Read Who Brings Forth the Wind Page 37

  "It's over, Lucinda," Stacy knew it was time to cut in. "I

  won't say that Tanner hasn't hurt me, but, God willing, the

  worst is over. I'm not exactly a saint myself, I hope you realize,

  but I believe we're both committed to making this marriage


  Lucinda drew in a shuddering breath. "Thank you for

  being so understanding. Roddy said that you were, and I know

  you've forgiven me, but I don't feel I deserve it. It's all a little

  hard to take in."

  Stacy nodded understandingly, thinking this had been a

  long time in the coming, but well worth the wait.

  "Stacy," Lucinda said after a moment, her voice a bit

  reluctant, "Roddy has been talking to me about his," she

  hesitated over the words, "experience with God"

  Stacy hid a smile. "What did he tell you?"

  "Quite a bit, actually. He's very excited. He says that you

  helped him."

  "Yes, we discussed it at the Blackwells'. Roddy was really

  feeling rather empty inside and--"

  "But we've patched everything up now," Lucinda cut her

  off, thinking she understood.

  "I know you have, Lucinda, and I'm thrilled that you're

  back together, but the emptiness Roddy was experiencing was

  not physical or emotional. It was spiritual."

  Lucinda stared at her niece. Never had she felt so left out as

  she did when Roddy and Stacy talked about God. At the same

  time she was interested. Lucinda had gone to church all her

  life, but she also had too many bad things happen to her to


  believe that God really cared about her. However, the change

  in Roddy was remarkable.

  Stacy would have commented on Roddy's conversion

  then, but Lucinda began to look very uncomfortable.

  Lucinda changed the subject by asking about Brandon and

  Sunny. Stacy let it go, but her heart was deep in prayer for

  Lucinda's salvation. However, the subject did not come up

  again, but God's care was evident in the marvelous evening

  they all shared.

  Tanner finally seemed willing to put the past behind him

  and was a wonderful host. After the children were put down

  for the night, the four adults dined and talked. It was very late

  when the duke and duchess climbed the stairs for bed, but

  knowing Roddy and Lucinda would be with them for only a

  few days made it worth the loss of sleep.


  stacy watched tanner, whose expression was serious,

  and debated whether or not she should intrude into his

  thoughts. Drew was not with them now, but just minutes

  before he had been in Stacy's lap. The two of them had been

  discussing the upcoming weekend at Bracken.

  At the mention of the event, Tanner had become pensive.

  Stacy wanted to respect his moods, but she knew she would be

  miserable if they went when he didn't really care to.


  "Yes?" He looked at her, his expression now open.

  "Would you rather we didn't go to Bracken?"

  Tanner almost smiled. Unless he worked at it, Stacy could

  usually read his thoughts just by looking at his face,

  "I have no objections to our going to the party."

  "But given your choice, you'd rather stay here?"

  Tanner reached for her hand. "It seems that I am often

  having to share you. Roddy and Lucinda were here, and now

  we're headed off to a weekend of being separated by friends

  and activities." Tanner stopped when he saw amusement in

  his wife's face.

  "Roddy and Lucinda left a month ago." Stacy's voice was dry.

  "True." Tanner's voice had turned just as wry. "But then

  there's your time with Alexa. You knew from the beginning

  that I was going to be jealous of that."


  "She does like to eat," Stacy admitted The duke and

  duchess smiled at each other as they both visualized their

  butterball daughter.

  "Seriously, Tanner--" Stacy had to go back to the subject at

  hand "If you don't want to go, I know that Brandon and Sunny

  will understand"

  Tanner kissed the back of her hand "We'll go. I'm just

  being selfish."

  "Drew certainly will be pleased," Stacy told him, feeling

  well pleased at the way Tanner was putting his own wants

  aside. "He's talked of nothing else for days."

  "Well, he doesn't have long to wait now," Tanner commented

  as he went back to his book. "We leave tomorrow."

  "When do Stacy and Tanner arrive?" Chelsea asked Sunny.

  "Tomorrow. They live so close that it seemed silly to stay

  over, but it's more fun that way, so I talked Tanner into it."

  "I haven't seen Tanner Richardson in years," Miles Gallagher


  "Well," Sunny told him, "he's doing fine, and you're going

  to love his wife and children. Oh, Miles," Sunny spoke suddenly.

  "I've written up a family tree. Will you look at it for me?"


  Sunny moved to the small writing desk in the corner and

  returned with a small roll of paper.

  "I haven't added the dates, but will you check and see if I

  have all the names down?"

  Miles took the roll and his mother, Chelsea, leaned over

  his shoulder as they read

  367Gallagher Family Tree

  Randolph Gallagher d. 1840m. Katharine d. 1832

  Randolph (Rand) Dou glas Hea


  ther Sunny

  m. Chelsea Hawkesbury

  1 m. M

  arian m. Fostei Jamison m. Brandon Hawkesbury

  1 1

  Miles Holly

  m. Jennifer m. Jordan Townsend

  1 I

  Har Ian Di

  me Sterling

  l l

  Joshua Allaster

  1 l

  Lance Louise Preston

  i i

  Lorrane Andrea







  Hawkesbury Family Ttee

  Milton Hawkesbury d. 1846


  Edgar d 1823

  m. Andrea


  m. Rand Gallagher


  m. Sunny


  m. Judith



  m. Jennifer


  -1 1


  m. Jordan Townsend





















  I .




  "This looks good," Miles told her, "but you left out Aunt


  "Oh, Sunny," Chelsea added, "I guess you did Is she coming

  this weekend?"

  Sunny told them Aunt Lucy had opted to stay at Ravens-croft,

  her home set in the countryside just 20 minutes from


  Brandon's eccentric Great Aunt
Lucy didn't venture out

  much anymore. She was getting on in years, but the main

  reason she stayed close to home was because she was still

  occupied with her writing. Her first book had been published

  with great success, and she was now working on her second

  The family was still amazed over this.

  Aunt Lucy had always been considered something of a

  beloved scatterbrain, but she had traveled widely over the

  years and seen things that most people only read about. In

  fact, most of the family didn't know of her adventures until her

  book came out and they were able to read it themselves.

  Aunt Lucy would have made a wonderful addition to the

  hunting weekend, but with the huge mob Sunny expected, she

  knew they would have fun anyway.

  "This baby," Chelsea exclaimed as she gently lifted Alexa

  from Heather's arms, "is adorable. Look at those round, rosy


  "Does she ever stop smiling?" Jennifer wished to know.

  "She is a happy baby," Stacy told them, smiling with pride

  at her precious daughter.

  "How old is she?" Holly asked.

  "About four and a half months."

  "What a doll," Heather said. "Don't think you can keep her

  for long, Chels. I want her back."

  The women had been visiting nonstop for what seemed

  like days. Stacy was having the time of her life. She had never

  been around so many believers at once, and found it to be the

  most encouraging time she had experienced in many months.

  Tanner seemed to be enjoying himself too.

  The men were all out hunting and had been gone for

  hours, but Stacy was so involved with the children and the

  other women that she hadn't had time to miss Tanner. Both Brandon and Rand had a way of making Tanner feel at home,

  and even though all the men were believers who made no secret of their faith, Tanner had not put his guard up as usual.

  When it was time for lunch and the men were not back,

  Stacy began to wonder. She tried to take her cue from the

  other women, however. When none of them seemed concerned,

  Stacy relaxed somewhat. She tried to remember how

  long Tanner had been out with the hunting party at the

  Cradwells', but it had been so many years ago that she simply

  couldn't recall.

  "I wonder what's keeping the men?" Chelsea ventured out

  loud when lunch was over and the women retired to the

  upstairs salon.

  "Did they say how far they were headed?" Sunny asked

  "I didn't hear anyone say," Holly replied

  "Well, Foster has closeted himself downstairs in the

  library. Shall I ask him?" This came from Heather, who was

  more than willing to check things out. But almost as soon as

  she offered, Brandon walked in.

  Sunny's face lit for just an instant before she saw that his

  face was as pale as death. All the women watched as he walked

  straight to Stacy.

  "There's been an accident, Stacy," he said without preamble,

  his voice breathless. "Tanner has been shot."

  Stacy stood. "Is he alive?" she barely managed

  "Yes. We were closer to Winslow, so we took him there."

  Stacy started moving for the door, but stopped abruptly

  and faced the room. "What about Drew and Alexa?"


  "The children will be fine, Stacy," Sunny told her. "Justgo,"

  she urged "We'll get them home to you as soon as possible."

  Stacy nodded, still in shock. Sunny gave her a swift hug,

  and Brandon ushered her to the door and downstairs.

  The coach had been traveling at full speed for nearly ten

  minutes before Stacy spoke.

  "Where was he hit?"

  "His upper chest, the left side."

  So near the heart, her mind cried. She swallowed hard to

  keep from sobbing.

  "Has he lost much blood?" she asked next.


  Stacy didn't want to know any more. It didn't matter how it

  happened or who was involved, only that she was there in

  time. Stacy prayed as the horses' hooves ate up the ground

  between the estates.

  / don V know what I'll see when we arrive. Please help me

  to be prepared for the worst, Lord. I know he hasn't come to

  You, Father, and for this I would ask You to spare him. Your

  will is perfect; help me to believe this with all of my heart. Help

  me to trust You even in this time of hurt.

  Maybe this will be the turningpoint, Father. Maybe Tanner

  will see his need for You because of this. Please give me some

  assurance. Please let me talk to him before You take him to


  Stacy realized then that she was praying as if she knew he

  was going to die, which was ridiculous. She began to alter

  her prayer, asking God to help her fight the numbness that

  seemed to be pervading her limbs, knowing she would be

  needed as soon as they arrived.

  By the time they had pulled into the courtyard of Winslow,

  Stacy felt more in control. The ride had seemed to take ages,

  but doors opened seemingly of their own accord as the

  duchess's presence was made known. Stacy hurried indoors.

  With no care for watching eyes, she picked up her skirt and

  took the stairs two at a time.


  She entered the master bedroom on swift, silent feet and

  stared down into the pale features of her husband. Both Rand

  and Miles Gallagher were present. Tanner's shirt was off, and

  a wrapping of sort had been bound around his chest. The side

  directly over the wound was soaked with blood. Stacy stared

  down at him and felt an amazing calm come over her.

  "Has someone sent for the doctor?" she asked, her voice

  soft and in control.

  "Yes. Jordan and Dexter have ridden to find him."

  "I need Hettie," Stacy began. "Oh, that's right, she's with

  the baby. Eden," she said to a maid standing nearby, "bring me

  some more dressings and hot water, and please be quick

  about it."

  Brandon, whose gun had caused the damage, now stepped

  forward. He'd been in a state of shock up until then, but seeing

  Stacy in charge propelled him forward to assist her. In just a

  matter of minutes he was carefully lifting Tanner so Stacy

  could change the wraps.

  "Do you think the bullet is still in there?" Her voice was

  hushed, as though afraid to wake her patient.

  "No. It went clean through."

  "Good. Let's pad the back here. Reece?" Stacy called quietly

  to the faithful servant who came immediately to her side,

  "Yes, my lady."

  "Check as to whether a coach is bringing Hettie and Price.

  If not, see to it. I need them both immediately."

  "Yes, my lady."

  "Tanner," Stacy now spoke to her unconscious mate. "I'm

  going to take care of you, but you need to wake up and tell me

  how you feel."

  Stacy felt better having said the words, but Tanner lay

  mute, his eyes closed, his skin almost clammy with cold.

  "Let's get this sheet up around his chest now, and then a

  light blanket," Stacy went on. Again Brandon's hands were

  there to assist her.

  The men in th
e room watched in some fascination as she

  worked. Stacy herself could not have told them where she had



  learned to do such things, but her husband needed her, and at

  the moment that was all that mattered.

  The doctor showed up some time after Stacy and Brandon

  had washed their hands. Stacy stayed very close as he checked

  the wound. She took no offense when the doctor assumed

  Brandon had done all the work or when he addressed all of his

  questions to Lord Hawkesbury. Stacy was content to silently

  observe until the doctor reached for his bag and spoke.

  "I'm going to have to bleed him."

  "What did you say?" she asked.

  "I'm sorry, my lady. I'm going to have to ask you to leave so

  I can bleed your husband"

  "But he's already lost blood, more than he can spare."

  Stacy's voice was reasonable, but she felt panicked inside.

  Andrew Daniels had always been against this practice, and

  some of his beliefs had carried on to his granddaughter.

  "It's still necessary," the doctor said, his voice resigned

  "No," Stacy told him.

  The doctor did not look overly surprised. His gaze swung

  to Brandon. "Will you please take Lady Richardson from the


  Whether or not Brandon would have done such a thing,

  Stacy would never know. She didn't give him a chance to move.

  "Reece!" Stacy used a voice none of them had ever heard

  before. "Remove this man at once!"

  The doctor's mouth opened in shock, but Reece, surprised

  as he was by her tone, promptly came forward to do as he was


  "You'll kill him," the man sputtered as Reece lay hold of

  the doctor's arm.

  "You will not bleed my husband," Stacy told him, her eyes

  shooting sparks.

  "He'll die otherwise." The doctor had pulled himself from

  Recce's grasp and was coming back to the bed. Stacy stood

  between Tanner and the doctor like an enraged warrior. The

  fact that she stood many inches taller than the doctor caused

  the man to stop.

  "I said you will not bleed him, and if that is all the treatment

  you can offer, then get out." Stacy's voice was deadly


  The man was so flustered he could only stare at her.

  Brandon, Rand, and Miles had moved in such a way that they

  seemed to flank Stacy. The doctor glanced into their eyes and

  knew he would find no help from any of them. With a deep

  sigh he said, "I think you're making a grave mistake, and I

  won't be held responsible."

  "Then by all means go," Stacy told him reasonably, not at

  all fearful of the responsibility.