Read Where to Belong Page 19


  Plan B

  Sleep did not come easy for Madison that night. She tossed and turned restlessly. Nightmares plagued the little sleep she found. It was one steady nightmare, though, picking up where it was interrupted by her waking. She couldn't make it stop. At times, it felt so real, and she nearly cried out in her sleep. But each time she awoke choking on the frantic breath.

  The continuing dream took place in Skyler's apartment. She would hear knocking at the door and step into the main room. Skyler was asleep on the couch completely unaware of the obnoxious banging. She knew she shouldn't answer it, but she moved towards the door, her traitorous feet disobeying her. Before she could grasp the doorknob, Skyler would bolt in front of her and push her away in the nick of time. The door burst open and Morgan appeared with a squad of goons. Then without warning, Morgan had a gun in his hand and shot Skyler as he shielded Madison. He crumpled to the ground with her clinging to him all the way. She looked to Morgan pleading for him to stop as he took aim on Skyler once again. He paused and studied her, and his eyes fell on the ring he had given her dangling from her neck. Morgan extended his hand to her, and a loving smile came to his face. Skyler's trembling hand reached for her, his labored breath echoing in her ears. Still she chose Morgan's offer, and gently placed her hand within his. She left Skyler on the floor and ignored his choking as he called to her. She let Morgan pull her to his side, and she wrapped her arms around him, not objecting as he trained his aim on Skyler. A shot exploded, and Madison clawed herself awake to escape it.

  She hugged a pillow to her chest and refused to fall back asleep. She wanted to run to Skyler to prove to herself that it was only a dream and he was safe, but she felt ashamed for risking waking him simply because she couldn't sleep. To settle her nerves, she tried to put her time to use. There had to be a way she could help Skyler.

  An idea came to mind, and she couldn't believe she didn't think of it earlier. She had just what he needed. She knew what Morgan was after. That was worth waking Skyler.

  He looked peaceful as she came to him, easing down to the floor beside the couch. She touched her hand to his shoulder. His eyes slid open and he stirred.

  "What's wrong?" he whispered as he shifted to sit up.

  "I didn't mean to keep this from you. I only now realized it. I think I have something we can use against Morgan. You see, earlier this year, we learned that Lake View was considering bankruptcy. We, all the employees of Lake View, got together and managed to trim the company's expenses. Several retired early, others went to reduced hours, and some even resigned who had other jobs lined up. I took on more responsibilities without a pay increase. I even double shifts without reporting the overtime as a few others did. It was enough to prevent the bankruptcy.

  "I was later assigned the security detail of a certain item that was entrusted to the company. In preparation for the assignment, I did some research on it. It was a diamond valued higher than what we were insured for. If something happened to it while it was in our care, it would be the end of Lake View.

  "We had all given so much to keep that company from going under. I knew our facility wasn't up to the standards needed to safeguard the diamond. I didn't trust our systems, so I took it. When it was brought in, I replaced it with a replica and put the actual diamond in a safer place.

  "It has to be what Morgan is after. You said your company ends struggling businesses. Lake View has been in financial trouble for some time now. They would have already gone under if it wasn't for the employees pulling together and making sacrifices. The owners of Lake View must have hired Morgan to force the closure. It makes sense. There is no other logical reason why the company would have taken on such a valuable item and left it so unprotected."

  Skyler rubbed his eyes and thought on her words. "Are you certain you know that's what he is after?"

  "You were heading for the eighth hall, last safe in the hall, right?"

  He looked to her with a growing smile, "Eighth hall, back wall."

  "Well, it isn't there." She sat beside him on the couch. "There is something in there, but not what he thinks."

  "You have it?"

  Madison shook her head, "I had it."

  "Is it in your apartment?"

  She was having trouble telling if he was excited about this development or if she had just complicated things. "It was in my apartment, but it isn't there anymore." She waited as he let out a sigh and rocked forward, resting his head in his hands. "You gave it to my neighbor." He looked to her with a raised brow. "It is on Victor's collar. Who's going to steal a cat?"

  He chuckled and ran his hands over his short, dark hair. "You're crazy, you know that?"

  "So I've been told," she returned his amused tone. "Is this a good thing?" She was still unable to read him. Skyler eventually sat back and gazed at her. Her stomach tightened as she awaited his verdict.

  "It could be." He stared straight ahead and she knew he was forming a plan. "We might be able to make this work to our advantage. One small detail. How do we get the cat back from your neighbor?"

  Madison bobbed her head. She had pondered that point as well. She knew she couldn't walk up to Dafne and ask for the cat back. Even if she could, no doubt the woman would already have become attached to the animal. It would be wrong to take him from her. She wouldn't have to. They didn't need to snatch the cat away. "We just need the collar. The one he is wearing has my home information in case he ever got away. I'll have a nice one made with her address instead and you can go check and see how they are doing. If all is well, offer the new collar to make the transition complete. He's her cat if the collar says so."

  He smiled at her. "You just might have something here."

  "Good," she chirped. She got to her feet as he went back to his thinking. "All right then, goodnight."

  "I think so," he said blankly.

  She left him with that, heading back to the bedroom. Sleep came easily and untroubled the rest of the night.

  Skyler was gone when Madison awoke in the morning. Chase was still sound asleep. She put a pot of coffee on and searched for a new cat collar. It didn't take long to come across one that would be perfect. She ordered the collar and a tag to go with it. Dafne's address fit quite well on the small pendant. Express ordering would have it delivered by Thursday.

  She was closing the laptop when the front door eased open, and Skyler slipped in with breakfast in his arms. "You're making coffee?" he asked as he made his way to the counter to set the goodies down.

  She met up with him in the kitchen. "I'm guessing you've brought more."

  "I did," he said as he scooted a white paper bag closer to her. "I didn't expect you to be up yet."

  "I had this crazy urge to buy a cat collar this morning. Odd, right?"

  He chuckled at her and pulled the coffees from the bag distributing them across the countertop. The second bag had kolaches, and they smelled fresh.

  With perfect timing, Chase shuffled sleepily from his room and into the kitchen. "I smell coffee." He held his arms out like a zombie and went straight for the paper cup nearest to him.

  "You smell food," Skyler offered with a glazed kolache.

  The bedheaded roommate happily took the out held pastry and nodded, "Coffee and food, you're the greatest."

  "So, no hard feelings about last night?"

  Chase snorted. "Of course not. Are you kidding? How many times have I stormed out on you?"

  Skyler shook his head, looking unsure. "None."

  "Ah, I'll have to work on that." Chase held up his coffee cup at the teasing resolve, gaining his roommate's easy laughter.

  It wasn't long before Skyler's phone interrupted the lighthearted conversing. He stared impassively at the glowing screen for a few rings before excusing himself and retreating to his room. Several minutes passed before he returned, wordlessly reclaiming his steaming coffee.

  Chase fini
shed recounting a meet-and-greet he had with a potential agent. He said that he wasn't going to hold his breath for a call back, but the look on his face said otherwise. He was really hoping this one would come through.

  Glancing to Skyler, Madison thought he seemed distracted once again. "You've been called in, haven't you?"

  He gave a tired nod and finished what was left of his coffee.

  "What happens if you turn your phone off for a day?" Chase posed from behind his second kolache.

  Skyler smiled a cocky smile. "Someone has to put food on this table."

  "When will you back?" Madison stood with him as he put his coat on.

  He shook his head once. "I don't really know, but I think I'll be missing dinner."

  "We'll manage." Chase put his arm playfully around Madison's shoulders. "I'm sure we can find something to do again."

  "Yeah, about that," Skyler winced. "Could you try to lie low for awhile and not draw too much attention to yourselves?"

  Chase snapped his fingers and hung his head. "I'm fresh out of water balloons. Sorry, Madison, we can't have that assault on the lobby today."

  She let herself laugh at him and looked at Skyler, finding him fighting to hold a serious face. "We'll behave, promise."

  He eyed them both in turn. He must have decided not to try reasoning with them, walking away with a kolache in his hand. "You two are going to give me ulcers."