Read What Will Be... Page 6


  Anna and I had been running for a good hour before we found ourselves at a small lake in the forest surrounding our town. We jumped in to cool off. Neither of us had said a word instead just focusing on running together until we felt we were far enough away.

  As we paddled around in the water Anna spoke up, "Sooooooooo, what happened?" She questioned me, raising a single eyebrow in my direction. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I had been holding, before beginning my explanation.

  "Blaze came over looking for Frankie, and he took me by surprise so I kinda, accidentally sprayed him with the hose. He looked up and checked me out, from head to toe and back up again. When he finally looked back at my face he looked all lust-driven and I freaked out. I squirted him in the face, dropped the hose and ran."

  Anna started laughing, "Oh, he has it for you so bad. That's freaking hilarious."

  "I don't see what's so funny? I'm going to have a seriously hormonal crazed wolf boy after me tomorrow, and I have to reject his horny arse."

  This comment sobered Anna up quickly, and she became silent mid-cackle. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry, I forgot for a second there just how serious this actually was.” She smiled shyly in my direction just as I rolled my eyes at her and sent a splash of water her way. She let out a startled yelp before she returned fire. We spiralled off into a rather untimely water fight until we were both crying from laughing so hard. We clambered up the river embankment and settled ourselves into the long, green grass.

  "Wanna have a movie night tonight?" Anna suggested after a while.

  "I'm not sure if we can. Mum, Dad and Taylor get back from picking up Gran sometime tonight, and they might be pissed if I have someone over." I knew my answer was weak and that she wouldn't accept my reason but I still tried regardless. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I wanted company or if I wanted to be alone.

  "Cookies and Cream ice-cream, mini m&m's and Channing Tatum," was all she had to say before I was leaping up in excitement.

  "Ok, movie night it is. Ohhhhhh! I can't wait to see that sexy man shirtless. Come on Anna; hurry your slow arse up." The drama from earlier erased from my mind with thoughts of junk food and half naked sexy men.

  "Hold your horses Miss Impatient, I'm getting there. I'm older than you, you know, so you should respect me, being your elder and all." Anna chuckled and continued taking her sweet time getting up from the ground.

  "Only by three months sister, that doesn't even count. Now get that body moving we have a date with dessert." I fanned my hands around my face, "And my hubby is waiting for us to come watch him do his thing - can't keep him waiting for too long." I giggled while Anna rolled her eyes at me and muttered something about Frankie being hotter. Pffffft, as if.

  We headed back to my place to get organised for the night. I had to keep getting behind Anna and literally pushing her to get her to hurry up. One thing you learn with me is never to mess with me when it comes to sugar, and she was just taking way too damn long to get there. In the end, I jogged ahead, leaving her about half a block behind. What can I say? You never tease me about the possibility of sugar unless you plan to follow through or suffer my scornful wrath.

  Charging up the front steps, I barged through my bright blue front door, and thundered down the hall to the kitchen. Ripping open the cupboard I began my furious search for some kind of sugary treat. There on the top shelf, I spotted the yellowed corner of a wrapper. Reaching up on my toes and stretching my body out I managed to grab hold of the corner between two of my fingers to pull it down towards me.

  As I peered into my hand, I discovered that the yellow wrapping belonged to a package of my favourite chocolates. Flakes! In fun size! Does it get any better? I think not. As I twirled around, I kicked the cupboard door shut, and tore open a pack of chocolaty goodness with my teeth, devouring the whole thing in one bite. I started to open another when I heard the front door slam. A few seconds later a bemused Anna was leaning against the kitchen door-frame attempting to catch her breath.

  "What the hell is wrong with you? Anyone would think your arse was on fire the way you took off back there." She was panting as she scolded me.

  Hmmmmm, must have been going faster than I thought.

  "Ml habba ot choleet," I mumbled with my mouth full.


  Before answering I chewed the last of the chocolate that was in my mouth and swallowing making sure to savour the orgasmic flavour it left in my mouth.

  "I said I had to get chocolate.” I repeated slowly and clearly for her benefit. She just shook her head at me before opening the freezer in search of ice-cream.

  "When do you think your parents and little bro will be back?" She called out, the top half of her hidden in the depth of the freezer, still searching.

  "No idea. Knowing Gran she is probably making them stop at every town so she can stretch, buy food and go to the toilet." Gran could be so old sometimes.

  Anna just shrugged her newly emerged shoulders, and pulled her head out of the freezer with a victorious smile, ice-cream buckets in hand.With that, we grabbed some spoons and drinks and made our way to the lounge room. I slid 'She's the Man' into the DVD player and we both settled into the mountains of floor cushions with our snacks.