Read Where to Belong Page 20


  Double Date

  Thursday morning rolled around and brought a new kind of cheer to the apartment. Chase was up early. He had his radio turned up from the very start, and sang his heart out as he spent the better part of the day working on his project. Skyler had to work. He left a note for Madison that he would bring home dinner and she would have the evening off.

  Chase recruited her to help him pick his evening attire. She never realized how stuffed his closet was. He had more clothes than she ever owned in her entire life. It was quite a feat to finally put an ensemble together for him.

  A package arrived after lunch. It was the new collar for Victor. Madison inspected it and admitted to missing the gray cat. He had kept her company in their short time together. She knew he was fine with Dafne. Still, she wished to cuddle with him once again, and to hear his thunderous purr.

  As the evening approached, she hopped in the shower. It was her second that day. She had worked around the apartment, and she wanted to be fresh for dinner with Skyler. She was strangely excited about having an evening with him, maybe even a little nervous.

  The second shower was kept short, though. Chase was soon pounding on the door insisting she was going to make him late for his date. Madison found a stopping point and relinquished the bathroom to him with a teasing offer to do his hair for him. He shooed her out of the room, then paused, asking if she thought he really did need help.

  Chase was finally readied for his big date. He cleaned up really well and transformed into an absolute gentleman. She smiled at the new man before her who could pass as a charmer in her book. He set out early in search for the perfect bouquet of flowers for Tabatha imploring Madison to not wait up for him.

  As she went back to get ready for her own quiet evening, something of her reflection in the mirror caught her eye. The diamond ring from Morgan was still there, resting below her throat, screaming of her reluctancy to let his memory go. Even though so much evidence exposed his love for her to be a complete lie, she stared at it debating its fate in her head. She didn't know why it had taken her so long to accept that there was nothing left to hold onto. That life was long gone, and she honestly didn't want it back. For once in her life, she was now her own person.

  The gold chain made a small noise as it coiled against the marble topped vanity. The ring made a louder clink as it came to rest beside the chain. Their presence was no longer needed.

  Madison was reveling in her freedom when the front door opened. She hurried out to help Skyler in. He was carrying a long box and three bulky bags as he maneuvered around the closing door.

  "No, no. I've got it," he insisted as she pulled one of the bags from his failing grasp.

  "Let me help."

  "No, you'll spoil the surprise."

  She couldn't help but laugh as he flinched to catch the second bag as it slipped from his hand. Taking the two bags she refused to return to him, she led the way to the kitchen. "I promise I won't look, I'm just making sure it doesn't spill all over."

  Skyler eased the box and the last bag onto the counter. "Good, now go away. I said you have the evening off, that means no kitchen duty."

  "What am I supposed to do then?"

  "Here," he reached into one of the bags and handed her three cases. "Pick a movie for after dinner. It'll be one less thing to worry over later."

  Cases in hand, Madison wandered towards the TV and pondered the choices. He had brought three she hadn't seen before. One was a comedy, the second was an action movie she had been wanting to see for several months, and the third was a romantic drama. They all looked good. It took her a few moments, but she chose the action movie. She would save the chick flick for tomorrow when he was at work and not make him suffer through it. Points to him for picking it up though. As for the comedy, Chase would cry if they watched it without him.

  "What did you pick?" he called out as she put the disc in the player.

  "It's a surprise," she taunted. "You'll have to wait until after dinner to find out."

  "Oh, sure. You and your suspense," he laughed at her. "Or I could come over there and see for myself."

  "That's fine. I'll just nose around in the kitchen and see what the big deal is."

  "Truce?" he offered as he folded his coat over a chair at the dining table.

  She smiled in agreement. "Truce."

  "Did Chase get out on time?"

  Madison sat on the couch and leaned over the back of it. "Yes. He was so excited. I hope she's nice to him."

  "Poor guy," Skyler shook his head. "He has lousy taste in women. Maybe she'll let him down easy."

  "Or she'll be wonderful and treat him better," she countered, hoping Chase's night is as dreamy as he expected it to be.

  "For his sake, I hope you're right. And it would be nice to have a quiet evening."

  "The evenings here are always quiet," she said, fond of the peacefulness of the recent surroundings.

  "I know, but he used to go out more when he was seeing Tabatha. Now he seems to be here all the time. I don't mind him. I just would like to have one evening with you to myself." He hesitated in what he was doing and looked at her with a warm smile. "We haven't been able to catch up yet, not really."

  "We haven't, have we?"

  He shook his head and went back to setting up their dinner. She couldn't see much of what he was working with, but whatever it was, it smelled great.

  With the table set to his liking, Skyler took his coat from the back of the chair and strolled over to where Madison was waiting in the front room. "One more thing," he said as he hung the coat on the hall tree. He sorted through the pockets until he found what he is looking for and turned to her. There was a small, black box in his hands. "As a token of my appreciation for your patience throughout this lovely affair ..." He gave an over-exaggerated bow and held the box out for her.

  She beamed and gently took it from him. "Thank you."

  "You haven't even opened it," he snorted, plopping down on the arm of the couch.

  Madison shrugged and opened the box. Her smile grew when she peeked inside. It was a silver bracelet with a tiny cat charm attached.

  "If you don't like it, I can take it back. I had no idea of what you like. You hardly ever wear any jewelry."

  "I love it," she assured him, petting at the shining links.

  He reached and pulled it from the box, gesturing for her arm. Skyler fastened it around her wrist and watched her inspect it once again. "The ladies at the store guaranteed me that you can add charms and swap them out at all kinds of shoppes. So you're not limited on where you have to take it. I only started with the cat because of Victor. I thought you might like it. It isn't a diamond or anything fancy, but ..."

  She got up and hugged him, cutting him off as he rambled nervously. "It's perfect. Thank you."

  "You're welcome," he shrugged as she released him. "I planned on getting a necklace, I forgot that you already had ...," his eyes went to her neck and he stopped short.

  "No, this is just right. You're sweet." She offered another smile when she looked back and found him studying her with a rather sad expression. He lightened again with the next blink, motioning towards the table.

  Like a gentleman, Skyler held the chair for Madison and waited for her to be situated before taking his own seat across from her. There was far too much food for just the two of them, and it looked absolutely delicious. There was a plate of glazed ribs, a basket of rolls, a smaller plate of grilled vegetables, and two twice baked potatoes.

  "I remembered that I still owed you a dinner. I said I'd let you pick, but then where's the surprise in that?"

  "I had a Grecian place in mind," she said as she looked for the best way to tackle the ribs. "But I think this is just as good."

  "I found this place by accident when I first came to Chicago. I was supposed to meet the group at a restaurant west of here and got completely turned around."<
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  Madison smiled and leaned in. "Your truck has GPS. You don't use it?"

  "I've had that thing for three years now and still haven't messed with half the stuff in it. So, no, I didn't use the GPS. I stopped for directions and ended up staying for dinner. The owners drew me a map and sent me on my way with dessert to go. I wasn't far from the planned restaurant after all. A few blocks down actually. I got there in time for one game of pool and a few drinks. I forgot the dessert in my truck, so Chase took care of that when I got home. I still don't know what the place is called, but I go there whenever I get an excuse to."

  "They're definitely keepers. Good call." She laughed with him as he tried to not make a mess with all the sauce. It was pointless. They were both working on their second napkins.

  "So what about you? Any places you've stumbled upon with your time here?"

  She thought on it for a moment. There were so many places she kept going back to. "This summer Caleb got a group together to go to a club to support a local band. Turns out, one of the guys he hung out with in high school was in the band and had given him a bunch of tickets. They weren't bad at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they do well for themselves. Then, the club was owned by another one of his friends, so the entire night's tab was on the house. We all had a really good time. I never would have gone to a place like that if it wasn't for Caleb's insistence. I'm glad he invited me."

  The two went on sharing stories and comparing notes of places to go and things to do in the city. The conversation never lulled as the evening wound on and the meal slowly disappeared. Madison stared in amazement when she realized they had eaten nearly the entire dinner.

  "And to top it off," Skyler got up from the table and moved into the kitchen, "the recommended dessert to accompany the meal, compliments of the establishment's owners." He held up a masterpiece of a cheesecake smothered in cherries.

  Madison waved her hands in surrender. "I can't eat another bite."

  "Sure you can. Just one. We can save the rest for later." He cut a tiny sliver from the pie and handed her a fork. She reluctantly had one bite, instantly wishing she could force herself to eat even more for how amazing it was. "See, it completes it," he said, taking the plate from her and keeping the slice for himself.

  "It does, but I'll have to wait until I have a little more room. I'm stuffed." She patted her tummy and laughed as he finished what was left on the plate.

  "It'll be in the fridge. Let me know when you're ready and I'll get some for you." He stood again and started to collect the dishes. Madison took it as a cue to clean up and gathered the glasses. "Whoa," he said as he quickly intercepted her reach. "What are you doing?"

  She gave him a questioning glance. "Helping you clear the table."

  He shook his head. "No, ma'am. You have the night off. Now go relax, and I'll get all this." He gestured towards the front room and went back to picking up dishes.

  She stepped back and gave him space as he stacked the plates and silverware, balancing them surprisingly well for as fast as he was placing them. He headed into the kitchen with an armload and guided it carefully onto the counter.

  One bowl remained on the table. Madison looked at Skyler and found him concentrating on sorting the dishes into the dishwasher, paying her no attention. With a shrug, she took the bowl and slipped around to the other side of the counter. She came from behind him and reached to set the bowl silently in the sink when he wasn't looking.

  A tiny yelp escaped her at the startle of Skyler grabbing her wrist before she could release the dish. "What part of 'night off' are you not understanding?" He turned to her with an impish grin on his face.

  She laughed as he dragged her to him and put her over his shoulder. "I just want to help!"

  "Thanks, but no thanks," he returned. With that, he carried her over to the couch and flopped her onto it ignoring her meager protests in between laughs. "Now stay put. I'll be done before you know it." He gave a mischievous smile and straightened his shirt, then went back to the kitchen.

  Madison caught her breath and watched him over the back of the couch. "Are you sure you can handle that all by yourself?" she called mockingly to him.

  "I have loaded a dishwasher before," Skyler said with an amused grumble. "I think I could even wash them all by hand if need be. Believe it or not, Madison, I can manage my own kitchen. I did it just fine before you barged in here."

  "No you didn't," she quipped. "You had a maid. Cheater."

  "Like I said, I can manage if needed." He looked up with a smirk. "But why bother when you can pay someone else to do it?"

  She laughed with him as he packed the last of the dishes into the overloaded washer. Skyler juggled a few of the glasses before putting them in place as his grand finale. He was blatantly showing off.