Read Where to Belong Page 21



  After putting his shoes by the door and dimming the lights, Skyler came to the couch and sat down next to Madison. "And tonight's selection is?" he asked as he half turned to her.

  Another laugh escaped her. He was being a goofball, just like old times. "Hit play, you'll find out."

  He shook his head and puffed out a sigh. "Gonna make me do all the work tonight, aren't you?"

  "You're impossible," she chuckled.

  "Me?" he gaped. "You're the one who couldn't leave a single bowl alone. Just one and you can't control yourself."

  "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

  He smiled his teasing smile. "I'll never tell." With that, he held up the remote and waggled it, then presented her with it. "Would you do the honors?"

  "Gladly," she mused and pressed the play button.

  Skyler set the controller on the end table and stirred a bit until he settled into the couch, letting his head back and closing his eyes. Madison peered at him for a moment, then nudged him. "Are you going to sleep?"

  He opened one eye. "No. Maybe. I'm just resting my eyes."

  "You're going to sleep." She nudged him again when he went back to the way he was. "You're going to miss the movie!"

  He nudged her in return. "I've seen it before."

  "Then why did you get it?"

  "I didn't know if you had. It's a good one. You'll like it."

  She shook her head, "I can watch it later. Don't let me keep you up. Go to bed if you're tired."

  "You're on my bed. Now shush, or you're going to miss the movie."

  "I can sit in the other chair or on the floor." She shifted to get up. "Lie down if you're going to sleep."

  He caught her arm and opened his eyes, "Fine, I'll watch the movie. Stay there."

  She watched him as he settled again. He didn't look like he'd last long. "We can watch it another time."

  Skyler gave her a sideways look and pointed at the screen. "I'm watching a movie, do you mind?"

  "You haven't changed a bit." The whispered words came out without her meaning them to. It was like her thoughts found her voice and took over.

  He gazed at her for a few breaths, as if he wanted to question her meaning, then smiled. "Neither have you. You still talk through movies."

  Madison buttoned her lip and turned to the screen. The movie had already started, but she hadn't missed anything, only previews. She snuck a glance at Skyler and found him smiling with a soundless chuckle. She nestled against the back of the couch and paid more attention to the movie as it began.

  It wasn't long into the film when she noticed Skyler sleeping. She let him be. He looked comfortable. She knew he was tired. It was nice of him to try to watch a movie with her. He meant well.

  She herself began to nod about midway into the movie. It wasn't that it was boring. It actually held her interest very well. She was more tired than she had realized. The big meal and warmth of sitting next to Skyler added to the appeal of snoozing. Madison leaned her head on his shoulder and assured herself she would stay awake and finish the movie.

  Her eyes began to feel heavy when Skyler's arm came around her. "You're going to sleep," he muttered, his tone telling that he was smiling.

  "I'm resting my eyes." She let him pull her closer, content with his soft hold on her.

  After a few minutes, Madison was doing better at keeping awake. She couldn't tell whether or not Skyler was sleeping. He was still, and his steady, deep breaths gave her little to go by. His cheek rested atop her head and he had one hand passively on her arm.

  "You took your necklace off." His whispered voice reached her ears despite the boisterous volume of the movie.

  She gave a small nod, mindlessly feeling at her bare throat. "I think it's time. It was foolish of me to hold onto the empty promises for so long."

  "They were important to you. That's why you held onto them. Maybe not the ones attached to that particular ring, but promises in general. I'm sure you made a few to yourself. Those are even more important."

  A sigh escaped her at the weight of his words. "I never wanted any promises. I don't need them. It's the people who've made them that I think I hold onto. But now I don't know if I ever really knew any of them."

  "You don't know what's real and what isn't." He wasn't asking. And she didn't think he was actually offering the words to her. He had the same struggles in his own life.

  She nodded again, "Are you real?"

  She could feel him smile. "I'm trying to be. Are you?"

  "Pathetically, yes."

  He gave her a light squeeze and stroked her arm. "Listen, I know you're probably tired of people promising you things, but I can't help but offer. When this is all done and we are free of this mess, I honestly don't know where I'll go, but you're welcome to come along. I'll take care of you. That is if you want to, no obligations. If you decide later that it wasn't a good idea, you're free to go your own way. I'll understand."

  His offer was more than she hoped for. She wanted to agree without hesitation, but she was all too familiar with the sting of reality. "I think we need to concentrate on getting out of this mess first."

  He didn't make any kind of response. She shifted to look up at him. He met her gaze and gave a meek nod. She had hurt him. He was offering to share his life with her, and she snubbed him. "Ask me again later. I'm just a little wary of making plans right now. I have a way of screwing them up even if they're my own." She meant to humor him some, but it didn't work.

  Irritated with herself, Madison bit her lip and refrained from saying anymore. She never was any good at finding the right words. Instead, she put her arms around him and hugged herself to his chest.

  Skyler took a deep breath at her embrace and stirred. He returned her hug with a less sure one of his own. She glanced up at him again, her chin in his chest, and gave him a questioning look. He shook his head and narrowed his eyes as if he were puzzled. "I'm sorry, I'm not understanding. Did you not just say no?"

  "No, I didn't."

  "But you didn't say yes?"

  "No," she shook her head, "I didn't."

  He nodded and matched her gaze. "Did you want to say no?"

  She shook her head and fought back a smile.

  "So you'd rather say yes?"

  Sitting up to look him in the eye, she nodded. "I want to say yes, Skyler. Yes. But I don't know what's happening, I don't know what's going to happen ..."

  "But you'd say yes if you were faced with the decision at the necessary time?"

  What kind of question was that? She peered at him and worked to decipher his meaning. She nodded ever so slightly as she pondered his questioning.

  That was all he needed. Skyler smiled and returned her nod. "I can live with that." He pulled her back to him and held her tight. "It's just that ... you're growing on me, Madison. I'm not ready to say goodbye again. I know you'll most likely do better without me, but I'd miss you."

  "I haven't planned on saying goodbye. I think you're kind of stuck with me for the time being."

  He shifted back to look at her, meeting her joshing smile. He matched it for a time then grew serious. Skyler had gone completely still. She gave him a moment to come back, but he was deep in whatever thought had taken him. She shifted in his hold as she started to become a little anxious at his lost expression.

  With the next breath, he softened once again. His kind smile returned, and he leaned his forehead against hers. She waited and watched wondering what his assessing gaze was all about. He closed his eyes, and she mirrored him feeling completely comfortable with his nearness. When his lips brushed hers, she held her place, gently returning the gesture.

  Skyler eased back and looked to her with a one sided smile. "You're missing your movie."

  Copying his cocky smirk, Madison gave a nod and half turned to the TV. "Ah, the movie." She then shrugged and turne
d back to him. "I can watch it tomorrow," she said as she leaned towards him.

  He took her hint and held her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his lips found hers again. Her heart began to race and she felt a little silly for it. He was always the goofy guy she used to hang out with. He was her best friend. She never would have believed it if someone told her she had feelings for him. But, here she was, absolutely pleased, if not delighted to be in his arms. She had fallen for him.

  With a careful slowness, Skyler guided them down to the cushions of the overstuffed sofa and lovingly embraced her. Madison didn't at all feel rushed or pressured to take their newfound romance to the next level. He seemed to be as content as she was with holding one another, his lips never leaving hers with a different kind of passion than she expected. He was gentle, considerate, and undemanding.

  The blaring movie and the flashing of the TV screen faded into the background. It was just the two of them. The world and its unceasing problems left them alone for a short time. That was until Chase came bursting onto the scene positively glowing from his night out.