Read Whatever He Wants Page 8

  He looked at his watch. “In six hours or less, depending on traffic. I’ll text you the house address. Go to the neighbor’s, the one with the big dog in the back fence, and Mrs. Addison will give you the key.”

  “James, I can’t knock on a stranger’s door and ask for a key to your house.”

  He laughed. “Yes, you can. I pay her to look out for the place. I’ll call and let her know you’re coming.”

  Chapter Six

  Joni couldn’t concentrate on the pages in front of her. A car door slammed outside. She ran and peeked out the window. Across the street, a little girl sprinted across the lawn and vaulted into a man’s arms. A lady wearing potholders held the door open for the father and daughter. Farther down the cul-de-sac, four boys passed around a football.

  Shoulders sagging, she returned to James’s ugly sofa. Sweet Mrs. Addison had met her with the key thirty minutes ago.

  Reaching with both hands, she dragged the computer to her lap. The cursor on the blank screen mocked her. The economics essay was due in the morning, but how could Joni concentrate when they would be here any minute? She pushed the computer aside and stood.

  Was James color-blind, or did Kathy pick out the furniture? The plaid, mint sofa and taupe recliner clashed with the raspberry loveseat. Whoever decorated skipped the bare white walls entirely. A pool table stood in place of a dinette. The huge flat screen, bolted to the brick wall where a fireplace might have once been, was the only new piece of furniture in the great room.

  She wandered into the spotless kitchen and opened the refrigerator to find three longnecks, a bottle of ketchup, two Kool-Aid pouches, and a box of baking powder. Why was everything so…clean? No swing set in the backyard? No chairs on the patio?

  Joni blew the bangs out of her eyes and curled up on the sofa. She had enough problems without worrying about James’s cleaning habits. Flipping her notebook open, she curled her feet under and scribbled her chaotic thoughts.

  The sisterhood wasn’t the circle of friends she dreamt of, and her mother threatened to cut off her credit cards if she didn’t perform for Sunday concerts, which left church attendance impossible. She needed to make a choice. What she really wanted was to pack her suitcase and follow James across the country. Her mind rambled off into a wonderful dream as the front door banged open.

  She turned her back against the armrest. James’s gaze held her captive as he crossed the room. Her heartbeat skipped and then surged as his eyes widened and his nostrils flared. Joni reached for him, and before she could blink, he rolled over the back of the sofa toward her. His momentum propelled them both to the floor with her sprawled on top.

  She rubbed her palm against the stubble on his chin. Yellow flames flicked to life in his brown eyes. “Kiss me,” he commanded.

  Digging her toes in the carpet, she propelled herself up his chest and pressed her lips to his. He took control of her chaste kiss and shifted their positions. With James as her teacher, she was more than willing to explore these new sensations his mouth and hands introduced.

  “Why you down there?” Isaac’s voice snapped her back to reality.

  Warm lips hovered against her sensitive skin and his heated breath danced with the fine hairs on her temple. The door slammed shut. She flinched and opened her eyes to James’s smiling face.

  “We fell off the couch.” He sat on his knees and stared.

  She barely managed to lean against the couch before Isaac climbed into her lap and said, “Did you break your neck?”

  “No.” Joni stammered. “I don’t.” She couldn’t catch her breath. “Think so.”

  Little hands pushed her chin right and then left. Isaac’s blue eyes zoomed in on her throat. “I crashed off the bed yesterday. Mrs. Dawn said I almost broke my neck.”

  James lifted his son and set him on his feet. “Don’t badger Joni. She didn’t break anything.” He pulled her up off the floor and hugged her close. His short, rapid bursts of breaths matched her own.

  They settled in the recliner and Isaac wiggled onto their laps. Content to snuggle against James for a lifetime, she listened to Isaac’s chatter. Under her ear, James’s heartbeat slowed with each pass his hand made through her hair.

  “What’s this?” He picked up her notebook and she braced herself as he read her pros and cons list. “Sorority equals Trent, no church, and no James.” James frowned down at Joni. “No James in your life doesn’t work for me.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she’d already ruled out that possibility, but he kissed it closed and continued.

  “No sorority equals living at home with Mom and piano concerts.” His voice picked up an octave. “No concerts equals no credit cards?” He let out a whistle. “Concerts equals no church. Church equals singing.” His arm caressed her shoulder. “Finally, something makes you smile.” Another kiss landed in her hair. “Church equals…”

  She cringed and waited for his reaction.

  “…no sex with James.” He inhaled and rubbed his hand across the bridge of his nose. “It didn’t take them long to teach you the cardinal sins, did it? At least you punctuated it with a sad face.” Releasing his breath, he continued to read silently.


  A similar scrap of paper weighed his wallet. Although tempted to remind her of the uncompleted item on her first list, James didn’t. Instead, he reached around her for the pen. Tapping it against the notebook he winked and pressed them in her hand. “You need to add a few facts. Write this down.” Joni poised the pen at the bottom of the list.

  “Write, ‘Trent equals No James.’”

  He shifted Isaac in his lap and handed him the television remote. “And you might want to put that in capital letters.” James peered over her shoulder and watched her write his request. “Now that we’ve established rule number one, let’s take care of your other worries. Write…Joni equals James. Church equals James. Sorority equals James. Home equals James.”

  Her hand shook with suppressed laughter as she scribbled on the page.

  “Stay focused. I can’t let you make such an enormous decision without all the facts. I guess you’ll have to deal with your mother on your own, but with her or without her, I’m not going anywhere. Add, James equals Isaac.” The two guys bumped fists. “We’re a package deal.” He ran his finger down her original script. “Kathy doesn’t belong on our list. As soon as I get full custody, she’s out of our life for good. I don’t use credit cards, but if you want something I’ll buy it. Now, on to our final two notations.” James cleared his throat. “Sex equals James. Put triple smiley faces next to that.”

  Joni’s hand didn’t move. Color flooded her cheeks, yet she raised her face and held his gaze as he caressed her cheek.

  He stared deep into her jade eyes. “No sex still equals James.” He grinned. “Although, I reserve the right to persuade your decision.”

  “James!” Wide eyed, she popped his arm with the pen.

  He took the pen and notebook out of her hand and tossed them on the floor. “Joni, whether you join a sorority or a church, doesn’t change the way I feel about you. As long as Trent isn’t a factor, you and me are okay.”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “I know, and if he keeps bothering you, I’ll handle it.” Stretching his long legs, he flipped the recliner lever and snuggled her against his shoulder. “As for the other, you have my permission to seduce me anytime you want, but it’s not a requirement.”

  She propped up on her elbow and smiled. “What are you doing a week from tomorrow?”

  “Long distance seduction doesn’t work for me. I’ll be back in Memphis.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “But I’m available as soon as Isaac falls asleep.” She sagged against his chest and sighed.

  Not the answer he was looking for. “What’s next Thursday?”

  “Sorority Date Night.”

  First-year pledges were required to attend all socials. James cradled Joni’s cheek in his palm and lifted her face to his. “What happens i
f you don’t have a date?”

  Her bottom lip played hide-and-seek with her mouth. She was stalling. “My big brother escorts me.”

  This was the reason for the video message. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” If he hadn’t come home today, he might could’ve swung it by Cecil, but now…

  “I couldn’t ask you to drive six hours to take me on a date.”

  He closed the footrest. Isaac squirmed to the floor and scooted closer to the TV. James cradled Joni across his lap.

  “Why do you think I’m here?”

  She shrugged.

  “Because you asked me to.” His finger covered her protesting lips. “Yes. You did. I saw the question in your eyes during the video you sent.” He grinned. “I just got the day wrong.”

  Her fingers tickled his whiskers. “I’m sorry. Next time my eyes will specify the day.” Joni’s kiss landed under his jaw.

  “Is it formal?” He needed a new suit anyway.

  Her eyes locked on his. “You’ll come?” At his nod the sparkles returned. “Casual dress. You can pick me up at eight.”

  He flipped the lever again and reclined with his arms locked around her sweetness. “Isaac, give Joni the remote. We promised to let her choose the movie.”

  How could he convince Cecil to give him another day off? And why did the thought of Joni and Trent make his blood seethe? Enough to make him drive twelve hours, round trip, for one night? Twice come next Thursday.

  She let Isaac choose his favorite animated movie. Green eyes blinked up at him. “What about my economics paper?”

  “You can borrow one of mine.” He winked. “Free of charge. Although, I don’t comprehend why you won’t stand up to your parents and study something you actually enjoy.”

  “You know my dad and uncle want me to take over the administration part of their construction business. Once I figure out what I’m doing, I’ll learn to enjoy it.” She laid her head on his chest. “Am I too heavy?”

  His arm tightened, nestling her close while his lips grazed her temple. “You’re perfect.”

  She snuggled against him. “Your heart is racing.”

  “Holding you does that to me.” Gramps always said good things came to those who held out the longest. For Joni, he could wait. The only thing on her list that bugged him, besides Trent, was church. But if she joined the church, then the no-hooking-up-rule would apply to all those frat guys. Then he could return to work without worrying about being replaced on her first list.


  The next morning, Joni emailed James’s old college paper with her name on it to Dr. Birchman. She included a note proclaiming a fake sickness and then drove to James’s house.

  His truck was still in the drive. She rang the bell a second time. He opened the door and she stepped into his embrace.

  The door closed behind her and he held her at arm’s-length. “Why aren’t you in class?”

  She studied the contrast between her leather boots and his bare feet. He had beautiful toes. Her gaze traveled up his pajamas, devoured his muscular chest, and clung to his whiskered chin. There was no way she could pay attention to boring lectures when she could be kissing James. “What happened to the Joni-make-your-own-decisions speech?”

  “The rules don’t apply when you ditch Economics.”

  “But I love being with you.” She watched his eyes soften. “And Dr. Birchman is crazy. It’s rumored that he has one hundred million pennies in his basement.”

  “Most people prefer gold over copper.” His lips twitched but he pressed them in a hard line. “Joni, your education is important.”

  Last night, she’d dreamt of his kisses. Starting at his chin, she kissed the ridge of his jaw before whispering in his ear. “It’s one day. After you go back to Memphis, I promise to study and write my own papers and everything.”

  His lips tugged upward. “Too bad you won’t fit in my suitcase.”

  “James!” She pivoted on her heel and left him standing alone. How could he?

  “What? What did I say?”

  She blew the hair out of her eyes and glared over her shoulder. “You called me fat.”

  His mouth fell open. “No, I—” He sprinted after her. With a squeal, she circled the couch. James was faster. He caught her easily and cradled her up in his arms. With one hand behind her neck and one on her lower back, he pressed her into the air. “I have weights heavier than you.”

  “James.” Her stomach flipped as he dropped her into his arms and tossed her over his shoulder. A squeak sounded out of her mouth as he spun like a whirlwind. Bursts of laughter interrupted her pleas for help.

  A blurry Isaac ran up the hall. “Twirl me next, Daddy.” He clapped his hands while Joni’s feet touched the carpet. Dizzy, she reached for the sofa. Her hands grabbed empty air and she tumbled to the floor.

  “Joni?” James rushed to her side. “Are you hurt?”

  She couldn’t stop laughing long enough to answer. Isaac pounced on James’s back. “Helicopter me, Daddy. I won’t crash. I promise.”

  “Don’t drop him.”

  James gasped and leaned back on his heels. One finger waved in front of her face. “I didn’t drop you.” The finger pointed at her chest. “You fell.”

  She perched on the sofa’s edge and caught her breath. “Same difference.”

  James lifted Isaac to his shoulders. “No. Not the same at all.” Isaac added sound effects as they spun in circles. “What do you want to do today?”

  “Well, I was thinking about my list from last night.” Joni became a blur.

  “Yeah, me too.” He paused and let his swaying head whirl to a stop before twirling Isaac in the opposite direction. One day, his nightly dreams would become reality, but he wouldn’t rush Joni.

  “In order to make an informed decision, I need to have all the facts. I’ve experienced sorority life for weeks now. I need to try out my other option.”

  “Whoa!” One hand slipped off Isaac and James stumbled to a stop. His son collapsed on the floor in a ball of laughter. James fell back against the wall and pulled Joni against him. “I bet Mrs. Addison can babysit for a few hours.” He wanted to kiss her, but his Jell-O-legs collapsed and they slid to the floor.

  All three Jonis laughed and pecked his cheek. “You’re dizzy, and I don’t have to sleep with you to know I’ll like it.”

  He shook the fuzz from his head and grabbed her ankles as she shrieked on the floor and tried to squirm away. James crawled over her and growled, “Bawhahaha!”

  Isaac jumped on his back. “Don’t let her escape, Daddy.”

  “Not a chance.” He leered down at his captive who’d rolled to face him. “How can you try out your options without some alone-time with James?” He wiggled his eyebrows and watched the color flood her cheeks. “Oh, I see.” He licked his lips. “You’ve been dreaming about me.” Her eyes widened, revealing the truth of his statement. “Isaac, go watch cartoons.”

  “Ah, man. I wanted to play with Joni.” Isaac slid off his back and moped around the couch.

  “Me too.” James took his time kissing her. When dainty fingers tickled the back of his neck, he lifted Joni in his arms and carried her down the hall.

  Her dazed expression vanished as he lowered her to the bed. “James, take me to church.”

  Her words slapped him in the face. “Joni? Church? Seriously?”

  Isaac ducked under the arm that was about to shut the door. The interloper snuggled next to her. “Let’s play ‘I spy.’”

  James scrubbed his hand over his face and leaned against the door facing. How did this happen? Joni was in his bed, without him.

  After each red thing she named off, Isaac shook his little head. Should he tell her his son cheated, or that he sometimes confused blue with purple? No, she deserved to lose. He grabbed some clothes from his duffle bag and headed for a cold shower. Wednesday night prayer meeting started at seven. That gave him all day to change her mind about going.


s answered her request for a video chat. The sight of Joni in her pajamas, reading his Bible, made him smile. Two nights ago, he’s kissed her and held her in his arms. He missed her already. “Hey, beautiful, having fun?”

  A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye and his heart jolted. “I can tell by your words written here that you used to love God. Now you change the subject when I want to talk about church. What happened to change your mind?”

  Might as well tell her the truth. He blew out a breath. “I can’t sing in church and that’s what God wanted me to do.”

  Her head tilted the way it did before she asked a million questions. “How do you know God wanted you to sing?”

  He needed to put an end to her curiosity of God. Choosing his words so as not to peak her interest more, he said, “Some things you just know. It’s not important how.”

  Jade eyes narrowed as she sucked on her bottom lip. “You sound great and you sing with me. Why not sing for God?”

  He needed to weed this out by the roots. “Joni, I’m trying to share my tragic childhood and you’re interrupting.”

  Pink stained her cheeks. “Sorry. Go ahead. I’m listening.”

  How he wanted to hold her. He shook off the feeling and inhaled deep. “When I was little, my dad would give me a microphone and put me on the platform with him.”

  “You sang together?”

  James had to laugh at the irony. “Not hardly. My mic was never on.”

  “That’s funny.” Joni’s smile turned serious. “What happened to him?”

  He swallowed as thoughts flooded his mind. Thoughts and feelings he wanted to share with Joni. “He left my mom and ran off with his backup singer.” She gasped but he continued, needing to share the greatest embarrassment of his life. “It was a big church scandal. The woman wasn’t married. My dad was. I was eleven.”

  “Where’s he now?”

  “A couple of months later he tried to come home, but Mom wouldn’t let him. He lives alone at the family farm.”

  “I’m sorry.” Joni’s fingers brushed over the screen. “Do you need a hug?”

  “Yes.” He couldn’t stop his grin. “Come hold me while I cry myself to sleep.”

  She giggled. “Nice try.”


  A few days later, Joni folded her jean-clad legs on the lilac bedspread and released an exaggerated sigh. Flipping the page of her English Lit book, she glanced at her laptop screen. What was taking him so long to reply to her chat request? She reread the page for the third time.