Read Wide Awake Page 2

  “Really?” She laughed and went back to her breakfast. “I think someone has a thing for a famous pop star.” I could tell by her tone she was mocking me. “Alas, he does not speak.”

  “Jo!” I was verging on being mad or embarrassed. I wasn't sure which one and I certainly didn't want to spoil my good mood. So, what if I had a thing for Tess. Didn’t mean I was actually going to do anything about it. At least now I had a reason to do the job my father had given me. In a way you could say it was my motivation, some people went to work for the money, I went to work to see Tess. Sounded like a good explanation to me, but I didn't dare share with Jo.

  “Right, I'll back off,” she snapped, a silence fell between us as the pair of us ate our breakfast, “Anyway, I brought you a couple of new white shirts.”

  “What is it with everyone buying me clothes lately?”

  Her face looked hurt. She jumped out of her seat and threw her bowl into the sink. “I was only trying to help... In the future, I won't!” She stormed out of the room and now I no longer felt happy or hungry.

  I pushed the bowl away from me. I guess had to go and say sorry. I left the kitchen and headed to Jo's room. She was laid on her bed, doing something on her laptop. Her eyes, green eyes turned to look at me, leaning against her door frame. “If you've come to be mean again. Save it.”

  I sighed and finally made my way in. “No, I'm sorry... Thank you for the shirts.” I perched on the edge of her bed. “And you're right. I do think I have a thing for Tess.” Her jaw dropped open. “Don't look shocked, I am human after all.”

  “No!” She sounded erratic. “It's not you... Look!” She pointed to the screen of her laptop. It was an email and I started to read, it was from Ryan. “Should I?” She was referring to the question at the end.

  I shook my head. “No!”


  “Are you crazy?”

  “Are you?” Her eyes wide and her mouth tight.

  Rolling my eyes, I closed her laptop and pushed it aside. My eyes looking at my best friend who was now looking very confused. She ran a hand through her hair and her mouth was turned down at the corners. I hated Ryan and the way he thought he could just drop and pick up Jo any time he wanted to. She was utterly in love with him and he would use it to his advances.

  I grabbed her hand and held it tight. “Please, don't go on a date with him. He cheated on you and then broke up with you using a text.”

  “I know,” she said quietly. “It's just...” she looked away. “I really love him and he said he is willing to try.”

  “Try?” I raised an eyebrow. “Try till when? He decides he wants to sleep with someone else and break your heart... Again?”

  “Ryder,” Her eyes widened and her expression changed her face soft and a slight smile on her lips. “One day you're going to fall madly in love with someone and you're gonna do stuff others don't understand.”

  “Meaning what?” Sometimes it really was hard to keep up with her. Somehow she had managed to turn the whole situation round on me. I folded my arms and took her in. I knew she was trying to be serious, but a slight grin came to my face.

  “Meaning, you won't care what others think,” she returned my grin and sat a little closer towards me. “When you fall in love with someone you want them anyway you can get them—Even if they break your heart. ”

  “If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you” I added, there was no point even trying to convince her. When Ryan was on the scene she never listened to reason. I had to get ready for work and now my happy mood had completely vanished.

  My father picked me up yet again dead on eight. We drove in silence for most of the journey. My mind was consumed with thoughts of Jo and Ryan. Why did she have to be so blindly in love with him? How many nights had she spent tucked up next to me crying her eyes out? Not being able to eat or even smile?

  To top it all, she wanted to go through all that again. For him. I had to do something. I couldn't just stand back and allow him to destroy her again. I suddenly realized we had missed the turning to Tess's hotel.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Work!” He boomed.

  “I’m not working with Tess today?”

  I saw a crooked smile flash across his lips. “No.”

  I rested my head against the back of the seat. Seriously, this day was not going the way I had expected. “Great!”

  Tess had gone to New York first thing this morning and I was security for some top CEO... Mr Young, he was middle aged and was very up himself. I had avoided any conversations with him just drove him around to meetings and lunch.

  I was starting to wonder exactly what my title was. I'm pretty sure it wasn't taxi driver. I didn't mind, it seemed easier than yesterday and the car wasn't bad either. I grabbed a sandwich and a paper from a corner shop and got back in the car. Mr Young was in another meeting and I was ordered to sit and wait.

  I switched on the radio and opened my sandwich. Billy Ocean's voice filled the car and I started to read the paper as I ate. I turned the page and almost chocked on what I was swallowing. Shit!

  There in front of me was a picture of me and Tess from last night. One of her arms was wrapped round my neck, one of my arms round her waist. Our free hands locked together resting against my chest. She was looking up at me, a wonderful smile and me smiling down at her.

  I let out the breath I was holding in. She looked amazing, we looked amazing together. My heart was beating fast and my eyes fixated on her. How could I feel this way over someone I had just met?

  In fact, this time yesterday I hated everything about her. Then the memory of last night came flooding back. Wow.....

  NO! This was wrong, she was one of my dad's clients and I worked for him. It was inappropriate to even think of myself being with her. What if things went bad? I doubted very much my father would forgive me for losing his contract. He would make my life a living hell.

  I had to control myself, it was just a crush. I had a crush on Pamela Anderson once and I managed to live through that. I closed the paper and discarded it over onto the other seat. Maybe I should ask my dad if I could work for Mr Young permanently. After all, the driving around wasn't bad.

  Could I go on never having anything to do with Tess again? Yes, I tried to convince myself. So she was beautiful, cheery, was interested in me... That didn't actually mean anything. There was plenty of women interested in me, it's just Tess Oliver had been the first one in a while I had been interested in back.

  Anyway, I was more concerned about Jo. I knew the minute I had left this morning she was on the phone to Ryan. Maybe I should warn him, does the whole big brother act. It wouldn't go well with Jo. She would stop speaking to me.

  I pulled out my mobile and dialled Jo's number, she picked up and sounded a lot happier than earlier, all my worse fears were confirmed. “You rang him, didn't you?” I growled.

  “Of course,” she laughed. “Oh Ryder, he is really sorry about everything. He has missed me and he loves me.”

  “They are just words, Jo!”

  “Stop this!” She yelled. “I love Ryan and I want him back. Like you’re even an expert in anything like this.” Her words stunned me. “Get your own love life and stop sticking your nose in mine.” The line went dead.

  I stared at my mobile, shocked and hurt. She obviously knew I cared about her and was just worried. Sticking my nose in? It wasn't Ryan, who had to put Jo back together again. Get my own love life? Tess?

  The car door opened and Mr Young got in the back. “To the office, Ryder and then we will call it a day.” I didn't reply, I just started up the car and did as I was told.

  I got in from work and Jo was standing in the living room, messing around with her hair in the mirror. She was dressed to impress; a clingy black boob-tube dress and mega high heels. She was showing Ryan what he was missing. It made me sad that she felt she had to do that. Everything about Jo was perfect and she looked wonderful in everything. I placed my keys down on the corn
er unit and she looked over at me.

  “Hey,” she smiled.

  “Hey,” I sat down on the sofa and just looked at my hands. “I take it your meeting Ryan?”

  She spun round and folded her arms in front of her. “Are you still going on about this?” She grunted.

  I looked up and our eyes met. “Look,” I had to just be happy for her and be there when she needed me. Nothing I said was going to change her mind. She was my friend and I loved her dearly. “If this is what you want...” I couldn't believe these words were about to leave my lips. “Then I'm happy for you. Just don't expect me to like him, okay.”

  She ran over and flung her arms around me, hugging me tight. “I know you're just worried about me, Ryder.” She pulled away and kissed my cheek. “But I am a big girl now and can take care of myself.”

  I placed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I know” I sighed. “I just always feel very protective over you.”

  “I know,” she grinned. “And that is why I love you.” The buzzer went. She jumped up and looked very excited. “He's here!” She sang, quickly grabbing her jacket and bag. “Don't wait up,” she winked and then she was gone.

  It looked like it was the gym for me!

  I spent three hours in the gym, went home, had a microwave meal, showered and was in bed before ten-thirty. Wow, what an exciting life I lived. I tried to go to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes the vision of the picture invaded my brain. I kept asking myself the same question over and over again. When would I see Tess again? I turned onto my belly and placed the pillow over my head. This was crazy. I was never like this.

  There was a knock on the door and I heard it creak open. I removed the pillow and sat up. Jo switched the light on and had a goofy smile on her face.

  “You're alone?” I said in surprise.

  “Yep,” she was almost gliding over to me. She sat down next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. “He's wonderful,” she said breathy.

  “Good night, then?”

  “Oh,” she gave a girly sigh. “He has matured so much and he brought me a rose.”

  “The way to a girl's heart—a rose” I mocked.

  “He is taking me away this weekend. He wants for us to get away and talk things through.” She looked up at me. “I hope you find someone, Ryder. I hate seeing you always alone.”

  “I'm not alone” I placed an arm around her shoulders. “I have you.”

  “I didn't mean that,” she huffed. “You need to find a girlfriend, someone to love and love you back. You need a relationship.” I opened my mouth to say something and she placed a finger against my lips. “The gym isn't a relationship!”

  “What if I told you I think I like someone...?” I had her attention. I shifted over to my bedside cabinet and took the paper from the draw.

  “Who?” She said, surprised, she snatched the paper off me and started turning the pages till she got to the photo. “Tess Oliver?” She said slowly and now it was my turn to have the goofy grin. “I have to admit you do look very handsome in this picture.”

  “Thank you,” I said proudly. “The thing is I have only really spoken to her properly once.”


  “And this is all new to me.”

  “What have you got to lose, Ryder?” She firmly replied. “You like her and from this picture she likes you. Go for it... You'll never know unless you try.”

  “S'ppose” I nodded. “What if I mess up?”

  She grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed hard. “Do it! Or I will make you” she threatened.

  The rest of the week seemed to go very fast. Before I knew it Friday was here. Driving Mr Young around seemed to make time flash by. Yet, still nothing from Tess. Jo had spoken of nothing else but Ryan and her trip away.

  “Jo!” I called out as I entered the apartment that night.

  “Yeah,” she appeared out of the kitchen, dressed in her work uniform.

  “Any phone calls?”

  “No” she said with a sad voice, her eyes full of pity for me. “Why don't you come and hang out at the bar tonight. We can celebrate your first week at work.”

  “Sure” I shrugged, it was better than spending another evening alone. “I'll go and change.” I was just about to go to my room when the phone rang. We both looked at each other in astonishment.

  “Are you going to get it?” Jo laughed.

  “No!” She started to walk over to the phone. “Yes!” She stopped in her tracks. “No-- Quick--- You get it!” Jo laughed and skipped over to it.

  “Hello Ryder and Jo's place,” she smiled looking at me. “Sure, here he is.” She pointed the phone in my direction and mouthed 'it's her'.

  I took the phone off her and then realized I had no idea what I should say. Jo raised an eyebrow and urged me on with her eyes. I gulped and finally placed the phone to my ear. “Hello,” I hesitated.

  “Ryder,” her voice filled me with joy. “Sorry, I should have called you sooner, but I have just been very busy conducting my puppet show.” I gave a little laugh and noticed Jo hanging around in the background. I pointed to the kitchen and she disappeared. I sat down on the sofa as she continued to talk. I could listen to her talk all day. “So, I was wondering if you had anything planned tonight.”

  I thought about hanging out at the bar. I knew Jo wouldn't mind me skipping out on her. After all, when she finished work tonight she was heading off with Ryan anyway. “No,” I quickly said.

  “Good,” I could hear her smiling down the phone. “Do you want to meet up and do something?”

  “Yes” it was all I could manage to say.

  “Okay, meet me at my hotel suite and we will decide there. Catch you in an hour.” The line went dead.

  “Well....” Jo was behind me and I knew she had been there the whole time. “Are you slumming it with us working class or hanging out with the rich and famous?”

  “We are meeting up” I grinned.

  “A date?”

  “She never said it was a date!”

  “It's a date,” she laughed, wrapping her arms round my neck. “Oh, my baby boy finally has a date,” she screamed with excitement. “Come" as she ordered me to stand up. “We need to find you something to wear.”

  Chapter Three

  3. Don't have to pretend

  I was only moments away from seeing her again and the excitement, the butterflies and the nerves were building up inside me. I glanced down at the outfit Jo had picked out for me. A pair of beige cotton trousers with a very loose white shirt--- Another of Ryan's.

  She had assured me the outfit was all purpose, casual but smart enough to get into any high class restaurant. I made my way down the hall and over to the hotel suite door. My palms were beginning to sweat and beads of sweat were starting to form on my forehead. God, a sweaty anxious man, that wasn't exactly the look I was going for.

  I knocked on the door, the few seconds I waited felt like hours. I heard the lock click and finally it opened. There she was, standing before me, every inch the goddess I had remembered. She was dressed very low key, tight jeans, a white T-shirt, her hair tied back and trainers. I was now over-dressed. Her eyes locked with mine and she blushed slightly.

  “Hey,” she said breathlessly. “I thought we could head over to the restaurant over the road?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Is that wise? Do you have security? It’s just such a busy place.”

  She gave a little chuckle and stepped out of the room. She gracefully placed her bag over her head and rested it on her hip. “I have security...” Her eyes lit up with amusement. “You!” Her hand clasped with mine and she started leading me back down the hall. “I hope you like pizza.”

  “Who doesn't like pizza?” I thought aloud.

  “Oh, you would be surprised.”

  The restaurant wasn't as busy as I assumed it would be for a Friday night. Tess had managed to get us a booth right at the back with no one else around.

  “I should have called you”
she reached out for a slice of pizza and placed it on her plate. “I felt bad not thanking you properly for the other evening.”

  I took a sip of my soda. “Thanking me for what? You invited me, remember?”

  She gave a little smile. “Indeed I did.” She took in a deep breath and her eyes looked down at her plate. “I haven't thought about anything else... Me. You. Us!”

  The wave of desire swooned over me and my breathing had escalated just a little. I watched her intensely, it was if she was in some day dream, every now and then her lips twitched into a smile. In a flash she snapped out of it, her eyes back looking at me pounding with her own desire.

  “What are you trying to say?” My voice matching the same tone as hers before.

  She leaned a little closer and reached out for my hand. I didn't deny her. Never would I deny her to touch me. “I saw the photo of us in a paper.”

  “Me too.”

  “What did you think?”

  I closed my eyes. I couldn't say it out loud as she looked at me. I was afraid that maybe this was all in my head and not actually happening at all. Her grip on my hand tightened, her begging me to say something.

  “I thought,” I began. “We looked amazing together.” My eyes slowly opened, expecting to see terror over her face but it was the exact opposite. “You?”

  “The same.” I leaned towards her our lips inches away from each other. “Not here... You can't kiss me here, too many witnesses.” She slumped back in her seat in a disappointed manner. “Take me somewhere,” she ordered.


  “Your place” her eyes lit up again. “Where is your car?” I pointed to the direction of the hotel. “Go and get it, meet me out the back.” She quickly opened her bag, pulled out a twenty placing it on the table. “Go now, Ryder. We don't have much time.” She jumped up and left the table.

  I quickly left the restaurant and dashed to my car. My head was in a whirlwind, trying to make light of what was happening. I jumped into my car and speeded round to get her. What was going to happen when we got to my place? Had she actually said she liked me they way I liked her? I couldn't grasp anything. It all seemed too good to be true. I hadn't been in this sort of situation for a while. The car came to a halt and she climbed in.