Read What Will Be... Page 7


  "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy bir-."

  "What the - shut the hell up." I attempted to yell at the voices of my overly enthused family but I ended up sounding more like I was whining and pleading than angry, thanks to the cushions muffling my voice. Groggily sitting up I rubbed my sleepy eyes, kicking Anna in the leg in the process. We had both fallen asleep on the floor during our movie marathon. Sugar overload must have been the cause as I scanned all the empty packages surrounding the both of us.

  Lifting up the left side of my butt I pulled my phone from my pants pocket to check the time.


  You have got to be shitting me. It was pitch black outside and my mother, father, little brother Taylor and Gran were all standing around me smiling. Gran held a birthday cake in her hands that had lit sparklers flaming on top.

  "What are you guys doing? When did you get home? Is that for me?" I fired questions at them while trying to shake the exhaustion from my body.

  "Well I would think it's pretty obvious that we were singing you happy birthday until you so rudely interrupted us." My mother sarcastically answered, her blue eyes sparkling in amusement. It should be illegal to be that happy looking at this time of morning - especially if you have just been woken up.

  "And we arrived about an hour and a half ago, and Gran made the cake for you, she finished it just now." Dad replied to the questions my mother’s response had left unanswered.

  All of a sudden they broke into the happy birthday song again and Anna sung along with them. I let them finish this time before I mumbled my thanks and pushed myself from the floor to stand and embrace them all in thanks for their singing.

  A warm and gooey feeling started to form in my chest. Gee I love my family; they make me feel so loved and happy. I couldn’t help but to sneak a quick glance at my brother when I heard him try and stifle his childlike snickers.

  Pulling away from my Gran, who I still had my arms wrapped around, I pointed a finger at him accusingly.

  "Exactly what are you laughing at?" I demanded, trying to sound angry but knowing that humour was still clearly in my voice. He had taken one look at me before he collapsed in an uncontrollable eruption of belly laughs. I just shook my head and turned to face my parents and Anna. Cocking a thumb over my shoulder at Taylor as I asked, "What's his problem?"

  I noticed all three of them were staring wide eyed at my shirt, swallowing down giggles of their own. What the hell is going on here? Turning towards Gran I hoped she would be able to shed some light on the current situation. She looked at me with guilty eyes and pointed at my shirt. Looking down I saw what was causing my family and Anna to be behaving stranger than usual.

  That warm, gooey feeling I thought was the love for my family emanating in my chest, was actually my Gran squashing my birthday cake all over the front of me when I had hugged her. There were chunks of chocolate cake and bright red icing smeared all over my sunny yellow shirt and jean cut-off's.

  I exploded.

  My thunderous whopping laughter joined that of Taylor’s as I clutched my stomach, doubling over to try and maintain my balance. My attempt was unsuccessful and I joined Taylor on the floor, rolling around with my hysteria.

  "Oh my God, that is so freaking hilarious. Look at me, I'm a cake." I cackled in between my shrieks of laughter. This comment must have broken the restraints of everyone else as I heard four extra sets of giggles join the echoing sounds of Taylor and me.


  I was pretty sure that had been Anna joining the floor party. Looking through my tears of laughter I spotted Anna holding her belly, as if afraid it was about to combust from the giggles she was letting out. The sight of her only made me laugh harder until I was holding my belly in the same way she was.

  Once our laughter died down, which took about fifteen minutes, mum sent me upstairs to clean up and go to bed. Anna grabbed my arm as we sang out our goodnights to everyone and headed upstairs to sleep away the rest of the early morning hours.