Read Wide Awake Page 1

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  EPub ISBN 9781301253432

  Wide Awake

  Copyright 2013 by Kam Carr

  Chapter One

  Seeing the bright side

  “Fuck!” I yelled, looking down at the coffee stain on my white shirt. It was my first day and this was the only white shirt I owned. “What am I going to do now?” I slammed my coffee cup down on the side and more spilled out. This could only happen to me... For a bulked up man I was accidentally challenged. How was I going to full fill the role as bodyguard? I knew I had only been hired for my height and build, but I didn't have a tough bone in my body. I normally avoided fights or any conflict. Why did my dad get me this job?

  “What have you done?” Jo-- my roommate asked strolling into the kitchen. She looked at the stain on my shirt. “Oh Ryder, what are we going to do with you?” She disappeared out of the room and then quickly returned clutching another white shirt. “Here... Wear this,” she held it out for me.

  “JO! I can't wear something of yours!”

  “It's not mine,” she threw the shirt at me. “Ryan left it along with all the other crap I have stored in my bedroom.” She sat down at the table and poured herself some juice. “I might eBay it all!”

  “Oh!” I picked the shirt up. “Thank you,” I walked over and sat down at the table. “I really do not want to do this” I sighed, running a hand through my blonde hair.

  A slight smile came to Jo's lips, she was very beautiful; curvy body, little round face, big brown eyes and a mane of long chestnut brown hair. She had been my best friend since we were five and at the moment she was dealing with a big break up-- I felt a little sorry for her.

  “I don't think you had a choice,” she said. “Unless you want us to be homeless.”

  I let out a breath and sat back in the chair. She was right, I didn't have a choice. My father had stopped all my allowances. Apparently once you reach 27 you need to stand on your own feet. Jo couldn't manage the rent on her tiny wages; she worked in a bar not far from us.

  The buzzer rang and both I and Jo looked at one another. I remained firmly in my seat while she went to answer the door. The job couldn't be that hard. The nerves were taking over my body. All I had to do was stand there and protect some multi-million selling pop star. I guess it was just some fancy baby sitting job. Grr... Why couldn't my father get me a job in his office, but no, he makes me do this.

  “Ryder!” Bellowed an authorizing voice, which made me sit up in my seat. “I told you be ready dead at eight!” I rolled my eyes, I was not a child and when was this control freak going to realize that?

  “Dad,” I smiled, slowly turning in my seat to face him. “What are you doing here?”

  His dark eyes glared at me. “Work. Now! Come!”

  I stood up and saw Jo giggling behind my dad's back. “I have my own car and I am 27, I think I can get myself to work.”

  “Stop sounding like a girl,” he snapped. “You can't even manage drinking coffee without missing your mouth.” He pointed to the coffee stain. “Come, you can change in the car.” He stormed off heading for the front door.

  “Good luck” Jo beamed.

  I kissed her on the cheek. “Don't dwell on Ryan too much today. He isn't worth it.” Reluctantly I followed my father out the door.

  I watched as he took full control of his car and wondered why I wasn't like him. Every inch of him was authorizing, in control and maintained. For a 50 year old man he didn't actually look that old. He owned many companies and was dating some model-- the same age as me.

  What was wrong with me? I hadn't had a serious relationship ever in my life! I couldn't even control the TV half the time. I spent most of my life hanging out at the gym, which was packed with women. I had a few admirers but none of them seemed my type. Maybe I didn't have a type? I just enjoyed Jo's company.

  “Now,” dad coughed. “Do not embarrass me!”

  “How?” I laughed.

  “This is a very important client,” he looked quickly at me and then back to the road. “Tess Oliver is famous... So, please, do not let that get in the way of your job.” I burst out in laughter. “What?” he yelled.

  “You! Thinking fame is something important. I am only doing this because I need to pay my rent. As soon as something else comes up I will be gone.”

  “Why are you ungrateful?” His fist hit the steering wheel.

  “I am not.” I protested.

  “I am giving you the chance of a lifetime. If I allowed you to have your own way you would spend all my money at the gym. You need a life, Ryder.” He pulled the car up outside some building and cut the engine. “Well... Actually, you need a woman.”

  “Don't start!” I warned, opening the door.

  “It's not normal... You're not normal. A hot blooded male like you needs sex.”

  My eyes widened. “Will you just stop? Please.” I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. God, he thought he was now an expert in my life? He was right though, damn it! Maybe after work me and Jo could hit a club and let loose. Yeah, like I would even have the courage to do that. My father was right, I wasn't normal.

  I stepped inside the building; it was some warehouse in LA. I could hear people talking over music and followed the sound.

  “I said water!” Screamed a voice, my eyes turned and looked over at the blonde woman. She was in a dressing gown, sat in a chair that in some ways seemed to represent a throne. “And not fizzy!” She screamed at the other woman walking in my direction.

  “Hi...” She smiled while stopping in front of me. “Can I help you?”

  “Umm... Yeah, I'm from Hilton's security” my voice was weak and nervous.

  “Tess is over there,” she pointed to the blonde woman, who was now screaming at someone else with her arms flying through the air. “Good luck!” And quickly ran off.

  I sucked in a deep breath and walked over to her majesty. “Hello,” I coughed. “Miss Oliver?”

  “Yes” darting her eyes at me. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  “I'm Ryder Hilton,” I held out my hand, but she gave me a look of disgust and I immediately placed it back down to my side. “I'm working for Hilton Security.”

  “Oh,” she turned her nose up. “You should go and speak to him,” she pointed to a large man in the corner of the large space talking to a group of people. “That's Peter, my manager, he will deal with you.” She quickly went back to giving out orders. I began to make my way over.

  “Ryder!” Tess screamed and I turned to look at her. “As my personal bodyguard” a slight smile appeared on her face. “You're in charge of Princess.”

  “Who’s Princess?”

  “My dog, she will need walking.”

  I scowled and turned my back on her. Dog walking? She should be so lucky. I hated dogs and never remembered my father mentioning that in my job description. I made my way over to this Peter guy. Why was I doing this? I could easily become a personal trainer. But no, as dumb I was, I had ended up here.


  I finally got in and threw myself on the sofa. I was drained. I thought this job was going to be easy, but that WOMAN had me running around after her. Thank god someone was taking over the night shift.

  “How did it go?” Jo asked, coming in a few minutes after me. She had been to the gym and I was very jealous. I just groaned and closed my eyes. “Not good huh?” I felt her sit on the arm of the sofa.

  “You have no idea what a monster I have to work for” I yawned.

  “We did this photo shot and that was easy, I just had to stand there. Then, she wanted to go shopping. She had me fetching and carrying around for her.”

  “Wow! Sounds like my sort of job.”

  “Then there's princess!” My mind went back t
o the horrid little dog that did nothing but yap and try to bite me. “I don't think I can do this all again tomorrow.” Suddenly the phone started to ring. “Will you get that? I don't think my legs will carry me.”

  I heard Jo pick up the phone. “Hello, Ryder and Jo's place... Oh, hang on.” She held the phone in my direction. “Phone for you.”

  I snatched it off her and placed it to my ear. “Hello, Ryder speaking.”

  “RYDER!” Screamed a voice. God, no! How had she got my home telephone number? “You need to get to my hotel suite FAST!! I have a party tonight and this man you left me with is....” Her voice lowered a little. “Is not exactly red carpet material...? Get here!” With that she put the phone down.

  I actually wanted to cry. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair. “I have to go back to work” I sobbed. “Tess is having another bitch fit!”

  “Tess?” Jo looked puzzled.

  “Tess Oliver. She has some party or red carpet thing.” I stood up and shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know, but looks like I have to go.”

  Jo placed her hands on my forearms. “You're working for Tess Oliver?” She looked like she was about to explode. “Oh my god, Ryder... She is like FAMOUS!!! Not to mention attractive.”

  “And she is a complete bitch!” I quickly added.

  Her eyes looked at the phone. “Oh my god, Tess Oliver called my apartment!” Her eye turned back on to me and she was jumping around, with her hands in a prayer position. “Please.... You have to introduce me to her. I have all her albums.”

  “Jo,” I started to shake her, just so she stopped with this stupid teen fan stuff. “Snap out of it!” She stopped, tilting her head to the side and giving the sad puppy eyed look. “Seriously,” my voice full of humour. “You would hate her. I know, because I do.”


  The drive to the hotel seemed to take less time than I actually wanted it to. I was starving, tired and the thought of enduring a whole evening with Tess was my idea of hell.

  I pulled up, got out and threw my keys at the valet. I stepped inside the Four Seasons and over to the elevator. Every now and then a member of staff would give me a weird look, but I just held my Hilton Security badge up and they disappeared. I wondered what other magical powers this badge had.

  I finally reached her hotel room and took in a deep breath. With my fist I banged on the door and it opened within seconds. Surprisingly enough, it was Tess, who opened the door herself, she was in a red ball gown, it clung to her perfect figure and her boobs looked like they were going to pop out. Her blonde hair cascaded in loose curls, sitting gently on her cleavage. I had to admit, I didn't like the woman but she was breathtaking.

  “Ryder,” she smiled, her tone was different-- soft and relaxed. “Come in please”. I stepped into the hotel suite and looked around. It was just your basic hotel suite, no fancy décor or nothing that screamed wealth at you. “I hope you don't mind,” she walked over towards something hanging up. It looked like a suit bag. “I brought you this,” she pointed to the bag. “I had actually assumed it would be you taking me tonight.” She undid the bag and showed me a crisp black suit; it looked exactly like the one I was wearing only that one was designer.

  “You didn't have too, Miss Oliver”.

  “Maybe you should freshen up and get ready.” She handed the bag over and pointed to the bathroom. “I just wanted to say sorry for the way I behaved today.” As she handed the bag over our eyes locked. She had the brightest, clearest blue eyes I had ever seen. She gave a little smile. “Bathroom, Ryder”.

  “Umm... Yes of course” I could feel my cheeks blush a little and I marched into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I glared at my reflection in the long wall mirror. What was going on?

  I shook my head, I was just having one of those moments and I had to snap out of it. It didn't take me long to get ready, I kept the shirt on that Jo had kindly given me this morning and whipped on the new suit. It fitted perfectly and felt a lot better than the cheap uniform I had just discarded. I left the bathroom and Tess was waiting for me. She was now dripping in diamonds and looked every inch the famous pop star.

  “Ready?” I nodded. “Good,” she linked her arms with mine and escorted me out of the hotel suite. She smelt amazing, the scent of her perfume was beginning to make my mind race with thoughts I hadn't had for a while. I swallowed, this wasn't good!

  We stopped at the lift and she pressed the button. “You must have thought I was a monster,” she laughed and a little smile came to my lips. “You did, didn't you?”

  “Yes, I thought you were awful and I was dreading coming here tonight” I admitted, the lift pinged and we stepped in; her on one side, me on the other, she gracefully hit the ground button and the doors closed. Suddenly, I felt very comfortable and made sure my eyes didn't look in her direction.

  “I guess your girlfriend is pissed at me?” She broke the uneasy silence.

  “Girlfriend?” Oh, she must be referring to Jo. I gave a little laugh, how come everyone assumed we were together? I thought it was normal to share a place with a woman, my father thought I was mad not getting together with Jo. “No, she isn't my girlfriend... Jo is my roommate.” I looked over out the corner of my eye and she was smiling directly at me.

  “You aren't going to ask me?” Huh, I didn't understand what she was talking about. The lift stopped and the doors opened. She began to walk out, but stopped. “I'm single too, Ryder” she said over her shoulder.

  The ride to the event had been just as awkward as the lift. These confide spaces were not helping me at all. Especially, when I had no idea what exactly was going on? Maybe all these years of pent up sexual tension was starting to affect my mind and body. I wanted to jump out the door and head to the gym. At least being there my mind and my body were my own and were not being controlled by hormones.

  It was a charity event for children living in poverty around the world. There was a dinner and auction. I saw a few famous faces. Jo would have been in her element here. We were sat at a table with a few other people. I did feel out of place.

  “You work for your Dad?” She asked.

  All night she had done nothing but ask me questions about myself. It was as if she was interviewing me for some bodyguard magazine article. I hadn't dared ask her anything, in fact, I didn't want to know anything about her. Sounds harsh, but with her being this close and the deathly sexual tension, I only really had one thing on my mind.

  “Yes,” I replied, reaching out for my wine.

  Her elbow was resting on the table and her head resting in her hand. She was turned to face me and her blue eyes sparkling at me. I swallowed hard. “You like working for him?”

  I shrugged. “Today was my first day... So, I don't know yet!” That was it, I was bored with this one sided conversation and I had to do something to take my mind off my body's desires. “Tell me about you?” her eyebrows shot up. “Why did you act like a spoilt child today?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I get fed up sometimes.” She sat back in her chair and her eyes avoided looking at me. “I love performing and singing, but I hate photo shots and things like this. Sometimes, I feel like a doll that they dress up and have me do whatever they want.”

  “How long have you been doing this?”

  “Since I was 15, I am 25 now. I just need some sort of break, I think. At first it was fun and being famous was great. Over the years, it just feels like I am being used to make others money.” Her eyes looked up at me. The sadness on her perfect face was heartbreaking. “I'm a golden ticket and I doubt they will let me go.”

  “So, you play up?” I laughed.

  “It brings fun to the long dull days. They treat me like a doll...” An amused smile hit her lips. “I treat them like my puppets.”

  “That's how you treated me today.”

  Her hand moved over and she placed it on my leg. “I am sorry...” she exhaled slowly and if the room was quiet, I swear to god, I would have been able to hear
her heart beating fast. She quickly looked away and removed her hand. “I like you, Ryder...”

  A couple from our table got up and headed to the dance floor. The band on the stage was singing 'The way you look tonight'. She had lost the cheery spirit she had a few seconds ago and it was my fault. I could be selfish sometimes. At least I inherited something from my father.

  I stood up from my seat and held out my hand. Her eyes slowly moved up the length of my body, to my face and then my hand. “Would Miss Oliver care to dance?” She placed her hand in mine, it was tiny and soft. She stood up and we walked over onto the dance floor.

  I pulled her into me, her body pressed up against me. My arms wrapped round her dainty waist, her arms linking around my neck. We started to sway, her head resting against my chest. She was beautiful, her eyes every now and then looking up through her long eyelashes. I guess it was time to show her how I could really move. I began twirling and swirling her around the dance floor. Both of us laughing. Youthful happy laughs. I hadn't heard that sound come from me in a while.

  The music finally stopped and so did we. Everyone applauded the band. “Wow,” she hushed. “You really are a dark horse.” She grabbed my hand and led me away from the dance floor. “Where did you learn that?”

  I was now feeling relaxed in her company, in fact, I didn't really want this evening to end. I had never had this reaction to anyone in a while. What had she done to me? What was her magic power?

  I shrugged. “My grandmother sent me to dance lessons for a while. Well, till my dad stopped me going and sent me to basketball instead.”

  “It was wonderful,” she smiled up at me. “Just like you.”

  Chapter Two

  Falling from cloud nine

  “Good morning,” I sang as I entered the kitchen, Jo froze- her spoon about a centimetre from her mouth. I leaned over and kissed her quickly on the cheek before I took my own seat. I started to whistle as I got myself some cereal and juice.

  “Mmmm... Good morning,” she looked confused and finally ate what was on her spoon. “What's up with you today?” She asked as she swallowed.

  A massive grin appeared on my face. “Just enjoying life.”

  “Enjoying life?” She shook her head. “What happened to working for a monster?”

  I rested my spoon down and the memory from last night flooded back. “She isn't a monster” I softly replied. “She is just a little fed up with her life at the moment.”