Read What Will Be... Page 8


  Again I was rudely woken from my slumber, except this time the culprit was a knocking rather than singing. I groaned out for the culprit to ‘come in’ while snuggling further into my blankets and closing my eyes again.

  "Alpha Aston and his son are here to wish you a happy birthday sweetie. You have thirty minutes to get ready," Mum announced, popping her head around the edge of my now opened door. Well, that got my attention. What on earth are they doing here so early? I rolled over to check the time. 2:30. What? I had slept for around thirteen hours after the cake incident. I snickered at the memory. Sluggishly climbing off my bed I fumbled around my closet for something to wear, pulling out some lime green skinny jeans and a black top that said 'Trust Me, I'm A Rabbit' with a motif of Bugs Bunny across the back.

  With my mind still clouded with sleep, I went through my usual motions. Shower, brush teeth, fix hair, get dressed, apply black eyeliner and mascara and finish with clear lip gloss. I slipped on some black flats and gave myself a once over before deciding I looked presentable, and went to head down the stairs, preparing to greet my guests.

  Realisation crashed through my mind as I recalled what my mum had said; ‘Alpha Aston and his son.’ That would be Blaze. Dammit, why is he always around lately, can’t he take a hint that I’m trying to avoid him? I thwacked myself in the head a few times for being so stupid. I should have expected this; Blaze wants to tell me about us being mates now that I'm eighteen. Altering my direction to return to my bedroom, I snatched my phone from my desk and opened the window, hoisted myself onto the outside window ledge and jumped, landing softly in the lush, green grass below.

  Texting Anna as I ran out the back gate I told her that I was going shopping if she wanted to join me, but she had to come alone. I had no idea if she had still been at my house when I left, but I didn't want to risk abandoning her there, while I was out running and temporarily hiding from my reality.

  I headed towards the closest shopping mall, slipping through the doors and going to the nearest snack bar. I was starved and decided I needed to devour three chocolate donuts and a large frozen coke, following my exceeding healthy meal I went shopping.

  It took two hours of dawdling from store to store, making a few random purchases here and there, but not actually paying attention to what I was doing for me to realise I was just going through the motions. I had been ignoring my phone for the whole shopping trip, Anna would just come find me if she wanted me and I didn't want to talk to anyone else. Sighing loudly I figured that I should probably make my way home. Surely Blaze and the Alpha had left by now, so it should be safe.

  Trudging home and swaying my bags around my body absentmindedly, I allowed my mind to wander away to thoughts that weren’t important in an attempt to lift my mood. When I reached the house with that familiar blue door I stomped up the front steps and threw it open.

  "Surprise!” A collection of voices called out before drowning me in a sea of confetti, streamers and glitter that everyone seemed to feel was necessary to pelt at me as I stood in the doorway trying to determine what exactly was going on.

  "Happy Birthday, Roxy." My parents shouted in unison, drawing my attention to their smiling faces, forcing me to grin back at them both in return. Shifting my eyes from them I began to take in the assembly of guests gathered in my house and couldn't help but feel my mood lifting at the sight of my family and friends.

  Abruptly that feeling dropped when I took in the sight of the people standing directly next to, and around, my mum and dad. There was, of course, Gran, Taylor, Anna, who was holding hands with Frankie, Anna's parents - Lola and Chuck, Alpha and Luna Aston and, I could barely contain the frustrated gasp as I spotted Blaze as well, who was staring me down with, what looked like, confused determination.

  I managed to nod around the room at the other guests who consisted of family and pack members. Someone started playing music and people started moving around mingling. I watched as Baydon stalked towards Blaze to drag him into a secluded corner and allowed a brief moment to wonder why his wolf was allowing him to be manhandled like that before I was engulfed in the arms of family and friends.

  After at least half an hour of well wishes and hugs, I had somehow managed to be standing next to an angry Blaze and an even angrier Baydon.

  Blaze abruptly grabbed my hand, looking me straight in the eye and immediately spoke the words I was dreading.

  "Roxanne Lei Sparks, I've waited so long to tell you this, and I simply cannot wait a second longer. You are my mate, and I'm excited to start the rest of my life with you, beginning at this moment." His words were so full of love and honesty that I actually hated myself for what I was about to do to him. Ignoring the tremors his touch was pushing throughout my body I said the first thing I could think of.

  "No. We are not mates, we were never mates, and we will never be mates. You are unbelievably mistaken." The words I spoke were dripping with venom and mockery, and I watched as his eyes clouded over with shock, sorrow and heartbreak before he spoke again, softly this time.

  "You ARE mine!" Possessiveness filled his tone, evidence that his wolf was trying to get through to the surface.

  If I thought I hated myself before, then I had obviously had no idea what would be coming out of my mouth next. Reminding myself mentally that this needed to be done I opened my soft pink lips and let out an evil laugh before following it up with a smirk.

  "Maybe I can be yours after I've been everyone else’s.” I seized the nearby arm of Baydon and latched my lips onto his in a one-sided kiss filled with fake heat and misguided passion.

  The sounds of a mournful howl coming from Blaze's direction intruded my ears but I continued on with my actions and started running my hands all over a confused Baydon's chest, moaning to create the image I was actually enjoying it even though my inner wolf was whining and howling in her own heartbreak throughout it all.

  Moments later Baydon pushed me away, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

  "What the FUCK was that?" He raged at me while my eyes swept the room, looking for any sign of Blaze. He was gone.

  Leaning forward I whispered in Baydon's ear.

  "That was me. Saving our pack. From any possible, future danger." I made sure I emphasised what I was saying before marching away in search of Anna.

  I needed her now more than anything. She was the only one who knew what I was doing and why. Blaze's touch had ignited a spark in me that was beginning to roar into a dangerous fire that threatened to erupt from my body like lava from a volcano. I needed to find her, if I didn't I was going to end up crumbling to the floor in a foetal position, crying like a baby in front of everyone I know.

  Anna was in the kitchen, talking to some of our pack members. She spotted me heading towards her, and slowly started to make her way towards me. I could feel a few stray tears starting to leak from my eyes, and figured Anna must have noticed them as she rapidly pick up speed. As soon as she was within reach I fell into her arms as I struggled to maintain some control over my emotions. I was desperately trying to cling to any thread of control when I realised I was fighting a battle that I was guaranteed to lose.

  Vaguely I heard the click of a door lock, and figured Anna must have led me upstairs to a quiet section of the house. I caved, surrendering myself to the over-baring despair that had been swelling up within my heart, mind and soul. I held onto Anna as though my life depended on it and opened the flood-gates of my emotions, drowning both Anna and I in the salty tears of a broken woman.

  After a while, I heard Anna sob and realised she was crying with me. After ten years of being the closest of friends I had no doubt of what was causing her tears. She could feel my pain, my heartbreak. We cried together until we were both empty of tears, and so continued to sit together in silence.

  "I did it," I hiccupped.

  "I know," was all she said before jerking her vision to what I now could recognise as my apple green bedroom door. Seconds later there was a soft rappi
ng coming from the other side. I looked at Anna and panicked at the thought of who could be out there. I had no idea how many people had seen what had happened and didn't feel like confronting, what I was convinced, was an angry mob bent on spilling blood - my blood, for rejecting the next Alpha. Alpha protects Pack, Pack protects Alpha - it is our way of life.

  Anna stood and mouthed 'Frankie' at me before she moved to open the door on my nod.

  Anna immediately disappeared from my sight as Frankie smothered her in hugs and kisses, which made my broken heart shatter at the vision of what I would never have.

  "Baby, what's wrong? What's happened, I could feel your pain, it was like my heart was breaking.” Frankie quizzed her anxiously, obviously full of worry for his mate. I even noticed a few tears welled up in his eyes, Anna must have been feeling some intense emotion for it to have hit him that hard.

  She moved from his embrace and dragged him into my room and relocked the door before lifting her finger and pointing in my direction. I could sense the feel of Frankie’s eyes on me as they reviewed my depressed features before he asked, "You know, don't you? You know who your mate is?" His eyes were filled with understanding and compassion. I nodded, unable to speak as I returned my gaze to the soft orange carpet beneath me.

  "So your heart was breaking for Roxy?" He directed his question to Anna. I heard no response but guessed she must have nodded. Unexpectedly Frankie broke out in a severe burst of outrage.

  "That fucking cocksucker. Fucking Baydon convinced him to reject you. That fucking moron. Both of them. I'll knock their fucking lights out. You must feel awful Rox. I feel shattered, and I felt it through Anna who could feel it through you." He stopped his rant and went to hug Anna, burying his face into her shoulder to try and calm down.

  "He didn't reject me," I stammered out.

  Frankie lifted his head, confusion filling his eyes. "I don't understand. If he didn't reject you, why are you so sad?"

  "I rejected him," I stated. I could feel the emotions beginning to numb me and it was like I wasn't feeling anything anymore.

  "What! Why?" Frankie started to get angry again.

  "Anna," was all I said before crawling into my bed, hugging my pillows.

  Understanding perfectly, she explained everything that had happened over the last few days.

  "You both have to know, I honestly wanted no part in it at all and I refused to help.” He pleaded; obviously worried we would turn on him.

  "We know babe," Anna responded while hugging him lightly.

  They both shuffled over to my bed and perched on either side of me protectively.

  "I'm just not good enough to be Luna. I don't possess all the qualities.” I could tell I had shocked both of them with my outburst.

  "In all honesty the only one you need to work on is being feminine. You're stunningly beautiful, the top of every class, extremely powerful, strong and determined, and don't you even think for a second that you’re not loving and caring. For Christ sake you just gave up your mate because you thought it would put your pack in danger if you didn't. You sacrificed yourself for everyone else around you.” Surprisingly it was Frankie who voiced all of this. Anna had moved to beside him, and had been nodding her head in agreement with everything he said.

  "I don't know," I started to protest when Anna cut me off.

  "Don't you dare doubt yourself, I won't let you. You will make the greatest Luna, and you WILL be Luna.” Her arms were crossed in front of her as though she were a mother scolding their child.

  Frankie added more of his thoughts to the pep talk. "Anna is my mate, you’re her best friend and you guys share an amazing and unique bond all of your own so, by default, you and I have a bond. We are and always will be family to you, not by blood but by love. So you’re both stuck with me now."

  I rolled my eyes slightly at him as Anna punched his arm, telling him how cheesy he was being.

  I started to feel myself becoming light headed from exhaustion and figured it was just from an emotional overload. Allowing myself to lie down for a quick rest and before I knew it everything had gone black, and I could no longer think, feel or move.


  As I watched Roxy sleep, I noticed she was unnaturally still, even for a sleeping person. I poked her.


  I slapped her.


  I forced Frankie to pick her up and drop her back on the bed.

  Still nothing!

  I could feel the anxiety creep up on me before it detonated into a full blown panic. Frankie grabbed my hand when he picked up on my alarm, and rubbed soothing circles across my palm. It wasn't effective.

  "Something is wrong Frankie. Seriously wrong." I became neurotic, "Why won’t she move? Why isn't she waking up? I promised I would be there for her, but I can't help her like this. I can't wake her up." Tears prickled in my eyes and I blinked allowing them to drip down my face. "Wake up Roxy! Let me help you, you bitch, you promised you would let me help you. NOW WAKE THE FUCK UP." I screamed at her, the fear of not understanding what was happening taking over. All I knew was that she needed help, needed me, but I couldn't help her, and I refused to lose my best friend.

  "I'll go find the Doctor, I'm sure he is here, the rest of the pack is". Frankie headed out the door, on his way to get Doctor Lachlan.

  Even though he hadn't been gone more than thirty seconds, I was angry he was taking so long. Flinging Roxy's lamp at the wall out of frustration I watched as it shattered into hundreds of pieces and showered to the floor. I can't lose her; she has always been there for me. She was there when my little sister was born and then again when she died, when my dog ran away, when my cat ate my goldfish and when I found Frankie. The happiest and saddest moments of my life all involved her somehow.

  The sound of hurried footsteps snapped me from my thoughts and I stared at the door watching as Frankie and Doctor Lachlan entered the room. I moved away from Rox and let the doctor check her over, waiting impatiently for his diagnosis.

  "What happened before this?" Doctor Lachlan asked, as he looked between Frankie and me. I let Frankie explain, and watched as the doctor's face turned from worried, to pity, shock and then complete horror at the end of the explanation.

  "And you're sure Blaze touched her?" He pushed us. We both confirmed his question by nodding vigorously.

  "What's wrong with her, will she be ok?" I needed to know what was happening to my best friend.

  "If what you say is correct, and I believe it is, Blaze's touch started the bond for Roxanne. Roxanne rejecting Blaze after this has resulted in her wolf giving up - wolves cannot live without a mate for long once they find them, with the exception of those with Alpha blood. Roxanne's wolf has taken control of her body and is starting to shut down her organs until she either accepts her mate or her body shuts down permanently. This is just a stage, and she will wake up in about a day or two - but this will occur more often the closer she comes to the end of her struggle.” Doctor Lachlan looked so pained while he was saying this, which was understandable as it sounded like an awful thing to experience.

  Through my new found tears I heard Frankie ask if there was anything we could do, and I looked up in hope only to see the doctor shaking his head sadly.

  "She has to do this on her own, the only way for her to survive is by allowing herself to be marked and mated. I'll go down and let her family know what is happening. I'm sure they will be up here soon to see her." With one last look at Roxy he headed downstairs to inform her family.

  I slumped into Frankie's arms, seeking warmth and comfort. It's been such an emotional day and to top it off I've just been told that my best friend is indirectly killing herself.

  Frankie moved us to sit on the edge of Roxy's bed and I snuggled into him, vowing that I was not moving from this spot until she woke up. I planned to give her a good old slap to make her see reason, and then force her to go over and throw herself at Blaze. She will not die on my watch.

  As I watched Roxanne kiss my best friend, I was instantly filled with fury and heartbreak. It was beyond torture, and I was unsure of which emotion I should act upon first. I decided the safest option was to run.

  I couldn't risk attacking Baydon, even though my wolf was roaring for me to do, because Roxanne was pressed up against him and I couldn't bear it if I hurt her during my attack.

  Flying out the door as the rage took over my body, I burst into my large, silver wolf. Running on all fours, I let my inner beast take control as I nestled into a corner of my mind to wallow in self-pity.

  After an unknown amount of time had passed, I found myself to be pacing the backyard of my house. I shifted back, having relaxed enough from my run, and headed inside, adjusting my clothes as I walked through the back kitchen door. The myth about us losing our clothes when we shifted was something I had always found to be hilarious and I thought about it every time I shifted back to my human form.

  With a pause in the doorway I heard the voices of my parents and another male I didn't immediately recognise. A deep inhalation through my nose with my eyes closed in concentration helped to settle my automatic defences down once I determined the scent, and the voice, belonged to Doctor Lachlan - head of medical staff for our pack.

  "... and if she doesn't accept him in the next year and be marked then she will die. It's a long and painful process, and I thought you should know considering you will be affected." I heard the end of what Doctor Lachlan had been explaining to my parents and I slowly walked into the room to make my presence known. As they sensed me in the room, the three of them jumped from their seats, looking at me with worried expressions.

  Hmmm, that's a little weird.

  "Who are you talking about?" I quizzed them, focusing on the doctor as he looked at me with pity and sadness in his soft brown eyes.

  "Son, I think you better sit down and tell us what happened tonight." My dad firmly requested rather than answer my own question. Worry instantly began to fill my mind as I wondered what they knew. What was going on here? Was it about Roxanne and me? If it was how did they find out? I decided to find out before I offered them an explanation.

  "How about I sit down and you," I paused and pointed at the people in the room, "tell me," I paused again, "what you know?" I propositioned, and moved to take a seat away from them.

  "Well we know about Roxanne and what happened tonight." Dad looked towards Mum for support. This must be bad. "So, the thing is ummm. Doctor Lachlan, would you care to explain? From a professional view of course."

  "To put it bluntly Blaze, when you touched Roxanne, you started the bond for her. By her rejecting you, her wolf has started the slow and painful method of shutting down her body." The doctor explained this to me in a hurry, constantly averting his eyes to anything and everything in the room aside from me.

  "Soooooo........ That means?" I trailed off, not fully understanding the rushed explanation I had just received.

  "It means that unless she accepts you and you mark her, she will die in about a year." Now that's putting it bluntly, I thought, before it dawned on me. She is killing herself, slowly and painfully, just to avoid me.

  I lost all control and exploded in flashes of fur before the red haze in my mind took over my vision. I was frightfully unaware of what was happening. All I could assume was that my wolf had lost complete and utter control at the thought of his mate being in so much pain leading up to her self-inflicted death.

  Vaguely I could hear my mother's screams as my father ordered everyone to get out of the house. Through the red haze, I could make out a shadowy wolf figure as it leapt towards me and proceeded to tackle me to the ground. I was pinned, and my wolf didn't like it, he snapped and snarled at the figure above us, as he struggled to get his body lose.

  "Get it together boy, rein him in." That was Dad's voice echoing in my head.

  I couldn't attack my dad, and I knew he must be struggling with the idea of attacking his only son, as werewolves only pushed their thoughts into the mid of another in emergencies. Hearing his voice caused me to begin a struggle to regain control of my wolf. Shit, he was fighting hard to keep himself dominant, he must be seriously pissed. Eventually I broke through; I think he wore himself out with the mental and physical fights he was involved in simultaneously. As soon as I had the control I shifted back to my human form for the second time this evening and Dad relaxed his hold on me once he saw my shift, and he shifted back himself.

  "You got control Blaze," he barked at me. I nodded and he tediously lifted himself off me before offering his hand to help me to stand upright.

  I could take in my surroundings now that the red haze had lifted. The indigo lounges i had been sitting on only minutes ago had all been viciously slashed. The chestnut, coffee table and matching end tables lay in smithereens, scattered across the shredded beige carpet that was also littered with the destroyed remains of many lamps, mirrors and photo frames that had previously decorated the room.

  "Hoooo-llleeeee shit," I muttered under my breath, dumbfounded by what was in front of me. How was it even possible to create that much destruction in such a small amount of time?

  "Holy shit is an understatement," Dad chuckled next to me.

  "Tell me I didn't do all that?" I half pleaded as I gestured around the room.

  "Well I broke an end table and a few of the ugly lamps, but the rest is all on you buddy," he clapped me on the shoulder. I took in all the mess that lay in front of me. The sight of what happened when I lost the complete control of my wolf, well to be honest, it scared me.

  "You wanna tell me what happened this time?" Dad interrupted my thoughts, questioning why I was suddenly just a dangerous and out of control wolf-boy.

  "Dunno, I mean, all I saw was red and then I lost all control over the wolf. I was totally unaware of what was happening." I hung my head in shame as the thoughts of what could have happened if Dad hadn't reacted so quickly, entered my mind. I suddenly remembered what had caused all of this in the first place and felt the grief of earlier wash over me.

  "She can't die Dad, there has to be a reason why she did what she did. I can't let her go through with the rejection. I refuse to let her die.” My pleas to dad were barely an audible whisper by the time I was finished.

  Dad placed his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort and reassure me before he spoke, "We will find out what has caused her behaviour, rest assured son, we will not let her die."

  I truly hoped he was right. I didn't want to think about what would happen if she did.Mum came back inside, took one look around the place and scolded us for the next half an hour about the destruction that had taken place in 'her house'. We promised her that we would tidy it up, but right now we had to go to Roxanne's house to find out what was going on. Being the wonderful woman she is, she agreed and off Dad and I went.

  "Thanks son, I really wanted to spend the rest of my evening cleaning," Dad grumbled along next to me.

  I smiled apologetically in his direction, too focused on reaching Roxanne's house to coherently form words. We were almost there and my wolf was mentally leaping around inside of me in excitement. He seemed convinced that upon our arrival this would all turn out to be a big mistake, and that Roxy would jump into our embrace, confessing her love for us.

  I wasn't as optimistic.

  We didn't bother knocking, Dad just called out, "Hello, anyone home?"

  "We are upstairs Alpha, please come up."

  That was Roxy's dad calling down to us. The situation must be pretty serious for them not to come down and greet us in the entrance.

  I panicked and raced up the stairs, straight into what I assumed was my mate’s room. Everyone was gathered here, Mr and Mrs Sparks, Doctor Lachlan, Frankie and Anna were huddled together, Taylor, Roxanne's Gran, Baydon and all of Roxanne's aunts and uncles.

  Wait a second, what is Baydon doing here. My wolf was not happy to see him; it had only been a couple of hours since he had been lip-locked with my girl.
Unconsciously I let out a low warning growl, which was cut off when my dad slapped me across the back of my head.

  "Get it together, you're here to find out what caused Roxanne to reject you earlier," he whispered.

  Dad was right. I needed to talk to Roxy. Making my way to her bedside, I managed to squeeze past her family and catch a glimpse of her. She wasn't moving. Tears sprang into my eyes at the realization that Doctor Lachlan had been telling the truth, and this wasn't all a nasty prank. Roxy's wolf had started to shut down her body. Even the bolts of energy I had previously felt when I touched her, had faded in intensity. I could hardly feel them at all, now that her wolf was cutting herself off from her feelings.

  "When do you think she will wake up, Doctor?" I questioned him, not even raising my eyes from the delicate features of my beautiful mate's face.

  "It's hard to say Blaze, could be a few minutes, hours or even days. Depends on how badly her wolf is hurting right now."

  "Dammit, I need to know why she rejected me."

  A collection of gasps erupted around the room, followed by hushed mutterings of 'He is her mate?' and 'Why would she do that? The only people who weren't surprised were Frankie, Anna, Dad, Baydon and Doctor Lachlan.

  I wondered if Anna knew about what Roxanne had been planning. Peeking up at her, I saw that she was watching me so I raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. She obviously understood my unasked question because she nodded her head towards the door before her hand Frankie headed towards it. I took a parting look at the sleeping beauty in front of me before following them out, down the stairs till we were outside.

  Once we were sure we were out of earshot of the others, Anna started whispering, still cautious of the werewolf ears that could be trying to listen in.

  "I guess you want to know why Rox rejected you?"

  I nodded, not wanting to interrupt her flow of words. An explanation would hopefully be following.

  "It's a long story Blaze, but I'll shorten it down to the basics for now. Rox overheard a conversation involving Frankie, Baydon, Jeremy and Jordan where Baydon was trying to convince the rest of the guys that they had to prevent you from telling Roxy about you two being mates. His reason was that he is worried about the pack coming under attack if she became Luna. Apparently there are murmurings that she doesn’t fit the qualities a Luna should. Anyway she believed what she heard and didn’t want to put the pack in danger, so she rejected you. She felt like she had to." Anna was puffing by the end of this, she had been whispering so fast I was amazed I had understood everything.

  I turned to Frankie, the anger rolling off me in waves. Before I could begin tearing shreds from his hide he opened up, "Me and the guys wanted no part in it man, we didn't do it." He had his hands out in front of him in a surrendering pose while he shook his head, trying to show his innocence in it all. It would do for now, he wasn't my main target.

  The rage inside me continued to build; I could feel it taking over my logical mind until it was in complete control again. I hissed out Baydon's name through clenched teeth before racing back inside and taking the stairs two at a time in my haste to get to him. It was his fault Roxy was like this. Him and his big, stupid mouth. If he just kept his stupid opinions and worries to himself she would have accepted me and we would be ok. I was going to kill him for hurting her like this.

  I burst into Roxy's room, spotting him instantly. He was squatting near the bed, concern evident upon his features, as he spoke to the doctor about something I just couldn't focus on right now. How dare he be so close to our mate. My wolf was seething and the red haze was returning, this time I didn't try to fight it, letting the inner beast take complete control.

  Charging through the room, I picked up Baydon by the collar of his shirt and threw him through the closed bedroom window.

  Glass spilled to the floor, women let out screams and men were gasping in shock, but I didn't care. Baydon was my target, his death the objective. I refused to settle for less. Ignoring the voices and sounds around me, I leapt out of the broken window, shifting to my wolf in mid-air. Baydon was pushing himself from the ground when I landed on the lawn in front of him. Barely gaining my balance, I lunged at him again, a satisfying cry of pain leaving his mouth as I clamped my jaw around his leg. My mouth was starting to fill with fur as Baydon tried to shift into his wolf, I bit down harder. I wasn't going to make the shift easy for him.

  Halfway through a shift is when a werewolf is at its weakest as they aren't quite human and neither are they their wolf.

  When Baydon reached this point I released his leg and went for my kill shot. The throat. Bearing my teeth again and letting out a vicious growl, I captured his throat just as his change was complete; I had missed his weak spot by seconds. Baydon dropped to the ground, twisting his head around wildly, snapping and snarling, trying to connect with any part of me. We were rolling around on the ground, but Baydon's movements were rapidly slowing down. He may be a Beta but he was still no match for an Alpha, an angry one at that. He would be dead by my hand any moment now, the thought of avenging Roxanne's pain, making me shiver with pleasure.

  "Blaze, release him at once!" Dad commanded me and I could feel an internal battle take place within me. Part wanting to obey the order of the Alpha, part still driven by blood lust for the animal that had caused my mate to doubt herself.

  "Roxy is awake, Blaze. She is watching you from her window, do you really want her to witness you do this?"

  That caught my attention; I let Baydon go, spinning around to face the house. Sure enough, there she was, outlined by the light in her room, looking every bit the angel she was.

  Changing back I threw a warning over my shoulder to Baydon, "This is far from over arsehole. Your head is mine."

  That done, I raced inside to Roxy. To tell her again how much she means to me and to beg, yes beg her to accept me and wear my mark.


  "This is far from over arsehole. Your head is mine." Venom had dripped from Blaze's words as I watched him walk away. My neck and legs were aching; I was covered in blood, dirt and wolf saliva. There was a chunk of fur missing from both my leg and my throat.

  I didn't want to risk shifting to my human form until I had started to heal, so I snuck into the overgrowth, heading for the next pack's territory. I had a plan forming in my mind and it involved our animal neighbours. Hopefully they went for my plan; I had worked too hard for this. Planting doubt into the minds of other pack members about Roxy as a possible Luna, and as a femme-wolf in general had only been the beginning. I couldn't let Blaze mark her, it would ruin everything.

  All of these months of watching out for Roxy had caused me to fall in love with her. She is the most perfect femme-wolf I have ever met, and I planned to make her mine.

  Whatever the cost may be.

  I was approaching the neighbouring border, thankfully they were a small pack, so there was no-one patrolling the area. The Alpha's house was within my sights in minutes, and I headed straight for it, bumping my head against the door as a form of knocking.

  The Alpha answered the door and instantly went into an attack stance upon seeing a strange wolf at his doorstep. We had met before, through pack business, but he had never seen my wolf until now.

  "Shift back," he ordered. I shook my head; I could ignore his order as he wasn't my Alpha, and held out my injured leg for him to see.

  "Are you from this pack?" Alpha Luke obviously didn't see me as a threat, which was good for me. I again shook my wolfish head at his question.

  "A neighbouring pack then?" I nodded this time.

  "Are you here for friendly purposes?" Again I nodded.

  "Alright then, come in and I'll call our doctor for you. Have you been attacked by a wild?"

  When I shook my head he let out a relived sigh. Wilds are every packs worst nightmare. Most of them are far more animalistic than human, and they almost always attack. For some reason they seem to develop a fear of connecting with others of their kind.

p; Alpha Luke held the door open wide and gestured me to enter. I limped over the thresh-hold and waited for direction.

  "Over here on this lounge. Rest up and I'll call the doctor. When she checks you over I want you to shift to your human form, provided she gives the all clear of course. Just sit tight and it shouldn't be too long." I nodded in acknowledgement, and he left to make the phone call. Curling up on the lounge cushions I settled in to wait for the doctor to arrive. This plan had to be perfect. I had to be careful how I approached the Alpha with my deal. Hopefully he will go for it and then all I have to do is figure out how to make Roxy go along with it as well.

  Without her knowing what I have planned.