Read Who Brings Forth the Wind Page 38

  The doctor sighed again. "I do have a poultice," he said,

  knowing he could not leave without doing something. "I can

  apply that to the wound if you'd like."

  Stacy nodded, her voice soft but not apologetic. "Thank


  The doctor was watched like a hawk as he bent over

  Tanner and applied the poultice and wrap. He left another poultice with Stacy and gave her instructions as to how to

  apply it before taking his leave. He was not a heartless man,

  but he honestly believed that Lord Richardson would be dead

  by morning.



  softly when he, Stacy, Rand, and Miles were alone in the room.

  The doctor had been gone just minutes, and now Stacy stood

  next to the bed, staring down into Tanner's pale face.

  "It doesn't matter, Brandon," Stacy looked up and told

  him. "I know whatever it was, it was an accident."

  "You're right, it was," Brandon agreed with her, his voice

  tight with pain. "But it was my gun, and I want to tell you."

  Stacy's heart turned over when she saw tears in this man's

  eyes. She was not shocked or angry to learn that it had been

  Brandon's gun. She preferred that over it being the gun of one

  of the boys who had gone on the hunt and who might never get

  over such a mishap. Still, his obvious pain made Stacy ache for

  him. He cared deeply for Tanner, and she could well imagine

  how he must feel. On Stacy's nod, Brandon began to speak.

  "I've never done anything so foolish in all my life. I

  pointed my gun--that is, I gestured with it to a place behind

  me--and my finger was on the trigger. I knew that Tanner was

  behind and to the side of me, but I thought it was the other


  "The gun seemed to go off of its own accord. I know that

  can happen to anyone. My deepest regret is that I used the gun

  to point at all. Ihave two good arms for that. Ican'tthink what

  possessed me. I'm sorry, Stacy."


  Brandon's voice broke then, and Stacy went to him. She

  hugged this man who was so like her husband in size and

  listened as a sob caught in his throat. It never even occurred to

  Stacy to be bitter or unforgiving, and after a few moments

  they broke apart and Stacy smiled gently at Brandon.

  "God is only good to us, Brandon. I know that He is going

  to use this in a mighty way in Tanner's life."

  Brandon drew in a deep breath. He didn't know where

  Stacy found the strength to do it, but she was actually ministering

  to him. Rand and Miles came close at that point, and the

  men hugged Brandon and Stacy also.

  "Now," ever-practical Rand spoke when everyone had

  their emotions under control, "what can we do for you, Stacy?"

  Stacy had just opened her mouth to answer when she

  heard Alexa's cry in the hall. Her milk came down in a rush,

  and when she did speak, it was with her arms tightly folded

  across her chest. She spoke as calmly as she could

  "Please ask Hettie to give Alexa to Juliet, and then I would

  like to speak to Hettie." This was all accomplished in competent

  haste, and just minutes later Hettie stood before her.

  "Hettie, Rand is going to take you to the village. I want you

  to find a wet nurse. You know the kind of woman to look for. If

  you need to bring several women for me to meet, then do, but

  I want to speak to whomever you bring before she goes to

  Alexa. When you leave, tell Juliet to bring Alexa to me."

  "Yes, my lady." Hettie's voice was humble. She had thought

  to come back and find Stacy a mess, but Stacy's control was a

  comfort to everyone near her. Mrs. Maxwell, who had Drew,

  was just as calm. Hettie knew that she and Stacy shared the

  same faith and wondered if there could be a connection.

  Five minutes later Stacy had cleared the bedroom so she

  could feed her daughter. She did this while sitting next to the

  bed, her eyes more on Tanner than her daughter. She fed

  Alexa only long enough to bring herself some relief and

  temporarily satisfy her baby.

  Not until she'd returned Alexa to Juliet and changed her


  clothing did she have time to think about where everyone was.

  Miles had gone with Hettie and his father. Brandon had gone

  down to Tanner's study to write letters to the family. Brandon's

  first letter was to Roddy and Lucinda, and the second

  was to Uncle Edmond.

  Now Price, who had come in when Alexa was given to

  Juliet, was the only one in the master bedroom with Stacy.

  Price was the consummate gentleman's gentleman. As he

  stood on the opposite side of the bed and stared into Tanner's

  pale features, however, his emotions were starting to win the

  battle. Thankfully Stacy glanced at Price just then and recognized

  his plight better than he did himself. Stacy compassionately

  dismissed him.

  Stacy was glad for a few solitary moments with her husband

  He was so still it was alarming, but the gentle rise and

  fall of his chest told Stacy that it was not yet God's time for

  Tanner to leave this earth. Tanner had been placed on her side

  of the bed, so it was easy for Stacy to reach her Bible from

  where she sat. She turned to Psalm 135 and read quietly to her


  "Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the name of the Lord; praise

  him, O ye servants of the Lord. Ye who stand in the house of

  the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God, praise the

  Lord; for the Lord is good. Sing praises unto his name; for it is

  pleasant. For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his peculiar treasure. For I know that the Lord is

  great and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the Lord

  pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all

  deep places. He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends

  of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the

  wind out of his treasuries."

  When Stacy finished, she set her Bible aside and began to

  pray with her eyes on Tanner's face.

  "I want him to know You, Lord," Stacy whispered. "I want

  him to have time to come to Christ, but Your will is holy. Help

  me to trust." Stacy could not go on.


  She was suddenly back at her grandfather's bedside, listening

  to him tell her that he had believed in Christ. Stacy's

  eyes slid shut with remembered joy. God had saved her grandfather

  when he had just days left on this earth, and she knew

  He could do the same for Tanner. As much as Stacy loved

  Tanner, she knew God loved him more. This did not give her a

  guarantee concerning his eternity, but as she'd said to Brandon,

  God is only good.

  "Don't let me forget that, Father."

  The young woman standing before Stacy looked shy and a

  little frightened as she stared up at the Duchess of Cambridge.

  She had a very tiny baby in her arms, whose color was a healthy

  pink. Stacy noted that both were clean, and even though their

  clothing was coarse, it was well pressed an
d had no stains.

  "What is your name?"

  "Felicity, my lady."

  Stacy could not immediately speak. Felicity had been the

  name of the girl in Middlesbrough who had been Drew's wet

  nurse. Stacy had prayed for wisdom concerning this decision

  and now wondered if this might be God's way of giving her


  "Do you feel you have enough milk for both babies, Felicity?

  I would not want you to starve your own child."

  '"e ain't never been able to drink all my milk, Lady Richardson.

  A've always got plenty to spare."

  "Your baby is a boy?"

  Felicity's face lit with pride and joy. '"is name's Robert,

  after 'is pa."

  Stacy smiled, even as an ache filled her. She'd planned to

  feed Alexa for at least six more months.

  "Robert is a fine name. Do you understand that I would

  need you to live here at Winslow, Felicity, and be on constant



  "Yes, ma'am."

  Stacy nodded, feeling satisfied. "I have just fed Alexa, but

  I'm certain she is still hungry. Hettie will take you to Alexa's

  room, and she will be the one to tell you when you are needed

  Is everything clear?"

  "Yes, my lady."

  They discussed a few more specifics before Hettie took

  mother and son away. Stacy was tempted to watch and see how

  she did with Alexa, but she didn't think she could deal with the

  sight of another woman feeding her baby right now.

  With a determined move, Stacy returned to the bedroom

  and Tanner's side. Brandon was sitting with him and seemed

  to sense that Stacy did not care to talk.

  In the next hours trusted servants came and went. The

  poultice was changed, the bleeding had stopped, and Tanner

  was made as comfortable as possible. Both Stacy and Brandon

  prayed that he would wake soon, but it was not to be. By

  morning Tanner was still unconscious. A fever had begun to

  rage within his body.

  Forty-eight hours later, Stacy's hand shook with exhaustion

  as she laid a cold cloth on Tanner's brow. His skin was so

  hot it burned her to touch him, but at least the thrashing had

  stopped. There had been times when Brandon had all but Iain

  on top of Tanner to keep him on the bed.

  Neither Stacy nor Brandon had slept, but at the moment

  Stacy felt beyond sleep. Brandon had just left to get something

  to eat, and Stacy now sat alone in the room.

  Tanner's hand lay outside the covers, and Stacy reached

  for it. He was so warm, but she held the hand gently for just a

  moment and then began to grip it harder.

  "I don't want you to die, Tanner," she whispered in some

  desperation. "Do you hear me?" Again her grip tightened "I


  don't want you to die." Stacy's voice was still low but growing

  almost fierce in intensity. She squeezed his hand. There was

  still no response.

  "Don't you die, Tanner," she now hissed at him. "Don't you

  dare. You can drum up some of that orneriness that we both

  know you're so capable of and fight this. Do you hear me,

  Tanner Richardson?"

  Stacy was nearly shouting now and shaking Tanner's arm

  for all it was worth. A small groan came from his lips. Stacy

  stopped, horrified over what she was doing,

  "I'm sorry, Tanner," she began to sob. "I'm so sorry. I didn't

  mean that. Please forgive me, Tanner. I'm so sorry." Her sobs

  were uncontrollable now, so much so that she didn't even hear

  Brandon come into the room.

  "Come on, Stacy," he spoke gently. "Come get some rest."

  "Please don't make me leave him, Brandon," she begged,

  her crying still very harsh.

  "All right," he crooned "Just come over here to the extra

  bed. Price set this up for you, and you haven't used it. It's time

  now, come on."

  Brandon was afraid that if he called someone to assist him,

  Stacy would rouse and want to return to Tanner's side. Right

  now she was nearly asleep on her feet. Wishing Sunny was

  with him, he urged her onto the bed and covered her with a

  blanket. He didn't bother with her shoes or anything else, but

  stood by as she cried into the pillow and finally drifted off to

  sleep. When he thought she wouldn't stir, he turned his back

  on her and returned to the bed.

  He was tired enough to sleep himself, and would soon, but

  for right now he needed to make sure that Tanner remained

  quiet for Stacy. He had tremendous peace that Tanner was

  going to come out of this and be fine, but Stacy would be of no

  use to anyone if she continued as she was. An hour later Price

  came to relieve him, and with Stacy and Tanner still sleeping,

  Brandon left that room to find his own rest.



  Another two days passed before Tanner's fever broke and

  he awakened. Brandon sat beside him, holding Stacy's Bible

  open to the book of Luke. It took a moment before he felt

  Tanner's eyes on him.

  "Welcome back," Brandon spoke softly.

  Tanner licked his lips. "How many days?"

  "About six."

  "Stacy." It wasn't stated as a question, but Brandon knew

  that it was.

  "She just went down to get something to eat. I can send

  Price for her."

  Tanner's head moved on the pillow. "I won't be able to stay

  awake that long."

  "All right. Do you remember what happened?"

  Tanner's eyes had slid shut, but he still answered "Yes. It

  could happen to anyone, Hawk."

  Brandon's relief was indescribable. "Be that as it may, I am

  sorry, Tanner."

  Tanner didn't answer then, but Brandon watched his hand

  lift slightly on the cover and knew that he'd been understood

  and forgiven.

  "Did you read to me while I was unconscious?"

  "Yes, every day, from the Bible."

  Tanner continued to watch her. "You said something

  about the wind"

  Stacy thought a moment. "That was from Psalm 135-It

  s a

  psalm that praises God for His power and provision with the

  way He brings forth the wind, rain, and lightning."

  Stacy waited for a cynical look to cross his face, but it

  didn't happen.

  "Did you pray for me too?"

  "Constantly," she told him.

  "Thank you, sweetheart."(

  With that, Tanner's eyes closed, but Stacy didn t move. She

  sat holding his hand long after it went limp in her grasp.

  "Would you like some more?" Stacy asked, holding a cup of

  strong beef broth for Tanner. He'd sipped half of it, but Stacy

  could see that he was flagging.

  "No." The duke lay back, feeling rather spent. "I'm going

  to sleep for a while. I hate this weakness," he commented. It

  was the evening of his first day awake, but Tanner evidently

  believed he should have been able to jump out of bed from the


  Stacy smoothed the hair from his forehead and then

  leaned to kiss his brow. When she sat back, Tanner reached for

  her hand and searched her eyes with his own.


  stacy saw brandon, sunny, rand, and chelsea to the

  door. They had come to see Tanner that morning and stayed

  for lunch.

  Two more days had passed, but he was still feeling very

  weak. The entire situation made him testy and frustrated.

  Stacy was thankful that the visit from friends had worked to

  take his mind off himself for a short time.

  Stacy was finding that Tanner wasn't the easiest patient,

  but she didn't complain. She had been very pleased to see the

  Hawkesburys and the Gallaghers, as their presence offered

  something new to her convalescing charge. He'd tried to get

  out of bed twice but simply couldn't manage it. At those times

  the staff cleared out because he was nearly impossible to be


  Nothing was right. The bed was too hard and then too

  soft. His food was too hot and then too cold. Stacy had never

  seen him this way, but she weathered it all without so much as

  a word of protest. She knew it was nothing personal; he was

  simply frustrated over being kept down.

  Some of his ire had cooled during and after his visit with

  friends, but by the evening he was his old cantankerous self.

  He had complained to Stacy no less than five times about his

  dinner, but she still said nothing, only fixed things the way he

  wanted them and continued to eat her own meal.


  "Will you stop treating me like a baby!" Tanner finally

  snapped at her. Stacy's fork stopped halfway to her mouth.

  "I'm not treating you like a baby, Tanner," she said reasonably.

  "Yes, you are!" he insisted in a foul humor. "You have this

  tolerant look on your face as though you were dealing with

  Drew and just waiting for him to get over his mood."

  "Tanner." Stacy's voice was still calm. "I know you don't

  care to be in that bed, but I'm not treating you like a child"

  "Yes, you are."

  Stacy sighed gently. "If Drew acted as you are, I'd put him

  across my knee. So you can see that you're not being treated

  like a child or you'd be feeling the pain of it this instant."

  Suddenly they both smiled That small example of just

  how self-centered Tanner was acting snapped the tension that

  had built.

  It was just what they both needed. The meal was finished

  on a lighter note, and Stacy felt for the first time in days that she might be getting her old Tanner back. She was well

  pleased with this, but the best was yet to come, and it would

  happen the very next afternoon.

  "This letter is from Noel and Elena," Stacy told him. "They