Read Where to Belong Page 22


  Chat Over Dessert

  "Honey, I'm home," he called as he swung the door open, no other warning what so ever of his arrival. "Sweet mother of Neptune!" he cried when he realized his poor timing.

  Madison buried her face against Skyler's chest both embarrassed of the sudden audience and disappointed to be interrupted. Skyler cradled her in a near defensive way, and she thought she felt him chuckling.

  "Ignore me!" Chase started for his room, stumbling like a deer caught in the headlights, "I'm not here!"

  The sound of his door slamming shut left the two with an awkward silence. Skyler shifted back and Madison imagined he was blushing. "Well," he sighed, "I think Chase is home."

  With her hands hiding her face, she let herself laugh. She felt kind of sorry for him as he tried to smooth over the cumbersome situation. "Is he all right?" she asked. "I think we scared him."

  He didn't answer right away, and she lowered her hands to peek at him. He gave a warm smile. Madison ran her hands up his arms and to his shoulders, her smile still more embarrassed than anything. He leaned in and kissed her one last time. It was a short, tender kiss as if it was something he had done everyday.

  She released him as he pulled away and got to his feet. He looked to her and offered his hand, helping her to stand as well. "Should we tell him there is cheesecake in the fridge?"

  An assortment of inappropriate jokes and responses about dessert raced through her mind, and she choked back a snicker. Madison found her composure and gave his arm a hug. "If you think he'd dare to venture out of his room again."

  "He'll come out. He's just jealous that we got more action than he did tonight."

  She gaped at him for the teasing, still refraining from adding a few jabs of her own. He brushed the rogue curls from her face and winked. She waited until he turned for Chase's door before going her way to the kitchen. "I'll go get some plates."

  It didn't take much coaxing to bring the discombobulated roommate from the shelter of his room. All three were openly reeling from the intrusion in their own way. Skyler still appeared to be laughing to himself as he shied and hung his head. Madison got busy cutting the cake and distributing the perfect slices onto the matching plates. She even folded napkins around the forks she had set out. Chase wore a cheesy smile as he pulled a stool out at the counter. Skyler seemed to be aiming to keep his eyes to himself until he came to the kitchen. He then looked to Madison and settled. His kind eyes assured her that all was well.

  "So, Chase," she started in attempts to break the ice, "how was your evening?"

  He savored a bite of the cheesecake for a moment, slow to look up to her. "It was nice. I thought it went well, actually. But in comparison to yours ..." he mused, trailing off in time to take another bite.

  "I told you he was jealous," Skyler lightly offered. He and Madison chuckled at Chase's expense.

  "Hey, I would have taken my time coming home if I knew you two had plans. We need to work on our communication skills here." The three laughed easily at his defense. "You didn't even lock the door!" he added as he shook his head.

  Skyler returned his demeanor, "I figured you'd be out later."

  Chase shook his fork at him. "Laugh it up, Romeo. Tonight was just getting to know one another again. You'll be seeing much more of Tabatha and me here before too much longer."

  "It went well, then?" Madison interjected. "I'm glad to hear. I know you were exited. I'm happy for you."

  The three talked and laughed over their dessert. Chase related a few details about his big date, the restaurant, and the theater. They all eventually got past the peculiar atmosphere that hovered for the start of the conversation.

  When they were done, Madison started to collect the dishes. Skyler mockingly warned that it was still her evening off. She called his bluff, sliding the small plates one by one into the already packed dishwasher. He stalked towards her holding a fork hostage as he ordered her away from the kitchen. Chase watched the two with amusement for a few moments then shook his head. "I'll be in my room. I suggest you find one too," he voiced as he went his way, leaving them alone once again.

  The two play-wrestled over the fork for a time. Skyler, of course, won and dropped the last piece into the washer and closed the door as he pinned Madison under his arm. She didn't fight against him too much. All the excitement had irritated the dormant bullet wound, and she did her best not to frustrate it anymore. She stepped back when he moved to start the dishwasher. He must have caught on to her favoring. When he turned back to her, he looked a little concerned.

  "The cat collar came in today," she said with the aim to avoid his questioning.

  Skyler nodded and studied her. He never was easily deterred. He pointed at her belly, "Too much activity?"

  "It isn't bad," she answered with a shrug.

  His shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry. My fault. I got a little carried away."

  Madison went to him and put her arms around his waist. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. And thank you for tonight. I had a really good time."

  He returned her embrace enveloping her in his strong arms. He heartened and kissed the top of her head. "It's getting late and you still need your rest. I'll go check on your cat first thing in the morning, but I work tomorrow, too, so I'll be home late."

  She sighed and looked up at him. "Stay home tomorrow. The collar can wait another day, and you work too much. Besides, you owe me a movie."

  With a smile, Skyler turned and guided her to the bedroom. "Not much longer, I promise. A few more weeks, maybe a month at most. That's all. Then we'll be free to set our own schedule."

  They stepped into the dark room. Madison went to the bed without bothering to find the light switch. "Could you tell me anything about you're planning? I'd like to help."

  "You have helped," he said as he sat beside her. "I think I have everything ready. I'm just waiting for the right time to move. That and I haven't given Chase a heads-up. I owe him that much."

  She hadn't thought of that side. What would Chase do? Where would he go? The apartment was in Skyler's name. "How long do you think it would take for him to find a place? He's still looking for work."

  "I'll leave him the apartment. It's paid up for the rest of the year. I've already started the paperwork. Still, I can't just bolt on the guy. He's put up with too much for me to leave him hanging."

  "He's a good guy," she nodded. It wasn't everyday that one could find a roommate that would tolerate all the insanity that Chase has.

  "I'm still working on the details," he sighed. "We're almost there."

  Madison reached for him and started rubbing his tense shoulders. He had a habit of worrying himself sick. Looking at him, she could tell he was well on his way to making a mess of himself. "Do you want me to tuck you in?"

  He glanced at her and lightened at the offer. "Goodnight."

  She hugged his neck as he gave her a cautious hug, careful to avoid pressing against her tender belly. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but she wondered if it would only give him that much more to fret over. Was it too early? She didn't think so, but she didn't want to unsettle him if he wasn't ready for it. "Goodnight."

  Skyler got to his feet and shuffled towards the door. He closed it part way, then looked back to her. "I'll see you tomorrow evening. We'll finish that movie."

  A wondering smile came to her face as she pondered his meaning. Was he really planning on watching the movie, or was that code for something else? She settled into the blankets and decided however she would be able to spend an evening with him would be just fine.