the weekend he rented us a deluxe spa motel room. We spent the weekend getting massages, lounging by the motel pool, making out in the spa, eating junk food, watching movies and playing board games. Although not overly adventurous it was such a relaxing time and really what we both needed after the stressful few months we had had since leaving our own pack.

  Add in all the movie dates, dinner dates, the afternoon walks around the territory and all the sporting games we watched or participated in and I was quickly realising how fast I could fall for someone. I was almost one hundred percent sure that I was in love with Baydon. The giveaway sign for me was when I sat down one afternoon and tried to remember the last time I had thought of Blaze. When I realised I hadn't spared him a thought for months I knew that Baydon was the one for me, regards of who the fates thought my mate was, I had no doubt it was meant to be Baydon and there had been some kind of cruel mistake. He had all the qualities I had hoped for in a mate, not to mention he was more than amazing in bed.

  Ever since my last pass out episode we had been at 'it' like rabbits, or so members of our adoptive pack kept saying. What can I say though, I'm hormonal, he is hot and we are both willing.

  My parents had called me earlier today and informed me that Baydon and I were required to attend the wedding and mating ceremony of Blaze and his fiancée Emily. Mum had been quite worried about how I would take the news that Blaze was accepting a new mate, even though I assured her I was fine with it and was actually dating Baydon, she was still worried about what the reaction would be when we returned to our pack. Truth be told, I was ecstatic that Blaze had found someone else, it never would have worked between us. I've heard of she-wolves who have been abused by their mates in the past and the women still forgave them, but that's not for me. I had never been the down trodden kind of woman to forgive that kind of behaviour, mate or not it was unforgivable as far as I was concerned.

  This was why tonight I was planning on asking Baydon to mark me and claim me as his mate, if he still wanted me. Even though the way we had come to be together was non-traditional, and involved a small level of deception on his behalf he had admitted all his mistakes and never tried to lie about them or pass the blame onto someone else. He had apologised on multiple occasions and the way he treated me had shown that he was indeed sorry for the mistakes he had made. Blaze on the other hand had never apologised, or even made an attempt to say sorry and his actions, well they were the actions of an out of control wolf who wasn't afraid to use force to get what he wanted from his mate.

  Baydon was definitely the one I wanted, and tonight would hopefully be the night we joined together mind, body, heart and soul for the rest of our lives.


  When Roxy asked me to meet her at a nearby motel I was confused. What could possibly be going on that she would need to meet me there? Regardless, after dinner at the pack house I went to meet her and see what the problem may have been. I was clueless to say the least, I didn't think Blaze had found us, I was sure we were safe at our adoptive pack house and the relationship between us had only been getting stronger and more passionate as the days went on.

  I found the room Roxy had rented and knocked cautiously on the door, when her sweet voice whispered 'come in Baydon' I followed instruction. Pushing the door open I could almost feel my eyes bugging out of my head as she stood in the middle of the room to greet me. I'm sure my jaw dropped to the floor as I took all of her in.

  She was standing in all her glory, her beautiful black hair was curled and hanging over her shoulders and down her back, and did I detect some new blonde and red streaks in there? I believe so. She had on a little make-up, mostly naturally looking, as my eyes trailed down I took in her ample breasts spilling over the top of the bright red and black laced corset she was wearing. It was short enough to expose part of her flat stomach and her navel piercing with a letter B dangling from the jewel placed there. The lower I went the better it got. She was wearing matching booty shorts underwear so it covered her at the front but part of her butt was on display, not all of it but enough to get me drooling at the surprisingly tanned smooth skin I saw there. To complete the outfit she had on thigh high, black, see through tights and a pair of bright red high heels.

  My excitement could barely be contained as she sauntered her way over and placed a long, passionate kiss on my lips. I was eager to take it further immediately but she stopped me with a brief kiss on the cheek. She began kissing her way down my neck and then back up to my ear where she whispered those words I never thought she would say.

  "Mate me Baydon. I want you to mark me as yours for the world to see."

  I didn't need to be asked twice, my lady was asking for me and I was more than happy to oblige.