Read Whatever He Wants Page 7

  James tucked the covers under Isaac’s chin and kissed his soft cheek. He crossed the short distance to the mini fridge and grabbed his second longneck of the night. Reclining on the empty bed, he twisted off the cap and swigged. Two beers was his limit, unless he’d had a particularly rough day, then he upped his ante to three.

  Flipping through the channels revealed the same old, same old. He let the news anchor rattle on while he reached for his phone. Over two hundred miles and nine weeks separated him and Joni. Would she wait that long? Or would Trent convince her otherwise? It was late. James didn’t want to wake her if she was asleep, so he texted. Hey beautiful. I miss you.

  James. Her reply whispered in his ear as if she was in the room. Lots has happened since you left. My big brother is a pest. Greek life is not what I thought.

  He frowned at the screen. Frat boys could be trouble when they didn’t get what they wanted. He should know; he used to be one of them. You want me to tell him to leave you alone?

  Thanks but he finally took no for an answer. Me and Marla went to your church Weds night. They werent as lively as the tent people but everyone was nice. Including your mother. She insisted we sit with her. Pretty cool, huh? Thanks for the Bible. I read it every night. I love the notations you made along the sides. Helps me to understand the meaning.

  He’d forgotten about the notes he’d made during sermons. For a brief moment, his mind wandered back to the night in his room when they’d read the Bible. His arm around her. Her breath on his cheek. The one thing he missed most from his Christian days was the time he spent alone in the Word. Did Joni feel a connection with God as she read? Knowing she read his words along with God’s drew James closer to her. He replied, Glad you are enjoying it. He tilted the bottle to his lips. It was no longer enough just to communicate.

  She answered his call with a sweet giggle. “I thought we were texting?”

  Eyes closed, he leaned back against the headboard and imagined her beside him. “I wanted to hear your voice. Tell me what you’re doing.”

  Musical laughter soothed his weary soul. “Texting you and watching a movie on cable.”

  “Which one?” He flipped through the channels until he found the station she described. A red Camaro zoomed down the street of a small town. “I gotta get me a car like that.”

  A rustling sounded through the phone. “You’re watching the same show?”

  He kept his voice nonchalant. “There’s nothing else on.”

  “Oh.” More scuffs came from her phone.

  A dude walked across the screen. “Is he the good guy?”

  “Wait a minute.” Crackles sounded in his ear.

  “Are you okay? You sound as if you’re wrestling with Isaac.”

  Her laugh cheered him. “I’m trying to get comfortable. Mom bought me a new pillow for college. It won’t lay right and this mattress is harder than your truck’s bed liner.”

  He gulped the last of his beer. “If you were here, you could snuggle against me. Pillow choice makes all the difference in a good night’s rest, and my shoulder is always available.”

  Her voice softened. “I miss you.”

  He hugged a pillow next to him, and then flipped it across the room. Only Joni would do. “I miss you, too.”

  Comfortable silence reigned as the movie played. A hot girl in a short skirt sashayed across the screen. Joni asked, “Do you think she’s pretty?”

  “Yeah, but you’re beautiful.” His arms ached to hold her. Trying to relieve the emptiness, he stretched them overhead. It didn’t work. He retrieved the pillow and curled up on his side.

  He could almost imagine Joni’s hair tickling his chin. Almost.


  “Hey! Wake up!” Ray’s voice interrupted a wonderful dream of jade eyes and golden hair. Fists pounded on his hotel door and the knob rattled. “We’re gonna be late for work.”

  Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, he dropped his phone on the bed. He must have conked out while talking to Joni. Shaking himself awake, he stumbled to open the door for Ray. “Sorry. Overslept.”

  Mrs. Dawn slipped in and lifted Isaac from the other bed. “How late did he stay up?”

  James shrugged in answer. If she didn’t wake him, Isaac would sleep for several more hours. With a frown, she carried his sleeping son out the door.

  Ray gawked at the feminine commercial playing on the TV as James threw on jeans and a work shirt. “You’re watching the chick network?”

  Ignoring him, James brushed his teeth.

  “Dude…” His friend turned off the TV and picked up James’s phone. “If you want to cuddle up with a girl and watch a movie, Chloe’s friend would be more than happy to crawl in your bed.”

  James rinsed his mouth and spit. “No thanks.”

  Hands on his hips, Ray glared and shook his head. “You need professional help. You know it?”

  A laugh erupted from deep within James’s chest and seared his lips in a smile. Ray was probably right. He grabbed his phone and his keys. “Let’s go.”

  At the job site, his phone beeped. The battery was almost dead. He powered it off until lunch. Then he updated his social network status, scrolled down his news feed, and stopped on Joni’s post. “Sooooo sleepy. Stayed up late watching movies with a friend.” He clicked “like” and checked his email.


  Hey beautiful. Wheres my girl? Thought we had a video chat date?

  Joni’s heart lurched as she read James’s text. She’d tried to talk her way out of attending the Greek social, but Candace insisted on maintaining a good relationship with the guys from their affiliated fraternity. Cant video at the movies. Brother n sister thing. How was your day?

  Long. The jerk with you?

  She laughed at his jealousy and Stephanie jabbed her side with a bony elbow. “Shhh.”

  Trent glared over the tub of popcorn in Candace’s lap. Joni had given up trying to figure out his moods. One minute he was all chivalrous and the next he was hateful and judgmental. She decided to answer James honestly. Hes here.

  Next to you?

  She had learned the hard way not to get lured in the shadows with Trent. No. Three seats down. His hands wander.

  What? When?

  Forget I said that. Time to change the subject. Hows my little boyfriend? Asleep yet?

  James wasn’t easily deterred. Im coming down there if he bothers you again. And no, Isaac’s not asleep. Cant seem to conquer bedtime.

  Trent leaned over Candace. “Joni, it’s rude to text in a theater. Can’t whoever it is wait until the end of the movie?”

  She cut her eyes toward him and refrained from adding she wasn’t here by choice. “I’m almost done.” She keyed the words, Tell him a story for me and kiss him goodnight. Ill call you when I get back to my room. Before she could pocket her phone it vibrated in her hand.

  Whos gonna kiss me goodnight?


  James turned his phone around so Joni could see Isaac. He was wide-awake, but at least he was in the bed and it wasn’t yet ten thirty.

  Her voice reached out and caressed his son. “Are you snug as a bug in a rug?”

  Isaac laughed and wiggled under the covers. “Yep.”

  “Then happy dreams, sweetie. Don’t give your daddy any trouble tonight. No watching cartoons after he falls asleep.”

  Isaac frowned. “You wasn’t suppose to tell.”

  “I want you to be safe.” A smooch sounded from the built-in speaker. “Goodnight.”

  He blew a kiss at the screen. “’Night.”

  James flipped the camera view. “Hold on a minute.” He set the phone on the empty bed and tugged the covers around his son. “If you go to sleep, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear about the TV.” Isaac lifted his face and James kissed his cheek. “And no snoring.”

  Isaac giggled. “Goodnight, Daddy.”

  James crossed to the mini fridge and selected a bottle from the back. With Isaac all tucked in for the night, he could finally
relax. Propping up against the headboard, he reclined on the other bed and grabbed his phone. “How was your day? Tell me everything.”

  Joni smiled from the screen. “I saw your girlfriend.”

  “Did you look in the mirror?” He kept his voice low, hoping Isaac was drifting into dreamland.

  Beautiful eyes rolled upward. “I’m serious. Do you remember the house where we met?”

  “I’ll never forget.” Unease settled in his stomach. He attempted to drown it with beer and his next question. “You didn’t go back there. Did you?”

  She propped up on one elbow. A green quilt lay beneath her and a red sign on the wall above her head read “Kappa.” “I met Kathy there. Candace sent her a letter.” His gut clenched as Joni ran a hand through her hair. “Stupid errands. I’ll be glad when this probation is over.”

  He phrased his next question with care, sure he wasn’t going to like the answer. “Did Kathy give you a letter for Candace?”

  Joni folded her legs under her and sat on the bed. “No, but she sent Trent a small gift bag. He laughed when I told him ‘happy birthday.’”

  The glass bottle banged against the nightstand. Isaac moaned in sleep and James paused to take a deep breath. She looked so innocent in her pink and yellow fuzzy pajamas. Could she really be that trusting?

  Her shoulders shrugged. “What?”

  “You can’t go back to that house. And you can’t make any more deliveries.”

  Her mouth fell open.

  He rubbed a hand down his face. “I’m not ordering you. It’s just that…that wasn’t a letter or a birthday present.”

  She stretched across the bed and reached for a water bottle. The sip was dainty. “I don’t like being the errand girl, but I don’t have a choice. Not for several weeks anyway.”

  How could he make her understand? “Joni, they’re using you to deliver drugs.”

  She tilted her head back and frowned. “That’s impossible. Candace has a 4.0, and Trent is president of student government.”

  “I can’t let you put yourself in danger. If you got pulled over for speeding while running one of their errands, you could get five years to life. Not to mention the danger of a drug deal gone bad. Messengers have been killed in the crossfire. You can’t do it anymore, even if you have to quit the sorority.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes as her shoulders rose. “You can’t stop me. You’re not my father. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  He chewed his lower lip. Maybe he’d been a little harsh, but she had no idea the danger she was in. Swallowing his pride, he apologized. “I just want to protect you.”

  Her smile was sad. “I don’t need protecting. Goodnight, James.”

  She ended the connection, but he couldn’t let her risk her life for some stupid girls’ club. He scrolled down his contacts and pressed send. Joni might hate him in the morning, but at least she’d be safe.


  How could she have been so stupid? Joni slipped off the bed and walked down the hall. Somebody had some explaining to do. She’d thought something was suspicious when Kathy had been so nice to her today. She’d even asked about James and Isaac. Gullible. Naive. Well, not anymore. Joni may have led a sheltered life, but she wasn’t an idiot.

  Her knock on Candace’s door was answered with a quick, “Come in.”

  Joni closed the door behind her but didn’t cross the room.

  Candace smiled from her writing desk. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve got a couple of things for you to deliver tomorr—”

  “Are you and Trent selling drugs for Kathy? Because I’m not into that and believe me, I will be checking every letter and package from now on.”

  Candace’s lips pressed in a fine line. “I’m hurt that you could think me capable of something so despicable. And Trent… Why, he’ll be purely devastated.” The honey in her voice rang false.

  Joni leaned her head against the door. No wonder Trent laughed at her today. “James is right, isn’t he? You’re selling drugs.”

  The phone on the dresser rang and Candace shot Joni a seething glance. “Don’t move. We’ll clear this up after I answer this.” She turned her back and whispered. One hand landed on her hip. “He threatened to do what? Really? Well that’s just freaking wonderful, isn’t it?” Her voice lowered again. “If you’d kept James at home, he wouldn’t be interfering now. Would he?” She ended the call and whirled around to face Joni. “Our errands are Greek business, and non-Greeks shouldn’t know about them.” Her voice hardened. “You’ve been talking to James behind Trent’s back.”

  Joni pushed away from the door. James must’ve called Kathy, but she would deal with him later. “Trent doesn’t own me. I’ve never dated the guy and I don’t want to start.”

  Candace met her in the middle of the large bedroom suite. “Fine. You want to throw accusations around and whine about a few errands, you can forget living the easy life. From now on, you can concentrate on fulfilling our philanthropy requirement at St. Mary’s Home for Children. All those snotty noses ought to make you thankful for your blessings.” A finger pointed in Joni’s direction. “And if you mention to anyone else about your deliveries, you are out of here, little girl. Do you understand?”

  Joni hid her smile. “St. Mary’s, the group foster home?”

  “Three hours a week.” Venom spewed from Candace. “And I suggest you play nice with Trent if you want to advance in Greek society. Now, get out of here.”

  Joni barely held in a squeal of excitement as she rushed back to her room. Yes. Yes. Yes. Every since Stephanie had complained about working at St. Mary’s last week, Joni knew that was what she wanted to do. She loved kids, and she didn’t get to see Paul’s children nearly as often as she liked. Bursting through her door, she snatched up her phone.

  James’s sleepy voice answered after the fourth ring. “Joni, don’t be mad. I care about you and I just wan—”

  Her laughter drowned out the rest of his excuses. “Oh, James. Thank you.” She sucked in a breath. “Don’t ever do that again.” The squeal of excitement she’d been holding since leaving Candace erupted. “I get to work at St. Mary’s.”

  “Huh? What?” Rustling sounded through the earpiece. “No more deliveries?”

  She smiled and rolled her eyes. James had a one-track mind. “No more errands, period.” Hearing his sigh of relief, she dove onto her bed. “I’m so excited. There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep.” She snuck under the covers and reached for the remote. “Want to watch a movie?”

  Despite his loud yawn, he said, “What channel?”


  Tuesday, as James read over the blueprints with the general foreman, piano notes danced from his phone. A video message from Joni. He bit back a smile and ignored it. He’d watch it later without an audience.

  Cecil grinned across the table. “Is that her?”

  James glanced at Ray, who grinned from beside the coffee pot. Ray was a favorite of the boss. No doubt he’d be running his own projects soon. James turned back to Cecil’s question. He didn’t know how to tell his supervisor the call was none of his business.

  “Go ahead.” Cecil straightened to his six-foot-two height. “I’m curious. The last girl you brought around disrupted the entire crew. Ended with two divorces and four busted drug tests.”

  Jaw clenched, James glared at the GF. “Joni isn’t Kathy.”

  “Thank God.” Cecil slapped James across the shoulder and laughed. “I didn’t mean to insinuate otherwise.”

  With his phone still in his hand, James released a shaky breath.

  “I’m gonna step over there and get a cup of coffee. Whistle when you’re done talking to your pretty girlfriend.”

  After turning the volume low, James played the video.

  Joni smiled on-screen. “Sorry for bothering you at work.” She bit her lip and he wished he could reach out and smooth the fuzzy strands of her hair. Blue fabric stretched across her chest as she inhaled and continued. “I miss
you.” Full lips turned up into a smile. For one silent moment, jade eyes pleaded with him to hold her. “James…” She closed her eyes and shrugged. “Never mind. Have a good day.”

  The screen went black. Over his shoulder, Ray and Cecil saluted him with their foam cups. James couldn’t make an answering video with them watching. He didn’t consider himself a touchy-feely guy, but remembering the longing in Joni’s eyes, the words almost keyed themselves into the message. Sorry you’re having a bad day. Wish I was there to hold you. Close your eyes and breathe deep. I’m including a hug and kiss with this text.

  He pocketed his phone and watched his boss cross the room. “Any chance I could lay out for a few days?”

  Cecil smacked his lips and grinned. “No. Now pay attention.”

  The green pencil used to outline James’s next project matched the color of Joni’s eyes. Who placed the sadness in them? The sorority girls? Her mother? Or Trent? Two more weeks of Kappa’s probation period. Why did she try to fit in with people around her? She needed to escape. Have a little fun.

  Cecil snapped his fingers twice in James’s face.


  “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said. Are you sick?”

  Ray answered for him. “He’s lovesick. Nothing a quick trip to Alabama couldn’t cure. You might as well give him a few days off.”

  Cecil shook his head but said, “Go. Be back here Thursday morning ready to work, and don’t tell a soul or else everyone will beg for a day and a half off.”

  “Thank you, sir.” He was halfway out the door before he remembered he needed a ride to the gate. He looked back.

  Cecil waved his hand. “Ray can take you to the guard shack. Now, get out of here before I change my mind.”

  James waited until he walked through the mill gate before calling her. “Hey, beautiful. What’s our plan for tonight?”

  “We have a paper due for economics. You said you’d help me.”

  The panic in her voice ignited his laugh. “What would your grades be without me?” She grunted in answer as he unlocked the truck and turned the key. “I’ll write the paper if you meet me at the house in Tillman’s Corner.”

  Her gasp was followed by a squeal. “You’re coming home?” Her excitement zipped through the phone. “Now?”